Letters of John Huss Written During His Exile and Imprisonment/Letter 26, John of Chlum to John Huss

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For other English-language translations of this work, see Letter of John of Chlum to John Hus (3).



[He informs him in what terms the Emperor explained, before the deputies of the Council, his views relative to the audience. He afterwards gives him some intelligence of the position and health of his friends.]

Dearest friend,—Learn that the Emperor held a conference to-day with the deputies of all the nations of the Council relative to your affairs, and in particular concerning the public audience. All at last replied to him that he had certainly promised you a hearing; and your friends insisted on your being placed in an airy and wholesome place, that you may collect your strength and allow your mind to become tranquil, in order that, by a short respite, you may be better able to reply.

Therefore, in the name of God, quit not the truth in the slightest degree, through any dread of losing this miserable life; for it is for your greatest good that God has visited you with this trial.

Your friends in Prague are in good health, and particularly the Lord Schopeck, who rejoices exceedingly that you are shortly about to sustain the desired combat for the truth. We pray you earnestly to consign to paper your final opinion relative to the communion of the cup, and your reasons therefor, in order that it may be communicated to our friends in proper season; for there exists some difference of opinion on the subject amongst the brethren, and many are troubled thereby. They refer the matter to you and to your writings.

Your friends grieve at the reply of your jailor, and particularly Jessewitz; but the past cannot be recalled. They praise amongst themselves, and admire greatly, your firmness.

  1. Hist. et Monum. Johann. Huss, Epist. xlvii.