Lewie Gordon (1821)/Lewie Gordon
For other versions of this work, see Lewis Gordon.
O send Lewie Gordon hame,
And the lad I daurna name;
Though his back be at the wa',
Here's to him that's far awa.
O hon, my Highlandman!
O my bonnie Highlandman,
Weel wou'd I my true love ken
Amang ten thousand Highlandmen.
O to see his tartan trews,
Bonnet blue and laigh-heel'd shoes,
Philibeg aboon his knee;
That's the lad that I'll gang wi'.
O hon, &c.
This lovely youth, of whom I sing,
Is fitted for to be a king:
On his breast he wears a star,
You'd take him for the god of war.
O hon, &c.
O! to see this princely one
Seated on a royal throne,
Disasters a' would disappear;
Then begins the jub'lee year.
O hon, &c.