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Latter Day Saints' Messenger and Advocate/Volume 2/Number 10/Conference

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A conference was held in Portage, Allegheny county, N. Y. commencing on the 18th of June, 1836. The meeting was opened by Eld. Z. Coltrin; after which Eld. Wm. Redfield delivered a discourse upon the subject of the gospel, and was followed by Eld. Coltrin. The business of the conferences was then transacted. Eld. Coltrin was duly called to the Chair and A. J. Squiers chosen Clerk; prayer by the President. Several persons were presented for ordination; they were ably addressed by the Chair upon the subject of being ordained to the holy priesthood of God. The candidates then came forward, and John F. Olney, Hiram Kellogg and Samuel Jaques were ordained to the office of Elders. Moses R. Norris was ordained Priest, & Russel Thompson, Teacher.

Many received the laying on of hands for the recovery of their health, and the Spirit of the Lord was greatly poured out upon all the Elders present. Meeting commenced on the Sabbath at half past nine o'clock, A. M. Preaching by Elds. C. Thompson, Z. Coltrin, and A. J. Squiers; after which many witnessed to the truth of the work of God.

Z. COLTRIN, Chairm'n.

A .J. SQUIERS, Clerk.

P. S. The work of the Lord is greatly prospering in this part of the country, and many are becoming convinced of the truth of the everlasting gospel. A number of the Seventies are preaching in this region with success.