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Le Morte d'Arthur/Volume I/Book IX

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3900861Le Morte d'ArthurVolume I, Book IXThomas Malory

Chapters (not listed in original)

  • Chapter I: How a young man came into the court of King Arthur, and how Sir Kay called him in scorn La Cote Male Taile
  • Chapter II: How a damosel came into the court and desired a knight to take on him an enquest, which La Cote Male Taile emprised
  • Chapter III: How La Cote Male Taile overthrew Sir Dagonet the king's fool, and of the rebuke that he had of the damosel
  • Chapter IV: How La Cote Male Taile fought against an hundred knights, and how he escaped by the mean of a lady
  • Chapter V: How Sir Launcelot came to the court and heard of La Cote Male Taile, and how he followed after him, and how La Cote Male Taile was prisoner
  • Chapter VI: How Sir Launcelot fought with six knights, and after with Sir Brian, and how he delivered the prisoners
  • Chapter VII: How Sir Launcelot met with the damosel named Maledisant, and named her the damosel Bienpensant
  • Chapter VIII: How La Cote Male Taile was taken prisoner, and after rescued by Sir Launcelot, and how Sir Launcelot overcame four brethren
  • Chapter IX: How Sir Launcelot made La Cote Male Taile lord of the Castle of Pendragon, and after was made knight of the Round Table
  • Chapter X: How La Beale Isoud sent letters to Sir Tristram by her maid Bragwaine, and of divers adventures of Sir Tristram
  • Chapter XI: How Sir Tristram met with Sir Lamorak de Galis, and how they fought, and after accorded never to fight together
  • Chapter XII: How Sir Palomides followed the Questing Beast, and smote down Sir Tristram and Sir Lamorak with one spear
  • Chapter XIII: How Sir Lamorak met with Sir Meliagaunce, and fought together for the beauty of Dame Guenever
  • Chapter XIV: How Sir Kay met with Sir Tristram, and after of the shame spoken of the knights of Cornwall, and how they jousted
  • Chapter XV: How King Arthur was brought into the Forest Perilous, and how Sir Tristram saved his life
  • Chapter XVI: How Sir Tristram came to La Beale Isoud, and how Kehydius began to love Beale Isoud, and of a letter that Tristram found
  • Chapter XVII: How Sir Tristram departed from Tintagil, and how he sorrowed and was so long in a forest till he was out of his mind
  • Chapter XVIII: How Sir Tristram soused Dagonet in a well, and how Palomides sent a damosel to seek Tristram, and how Palomides met with King Mark
  • Chapter XIX: How it was noised how Sir Tristram was dead, and how La Beale Isoud would have slain herself
  • Chapter XX: How King Mark found Sir Tristram naked, and made him to be borne home to Tintagil, and how he was there known by a brachet
  • Chapter XXI: How King Mark, by the advice of his council, banished Sir Tristram out of Cornwall the term of ten years
  • Chapter XXII: How a damosel sought help to help Sir Launcelot against thirty knights, and how Sir Tristram fought with them
  • Chapter XXIII: How Sir Tristram and Sir Dinadan came to a lodging where they must joust with two knights
  • Chapter XXIV: How Sir Tristram jousted with Sir Kay and Sir Sagramore le Desirous, and how Sir Gawaine turned Sir Tristram from Morgan le Fay
  • Chapter XXV: How Sir Tristram and Sir Gawaine rode to have foughten with the thirty knights, but they durst not come out
  • Chapter XXVI: How damosel Bragwaine found Tristram sleeping by a well, and how she delivered letters to him from La Beale Isoud
  • Chapter XXVII: How Sir Tristram had a fall with Sir Palomides, and how Launcelot overthrew two knights
  • Chapter XXVIII: How Sir Launcelot jousted with Palomides and overthrew him, and after he was assailed with twelve knights
  • Chapter XXIX: How Sir Tristram behaved him the first day of the tournament, and there he had the prize
  • Chapter XXX: How Sir Tristram returned against King Arthur's party because he saw Sir Palomides on that party
  • Chapter XXXI: How Sir Tristram found Palomides by a well, and brought him with him to his lodging
  • Chapter XXXII: How Sir Tristram smote down Sir Palomides, and how he jousted with King Arthur, and other feats
  • Chapter XXXIII: How Sir Launcelot hurt Sir Tristram, and how after Sir Tristram smote down Sir Palomides
  • Chapter XXXIV: How the prize of the third day was given to Sir Launcelot, and Sir Launcelot gave it to Sir Tristram
  • Chapter XXXV: How Palomides came to the castle where Sir Tristram was, and of the quest that Sir Launcelot and ten knights made for Sir Tristram
  • Chapter XXXVI: How Sir Tristram, Sir Palomides, and Sir Dinadan were taken and put in prison
  • Chapter XXXVII: How King Mark was sorry for the good renown of Sir Tristram. Some of King Arthur's knights jousted with knights of Cornwall
  • Chapter XXXVIII: Of the treason of King Mark, and how Sir Gaheris smote him down and Andred his cousin
  • Chapter XXXIX: How after that Sir Tristram, Sir Palomides, and Sir Dinadan had been long in prison they werc delivered
  • Chapter XL: How Sir Dinadan rescued a lady from Sir Breuse Saunce Pite, and how Sir Tristram received a shield of Morgan le Fay
  • Chapter XLI: How Sir Tristram took with him the shield, and also how he slew the paramour of Morgan le Fay
  • Chapter XLII: How Morgan le Fey her paramour, and how Sir Tristram praised Sir Launcelot and his kin
  • Chapter XLIII: How Sir Tristram at a tournament bare the shield that Morgan le Fay delivered to him