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Law of the National Referendum

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Source: Fundamental Laws of the State: The Spanish Constitution. Madrid. Servicio Informativo Español. 1972.

For works with similar titles, see Spanish Constitution.
4039666Law of the National Referendum1945

of 22nd October, 1945

Every Spaniard having been given the opportunity to collaborate in the affairs of the State through the natural agencies of the family, the municipality and the Trade Union, and the basic Laws having been promulgated for bringing new vigour and greater spontaneity to the representative bodies within a system of Christian association, in order to safeguard the nation against the deviation that the political history of peoples has shown, to the effect that in matters of the utmost importance or public interest, the will of the nation could be supplanted by the subjective criterion of its rulers, this Headship of State, making use of the faculties granted by the Laws of 30th January, 1938, and 8th August, 1939, has considered it advisable to institute the direct consultation of the nation by public referendum in all those cases in which, because of the transcendent nature of the Laws or the uncertainty of opinion, the Head of State should deem such a consultation appropriate.

In virtue of which, I resolve:

Article One

When the importance of certain laws warrant it, or if public interest demands it, the Head of State may, for the better service of the nation, submit to referendum the Bills (draft laws) drawn up by the Cortes.

Article Two

The referendum shall be extended to all men and women of the nation over the age of twenty-one years.

Article Three

The Government is authorized to issue the complementary dispositions for the taking of the census and the execution of the present Law.

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