Letters of a Javanese princess/Chapter 73

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3183317Letters of a Javanese princess — Chapter 73Agnes Louise SymmersRaden Adjeng Kartini


Rembang, June 30, 1904.

WHEN shall I ever be able to write to you as of yore? From all sides come reproaches that I write so seldom. But I cannot do anything else; I have undertaken a great task, and it is my hard duty to carry it through to completion. The children are doing their best, and I have now twelve, among them several who are full-grown.

I am busy now with the outfit for your little grandchild. My sisters are eager for a girl, and my husband for a son. If it should be a girl, then I shall have to love her doubly, for every one here is anxious for a boy.

  1. To Mevrouw Abendanon.