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Le Morte d'Arthur/Volume II/Book XX

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3902247Le Morte d'ArthurVolume II, Book XXErnest RhysThomas Malory

Book XX

Chapters (not listed in original)

  • Chapter I: How Sir Agravaine and Sir Mordred were busy upon Sir Gawaine for to disclose the love between Sir Launcelot and Queen Guenever
  • Chapter II: How Sir Agravaine disclosed their love to King Arthur, and how King Arthur gave them licence to take him
  • Chapter III: How Sir Launcelot was espied in the queen's chamber, and how Sir Agravaine and Sir Mordred came with twelve knights to slay him
  • Chapter IV: How Sir Launcelot slew Sir Colgrevance, and armed him in his harness, and after slew Sir Agravaine, and twelve of his fellows
  • Chapter V: How Sir Launcelot came to Sir Bors, and told him how he had sped, and in what adventure he had been, and how he had escaped
  • Chapter VI: Of the counsel and advice that was taken by Sir Launcelot and his friends for to save the queen
  • Chapter VII: How Sir Mordred rode hastily to the king, to tell him of the affray and death of Sir Agravaine and the other knights
  • Chapter VIII: How Sir Launcelot and his kinsmen rescued the queen from the fire, and how he slew many knights
  • Chapter IX: Of the sorrow and lamentation of King Arthur for the death of his nephews and other good knights, and also for the queen, his wife
  • Chapter X: How King Arthur at the request of Sir Gawaine concluded to make war against Sir Launcelot, and laid siege to his castle called Joyous Gard
  • Chapter XI: Of the communication between King Arthur and Sir Launcelot, and how King Arthur reproved him
  • Chapter XII: How the cousins and kinsmen of Sir Launcelot excited him to go out to battle, and how they made them ready
  • Chapter XIII: How Sir Gawaine jousted and smote down Sir Lionel, and how Sir Launcelot horsed King Arthur
  • Chapter XIV: How the Pope sent down his bulls to make peace, and how Sir Launcelot brought the queen to King Arthur
  • Chapter XV: Of the deliverance of the queen to the king by Sir Launcelot, and what language Sir Gawaine had to Sir Launcelot
  • Chapter XVI: Of the communication between Sir Gawaine and Sir Launcelot, with much other language
  • Chapter XVII: How Sir Launcelot departed from the king and from Joyous Gard over seaward, and what knights went with him
  • Chapter XVIII: How Sir Launcelot passed over the sea, and how he made great lords of the knights that went with him
  • Chapter XIX: How King Arthur and Sir Gawaine made a great host ready to go over sea to make war on Sir Launcelot
  • Chapter XX: What message Sir Gawaine sent to Sir Launcelot; and how King Arthur laid siege to Benwick, and other matters
  • Chapter XXI: How Sir Launcelot and Sir Gawaine did battle together, and how Sir Gawaine was overthrown and hurt
  • Chapter XXII: Of the sorrow that King Arthur made for the war, and of another battle where also Sir Gawaine had the worse