Letter from Terry Henry to Barbara, regarding suicide, (2006 mid June)
Subject: GTMO Suicides
Dear Barbara:
My previous e-mail to you over the weekend informed you, based on information supplied to me, that only one of the three detainees who died as a result of apparent suicide this weekend was a possible habeas petitioner. In fact, two of the detainees were associated with habeas cases. The two detainees are:
(1) Mani Shaman Turki al-Harbardi Al-Utaybi (ISN 588), case: Al Harbi v. Bush, 05-CV-1857. This is the Saudi individual referred to in my prior e-mail to you with respect to whom counsel had informed us previously that the identification was not correct and he (Mr. Daly) did not represent the detainee. We previously identified this detainee as petitiioner (sic) because the detainee's name closely matches the name in the filings by counsel ("Mane Shaman Al-Habardi");
(2) Saleh Ali Abdullah Al Salami, (ISN 693) case: Al Salami v. Bush, 05-CV-2452. This individual is of Yemeni nationality.
I sincerely regret the inadvertent error contained in my prior e-mail to you. We will be filing later today notices informing the court of these regrettable deaths. Also I am cc'ing (sic) counsel for the two detainees on this e-mail. Again, my regrets for the prior erroneous information. Thanks.
Terry M. Henry
Senior Trial Counsel
Civil Division, Federal Programs Branch
U.S. Department of Justice
Tel. 202.514.4107