Letter from the estates to the king's majestie
The letter under written was direct from the estates to the king's majestie. Edinburgh 24th Apryll 1689
Letter from the estates to the king's majestie
May it please your majestie,
The setleing of the monarchie and antient government of this kingdome admitting no delay, we did upon the eleavinth instant proclaime your majestie and your royall consort king and queen of Scotland, with so much unanimity that of the wholl house ther wes not one contrary vote. We have nominate the earle of Argyle, Sir James Montgomerie of Skelmorlie and Sir John Dalrymple, in our name, to attend your majesties with the chearfull offer of the croune and humbly to present the petitione or Claime of Right of the subjects of this kingdome, as also to represent some things found greiveous to this natione, which we humbly intreat your majestie to remeid by whollsome lawes in your first parliament and, in testimony of your majestie and the queen's acceptance, we beseech your majesties, in presence of these sent by us, to swear and signe the oath herewith presented, which our law hath appoynted to be taken by our kings and queens at the entry to ther government, till such tyme as your great affaires allow this kingdome the hapines of your presence in order to the coronation of your majesties.
We are most sensible of your majesties' kyndnes and fatherly care to both your kingdomes in promoveing ther union, which we hope hath been reserved to be accomplished by yow, that as both kingdomes are united in one head and soveraigne so they may become one body pollitick, one nation to be represented in one parliament, and to testifie our readines to comply with your majestie in that matter we have nominated commissioners to treat the termes of ane intire and perpetwall union betwixt the two kingdomes, with reservatione to us of our church government, as it shall be established at the tyme of the union. These commissioners doe wait your majesties' approbatione and cal, that they may meet and treat with the commissioners to be appoynted for Ingland at what tyme and place your majestie shall appoynt, and if any difficulty shall arise in the treatie we doe upon our pairt referr the determinatione therof to your majestie, and we doe assure ourselves from your majesties' prudence and goodnes of a happy conclusione to that important affair, so as the same may be agreed to and ratified by your majestie in your first parliament. Wee doe lykewayes render your majestie our most dutyfull thanks, for your gracious letter brought to us by the Lord Ross (a persone well affected to your service) and for your princely care in sending doune these troupes which may in the mean tyme helpe to preserve us, and when the seasone offers may be imployed towardes the recovery of Ireland, from that deplorable condition and extream danger, to which the Protestants ther are exposed, the guarding our coasts with a good fleet, preserves Ingland as well as us from ane invasione, and as it is the interest of Ingland to contribute to secure us from the first impressiones of the common danger, so we shall not be wanting on our pairt to give our assistance for reduceing of Ireland that all your majesties' kingdomes may flourish in peace and truth, under the auspicious influence of your happy reignes. Signed at the desyre of the estates and in our name by our president.
May it please your majestie, your majesties' most humble most obedient and faithfull subject and servant, sic subscribitur Hamilton, p[resident].