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Life and Journals of Kah-ke-wa-quo-nā-by/Chapter X

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I MADE a commencement in transcribing the Gospel of St. John. The Lord was very precious to my soul. — Friday, June 3rd.

Saturday 4th. — At about 10 this morning I received a letter from my brother John. My heart was much affected, especially when I read in my brother's letter, how that the Indian brethren at the Credit prayed so fervently for my preservation and success in my undertakings!

Monday 13th. — Employed in copying a Translation. Mr. Steele, of this city, commenced taking my likeness, and sat for him two or three hours.

Wednesday 15th. — In the forenoon was employed at the Translations. In the afternoon I went, in company with the Rev. James Wood, the oldest Methodist preacher in the connexion in this country, with Mrs. Wood and Miss Martha Wood, to dine with the Rev. W. Wait a clergyman of the Established Church. This gentleman, with his mother-in-law, is totally blind. We had a good dinner, and, before parting, had a word of prayer. The family appeared to be uncommonly pious. Mr. W. gave me two sovereigns for the benefit of our Indian schools in Canada.

Tuesday 21st. — After breakfast I went with my friend, Mr. Alfred Jones, to call upon some of his acquaintances, and to solicit donations from them for our Canada Missions. We made out to get more than ten pounds, which is a good beginning.

Wednesday 22nd. — In the morning Mr. Budget, of King's Wood, came with his gig to take me to a country place. We went by the way of Downend and called upon some friends to solicit aid for our Missions. Mr. R. Lewis, of Downend, gave five pounds very cheerfully, and some other friends gave a pound each. We called upon the clergyman at Kingswood, who gave me a strong invitation to attend one of their monthly missionary meetings on the 2nd Tuesday in August, and the Rev. Mr. Wild kindly offered to let me have all the avails of that meeting for our Canada Missions. Having obtained permission to have an interview with the celebrated Mrs. Hannah Moore, (the author of several religious works;) Mrs. James Wood, senr., Mrs. James Wood and daughter, of High Street, Miss Budgett, Miss Walters, and myself, set off in a coach a little before six in the evening, so as to get to her residence at Clifton by six o'clock, the time appointed by Mrs. Moore to see her. On our arrival at her residence we were all conducted to her parlour, and were welcomed by this interesting character. Mrs. Wood introduced me to her, on which Mrs. H. Moore rose up and shook hands with me, and placed me in an arm chair by her side. Several ladies came in shortly after, who appeared to be interested with their Indian visitor, and the rest of the company. Mrs. Moore asked me of my country, nation, religion, and wished particularly to know whether we had embraced the Protestant religion; and, on informing her that we had, she said, "I am happy to hear that, for if you had become Roman Catholics I should not have thought anything of you." After telling Mrs. Moore of the wonderful change effected by the Gospel amongst the Indians of Canada, she seemed highly delighted, and said to her companions, "Come, let us go over to Canada and live among the Indians and instruct them" She spoke this in a humorous way to signify how willing she should be to go and do good amongst the poor Indians. The ladies present asked me many questions relative to my people and nation, which I endeavoured to answer as well as I could: but so eager were they to hear of the manners and customs of the American Indians, that sometimes four or five would ask me at once, and I was at times puzzled to know which to answer first. Mrs. Moore's mind appeared to be wholly engaged on the subject of religion and literary information, and she asked me two or three times if we read the liturgy, and what authors we read? She appeared to have done with the things of this world, and her whole soul drawn out to God, and she did not take that same interest in hearing about the customs and manners of the Indians as her companions did. During the interview, which lasted more than two hours, she frequently took hold of my arm in an affectionate manner, and would speak of the amazing goodness of God. She gave, as a present, one of her own books, called “The Spirit of Prayer.” and a five pound note, for our Missions in Canada. When she presented the book and the note, she took me to one corner of the room and said that she gave me that in token of her regard for the cause of God among the Indians. Mrs. Moore showed her visitors the scenery of the surrounding country from her house, which has a very grand and majestic appearance, rarely to be found anywhere. Before we took our leave of our aged friend, I asked her if we might have a word of prayer with her, to which she readily consented; we then knelt down, and I tried to offer up the breathing of our hearts. As we rose up, she said, “A Bishop could not pray any better.” I begged the favour of Mrs. Moore writing her name in the book she gave me. She called for the pen and sat down, and in less than two minutes she wrote the following lines without the aid of spectacles, which was very remarkable for a woman of her age, being now in her 87th year:

“Presented by the author to the Rev. Peter Jones, with her cordial prayers for his happiness in time and eternity; and long may he continue to be a blessing to Indians.

Clifton, 1831. (Signed) Hannah Moore.”
After writing the above, and on handing me the book, she said, “These words are the feelings of my heart.” We then shook hands with all those present, and so took our leave of our friends, highly gratified with the interview. Mrs. Moore stated to Mrs. Wood that she should be glad to have another visit from her and her Indian guest. Mrs. M. looked remarkably well and quite lively and smart, for one of her age. But her memory appeared to have failed, as is natural for aged persons, for she asked me one question two or three times over. The hair of her head was quite a deep yellow, and her dress was every way suitable to her character and station. We returned to Mr. Wood's by dusk, and I was highly pleased in seeing my friend Mrs. Wood so well pleased with her visit. One thing I ought to have mentioned, that is, I told Mrs. Moore I had heard of her in America, and that her works were much read in that quarter; to this she replied, “That has done me no good!”

Friday 24th. — Early in the morning a young gentleman, a Mr. Curlock, commenced taking my portrait for his own collection. After breakfast I went with Mr. A. Jones to solicit aid in behalf of the Indian schools in Canada. We succeeded in getting more than ten pounds. We had several visitors at Mr. Wood's this evening, among whom was Miss E. Fields, of London, who gave me an invitation to visit her mother at Norwood. Saw Mrs. Bundy, the oldest Methodist woman in Bristol; she seemed glad to see me, and kissed my hand, and I looked very foolish for it.

Saturday 25th. — Employed most of the day in writing a letter to Brother S. Martin, and pieces in Albums, which the good ladies of Bristol have been pouring upon me since my recovery. On account of the rain I did not go out on a begging excursion. Weat a little while to the Commercial room to see American papers. Sunday 26th. — At half-past ten in the morning I went, in company with Miss M. Wood and Mr. Dowling, to hear the Rev. James Wood, the oldest Methodist preacher in this country, preach at Portland Chapel. His text was from Numbers xxi. 4. After making some remarks on the journeyings and sufferings of the Israelites, he divided his subject in the following order : — * * * The minister of God concluded by imploring the blessing of Cod to rest upon young converts, to whom the discourse was principally addressed. Mr. Wood spoke with a clear voice and in an affectionate manner. He told me he was almost four score years old. He was a travelling preacher in the days of Mr. John Wesley. At 3 o'clock I went to hear Dr. Bridges preach in St. Nicholas Church. I never before heard a church clergyman preach so much like a Methodist as Dr. Bridges.

Tuesday 28th. — Mr. Jones took me to see the first Methodist chapel that Mr. Wesley built in England, which is in Broadmead Street. The lower part of the house is the chapel, and the upper rooms are for the family to live in. The chapel is commodious, and had originally free seats. But since the death of the founder of Methodism the Society have built another chapel near to the first, and as they had no use for the old one they sold it to the Calvinistic Welch Society, which I was very sorry to learn. I think the Methodists ought to have kept the old chapel for the sake of Mr. John Wesley, and its being the first Methodist chapel in this country. In this chapel class meetings were first established, which have since proved a blessing to thousands in Europe and America. At about 10 o'clock in the afternoon. Mrs. Wood, Miss Martha Wood, Miss Moore, and myself, went to Kingswood school for the purpose of being at the celebration of the birthday of the Rev. John Wesley. On our arrival at the institution we found a number of preachers and friends assembled. At 2, p. m., we sung a verse and then sat down to dinner. After dinner another verse was sung. The preachers and the company requested that I would speak a few words to the scholars, to which I consented, and at their request I dressed myself in my Indian costume. The scholars and all the party gathered at the school room, and, after singing and prayer I gave the children a short address. The children paid good attention, and were pleased to hear of the conversion of the Indians and about the Indian schools in Upper Canada, and also of my own conversion. After this the boys went out into the yard and formed themselves in a row, and I went round and shook hands with them all, to the number of about 80, all preachers' sons. After I got through with my address the Rev. Thomas Roberts stepped forward with a bough of the sycamore tree in his hand; he held out his hand to me, and took hold of my hand, and then addressed me in the following manner: “My brother, we rejoice to see you as a christian Indian brother; and I thank God that you have been brought to know the Saviour of the world. We are glad to see you among us this day.” He then proceeded to give me a short account of the labours of Mr. Wesley at this place, and holding out the branch he held in his hand to me, he said that it was under the very same tree from which the bough had been plucked, and which he gave me as a token of our union in the spirit, and worship of the Great Spirit through Christ. Brother Roberts also referred to the general progress of Methodism in this country, in America, and at the various Missionary stations. Brother R. spoke with tears in his eyes, and the Lord also softened my stony heart. I replied in a few words, and thanked him for the information he gave me, and for his good feelings towards me. I told the people present that I should be happy in taking home with me the branch that had just been put into my hands, and tell my people all that I had seen and heard at this meeting, which I knew would be very interesting to them. At 6, p. m., the Rev. Mr. Entwisle gave an interesting discourse on this occasion from Matt. xiii. 31, 32. The preaching was held under the shade, near to the tree where the Rev. J. Wesley first preached. Many of the colliers came to hear the sermon. The preacher compared Methodism to a tree planted, whose root takes a deep hold, and whose branches spread and extend everywhere. At the close of the meeting I offered up a few words of prayer, and then the meeting was dismissed. I was very much interested with this day's interview with the Kingswood school, and with the many interesting things connected with this place. My thoughts were full of Father Wesley, and long shall I remember this visit to Kingswood. I had the honour to sit in Mr. Wesley's arm chair, and to put on his gown, and that of his brother Charles, in which they used to preach. I also saw his library. The buildings, the gardens, and the play ground for the boys, are all in a good state, and well laid out for convenience. The terrace in which Mr. W. used to walk is very beautiful. Mr. Smith, the Governor of the school, is a fine man. There are upwards of 100 scholars, all sons of the Preachers. Many of whom I was informed are truly pious and bid fair for usefulness in the Church of Christ.

Friday, July 1st. — Engaged in writing in Albums and in scraps for the good ladies of Bristol, who give me no peace till they have a sample of my scrawl.

Monday 4th. — Rose up early in the morning in order to be ready to start by the 7 o'clock coach for London. At the Mission House I received many good wishes and congratulations from them, for my recovery from sickness. At this place I received a very pleasing letter from my brother John, dated at the River Credit, and I am heartily glad that the hard feelings that has for some time existed between us and the government, about our Reserves, has at length been settled to the satisfaction of our Credit people.

Wednesday 6th. — Saw the Rev. R. Watson, who read Mr. J. Wood's letter on the subject of the doctors opinion about my preaching or speaking in public. The doctors peremptorily forbid my preaching or speaking in public until my health was perfectly restored.

Thursday 14th. — At 2 o'clock Brother Ryerson and myself went to appear before the committee of the New England Company, and to give them a statement of the condition of the Indians in Upper Canada, and to suggest a few plans of the Company's operations in civilizing the Indians.

Friday 15th. — In the afternoon I went with Brother Burrows to take tea with the Rev. Richard Watson, at City Road. Mr. Watson asked me some questions about the manners and customs of the North American Indians. He told me that some people thought that the Indians were descendants of Israel, which he thought quite improbable. Brother W. gave me one of his books, stiled “Watson's Conversations for the Young,”“ and wrote the following words — “The Rev. Peter Jones, with the Author's kind regards.” After tea I went with Mr. Thos. Watson to see the tomb of the Father of the Methodists, the Rev. John Wesley; and went into the city road Chapel, which Mr. Wesley built, and in which he used to officiate: while examining those things, a kind of grateful sensation went over my feelings, and my heart was glad that I had become a Methodist and a follower of John Wesley, as he followed Christ. I am much interested with many things that I see in this country, relative to this great man, whose name is sounding all over the world, even in the wilderness of Upper Canada. It is right that good and holy men should be honoured and esteemed, but never to be worshipped, as God is the only proper object of worship. Saturday 16th. — Brother Ryerson and myself went to breakfast with Dr. Hodgkin, a Quaker.

Monday 18th. — In the morning Mr. Ryerson and myself went to meet a Committee of the British and Foreign Bible Society, which met to-day at the Depository. Having previously received a note from the Colonial Office, stating that Lord Goderich would see Mr. Ryerson and myself this day at 2, p. m., we went to the Office and were kindly received by his Lordship. His Lordship then asked me what was the object of my coming over to this country. I informed him.

Wednesday 20th. — At noon I went and took the Dorcas Society's present for the Queen, to the Colonial Secretary's Office, and to call on the Hon. Charles Grant, but being engaged I could not see him. In the afternoon I went to the Bible Society house in order to read the MS. translation of St. John to Mr. Greenfield, that he might judge as to the correctness of the translation.

Tuesday 26th. — Wrote a short statement of the Indian Mission schools, and lands of the Indians, in Upper Canada, for Lord Goderich. In the afternoon employed with Mr. Greenfield on the translation.

Wednesday 27th. — At noon I went to the Colonial Office to take the papers which I had prepared for Lord Goderich, and to get my subscription book from his Lordship. I delivered my papers, and received the subscription book from one of the under Secretaries with £5, the donation of Lord Goderich for the Indian Missions in Upper Canada.

Thursday 28th. — Brother Ryerson returned this morning from Bristol. The British Conference commenced in Bristol yesterday. The Rev. Geo. Marsden was chosen President of the Conference for this year.

Saturday 30th. — The day was spent at the translations. I finished reading them to Mr. Greenfield, so that they will now go on printing them without my being in London, as they can send the proof sheets to me by mail to any part of the country that I may be in.

Sunday 31st. — In the morning at 11 o'clock, I went to hear the great Rev. Dr. Adam Clarke preach in the Wilderness Row Chapel. The Doctor preached a plain Gospel sermon to a crowded congregation, from Psalms cxlv. 18, 19, 20. Dr. Clarke has a happy method of adapting his discourses so as to give instruction to the poor and ignorant as well as to the high and learned. After meeting I was introduced to him at the house of his son's, where I had the honor of shaking hands with him. Mr. Thurston invited me to go to his house and dine with the Doctor, to which I complied, and spent several hours in company with him and his son, Mr. T. S. Clarke, and his daughter-in-law, and with the Rev. Benjamin Beaston, Fellow of Pembroke College, Cambridge. During the interview the Doctor related several interesting anecdotes, and upon the whole, I trust I was both edified and instructed in this pleasing interview with this great man, whose name has sounded abroad even in America, and to whom the Christian world is so much indebted for his valuable writings. He gave me a sample of his hand writing, which is in the following words:

“I met with a converted Indian Chief, named Kahkewaquonaby, literally (Sacred Eagle Feathers,) now called Peter Jones, at Mr. Thurston's, in London, Sabbath day, July 31st, 1831. To whom I wish the choicest blessings of the ever blessed God.

Adam Clarke.

“"From Dr. A. Clarke, to the Rev. Mr. Kahkewaquonaby, Indian Chief, and Missionary in Upper Canada. July 31st, 1831."

Dr. Clarke invited me to come and spend a night with him at his house, whenever I could make it convenient. Thursday, August 4th. — By the request of the President of the Conference I went to the Conference this morning in the Indian costume. Dined at Brother Wood's. In the afternoon I went to a Missionary Meeting at Kingswood School.

Sunday 7th. — At 7 this morning heard the Rev. Robert Wood preach at the wharf, near the draw-bridge. Several persons collected and paid good attention. At 11, a. m., I heard the celebrated Rev. Jabez Bunting, A.M., preach a most interesting sermon from Rev. x. 32.

Monday 8th. — In the forenoon Brother R. and myself went to Mr. Pocock, who showed us his inventions of the new air gloves, and the mode of travelling by kites. Miss Pocock made me a present of a glove and a treatise on the method of travelling by means of the kite, worth, both together, £5. 7s. In the afternoon went to see Mrs. H. Moore, in company with Mrs. Wood and her daughter, and the Rev. R. Wood. Interesting interview. She gave me two books, and wrote in them. Gave one to Miss Wood. Had prayers and then parted.

Sunday 14th. — In the morning, I went and preached at Leeds Street Chapel, to a pretty good congregation, from Matt, ii. 21. The people paid good attention, and seemed much affected. In the evening I heard the Rev. R. Newton preach. The sermon was very impressive; and I felt to praise the blessed God, whom I have found through the preaching of the glorious Gospel of Christ. My soul was drawn out in prayer for my Native brethren.

Tuesday l6th. — In the morning we breakfasted with the preachers of the town, at the house of the Rev. Jabez Bunting. In prayer was much blessed. Got some of the preachers to write in my Album.

Wednesday 17th. — Arrived at Liverpool, met by Rev. Mr. Lord and others. A little before 2, p. m., I left my friend's house, (Mr. Sands,) for Manchester by the railroad. I went with Mr. W. Wood,[1] and made his house my home.

Thursday 18th. — After breakfast we went with Mr. Lord to a Quaker meeting. Mr. Lord called one of the leading men of the meeting, and introduced us to him; who took us into the vestry. But before we went in, Mr. L. asked the Quaker friend whether I would be allowed the liberty of speaking in their meeting, if I felt so disposed. Our worthy friend answered that it was contrary to their custom to allow persons who were not of their society to speak in their meetings. After sitting some time, a woman rose up and delivered a most excellent address, on the necessity of a change of heart, and of entire santification by the Spirit of God, &c. After this a man and a woman rose up together, and went through the marriage ceremony, in the following order: — The man took the woman by her hand and repeated these words before the congregation: “Friends, I take friend Esther Lahey to be my wife, promising, through Divine assistance, to be a loving and a faithful husband until it shall please God, by death, to separate us.” The woman then in like manner said, “Friends, I take friend Henry Neild to be my husband, promising, through Divine assistance, to be a loving and a faithful wife, until it shall please God, by death, to separate us.” After this they sat down, and the clerk of the meeting gave notice that on such a day and place the marriage bands had been published, and that the case had been enquired into by proper persons, and that no impediment was in the way of their union in matrimony. The clerk then repeated the words that the parties had said; after which Mr. Neild and his new wife signed what they had said. All the relatives of the parties also signed the paper as witnesses. While the paper was signing, our friend went and whispered to some of the leading men of the Society and informed them of my wishing to address them. After a while one of them informed the meeting that the signing would now be suspended for a short time. Another Quaker then said, that Peter Jones, a converted Indian Chief, was present, and wished to address the meeting, and, as he believed he would speak on religious subjects, there could be no impropriety in allowing him to speak, especially as the meeting was now dismissed. He said he did not know what his object was in coming to this country, and invited as many as desired to hear him, to tarry. I then rose up and spoke to them on the subject of our conversion to Christianity, of our desire to be civilized, &c., and spoke of the righteous conduct of Meguon or William Penn with the Indians in America. They listened to me and appeared to be pleased. After this I was asked to witness the marriage record with the rest.

Monday 22nd. — In the evening I attended a Missionary prayer meeting in Oldham Street Chapel. I shook hands with about a thousand persons, whose hearts gave thanks to God for my conversion, &c.

Friday 20th. — When we arrived at Liverpool some of the preachers met us, and accompanied me to Mr. Sands', where I was again welcomed by that family. In the afternoon the Rev. Mr. Beecham, one of the General Secretaries of the Wesleyan Methodist Missionary Society in London, drew a plan for me of my tour to the north of England, where we intend to go and hold meetings with our brothers and sisters in the Lord, in the following places: Manchester, Halifax, Huddersfield, York, Hull, Stockton, Leeds, Sheffield, &c.

Monday 29th. — Went with Mr. Sands this morning to breakfast with Mr. John Cropper, a Quaker, with a number of his friends. After breakfast I showed them my subscription book for our Indian schools, and three of the Croppers gave £10 each for the above object, and several of the company also gave liberally, and I collected this day about £50.

Friday Sept. 2nd. — Received a fine suit of clothes from some young ladies belonging to Oldham Street Circuit, and another from the ladies in Mr. Chappell's neighbourhood. I was also gratified in finding a number of the Manchester females engaged in making up and collecting a number of useful articles to send by us to our Canada Missions. A fine Missionary spirit is prevailing among them. I also had the pleasure of receiving from my friend, Mr. James Everett, an original letter of Mr. John Wesley, with his portrait. I never shall forget the generosity of my friends in Manchester.

Tuesday 6th. — Arrived at Huddersfield.

Wednesday 7th. — The Rev. John Hannah, Rev. Mr. Cubit, and another gentleman, breakfasted with us at Bro. Wm. M. Bunting's. After this Bro. Bunting and lady drove me to Rastrick, to call upon some Quakers in behalf of our Indian schools.

Thursday 8th. — Employed in the forenoon in bringing up my journal. Felt quite weak in body. This day being the Coronation day of His Majesty King William IV. a procession took place in this town, Huddersfield. King William IV. is a true friend of the people, and is in the hearts and affections of his people. My prayer is that God may bless our great Father the King, and make his reign to be prosperous! Long live the King!

Friday 9th. — In the morning Brother Hannah breakfasted with us. At 10, a. m., Mr. W. M. Bunting sent his gig to drive me to Leeds. Mrs. B. accompanied me to the above place, where we took dinner at an Inn. Before we parted Mrs. B. presented me with a gold seal, with the head of Mr. John Wesley, neatly cut into the stone of the seal.

Sunday 11th. — An appointment having been given out for me to preach at Waltham St. Chapel, Hull, I ventured to preach to a large audience who thronged the Chapel; many could not get into the Chapel and were obliged to retire. On entering the coach to convey me to my lodgings, a Yorkshire wag came and stared me in the face and said, “Poh! he's been a Hinglishman hall the days of his life.”

Wednesday 14th. — In the morning at York, several Ministers and gentlemen breakfasted with us. In the afternoon we went to the music concert, where about 2000 of the Sunday school children belonging to the Church, Methodists, and Independents, assembled in commemoration of the Jubilee of the first establishment of these Schools by Robert Raikes, Esq.

Thursday 15th. — A dissenting minister, the Rev. Mr. Parsons, dined with us at Brother Agar's. This servant of the Lord appears to be a good and faithful minister of the Lord Jesus Christ. In the evening at 7 o'clock, I preached to a very large congregation at New Street Chapel, from Eph. ii. 12, 14. Men. women, and children came forward one after the other and brought their gifts, in shillings, sixpences, and half-pennies. I found my pouch of Mink skin very serviceable as a purse. We found it to contain more than £9. 1s. Never did the poor Mink contain such a treasure before!

Friday 16th. — We arrived at Stockton about 2, p. m., and was welcomed at the house of Thos. Walker, Esq., where I took up my lodgings during my stay in this town. I was also met by some of the preachers of the place. I was much struck with the piety of my host and hostess; for after entering into their house, they knelt down and we had a word of prayer, that the Divine blessing might rest upon us in our interview with each other.

Tuesday, 20th. — Employed in the morning in writing a short sketch of my experience, for Sister Thomas Walker. At half-past one in the afternoon, the meeting of the Methodist Missionary Society was held in the Chapel, which was crowded to overflowing. The public collections during this Anniversary meeting amounted to more than £100, besides the avails of Missionary boxes, &c., and in addition to the above sum, they gave in behalf of my object for the Indian Missions in Canada, the sum of £27 19s. 6d. The fact is the Stockton friends have true religion.

Wednesday 21st. — In the morning made preparations for going to Leeds. At 10 o'clock I took my leave of the Stockton friends, whom I shall ever remember with pleasure for their love to me; for so great was their good will towards me that some of the ladies stooped so low as to kiss my unworthy hands, in token of their gratitude for what the Lord had done for me, a poor Indian sinner in the woods. In the afternoon took the coach for Leeds.

Sunday 25th. — At half-past two in the afternoon, I preached to a crowded congregation in Brunswick chapel — hundreds were not able to get in.

Monday 26th. — About noon the Anniversary Missionary Society was held in Albion street Chapel. I was much pleased in seeing the Missionary feeling among this people, for they seemed to enter into the feeling of it with their whole hearts.

Tuesday 27th. — In the morning took breakfast at Brother Dove's, with a large party of the brethren. In the afternoon took dinner at Mr. Scarth's, where a great number of the preachers, and the celebrated Mr. William Dawson were present.

Wednesday 28th. — In the morning several of the friends called upon me at Mr. Hargreave's. About noon I took my leave of my friends of Leeds, and rode out to Woodhouse Grove in company with the Rev. George Morley, late President of the Wesleyan Conference, and now the Governor of Woodhouse Grove School. This school is supported by the Methodist connexion, for the education of the sons of travelling preachers; and is under the same plan and government as that of Kingswood School, near Bristol. These Schools contain about one hundred scholars each. After dinner the boys were collected together in their dining-room, where they sung a few verses of a hymn, and the national air of “God save the King.” At the request of Mr. Morley, I gave the children a short address, and told them about the Indian schools in Upper Canada, &c.; which seemed to please them very much.

Thursday 29th. — In the morning visited the School and saw the boys at their lessons. Bade them farewell. The boys were so pleased with my visit to them, that they met together and raised among themselves a sovereign, for the benefit of the Indian schools in Canada, and enclosed it in a very interesting letter, signed by upwards of sixty of the scholars.

Wednesday, October 5th. — In the evening I addressed a crowded audience in Norfolk street Chapel, Sheffield, and gave them an account of the superstitions of the American Indians; and also what the Gospel has done for all of them who have embraced its divine truths. The people came forward and brought their shillings, sixpences, and half-pennies. It was also announced that any Sheflield wares, such as joiner's tools, knives, forks, scissors, &c., would be very acceptable. When they heard this, some of the men took out their jacknives, and ladies their scissors and thimbles, for the Indians in Canada.

Thursday 6th. — There was much talk in town about the Temperance Society, which is to be organized this evening; and a meeting was held for this purpose in the Music Hall. Mr. Montgomery, the Poet, introduced me to the meeting, and I spoke a few words to them on this subject, and told about the keg of fire-waters.

Saturday 8th. — Arrived in London this morning.

Friday 14th, — At 11 went to the Bible Depository, to see Mr. Greenfield on the subject of the Chippeway translations. Spent a few hours with him, and corrected three or four proofsheets. Mr. Greenfield signified his wish that I should remain in England during the winter, and translate some other portions of the Scriptures.

Monday 17th. — In the morning, at Lynn, wrote a letter to one Mr. Howse, of Cirencester, who has for some time been engaged in forming a grammar of the Krusteneaux or Cree language, which he acquired after 20 years residence among those Indians. Also wrote a letter to Miss Eliza Hargreave, of Leeds. Took a walk around the town, with the Rev. G. Holroyd and family, Rev. John Beecham, and Miss Maria Reed, of Wisbech. In the evening the Anniversary of the Wesleyan Missionary Society was held in the Methodist Chapel. After singing and prayer the Chair was taken by the Rev. Mr. Broadbent.

Friday 21. — Went to see Mr. Greenfield, and gave him the last proof sheet of the translation of the Gospel of St. John in Chippeway, so that this Gospel will now be completed. Mr. G. advised me to proceed in translating the Acts of the Apostles, and to have it printed immediately. I promised to do what I could if I should winter in this country. I was almost inclined to accompany Brother Ryerson to France, where he is about to visit; but, after considering my mission to this country I thought it best to remain in London and call upon the friends for donations towards our Indian Missions in Upper Canada. This I believed would serve the cause best, and therefore I gave up the idea of going to the Continent.

Sunday 23rd. — In the morning went with Mr. Chubb to a Roman Catholic Chapel, and saw the superstitions of the people, in going through their several maneuvres, all to make a show, and attract the poor deluded multitude, who are fools enough to bow to the priests.

Sunday 30th. — Breakfasted at Mr. E. Jones' this morning. From there I went to City Road Chapel, and met in Mr. T. Jones' class, where a number of young men meet every Sunday morning. At half-past 10 I heard the Rev. R. Watson preach in City Road Chapel from 1 Cor. xiii, 1: in the course of his sermon he dwelt a good deal upon the gift of tongues, and adverted to the delusion of the Rev. Edward Irving.

Tuesday, November 1st. — Breakfasted with the Committee of the Religious Tract Society at their Committee Room in 56 Paternoster Row. Before proceeding with their breakfast and business they had a short prayer meeting for the blessing of God to rest upon their labours. Dined to-day with a number of friends at Mr. Chubb's in a friendly way; amongst whom was the Revs. R. Watson, James, and Beecham.

Friday 4th. — Wrote a letter to the Committees of the Sunday School Union and Sunday School Society through one Mr. Jackson, for a grant of their books for our Indian Sunday Schools in Upper Canada.

Friday 11th. — After breakfast I went to see Bro. Ryerson at his lodgings, where I met with the Christian Guardian, containing the painful intelligence of the death of Mrs. Hetty Case, wife of the Rev. W. Case, the apostle of the Canadian Indians. Sister Case was a warm friend to the poor Indians, and did much good amongst the Grape Island people, who will very severely feel the loss of her pious instructions and godly deportment. I am very sorry that the church has met with this bereavement, and I feel to sympathize with Brother Case, who will no doubt be much affected by this affliction. I pray that the Lord may comfort him and give him grace sufficient to bear the hand of the Lord. In the afternoon dined at Mr. Perkins' in the circus, in company with the Rev. R. Watson, Rev. Mr. Dixon, Rev. Mr. Oakes, and other gentlemen. Mr. Watson always makes the company interesting by his learned conversation. In the evening spent an hour or two with Mr. Trail, the writing master, in trying to improve my hand.

Wednesday 16th. — During a Missionary Meeting I got very cold all over, inside and outside. I spoke a few words to them. After all of what I see and hear, give me the people called Methodists!

Friday 18th. — Employed in the forenoon in writing to friends on the subject of the Mission cause.

Tuesday 22nd. — Went and breakfasted with the Rev. Richard Reece, in company with Mr. Osborn. After breakfast, Mr. Thompson, Mr. Evans, and Mr. Osborn, and myself, visited the Chatham Dock Yards.

Wednesday 23rd. — After breakfast, Mr. Field, of Lambeth, called for me at Mr. Cressall's, and drove me in his gig to his house; from whence I went, in company with three of the Miss Fields, to see the Museum belonging to the London Missionary Society, which consists of specimens in natural history, various idols of the heathen nations, dresses, manufactures, domestic utensils, implements of war, &c, &c. I was much pleased to see the trophies of the Gospel in demolishing idolatry and superstition. Blessed be God for the glorious triumphs of the Gospel of Christ! In the afternoon I went with Mr. and Mrs. James and their daughter Jane, to dine with Mr. Buttress, a gentleman of fortune. There was a pretty large party present, among whom was Dr. Burder and Mr. Galland, M. A. There has been a good deal of excitement in the city for a few days about the Burking system that has been going on in London for some time past. None of the American Indians, I am sure, would be guilty of such atrocious barbarity.

Friday 25th. — Went and sat for my likeness to Miss Jones, of Coleman Street.

Saturday 26th. — Called on the Rev. R, Watson, who promised to give me some of his works and other valuable books.

Friday, December 2nd. — Went to the Mission House in Hatton Garden to see the Secretaries about attending the Missionary Meeting at Lambeth on Monday next. Called at the Bible Society House and had an interview with some of the Secretaries, (Rev. A. Brandram and Mr. Tarn.) who desired me, if possible, to go on in translating the Epistles of Peter and John, which they would print immediately. Went to the Jews' Synagogue, and I was surprised to see in what a careless manner they conducted their worship. It was more like a fair than worship.

Tuesday 6th. — In the morning breakfasted with the Rev. Joseph Entwisle. At about 2 o'clock His Majesty came down in state to the House of Lords. As the procession passed by through Parliament Street I had a fine view of the old King, who appeared to be in good health and good spirits. He bowed to the numerous assembly that lined the streets on the way to the Westminster Hall. On his return from the House of Lords I had another fine sight of the King, and I was not more than three or four paces from him. The King's carriage was most splendid, and appeared to be like a mass of gold, and was drawn by eight horses. The other carriages belonging to the royal family, were also very elegant, and the King's Life Guards appeared to great advantage, being mounted on beautiful horses.

Monday 12th. — In the forenoon I accompanied Brothers Beecham, Nye, and Ford, to see Windsor Castle. We first went to the Royal Chapel, where the King and the royal family worship. Some of the sculpture in this Cathedral was very elegant. We then went through all the State apartments, and were struck with the magnificence of the rooms, which are painted with the portraits of the old kings and other illustrious personages. The dinner hall and the ball room were most exquisitely beautiful, and gilded with gold leaf. The King's palace is a most costly and expensive edifice. Tuesday 13th. — On returning to my lodgings I found a resolution of the sub-Committee of the British and Foreign Bible Society to this effect, that I should proceed in translating the Gospel of St. Luke, Acts of the Apostles, Romans, Ephesians, Phillipians, St. James, St. Peter, and St. John; and that I should be paid in proportion to what has before been allowed by the Committee for translations of the New Testament.

Thursday 15th. — After breakfast I returned to town, and in the evening attended a Missionary Meeting in City Road Chapel. T. Farmer, Esq. was in the chair, and the speakers were the Revs. T. Galland, J. Beecham, Dixon, S. Kay, Dr. Bennett, J. James, and L. Haslope, Esq. I spoke to them for about four or five minutes. The meeting was large and the people very attentive.

Sunday 25th. — I rose up in the morning with some degree of joy at seeing another Christmas day, and I felt to thank the Lord for his long-suffering towards me during the past year. At 11 in the morning I preached at Spitalfields Chapel, from Matt. i. 21. Spent the remaining part of the day with some profit to my soul in prayer and meditation. I was strongly impressed with the necessity of sanctifcation.

Monday 26th. — Began this morning translating the Gospel of St. Luke into the Chippeway tongue; first of all, I implored the blessing and assistance of God to rest upon this important work.

Tuesday 27th. — Employed in translating the Scriptures. In the evening attended a Methodist Sunday School Meeting in Union Street. For the first time I was called to take the chair and preside over an English meeting. I was put into a moveable tottering pulpit, which was called the chair!

Friday 30th. — Returned to my lodgings from a dinner party. I always feel condemned when I go to some dinner parties, for spending my time to no purpose, except to indulge in the luxuries of this life. Received a note from one of the trustees to preach for the Rev. Rowland Hill on Sunday evening in Surrey Chapel.

Saturday 31st. — Employed the day in writing rules for myself in order to spend my time in a more systematic way. In the evening attended the watch night in City Road Chapel.


For the more effectually to redeem the time as it flies, with a view to glorify God, do good, and save my own soul. See Matt. xvi. 24; John vi. 47; 1 John v. 12; Rom. xii. 11; Gal. vi. 16:

1st. — Arise at 6 in the morning.

2nd. — After dressing, read the Scriptures, and pray for the blessing of God to rest upon me and my labours during the day.

3rd. — At 9 pray for humility and an increase of faith.

4th. — At noon pray for perfect love, and for grace to resist every appearance of evil.

5th. — At 4, p. m., give praise to God for all his mercy and goodness to me and all mankind; and also to pray for the general spread of the Gospel.

6th. — At 10 to retire to rest, read the word of God — meditate on the labours and occurrences of the day past, and then to commend myself to the care and protection of the Lord for the night.

7th. — All the above rules to be begun and ended in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, who alone can enable me to perform them.

These rules I shall endeavour by the help of God to observe and keep to the best of my ability for one month, after which to renew them again according to my wants and circumstances.

As witness my hand this first day of January in the year 1832.

6 Spital Square, London.
Peter Jones.
  1. How strange it is that I should be among the Woods so much in this country, who am from the Woods of Canada!