Laws in Wales Act 1535
A.D. 1535 Anno vicesimo septimo Henrici VIII c. 26
Concerning the Laws to be used in Wales
I Preamble
II The Laws of England shall be used in Wales
III Reformation of Marcher Lordships — Monmouthshire
IV Justice in Monmouthshire
V Brecknockshire
VI Radnorshire
VII Montgomeryshire
VIII Denbighshire
IX Chancery and Exchequer at Brecknock and Denbigh
X Justice used in Brecknock, Radnor, Montgomery and Denbigh
XI Towns annexed to the County of Salop
XII Towns annexed to the County of Hereford
XIII Towns annexed to the County of Gloucester
XIV Towns annexed to the County of Glamorgan
XV Justice in Glamorganshire
XVI Towns annexed to the County of Kayermarthen
XVII Towns annexed to the County of Pembroke
XVIII Towns annexed to the County of Cardigan
XIX Towns annexed to the County of Merioneth
XX Courts kept in English Language
XXI Power of Sheriffs to put every misruled Person under common Mainprise
XXII Certificate of Recognizance in Monmouthshire
XXIII Certificate of Recognizance in Brecknock, Radnor, Mountgomery and Denbigh
XXIV Appearance of them which are bound.
XXV Lords Marcher shall have Half of the Forfeiture of Tenants.
XXVI Commissions to divide the Shires of Wales into Hundreds.
XXVII Commissions to inquire into the Laws and Customs of Wales.
XXVIII Two Knights for the Shire of Monmouth, and one Burgess for the Town.
XXIX Knights and Burgesses for the Parliament in Wales, and their Fees.
XXX Lords Marchers shall keep their Liberties.
XXXI The Customs of North Wales and the County Palatine of Lancaster saved.
XXXII A reservation of Patents.
XXXIII Earl of Worcester Justice of Glamorgan.
XXXIV 26 H. 8. c.6.
XXXV Lands partable.
XXXVI The King may suspend or revoke this Statute.
XXXVII The King may erect in Wales so many Courts and Justices, &c. as he will.
XXXVIII The Office of Prothonotary and Clerk of the Crown.
XXXIX Lord Ferrers's Offices in Wales referred.
I. "ALBEIT the Dominion, Principality and Country of Wales justly and righteously is, and ever hath been incorporated, annexed, united and subject to and under the Imperial Crown of this Realm, as a very Member and Joint of the same, wherefore the King's most Royal Majesty of meer Droit, and very Right, is very Head, King, Lord and Ruler; yet notwithstanding, because that in the same Country, Principality and Dominion, divers Rights, Usages, Laws and Customs be far discrepant from the Laws and Customs of this Realm, and also because that the People of the same Dominion have, and do daily use a Speech nothing like, ne consonant to the natural Mother Tongue used within this Realm, some rude and ignorant People have made Distinction and Diversity between the King's Subjects of this Realm, and his Subjects of the said Dominion and Principality of Wales, whereby great Discord, Variance, Debate, Division, Murmur and Sedition hath grown between his said Subjects;"
His Highness therefore of a singular Zeal, Love and Favour that he beareth towards his Subjects of his said Dominion of Wales, minding and intending to reduce them to the perfect Order, Notice and Knowledge of his Laws of this Realm, and utterly to extirp all and singular the sinister Usages and Customs differing from the same, and to bring the said Subjects of this his Realm, and of his said Dominion of Wales, to an amicable Concord and Unity, hath by the deliberate Advice, Consent and Agreement of the Lords Spiritual and Temporal and the Commons, in this present Parliament assembled, and by the Authority of the same, ordained, enacted and established, That his said Country or Dominion of Wales shall be, stand and continue for ever from henceforth incorporated, united and annexed to and with this his Realm of England; and that all and singular Person and Persons, born and to be born in the said Principality, Country or Dominion of Wales, shall have, enjoy and inherit all and singular Freedoms, Liberties, Rights, Privileges and Laws within this Realm, and other King's Dominions, as other the King's Subjects naturally born within the same have, enjoy and inherit.
II. And that all and singular Person and Persons inheritable to any Manors, Lands, Tenements, Rents, Reversions, Services or other Hereditaments, which shall descend after the Feast of All-Saints next coming, within the said Principality, Country or Dominion of Wales, or within any particular Lordship, Part or Parcel of the said Country or Dominion of Wales, shall for ever, from and after the said Feast of All-Saints, inherit and be inheritable to the same Manors, Lands, Rents, Tenements, Reversions and Hereditaments, after the English Tenure, without Division or Partition, and after the Form of the Laws of this Realm of England, and not after any Welsh Tenure, ne after the Form of any Welsh Laws or Customs; and that the Laws, Ordinances and Statutes of this Realm of England, for ever, and none other Laws, Ordinances, and Statutes, from after the said Feast of All-Saints next coming, shall be had, used, practised and executed in the said Country or Dominion of Wales, and every Part thereof, in like Manner, Form and Order, as they be and shall be had, used, practised, and executed in this Realm, and in such like Manner and Form as hereafter by this Act shall be further established and ordained; any Act, Statute, Usage, Custom, Precedent, Liberty, Privilege, or other Thing had, made, used, granted or suffered to the contrary in any wise notwithstanding.
III. "And forasmuch as there be many divers Lordships Marchers within the said Country or Dominion of Wales, lying between the Shires of England and the Shires of the said Country or Dominion of Wales and being no Parcel of any other Shires where the Laws and due Correction is used and had, by reason whereof hath ensued, and hath been practised, perpetrated, committed and done, within and among the said Lordships and Countries to them adjoining, manifold and divers detestable Murders, burning of Houses, Robberies, Thefts, Trespasses, Routs, Riots, unlawful Assemblies, Embraceries, Maintenances, Receiving of Felons, Oppressions, Ruptures of the Peace, and manifold other Malefacts, contrary to all Laws and Justice; and the said Offenders thereupon making their Refuge from Lordship to Lordship, were and continued without Punishment or Correction; for due Reformation whereof, and forasmuch as as divers and many of the said Lordships Marchers be now in the Hands and Posession of other Lords," It is therefore enacted by the Authority aforesaid, That divers of the said Lordships Marchers shall be united, annexed, and joined to divers of the Shires of England, and divers of the said Lordships Marchers shall be united, annexed, and joined to divers of the Shires of the said Country or Dominion of Wales, in Manner and Form hereafter following; and that all the Residue of the said Lordships Marchers within the said Country or Dominion of Wales, shall be severed and divided into certain particular Counties or Shires, that is to say, the County or Shire of Monmouth, the County or Shire of Brecknock, the County or Shire of Radnor, the County or Shire of Montgomery, the County or Shire of Denbigh; and that the Lordships, Townships, Parishes, Commotes and Cantrefs of Monmouth, Chepstow, Matherne, Llanvihangel, Magour, Goldcliffe, Newport, Wentlonge, Llanwerne, Caerlion, Usk, Treleck, Tintern, Skenfrith, Gronsmont, Witecastle, Raglan, Calicote, Biston, Abergevenny, Penrose, Grenefield, Maghen and Hochuyslade in the Country of Wales and all and singular Honours, Lordships, Castles, Manors, Lands, Tenements and Hereditaments, lying or being within the Compass or Precinct of the said Lordships, Townships, Hamlets, Parishes, Commotes and Cantrefs, and every of them, in whole Posession forever they be or shall be, and every Part thereof, shall stand and be from and after the said Feast of All-Saints guildable, and shall be reputed, accepted, named and taken as Parts and Members of the said Shire of Monmouth; and the said Town of Monmouth shall be named, accepted, reputed, used, had and taken, Head and Shire-town of the said County or Shire of Monmouth; and that the Sheriffs County or Shire-court of and for the said Shire and County of Monmouth shall be holden and kept one Time at the the said Town of Monmouth, and the next Time at the Town of Newport, in the same County or Shire, and so to be kept in the same two Towns alternis vicibus, and according to the Laws of this Realm of England for ever, and in none other Places.
IV. And it is further enacted by the Authority aforesaid, That all Actions reals that hereafter shall be conceived, perpetrated or sued for any Lands, Tenements or Hereditaments, or any other Thing within the said County or Shire of Monmouth, and all Actions personals within the same Shire or County of the Sum of xl s. or above, and all Actions mixt, shall be sued by original Writ out of the King's High Court of Chancery of England, and heard, determined and tried before the King's Justices in England, or by Assize or Nisi Prius within the said County of Monmouth, in such like Manner, Form and Wise, as all other Actions reals, personals, and Actions mixt, be sued, heard, determined and tried in or for any Shire of this Realm of England; and that the King's Justices of his Bench, or of his common Bench of Westminster, shall have full Power and Authority to direct all manner Process to the Sheriff and all other Officers of the said County of Monmouth, and also to direct Writs of Venire facias to the same Sheriff, for the Trial of every Issue joined before them, and also to award Commissions of Nisi prius into the said County of Monmouth, for the Trial of such Issues joined before them, in like Manner and Form as they do into every Shire of this Realm of England; and all and every the King's Subjects and Inhabitants within the said County of Monmouth, shall be for ever, from and after the said Feast of All-Saints, obliged and bounden to be obedient and attendant to the Lord Chancellor of England, and the King's Justices, and other of the King's most honourable Council, and unto all Laws, Customs, Ordinances and Statutes of this Realm of England, in like Manner, Form and Wise, as all other the King's Subjects within every Shire of this Realm of England be obliged and bounden; any Act, Statute, Usage, Custom, Liberty, Privilege, or any other Thing to the contrary in any wise notwithstanding; and that the Sheriff of the said County shall hold Plea of Replegiare, and all other Suits and Plaints under forty Shillings, in his County or Shire-court in like Manner and Form as all other Sheriffs do within this Realm of England; and that the Sheriff, Escheators and Coroners, that hereafter shall be within the said County or Shire of Monmouth, shall be obliged and bounden to execute all the King's Processes, and to make due Returns thereof, and to use and exercise their Offices according to the Laws and Statutes of this Realm of England, in all and every Thing as the Sheriffs, Escheators and Coroners be obliged and bounden to do in all and every other Shire of this Realm of England; and that the Sheriffs and Escheators of the said Shire or County of Monmouth, that hereafter shall be appointed by our Sovereign Lord the King, make their Accounts for their said Offices in the King's Exchequer in England, in like Manner and Form as other Sheriffs and Escheators do within this Realm of England, and upon such like Pain and Penalty as is upon other Sheriffs and Escheators in every other Shire within this Realm of England.
V. And it is enacted by the Authority aforesaid, That the Lordships, Townships, Parishes, Commotes and Cantrefs of Brecknock, Crockhowel, Tretowre, Penkelly, English-talgarth, Welsh-talgarth, Dynas, the Haye, Glynebough, Broyulles, Cantercely, Lando, Blaynllinby, Estrodew, Buelth and Lingros, in the said Country or Dominion of Wales, and all and singular Honours, Lordships, Castles, Manors, Lands, Tenements and Hereditaments, lying or being within the Compass or Precinct of the said Lordships, Parishes, Commotes and Cantrefs, or any of them in whole Possession forever they be or shall be, and every Part thereof, shall stand and be forever, from the said Feast of All-Saints, guildable, and shall be reputed, accepted, named and taken as Parts and Members of the said County or Shire of Brecknock; and that the said Town of Brecknock shall be named, accepted, used, had and taken, Head and Shire-town of the said Shire or County of Brecknock; and that the Shire-court or County of and for the said Shire or County of Brecknock, shall be holden and kept in the said Town of Brecknock.
VI. And it is enacted by the Authority aforesaid, That the Lordships, Townships, Parishes, Commotes and Cantrefs of New Radnor, Elistherman, Elue-les, Bonghred, Glasebury, Glawdistre, Mihelles Church, Meleneth, Blewagh, Knighton, Norton, Preston, Commothuder, Rayader, Gwethronyon and Stanage in the said Country of Wales, and every of them, and all and singular Honours, Lordships, Castles, Manors, Lands, Tenements and Hereditaments, lying or being within the Compass or Precinct of the said Lordships, Townships, Parishes, Commotes and Cantrefs, or any of them, in whole Possession forever they be or shall be, and every Part thereof, shall stand and be for ever, from the said Feast of All-Saints, guildable, and shall be reputed, accepted, named and taken as Parts and Members of the said County or Shire of Radnor; and that the said Town of New Radnor shall be named, accepted, reputed, used, and had taken Head and Shire-town of the said County or Shire of Radnor; and that the Shire-Court or County of and for the said County or Shire of Radnor, shall be holden and kept one Time at the said Town of New Radnor, and the next Time at the Town of Rothergowy, in the same County or Shire, and for to be kept in the said two Towns alternis vicibus for ever, and in none other Place.
VII. And also it is enacted by the Authority aforesaid, That the Lordships, Townships, Parishes, Commotes and Cantrefs of Mountgomery, Kedewnkerry, Cawrsland, Arustley, Bromsilde, Keviliock, Doythur, Powesland, Clunesland, Balesley, Templecester and Alcester, in the said Country of Wales, and every of them, and all and singular Honours, Lordships, Castles, Manors, Lands, Tenements and Hereditaments, lying or being within the Compass or Precinct of the said Lordships, Townships, Commotes and Cantrefs, or in any of them, in whole Possession forever they be or shall be, and every Part thereof, shall stand and be for ever, from the said Feast of All-Saints, guildable, and shall be reputed, accepted, named and taken as Parts and Members of the said County or Shire of Mountgomery; and that the said Town of Mountgomery shall be named, accepted, reputed, used, had and taken Head and Shire-town of the said County or Shire of Mountgomery; and that the County or Shire-court of and for the said County or Shire of Mountgomery, shall be holden and kept the first Time at the said Town of Mountgomery, and the next Time at the Town of Maghenleth in the said Shire or County, and for to be kept in the same two Towns alternis vicibus for ever, and in none other Place.
VIII. And also it is enacted by the Authority aforesaid, That the Lordships, Townships, Parishes, Commotes and Cantrefs of Denbighland, Ruthin, Saint Tafse, Kinllethowen, Bromsilde, Yale, Chirke, and Chirkeland, Molesdale and Hopesdale, in the said Country of Wales, and every of them, and all and singular Honours, Lordships, Castles, Manors, Lands, Tenements and Hereditaments, lying or being within the Compass or Precinct of the said Lordships, Townships, Commotes and Cantrefs, or any of them, in whole Possession forever they be or shall be, and every Part thereof, shall stand and be for ever, from the said Feast of All-Saints, guildable, and shall be reputed, accepted, named and taken as Parts and Members of the said County or Shire of Denbigh; and that the said Town of Denbigh shall be named, accepted, reputed, used, had and taken Head and Shire-town of the County or Shire of Denbigh; and that the County or Shire-court of and for the said County or Shire of Denbigh, shall be holden and kept the first Time at the said Town of Denbigh, and the next Time at the Town of Wrixham in the said Shire or County, and for to be kept in the same two Towns alternis vicibus for ever, and in none other Place.
"IX. And forasmuch as the Counties and Shires of Brecknock, Radnor, Mountgomery and Denbigh, be far distant from the City of London, where the Laws of England be commonly used, ministered, exercised and executed; and for that the Inhabitants of the said Shires of Brecknock, Radnor, Mountgomery and Denbigh be not of Substance, Power and Ability to travel out of their Counties to seek the Administration of Justice;" it is therefore enacted by the Authority aforesaid, That the King our Sovereign Lord shall have one Chancery and Exchequer at his Castle of Brecknock, and one his Town and Castle of Denbigh; and that the Sheriffs, Escheators, and other Officers Accomptants of the Counties of Brecknock, Radnor, Mountgomery and Denbigh, from and after the said Feast of All-Saints, shall be yearly appointed by our Sovereign Lord the King, for and within every of the said Shires of Brecknock, Radnor, Mountgomery and Denbigh; and that the Sheriffs, Escheators, and other Officers Accomptants of the Counties of Brecknock and Radnor, from and after the said Feast of All-Saints, shall yearly make their Accompts before the King's Auditors, and Such Chamberlain or Baron of the said Exchequer, as shall be thereunto appointed by our said Sovereign Lord the King, in such like Manner and Form as Sheriffs, Escheators, and other Officers Accomptants do yearly make their Accompts in the King's Exchequer at Westminster within this realm of England, And that the Sheriffs, Escheators, and other Officers Accomptants of the Counties of Mountgomery and Denbigh, from and after the said Feast of All-Saints, shall yearly make their Accompts before the King's Auditors, and Such Chamberlain or Baron of the said Exchequer, as shall be thereunto appointed by our said Sovereign Lord the King, in such like Manner and Form as Sheriffs, Escheators, and other Officers Accomptants do yearly make their Accompts in the King's Exchequer at Westminster within this realm of England.
X. And that Justice shall be ministered, used, exercised and executed unto the King's Subjects and Inhabitants in every of the said Shires of Brecknock, Radnor, Mountgomery and Denbigh, according to the Laws and Statutes of this Realm of England, and according to such other Customs and Laws now used in Wales aforesaid, as the King our Sovereign Lord and his most honourable Council shall allow and think expedient, requisite and necessary, by such Justicer or Justicers as shall be thereunto appointed by our said Sovereign Lord the King, and after such Form and Fashion as Justice is used and ministered to the King's Subjects within the three Shires of North Wales.
XI. And also it is enacted by the Authority aforesaid, That the Lordships, Towns, Parishes, Commotes, Hundreds and Cantrefs of Oswester, Whetington, Masbroke, Knoking, Ellesmer, Downe, and Churnley Hundred in the Marches of Wales aforesaid, and every of them, and all and singular Honours, Lordships, Castles, Manors, Towns, Hamlets, Lands, Tenements and Hereditaments lying or being within the Compass or Precinct of the said Lordships, Towns, Parishes, Commotes, Hundreds amd Cantrefs, or any of them, in whole Posession forever they be or shall be, and every Part thereof, shall stand and be for ever, from and after the said Feast of All-Saints guildable, and shall be united, annexed and joined to and with the County of Salop, as a Member, Part or Parcel of the same; and that the said Lordships of Oswester, Whetington, Masbroke and Knoking, with their Members, shall be taken, named and known by the Name of the Hundred of Oswester in the County of Salop; and the Inhabitants thereof shall be attendant and do every Thing and Things at every Sessions, Assize and Gaol-delivery, to be holden within the County of Salop, as the inhabitants of all other Hundreds do within the said County of Salop, according to the Laws of this Realm of England. And that the Lordship of Ellesmer, with the Members of the same shall be united, joined and knit to the Hundred of Pymhill in the County of Salop, and shall be taken, named and known to be Parcel of the same Hundred; and the Inhabitants thereof shall be attendant and do every Thing and Things with the Inhabitants of the said Hundred of Pymhill, as the Inhabitants of the same Hundred now do and use, according to the Laws of this Realm of England. And that the Lordship of Downe, with the Members, shall be united, joined and knit to the Hundred of Churbury in the County of Salop; and the Inhabitants of the said Hundred of Churbury and Lordship of Downe shall be attendant and do every Thing and Things at every Sessions, Assize and Gaol-delivery, to be holden within the said County of Salop, as the inhabitants of all other Hundreds do within the said County of Salop, according to the Laws of this Realm of England. And that the said Hundred of Churbury, after the said feast of All-Saints, nor the said Hundred of Oswester, nor yet the Lordship of Ellsmer, shall be in no wise otherwise privileged, nor have no other Liberty nor Privilege, but as Hundreds united, annexed and knit to the said County of Salop, as other Hundreds be within the said County.
XII. And that the Lordships, Towns, Parishes, Commotes, Hundreds and Cantrefs of Ewyas Lacy, Ewyas Harold, Clifford, Wynforton, Yerdesley, Huntington, Whytney, Wygmore, Logharneys and Stepulton in the said Marches of Wales, and every of them, and all and singular Honours, Lordships, Castles, Manors, Lands, Tenements and Hereditaments, lying or being within the Compass or Precinct of the said Lordships, Towns, Parishes, Commotes, Hundreds and Cantrefs, or any of them, in whole Possession forever they be or shall be, and every Part thereof, shall stand and be for ever, from and after the said Feast of All-Saints, guildable, and shall be united, annexed and joined to and with the County of Hereford, as a Member, Part or Parcel of the same County of Hereford; and that the Lordships of Wygmore and Logharneys, with their Members, shall be taken, named and known by the Name of the Hundred of Wygmore in the County of Hereford aforesaid; and that the Inhabitants thereof shall be attendant and do every Thing and Things at every Sessions, Assize and Gaol-delivery, to be holden within the County of Hereford, as the inhabitants of all other Hundreds do within the said County of Hereford, according to the Laws of this Realm of England. And that the Lordship of Ewyas Lacy, with the Members, shall be taken, named and known by the Name of the Hundred of Ewyas Lacy in the County of Hereford aforesaid; and that the Inhabitants thereof shall be attendant and do every Thing and Things at every Sessions, Assize and Gaol-delivery, to be holden within the County of Hereford, as the inhabitants of all other Hundreds do within the said County of Hereford, according to the Laws of this Realm of England. And that the Lordship of Ewyas Harold, with the Members, shall be united, joined and knit to the Hundred of Webtree in the said County of Hereford, and shall be taken, named and known to be Parcel of the said Hundred of Webtree; and the Inhabitants thereof shall be attendant and do every Thing and Things with the Inhabitants of the same Hundred of Webtree, as the Inhabitants of the same Hundred now do, according to the Laws of this Realm of England. And that the Lordships of Clifford, Wynforton, Yerdesley, Whitney and Huntington, with their Members, shall be taken, named and known by the Name of the Hundred of Huntington within the County of Hereford aforesaid; and that the Inhabitants thereof shall be attendant and do every Thing and Things at every Sessions, Assize and Gaol-delivery, to be holden within the said County of Hereford, as the inhabitants of all other Hundreds do within the said County of Hereford, according to the Laws of this Realm of England. And that the said Hundred of Wygmore, with said Members, and the said Hundred of Ewyas Lacy, and the said Hundred of Huntington, and the said Lordship of Ewyas Harold, annexed unto the Hundred of Webtree, after the said Feast of All-Saints, shall be in no wise otherwise privileged, nor have no other Liberty, Franchises, nor Privilege, but as Hundreds united and annexed to the said County of Hereford, and as other Hundreds be within the said County of Hereford.
XIII. And that the Lordships, Towns and Parishes of Wollastone, Tidnam and Bechley, in the said Marches of Wales, and all and singular Honours, Lordships, Castles, Manors, Lands, Tenements and Hereditaments, lying or being between Chepstow Bridge in the said Marches of Wales and Gloucestershire, in whole Posession forever they be or shall be, and every Part thereof, shall stand and be guildable from and after the said Feast of All-Saints, and shall be united, annexed and joined to and with the said County or Shire of Gloucester, as a Member, Part or Parcel of the same. And that the said Lordships, Towns and Parishes of Wollastone, Tidnam and Bechley, and all Honours, Lordships, Castles, Manors, Lands, Tenements and Hereditaments, lying or being between Chepstow Bridge and the Shire of Gloucester as is aforesaid, shall be united, joined and knit to the Hundred of Wesebery within the said Shire of Gloucester, shall be taken, named and known to be Part and Parcel of the same Hundred, and the Inhabitants thereof shall be attendant and do every Thing and Things with the Inhabitants of the said Hundred of Wesebery, as the Inhabitants of the same Hundred now do and use, according to the Laws of this Realm of England. And that the said Lordships of Wollastone, Tidnam and Bechley, after the said Feast of All-Saints, shall be in no wise privileged, nor have any other Liberty, Franchise, ne Privilege, but as Parcel of the said Hundred of Wesebery, in the said County of Gloucester.
XIV. And that the Lordships, Towns, Parishes, Commotes, Hundreds and Cantrefs of Gowerkilvy, Bishops Town, Landaffe, Singhnithe supra, Singhnithe subtus, Maskin, Ogmore, Glynrotheney, Tallagarney, Ruthien, Tallavan, Lanblethyan, Lantwid Tyeryal, Avan, Nethe, Landewey and the Clays in the said Country of Wales, and every of them, and all Honours, Lordships, Castles, Manors, Lands, Tenements and Hereditaments, lying or being within the Compass or Precinct of the said Lordships, Towns, Parishes, Commotes, Hundreds and Cantrefs, or any of them, in whole Possession forever they be or shall be, and every Part thereof, shall stand and be guildable for ever from and after the said Feast of All-Saints, and shall be united, annexed and joined to and with the County of Glamorgan, as a Member, Part or Parcel of the same. And that the Shire of Glamorgan and Mordonnoke, and all the aforesaid Lordships, Towns, Parishes, Commotes, Hundreds and Cantrefs, united and annexed to the said County of Glamorgan shall from and after the said Feast of All-Saints, be reputed, named, accepted and known by the Name and Shire of Glamorgan only, and by none other Name.
XV. And from and after the said Feast of All-Saints, Justice shall be ministered and executed to the King's Subjects and Inhabitants of the said County of Glamorgan, according to the Laws, Customs and Statutes of this Realm of England, and after no Welsh Laws, and in such Form and Fashion as Justice is ministered and used to the King's Subjects within the three Shires of North Wales.
XVI. And that the Lordships, Towns, Parishes, Commotes, Hundreds and Cantrefs of Lanemthevery, Abermerlese, Kedwely, Eskenning, Cornewolthou, Newcastle, Emel, Abergoyly, in the said Country of Wales and every of them, and all Honours, Lordships, Castles, Manors, Lands, Tenements and Hereditaments, lying or being within the Compass or Precinct of the said Lordships, Towns, Parishes, Commotes, Hundreds and Cantrefs, or any of them, in whole Possession forever they be or shall be, and every Part thereof, shall stand and be guildable for ever, from and after the said Feast of All-Saints, and shall be united, annexed and joined to and with the County of Kayermarthen, as a Member, Part or Parcel of the same; and that from and after the said Feast of All-Saints, Justice shall be ministered and executed to the King's Subjects and Inhabitants of the said County of Kayermarthen, according to the Laws, Customs and Statutes of this Realm of England, and after no Welsh Laws, and in such Form and Fashion as Justice is ministered and used to the King's Subjects within the three Shires of North Wales.
XVII. And that the Lordships, Towns, Parishes, Commotes, Hundreds and Cantrefs of Haverfordwest, Kilgarran, Lansteffan, Langeharne otherwise called Tallangherne, Walwynscastle, Dewysland, Lannehadein, Lansey, Herberth, Slebeche, Rosmarket, Castelian and Landofleure, in the said Country of Wales and every of them, and all Honours, Lordships, Castles, Manors, Lands, Tenements and Hereditaments, lying or being within the Compass or Precinct of the said Lordships, Towns, Parishes, Commotes, Hundreds and Cantrefs, or any of them, in whole Possession forever they be or shall be, and every Part thereof, shall stand and be guildable for ever, from and after the said Feast of All-Saints, and shall be united, annexed and joined to and with the County of Pembroke; and that from and after the said Feast of All-Saints, Justice shall be ministered and executed to the King's Subjects and Inhabitants of the said County of Pembroke, according to the Laws, Customs and Statutes of this Realm of England, and after no Welsh Laws, and in such Form and Fashion as Justice is ministered and used to the King's Subjects within the three Shires of North Wales.
XVIII. And that the Lordships, Towns, Parishes, Commotes, Hundreds and Cantrefs of Tregaron, Glenorgine, Landway, Ureny, in the said Country of Wales and every of them, and all Honours, Lordships, Castles, Manors, Lands, Tenements and Hereditaments, lying or being within the Compass or Precinct of the said Lordships, Towns, Parishes, Commotes, Hundreds and Cantrefs, or any of them, in whole Possession forever they be or shall be, and every Part thereof, shall stand and be guildable for ever, from and after the said Feast of All-Saints, and shall be united, annexed and joined to and with the County of Cardigan, as a Member, Part or Parcel of the same; and that from and after the said Feast of All-Saints, Justice shall be ministered and executed to the King's Subjects and Inhabitants of the said County of Cardigan, according to the Laws, Customs and Statutes of this Realm of England, and after no Welsh Laws, and in such Form and Fashion as Justice is ministered and used to the King's Subjects within the three Shires of North Wales.
XIX. And that the Lordship, Town, and Parish of Mouthway in the said Country of Wales, in whole Possession forever it be, and all Lands, Tenements and Hereditaments now lying or being within the Compass or Precinct of the said Lordship, Town, and Parish of Mouthway, or any of them, in whole Possession forever they be or shall be, and every Part thereof, shall stand and be guildable for ever, from and after the said Feast of All-Saints, and shall be united, annexed and joined to and with the County of Merioneth in North Wales, as a Commote, Member, Part or Parcel of the same.
XX. Also be it enacted by the Authority aforesaid, That all Justices, Comissioners, Sheriffs, Coroners, Escheators, Stewards, and their Lieutenants, and all other Officers and Ministers of the Law, shall proclaim and keep the Sessions Courts, Hundreds, Leets, Sheriffs Courts, and all other Courst in the English Tongue; and all Oaths of Officers, Juries and Inquests, and all other Affadavits, Verdicts and Wagers of Law, to be given and done in the English Tongue; and also that from henceforth no Person or Persons that use the Welsh Speech or Language, shall have or enjoy any manner Office or Fees within this Realm of England, Wales, or other the King's Dominion, upon Pain of forfeiting the same Offices or Fees, unless he or they use and exercise the English Speech or Language.
XXI. And it is further encacted by the Authority aforesaid, That it shall be lawful to the Sheriff of every of the aforesaid Shires of Monmouth, Brecknock, Radnor, Mountgomery and Denbigh, and every of them, to sue every misruled and suspect Person within their Sheriffwick, under common Mainprise and Suerty of their personal Appearance, as the Sheriffs do within every of the three Shires of North Wales, and that the Recognizances of such common Mainprise and Suerty of Appearance taken before any of the said Sheriffs, shall be as good and effectual as if it were taken by any Justice of Record.
XXII. And that the Sheriff of the County of Monmouth shall certify such Recognizances, common Mainprise and Surety of Appearance, at every Quarter-Sessions, before the Justices of the Peace of the said County of Monmouth; and that every Person or Persons within the said County of Monmouth, put under common Mainprise, and bound to his personal Appearance, shall keep their personal Appearance at the Sessions holden within the said Shire of Monmouth, next after the Clause of Easter, and at the Sessions to be holden within the said Shire next after the Feast of Saint Michael the Archangel, until such Time that they be thereof released after the Form of the Law.
XXIII. And every of the Sheriffs of the said Counties of Brecknock, Radnor, Mountgomery and Denbigh, and every of them, shall certify such Recognizances, common Mainprise or Surety of Appearance by them taken, before such Justice as shall be appointed by our Sovereign Lord the King within every of the said Shires, at every Sessions to be holden in any of the said Shires before the same Justice.
XXIV. And every Person and Persons within the said Counties of Brecknock, Radnor, Mountgomery and Denbigh, and also within the above named Counties of Glamorgan, Kayermarthen, Pembroke and Cardigan, or any of them, put under common Mainprise, and bound to his or their personal Appearance, as well by the aforesaid Sheriffs, as by the Justices of any of the said Counties, shall keep their Appearance before the said Justices at every Sessions within the said Counties to be holden, in such like Manner and Form as is used in the three Shires of North Wales.
XXV. "And for that the Lords Marchers before this present Parliament have used to put their Tenants within their Lordships Marchers, under such common Mainprise and Surety of Appearance, and have had the forfeitures thereof, which for ever from and after the said Feast of All-Saints, shall utterly cease and determine:" Therefore be it enacted by the Authority aforesaid, That after the said Feast of All-Saints, every lay and temporal Person now being a Lord Marcher, shall have the Moiety or Half of every Forfeiture of all and every common Mainprise, Recognizance for the Peace or Appearance, forfeited by any of their Tenants inhabiting within any of their Lordships Marchers; and they to be paid the same Moiety or Half by the Hands of the Sheriffs of every of the said Counties where such Forfeitures shall be, if the Sheriff can levy the same; and the same Sheriff to account to our Sovereign Lord the King for the other Half or Moiety in such Exchequer as they be bound to be accomptant.
XXVI. Be it further enacted by the Authority aforesaid, That immediately upon the Prorogation or Dissolution of this present Parliament, the Lord Chancellor of England shall direct the King's Commission under his Grace's Great Seal, to such Persons as to him shall be thought convenient, to enquire and view all the said Shires of Kayermarthen, Pembroke, Cardigan, Monmouth, Brecknock, Radnor, Mountgomery, Glamorgan and Denbigh, and every Part and Parcel of them; and upon such View and Search, to divide them and every of them into so many Hundreds as they shall think most meet and convenient; and the Hundreds so divided shall return and certify with the said Commission into the High Court of Chancery before the said Feast of All-Saints, and the same to remain of Record, and to be of such Force and Effect as it were by Act of Parliament; and that the said Hundreds, after the said Certificate, shall be used and taken as other Hundreds be in every other Shire within this Realm of England.
XXVII. Furthermore it is enacted by the Authority aforesaid, That immediately upon the Prorogation or Dissolution of this present Parliament, the Lord Chancellor of England shall direct the King's Commission under his Grace's Great Seal, to such Persons as to him shall be thought convenient, to enquire and search out, by all Ways and Means that they can, all and singular Laws, Usages and Customs used within the said Dominion and Country of Wales; and the same shall return and certify to the King's Highness and his said most honourable Council, before the said Feast of All-Saints next coming; and that upon deliberate Advice thereof had and taken, all such Laws, Usages and Customs as the King's Highness and his said most honourable Council shall think expedient, requisite and necessary to be had, used and exercised in the before rehearsed Shires, or any of them, or in any other Shire of the Dominion or Country of Wales, shall stand and be of full Strength, Virtue and Effect, and shall be for ever inviolably observed, had, used and executed in the same Shires, as if this Act had never been had ne made; any Thing in the same Act contained to the contrary in any wise notwithstanding.
XXVIII. And it is furthermore enacted by the Authority aforesaid, That for this present Parliament, and all other Parliaments to be holden and kept for this Realm, two Knights shall be chosen and elected to the same Parliament for the Shire of Monmouth, and one Burgess for the Borough of Monmouth, in like Manner, Form and Order, as Knights and Burgesses of the Parliament be elected and chosen in all other Shires of this Realm of England, and that the same Knights and Burgesses shall have like Dignity, Preeminence and Privilege, and shall be allowed such Fees, as other Knights and Burgesses of the Parliament have been allowed; and the Knights Fees to be levied, perceived, receieved, gathered and paid in such Manner, Form and Order, as such Feed be levied, perceived, receieved, gathered, and paid in other Shires of this Realm of England; and the Burgesses Fees to be levied as well within the Borough of Monmouth as within all other ancient Boroughs within the said Shire of Monmouth.
XXIX. And that for this present Parliament, and all other Parliaments to be holden and kept for this Realm, one Knight shall be chosen and elected to the same Parliaments for every of the Shires of Brecknock, Radnor, Mountgomery and Denbigh, and for every other Shire within the said Country of Dominion of Wales; and for every Borough being a Shire-town within the said Country of Dominion of Wales, except the Shire-town of the foresaid County of Merioneth, one Burgess; and the Election to be in like Manner, Form and Order, as Knights and Burgesses of the Parliament be elected and chosen in other Shires of this Realm; and that the Knights and Burgesses, and every of them, shall have like Dignity, Preeminence and Privilege, and shall be allowed such Fees, as other Knights of the Parliament have and be allowed; and the Knights Fees to be levied and gathered of the Commons of the Shire that they be elected in; and the Burgesses Fees to be levied and gathered as well of the Boroughs and Shire-towns as they be Burgesses of, as of all other ancient Boroughs within the same Shire.
XXX. And it is further enacted by the Authority aforesaid, That all and every lay and temporal Person and Persons, now being Lords Marchers, and having any Lordships Marchers or Lordships Royal, shall from and after the said Feast of All-Saints have all such Mvses and Profits of their Tenants, as they have had or used to have at the first Entry into their Lands in Times past, and also shall have, hold and keep within the Precinct of their Lordships, Courts Baron, Court Leets and Law-days, and all and every Thing to the same Courts belonging; and also shall have, within the Precinct of the said Lordships or Law-day, Waife, Straife, Infanthef, Outfanthef, Treasuretrove, Deodands, Goods and Chattels of Felons, and of Persons condemned or outlawed of Felony or Murder, or put in Exigent for Felony or Murder, and also Wreck de Mer, Wharfage and Customs of Strangers, as they have had in times past, and as though such Privileges were granted unto them by our Sovereign Lord the King by Point of Charter; any thing in this present Act notwithstanding.
XXXI. Provided alway, That this present Act, nor any Thing therein contained, shall take away or derogate any Laws, Usages or laudable Customs now used within the three Shires of North Wales; nor shall not deprevice nor take away the whole Liberties of the Duchy of Lancaster, but that the said Liberties shall continues and be used in every Lordship, Parcel of the said Duchy, within the Dominion and Country of Wales, as the Liberties of the said Duchy be used in Shire Ground, and not County Palatine, within this Realm of England.
XXXII. Provided also, That this Act, nor any Thing therein contained, do not extend nor be prejudicial to any Person or Persons, to avoid any Patent, joint Patent of any Office Fees, Annuities or Reversion of any Office Fees or Annuities to them granted for Term of their Life of Lives, by our Sovereign Lord the King, or by any other Person or Persons, either for the using, exercising or occupying any Manner of Offices or otherwise; but that they shall have and enjoy their said Fees, and all other Offices or Constableships, Porterships, Stewardships of Leets, Law-days, Court Barons and other Offices, being not repugnant against this Act; and in case such Offices be repugnant against this Act, that then the Grantees to have and enjoy their Fees during their Life or Lives; any Article or Clause in this present Act to the contrary in any wise notwithstanding.
XXXIII. Provided also, That this Act, nor any thing therein contained, be not in any wise prejudical to the Right Honourable Henry Earl of Worcester, for the exercising, using and occupying of the Office of the Justice of the whole County of Glamorgan; any Thing in this present Act contained to the contrary in any wise notwithstanding.
XXXIV. Provided also, That this Act, nor any thing therein contained, extend not to deprive, take away or derogate any other Acts before this Time made for the Trial of Treason, Murder or Felonies, or Accessaries of the same, committed and done in any Lordship Marcher in Wales, in the next Shires of England adjoining to the said Lordship Marcher.
XXXV. Provided alway, That Lands, Tenements and Hereditaments lying in the said Country and Dominion of Wales, which have been used Time out of Mind, by the laudable Customs of the said Country, to be departed and departable among Issues and Heirs Males, shall still to continue and be used in like Form, Fashion and Condition, as if this Act had never been had nor made; any Thing in this Act to the contrary thereof notwithstanding.
XXXVI. Provided also, and be it enacted by the Authority aforesaid, That the King's Highness, notwithstanding this Act, or any thing therin containedm shall have Power and Authority for the Term of three Years next after the End and Dissolution of this present Parliament, to suspend for such Time as shall please his Grace, or utterly to repeal, revoke and abrogate, this while Act or any Part thereof, from Time to Time, as shall stand with his most gracious Pleasue, so that every such Suspending, Repeal and Revocation from Time to Time, as often as any such Case shall happen, shall be made in Writing under the Great Seal of England, and be annexed to the Roll of this present Parliament wherein this Act shall be inrolled, and Proclamations thereupon to be made in every Shire within the said Country and Dominion of Wales; and that every such Suspending, Repeal and Revocation, so to be had and made by the King's Highness, shall be as good and effectual to all Intents and Purposes, as if the same had been done by Authoruty of this present Parliament; this Act, or any Thing therein contained to the contrary thereof notwithstanding.
XXXVII. "And where by this present Act there is appointed one Chancery and one Exchequer at Brecknock, and another Chancery and Exchequer at Denbigh,' it is enacted by the Authority aforesaid, That the King's Highness from Time to Time, within the term of five Years next after the End of this Parliament, for due Ministration of Justice in the said Country of Wales, shall have Power and Authority to erect, make and ordain such Court or Courts, and so many Courts of Record, and such and so many Justices, Ministers, Officers and Clerks, as by his Highness within the Time of Five Years next after the End of this present Parliament shall be thought sufficient and convenient, as well for the due Execution of this Act or of any Thing or Things that shall be had, done or made by Authority of the same, as for the good Governance and Rule of the said Country of Wales.
XXXVIII. Provided alway, That this Act, or any Thing or Things to be done by Authority thereof, shall not be prejudicial to any Person or Persons, which now have bt the King's Letters Patent any Office or Offices of Prothonotary or Clerk of the Crown in the said Country or Dominion of Wales; but that any and every of them shall and may still still have and use their Offices in large and ample Manner, Form, Fashion and Condition, as if this Act, nor any Thing to be done by Authority thereof, had never been had or made; any Thing in this Act to the contrary thereof notwithstanding.
XXXIX. Provided also, That this Act, or any Thing therein contained, extend not, or in any wise be prejudicial or hurtful to Sir Walter Devereux, Knight of the noble Order of the Garter, and Lord Ferrers of Chartley, of, for and concerning the Offices of Chief Justice of South Wales, the Office of Chamberlain of South Wales, and the Counties of Carmarthen and Cardigan in South Wales aforesaid, and of and for the Office of the Stewardship of the Lordship of Bealth in the Marches of South Wales, and of and for the Office of Receivership of the said Lordship of Bealth, or of, for and concerning any of the said Offices; but that the said Lord Ferrers may have, use, exercise and enjoy the said Offices, and every of them, with all Fees, Wages, Emoluments, Commodities and Profits to the same Offices, or to any of them in any wise belonging or appertaining, in large and ample Manner, Form and Condition, as if this Act had never been had or made.
This work was published before January 1, 1930, and is in the public domain worldwide because the author died at least 100 years ago.
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