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Latter Day Saints' Messenger and Advocate/Volume 2/Number 3/Died

From Wikisource

DIED.—In Lafayette county, Mo. on the 25 of August, Joseph Johnson, aged about 45 years.

—In Clay county Mo. on the 28 of October, Joshua Lewis, aged about 40 years.

—In this town, on Monday, 30, Nov. last, Lucy Gates, daughter of Thomas and Patty Gates, in the 23d year of her age. She formerly resided in St. Johnsbury, Vt.

—Of whoopingcough, in Kirtland, Ohio. Sylvester M. Smith; Son of Sylvester and Elizabeth Smith, aged eleven weeks and four days, after a short illness of two weeks.

—In Clay co. Mo. the 27th of November last, Christian Whitmer, one of the first elders of the church of Latter Day Saints, aged about 38 years. He died of severe affliction upon one of his legs, which he bore for a long time with great patience. He has gone home to his Creator rejoicing in the new and everlasting covenant. "Blessed are the dead that die in the Lord."