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Latter Day Saints' Messenger and Advocate/Volume 2/Number 4/Extracts of letters

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Extract of letters received since December 1.

Eldrr [Elder] J. Blakesley and G. Dutcher, write from Woodville, N. Y. "The cause of our Redeemer in these regions, is gaining fri[e]nds: We have baptized 3 since we last wrote."

Elders Curtis and Bracken write from Charlestown, Ia. "We labored in Clark Co. and baptized 11, and ordained one Elder: also baptized 3 in Scott co. Many are believing in these regions."

page 255Elder David Evans writes from Richland co. O. and says: "The Lord is moving on his work in this section of country. Since the 28th of Oct. last, I have baptized 18. 11 in Know co. 5 in the church at Perry, 2 near New Portage.

Elder W. Woodruff writes from Tennessee, Jan 2, 1836. "During the last year, I travelled 3,248 miles, held 170 meetings, baptized 43 persons; procured 22 subscribers for the Messenger and Advocate; also 73 on the petition to the Governor of Missouri; wrote 18 letters, and ordained two Teachers and one Deacon. Held three debates &c."

Kirtland Dec. 22, 1835.

Dear brother in the Lord:

I left Clay co. Mo. Sept. 11, 1834, in company with elder M. Phelps, on a mission to publish glad tidings of great joy to the inhabitants of the earth: we journeyed and preached for the space of four months and four days held forty one meetings, baptized 16 and ordained one elder, and one teacher in Calhoon co. Ill. From this place travelled in company with elder A. Lyman, held thirty eight meetings, and baptized 6 in Madison co. Ill. Travelled alone, held twenty five meetings, baptized 10, and ordained one elder and one priest in Madison co. Ill.

Met elder Isaac Higbee in Clinton co. Ill. on the first of May, 1835. We travelled and proclaimed the gospel fifty six times, baptized 46, and ordained three elders in Hamilton co. Ill. Arrived in Kirtland the 11 day of August, 1835. Went to work on the house of the Lord, worked 51 days.

Left Kirtland on the 15 day of Oct. in company with elder G. M. Hinckle, to publish salvation to the inhabitants of the earth. Travelled about two hundred miles, preached sixty times, and built up a small church in the towns of Bedford and Independence, Cuyahoga co. Ohio, consisting of 12 members, Thus through the grace of God, I have labored for better than a year, in company with the above named elders, and I hope that the Lord will remember in mercy, the inhabitants among whom we have labored, and bring many of them, to see the error of their ways; and obey the gospel of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. May the Lord keep and preserve those," who have been born into the kingdom of our God, blameless unto his kingdom and coming.

Yours in the bonds of love,


To John Whitmer Esq.

Hamilton co. Illinois, Nov. 2, 1835.


I left Clay co. Mo.—on the 23 of December, 1834—in company with elder J. Holbrook, we travelled and preached until we arrived at Salt River church. From this place I journeyed with Elder W. Ivy, we journeyed as far as Montgomery co.—Ill. preached by the way and baptized two. From thence we journeyed to Bedford co. Tennessee: we tarried in this State about two months. The people flocked from every quarter, to hear preaching, many were convinced of the truth, but few obeyed the gospel. We baptized five in this State; we left Bedford co. the first day of June; arrived at Hamilton co. Ill. the 8th day of same month, here we tarried, and labored in company with elders E. H.—Groves and I. Higbee about three weeks, and baptized 33. After this elder Ivy and myself baptized seven, after the afore mentioned brethren left us. Elder Ivy left here the 29 of September, since he left, I baptized two more, I expect to baptize a number more in this place, who believe the work of the Lord. The Lord is blessing his children here with some of the gifts of the gospel.

I remain your brother in the new covenant, MILTON HOLMES.


Kirtland, Dec. 6, 1835.

Dear brother:

We left Kirtland the 21 of May last, and proceeded to Buffalo by water; from thence journeyed east, preaching as often as we could get a congregation convened. Tarried two weeks in Savanna, Wayne co. N. Y. held 14 meetings, found the people anxious to hear, and many believing: from thence we went to Butternuts, Otsego co. preached in that region about two months, found considerable opposition, baptized seven, whom we left rejoicing in the truth, besides many believing.

page 256We then returned to Savanna, where we baptized five more, stayed about two weeks, and went to greenwood, Stuben co. N. Y. where we found a little branch of about 30 members, we preached twice and baptized one: and from this place we returned to Kirtland, arrived the 15 day of Oct.





I must ask pardon of the portion of your readers whom it may concern for a neglect to present to you the following circumstance for publication before this time.

At our Conference in Bradford Mass, it was proved that the character and conduct of Elder James Paten, of North Providence R. I. rendered him unworthy of a place in the church of the 'Latter Day Saints.' His license had been called for before this by some official member of the church in that quarter, but he refused to deliver it up the conference therefore voted that he should be published.

I am, Sir,

Yours in the Bonds of

the New Covenant.


Clerk of Conference.

Kirtland Jan. 12, 1835.

Extract of G. Burket's letter, dated,

Wood river Ill.

Dear brother:

After laboring for a season in the branch of the church of Latter Day Saints, through the providence of our God, I have baptized four, in Madison co. Ill.

Yours &c.


To J. Whitmer.