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Letter from Henry Cook to John Hill Munday 11 June 1876

From Wikisource
Letter from Henry Cook to John Hill Munday 11 June 1876 (1876)
by Henry Cook
4698407Letter from Henry Cook to John Hill Munday 11 June 18761876Henry Cook


Via Southampton


Mr. J.H. Munday
32 Middleton Road S.W.
New Wandsworth


Abbotsford & Arden Street

Mr. JH Munday
32 Middleton Road
New Wandsworth

Dear Sir

In the absence of any favor from you by the last two incoming Mails, I beg to say that I have shipped 1 box or case to your care, & addressed to your Father (Mr Wm Munday) & herewith enclose the Bill of Lading for the same; the case was shipped on board the "Highflyer" which left this port on the 25th May. I have paid the Freight; I shall now proceed to inform you of the contents of the Case—(Viz)

Ring & Broach for your mother

Gold albert for yourself

Workbox for sister Anna Maria

Broach & Ear Rings for Adelaide

Glove Box with A.M. on top for Louisa

There are sundry other things in the case which we thought you might like.

I shall enclose you an invoice of what the contents of the case are worth, for your guidance with the Customs. All the articles have been in use with your late Brother James, & his Wife & the customs ought not to charge much duty, of any.

I have also enclosed in the Case the Exemplification of his Will, the registers of his & Alice's Marriage, & the register of his death, his Indentures, his Masters Certificate, all the Photos as you requested & sundry other small things which you will see by the enclosed list.

I now enclose you the certificate of Alice's Death & I think that will complete the instructions you sent me; if there is any thing else I can do at any time, I shall only be too happy to do it.

by the last out going mail I sent you a Letter of instructions about the Money. I hope by the time you receive this, you will have received it all right. I have not get had time to make out a statement of the accounts. I am so busy with my shop & collecting a/c for other people, & have been for some months past, that when evening comes I am glad to rest by my earliest opportunity. I will forward it to you; I made haste to get the money off for I thought it would be very usefull to your father; & the a/c could come after.

Mrs Cook has written a note to your Mother, which I enclose in this. I trust this may find you all quite well. With very kind regards from us to all of you.

Believe me
Dear Sir
Yours very Truly
H Cook
11th June 1876