Lewie Gordon (1821)/The Mucking O' Geordie's Byre

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Lewie Gordon
The Mucking O' Geordie's Byre
3286886Lewie Gordon — The Mucking O' Geordie's Byre



As I went over yon meadow,
And carelessly passing alang,
I listen’d with pleasure to Jenny,
While mournfully singing this sang:
The mucking o' Geordie's byre,
And the shooling the gruip sae clean,
Has aft gart me spend the night sleepless
And brought the saut tears frae my een.

It was na my father's intention,
Nor was it my mither's desire,
That e'er I should fyle my fingers
Wi' the mucking o' Geordie's byre.
The mucking, &c.

Though the roads were ever sae filthy,
Or the day sae scoury and foul,
I wad ay be ganging wi' Geordie,
I lik'd it far better than school.
The mucking, &c.

My brither abuses me daily,
For being wi' Geordie sae free;
My sister she ca's me hoodwinked,
Because he's below my degree.
The mucking, &c.

But weel do I like my young Geordie,
Although he was cunning and slee;
He ca's me his dear and his honey,
And I'm sure my Geordie loo's me.
The mucking, &c.