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Lectures on Housing/Index

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Agricultural Rating Act, 17.
Antwerp, casual worker in, 20.
Arrangement of houses, 41.

Belgium, transit facilities in, 18.
———unemployment in, 21.
Benoit Levy, 42.
Birmingham and town-planning, 13.
Bounties, 57, 64.
———on provision of housing accommodation, 59, 60, 61.
Brussels, 21.
Builder, attitude towards housing, 11.
Building, cost of, 24.

Cambridge, housing conditions in, 40.
Casual labour, 30.
Casual worker in Belgium, 20.
Character and health affected by housing conditions, 41
Cheap Trains Act of 1884, 61.
Cleanliness and order improved by personal appeal to tenants, 48.
Control over individual buildings, 43.
"Co-partnership Tenants Ltd." 26.

Disease, spread of, 5.

Garden City, development of the, 16.
———plots and the casual worker, 23.
———suburbs, history of, 19.
Germany, difference in arrangement of houses in, 41.
———conditions of town-planning in, 44.
Golder's Green, Garden Suburb of, 40.

Hill, Miss Octavia, 47, 49.
House, cost of, 14.
———life of, 9, 10.
Houses, arrangement and external form of, 39.
———cost of land for, 15, 17.
———demand for, 9.
———improved by example of landlords, 47.
———individual character of, 41.
———limitation of number per acre, 12, 13, 30.
———rise in cost of construction of, 9.
———shortage in, 7, 9.
———structure and repair of, 38.
———unfit for habitation, 51.
Housing accommodation, minimum of, 55.
———Acts in general, 16.
———inferior indifference of inhabitants to, 54.
———minimum, 54.
———of the Working Classes Act, 50-51, 62.
———practical, 65.
———present conditions of, 3.
———unsatisfactory condition of, due to inhabitants, 47.
Housing of the working classes, L.C.C. Report, 60.

Income, amount of, absorbed in rent, 6, 7.
Irish Labourers Act, 57, 58.

Labour, decasualisation of, 30.
Land, acquisition of, 30.
——— ———by municipal authorities, 16.
——— ———by State, 17.
———development of, 24.
———high cost of, 60.
———how to increase the supply of, 16.
———in the country, 14.
———price of, 14, 16.
———values, 10.
———values, taxation of, 17.

Landlord, duties of, 49.
Landowner, the, 11.
Letchworth, Garden City at, 40.
Liège, transit facilities in, 18.
Limitation of quantity of building on a given area, 42.
Local Government Board Report for 1912-13, 51.
——— ——— London County Council, 39, 60.
——— ——— houses managed by, 39.
———tramway system, 62.
investigation of housing in, 7.
———land near, 18.

Middlesbrough, investigation of housing in, 7
Minimum Standard applied to housing, 37, 45, 55.
Minimum Standards in every department of life, 36, 57.
Minimum Wage, 29, 30, 55, 56.
Money, cheaper, 25.
———how to cheapen, 28.
———shortage of, 8.
Municipalities, 29.

National Exchequer, 31.

Overcrowding, 4, 38.

Poor Laws, 58, 59.
Population, desirability of dispersing more widely, 60.
Poverty, 55.
Public Utility Societies, 26, 30.
"——— ——— Society, a," what it is, 26.
Public Works Loan Commissions, 25, 26, 28.

Rates, grants in aid of, 31.
———how to lessen, 28.
———rise in, 27.
Rating system, alteration in, 17.
Repairs, at landlord's expense, 51.

Roads, cheaper construction of, 24.
Ruskin, John, 47.

Sanitary arrangements, insistence on, by local authorities, 38.
——— 9.
Slums, congestion in, 3.
——— means of abolishing, 53.
Small Dwellings Acquisition Act, 25.
Speenhamland, policy of, 58.
State action, 36.
——— aid toward the housing of the poor, 56.
——— assistance, 59, 63, 64, 66.
——— prohibition by the, 50.
Subsidies 59, 62.
——— already provided for education and insurance, 66.
——— difficulty in arranging payment of, 63, 65.

Tenant Co-partnership Society, 25.
Town Planning Act, 1909, 43, 51, 52.
——— ——— local authorities and, 44.
——— ——— Local Government Board and, 44.
——— ——— local patriotism and, 44.
——— ——— municipalities and, 13.
Trade Boards Act, 29.
Transit, cheaper, effects of, 22.
——— facilities, improving of, 18, 23.
——— ——— provision of, 30.

Unemployment, effects of, 21.

Working-man, poverty of, 62.
Wages, 14.

York, 19.