Life and Journals of Kah-ke-wa-quo-nā-by/Chapter XIII
CALLED this day to see George Finger, who is lying very low of an inflammation on the lungs. He sent word that he wished to see me, and when I went to him, he began to tell me a remarkable dream, which he had a few nights ago, the substance of which was as follows:— “As I was lying on my bed, whether asleep or not I cannot tell, I saw a person, the Son of God, descending from the sky with a great light, and came to me. He said to me, “I am come after you and you must go with me.” So I ascended up with him till we came to the gate of heaven. The Son of God then told me that this was the place where the Great Spirit lived, and that no person was admitted within the gate, but those he recommended. He took me inside of the gate, and there I saw the Great Spirit shining in glory, and all the angels with him. There I also saw all my Brothers and Sisters who died happy in the Lord. I knew them, and my Sisters were very glad to see me there; and when I was about leaving them they were very unwilling to let me go. The Son of God, whose head was all white, then told me to return home for a little season; and that by and by he would again come after me. When I looked towards the earth, it was all darkness, but when I looked towards heaven it was all light. So when I came to the earth I found myself in the body. Now what I have seen all corresponds with what the preachers say about God and heaven. I see it is all true what they say. I know of a truth there is a God and there is a heaven. I have seen Him and seen the happy place. He has been very good to me, a poor weak creature. I am now waiting for the Son of God to come after me when he sees fit. His will be done!” — Tuesday, February 7th, 1837.
Wednesday, February 8th. — About noon, my newish and myself left the Credit for a fortnight's visit at Coldwater and the Narrows. Lodge at Brother Armstrong's for the night.
Friday 24th. — Returning, arrived at home this day and found all well. Thanks be unto God, who has preserved us in peace and safety!
Wednesday, May 17th. — At 11 this morning, at New York, we went on board the steamer Rufus King, which is to tow the ship for England to sea. The steamer towed the ship as far as the Quarantine ground, and there anchored, on account of the wind being directly ahead. I returned by the steamer, and saw for a long distance my dearest wife waving her white pocket handkerchief. May God bless her and Catharine!
Saturday 27th. — Arrived at Toronto at half-past 8 in the evening, having travelled from New York to Toronto in three days and two hours and a half, including fourteen hours and a half of stoppages on the way; deduct this from the three days and two hours and a half; it will leave two days and a half, the time occupied in travelling 600 miles. What Indian fifty years ago could have ever thought of a journey from the great waters to the back lakes being accomplished in two days and a half! Slept at the City Hotel.
Sunday 28th. — After breakfast called on Mr. Armstrong — found them all well. Heard of the severe affliction which has fallen upon Mr. Lang's family, in the death of their eldest boy — James Lang is no more. Mrs. Taylor informed me that the boy died happy in the Lord. Reached the Credit.
Sunday, June 4th.— Bro. Oughtred and Sister Pinney and myself got talking on the subject of christian holiness. I retired into my bedroom, and began to pour out my soul before God with many tears. I rose up and read a few verses in the Bible, and then began to walk the room with a broken heart and a contrite spirit. Presently, the eye of my faith was directed to Jesus as my surety. In a moment I was enabled to behold the sufficiency of the atoning blood to cleanse my sinful heart from all sin. This was a blessed day to me on the 4th of June — old King George's Birthday. The Lord quicken my dead soul.
Monday 12th. — At 9 o'clock this morning our District Meeting in Toronto began. Mr. Egerton Ryerson arrived this day from England, and brought letters for my dear newish and myself from our London friends. Mr. R. brought a dispatch from Lord Glenelg to Sir F. B. Head, ordering His Excellency to pay over to the Committee of the Cobourg Academy, £4,100.
Friday 23rd. — The Conference was engaged in Committees during good part of the day. The Missionary Committee met this evening and proceeded to examine the accounts of the Missionaries.
Saturday 24th. — The propriety of establishing a central Manual Labour School, for the instruction of the Indian youths of this Province, was discussed in the Conference. A Committee was formed for the purpose of adopting a uniform system of Chippeway orthography, consisting of the following persons: J. Stinson, E. and J. Evans, W. Case, P. Jones, and such persons as the Bible Society in this city may appoint. I am appointed to visit the Manitoolin Island this Summer, and to have leave of absence in the fall to visit England. Mr. Slight continues at the Credit.
Wednesday, July 12th — Made a few purchases, and then returned home in the afternoon. In the evening had an unpleasant altercation with brother E. about the translation of the hymns, which had a bad effect upon my mind. I felt that the last translators had not shown me that courtesy, by not consulting me before they proceeded to translate those very hymns which I translated some time ago, and which have been in use these several years amongst our Indians.
Monday 17th. — Engaged in making preparations for leaving home in order to make a tour to the north. In the evening I left for Toronto in my carriage. My companions and fellow labourers went by the boat. Thomas Magee and Thomas Fraser, from Grape Island, are employed by the Society. John Campbell, a sober steady Indian belonging to the Credit, has volunteered his services, as a singer. I accepted his offer, and agreed to find his board.
Saturday 22nd. — We arrived at the Narrows Mission about 3 o'clock in the afternoon, and were not a little mortified that a part of our provisions and luggage had not been landed by the steamboat. This will detain us at least three days before we can proceed on our journey, and perhaps shall lose some of our things entirely. Brother Scott, the Missionary, was absent on the Circuit. Sister Scott received us kindly, and gave us a good cup of tea, which relieved my headache. Slept at Sister Scott's. Had a good night. Prayed for my dearest wife. I do daily remember her at the throne of grace.
Monday 24th. — I was sorry to perceive that these people have almost wholly neglected their planting. This is some of the fruits of His Excellency Sir F. B. Head's administration of Indian affairs.
Tuesday 25th. — Engaged a team to take our baggage to Coldwater. The Coldwater settlement of Indians appears to be quite broken up, and the fields are growing over with weeds and bushes. Another exhibition of our Governor's measures with the Indians.
Saturday 29th. — The day was very fine, and we had a light breeze in our favour. Made an early start. Took breakfast on one of the Sook Islands. One of our party shot a coon. Landed on a small island to boil our ducks. Killed a large copper-headed snake, about 4½ feet long. The Indians say that these rocky islands abound with these snakes, and also rattle and other snakes. During the day we passed a great number of deserted Indian frames of camps. We imagined that all the Indians who inhabited this part of the wilderness had gone to the Manitoolin for their presents. Since we left the vicinity of Penetanguishene we have not seen a spot of ground that might be cultivated, not to the extent even of a quarter of an acre. Camped a few miles beyond a large bay called Wazhawanahgog.
Sunday 30th. — Spent the day in reading the Word of God and meditation. In the afternoon the Governor's canoe arrived with Mr. S. P. Jarvis, Indian Agent, one of the Governor's sons, and Mr. Solomon, the Interpreter. Mr. Jarvis informed me that an express had been sent to Sir F. B. Head, which reached him at the Landing, informing him of the death of the King of England, who died on the 20th June last. In consequence of this news His Excellency was obliged to return to Toronto.
Monday 31st. — Made an early start. Breakfasted on an Island called Pequahkoondeba Minis. This is Skull Island, so named on account of the Chippeways having killed a large body of the Nahdooways on this Island about the time the French first came to this country. About 2 o'clock, p. m., we were obliged to put to shore on account of the wind blowing a hard breeze from the lake. We camped opposite one of the outlets of the French River.
Thursday, August 3rd. — The wind having fallen we made an early start and reached Shebahoonahning before the wind blew too hard. After lying by about two hours we again put to sea with a heavy head wind. Passed by high mountains of beautiful flint rock. In the afternoon we crossed over to the Big Bay, at the head of which is the Establishment, where we arrived about 9 in the evening. Saw Mr. Jarvis and Mr. Anderson, Indian Agents. The whole shore was occupied by Indian wigwams. We enquired for the Saugeen Indians, and, after searching some time for them, we found where they were encamped. We slept by one of their fires in the open air.
Friday 4th. — After breakfast we called upon Captain Anderson. He informed us that the Catholic priests had been very busy with the Indians even before they came to this place. Shingwahkoons said that the white people told him it was wicked to drink the fire-waters, but he saw yesterday the white gentlemen on this Island take the cup and drink the fire-waters. In the afternoon the Rev. W. McMurray and lady, from the Sault St. Marie, and Mrs. Jamieson, lady of the Vice Chancellor at Toronto, the celebrated authoress, arrived at this place in a small boat. The Council began in the afternoon, which continued till quite late. About 60 Chiefs and war Chiefs were present. After many speeches medals were given to the Chiefs and war Chiefs. I was much struck with the miserable appearance of the Island Indians, called by the Ojebways “Noopumadazhaneang.” In the evening there was a great canoe race of women of the different nations present. After dark, the pagan Indians had a war dance, and raised the war-whoop as they danced around.
Saturday 5th. — Our party went, after breakfast, to the encampment of the Saugeen Indians, and I gave them an address. In the afternoon presents were issued to upwards of 140 Indians, which completed the giving of presents at this place for this year. Total number of Indians who received presents being 3,201, the greatest number of Indians that have been brought together for these many years past. There were four Tribes present, viz: Ojebway, Oodahwah, Patawahtahmee and Menoomince. In the evening we held a meeting. I addressed them from, “Go ye into all the world,” &c. During the day I called together the principal Chiefs and men of the Patawahtahmee Indians, and enquired of them if they would be willing to hear the words of the Great Spirit, provided a teacher was sent among them? The Chief's reply was just what we wished to hear from him, and is in, my opinion, the opening of Providence for the preaching of the truth in Christ to them.
Sunday 6th. — Met at 6 in the morning, at the bark chapel, for prayers. I gave them a word of exhortation. At about half-past 10, a. m., I preached to nearly 300. After this I proceeded to examine a few adult Indians who desired to be received into the Church of Christ by baptism. In the afternoon I again preached to them on these words: “Thou art weighed in the balance, and art found wanting.” I then proceeded to administer the Lord's supper; 45 came forward and communicated. A solemn time. In the evening we again assembled for worship, and Brother T. Fraser addressed the meeting. When he got through I also spoke a few words by way of exhortation, and then we took leave of each other, as all the Indians intend to leave the place to-morrow morning. Many of the Christian Indians appeared very thankful for our visit to them, especially those who came from Lake Superior.
Monday 7th. — Made arrangements this morning for Brother T. Fraser and John Campbell to direct their labours among the Patahwahtahmee's at Owen's Bay and Saugeen until winter. After giving our brethren such instructions as we thought proper, dividing our provisions, &c., with them, we separated in the name of the Lord. Our prayers go with them for the success of their labours among that people. We left Manitoolin Establishment about 10, a. m., and went in company with Wagemahka and his people. We had a good time. One of the highest peaks of the mountain in sight was pointed out to me as a dwelling place of the thunder, and that at one time the thunder's nest was seen there with the young thunders. Yellowhead informed me that many years ago a nest of young thunders was found in the vicinity of the Rocky Mountains by a party of Indians. There were two of them. On some of the Indians touching the eyes of the young thunders with the points of their arrows, they were shivered to pieces, as if struck with the lightning!
Tuesday 8th. — Took an early breakfast, and then proceeded slowly on our old track. Lodged on one of the Rock Islands.
Wednesday 9th. — The rain ceased about 9, a. m., and we again proceeded on our voyage. Arrived in good season at our friend Wagemahaka's fishing place. In they went with their scoop net to fish for sturgeon, and returned in the morning with seven fine sturgeon, two of which they gave us. In the evening the sisters came to our tent to join with us in prayer. I exhorted them to be faithful, and told them of the devotedness of those females mentioned in the Word of God to their Lord and Saviour, and expressed my gratitude to God that in general the Indian sisters at the various Missions were the most faithful members in society.
Thusrday 10th. — About 10, a. m., we took leave of our friends. Wagemahka thanked us for our visit to him and people. We travelled about twenty miles and then camped as usual on a rock.
Friday 11th. — We proceeded on amongst the Islands against a head wind, and made but slow progress.
Saturday 12th. — Made an early start. Overtook three canoes, and talked to the principal man on the subject of their receiving the Gospel. Pitched our tent again as usual on the top of a smooth rock. My bones are beginning to be quite accustomed to my rocky bed. Sunday 13th. — Spent the day in reading, writing, and in conversing on religious subjects. Felt rather unwell. In the evening had a prayer meeting among ourselves, and the Lord softened our hearts. Blessed be his holy name! I was glad to see the value our party set upon the Lord's day. They diligently provided fuel on the Saturday evening, and made every preparation for keeping holy the Sabbath. Finished our stock of biscuit and pork this day.
Monday 14th. — Made an early start, the wind still southerly. In the afternoon landed on a point of rock, and gathered bunches of pennyroyal. In the evening, before we had time to pitch our tent we were completely drenched with the rain. Took No. 6, and slept quite comfortable for the night. As we were now opposite Penetanguishene. we hope this is the last night for this season of our taking the bare rock for our bed, which we have now done for three weeks.
Tuesday 15th. — Started very early this morning and arrived at Coldwater about noon. After landing we put the cooking articles, &c., in Chief John Jones' house. He informed me that he had lately been down to Toronto, and there saw one of the Credit Indians, who informed him that the white people who arrived from England brought word that my dearest wife and Catherine Sunegoo had both died in England, but that they had received no letters to that effect, only a report in circulation. This sad news went through me like a dagger, and I began to imagine a thousand things. I said within myself. If this be true, what shall I do? Is it possible that my best beloved, my only earthly comfort is no more! Took an account of the articles belonging to our outfit, and left them in care of Brother Miller, as the property of the Missionary Society. Lodged with Brother M., but slept very little on account of the deep anxiety of my mind. It is with great pleasure and thankfulness I record that during our voyage no unpleasant feeling manifested itself in our party. All seemed to be of one heart and of one mind. How good it is for brethren to dwell together in unity! The brethren were particularly kind to me. They always gave me the best portion of food they had, and the best sleeping place on the rock. I value these kind tokens of esteem. May God reward them abundantly for their kindness to me, not on my own account, but on account of the work the Lord has given me to do!
Wednesday 16th. — A little after dark young John Asance came with a letter from Mrs. A., enclosing one from Sister Pinney, of the Credit Mission, stating, to the great joy of my heart, that the flying report they had heard of the death of my dearest, and C; proved to be false, by the arrival of a letter addressed to me from my dear Eliza, and that from what she could gather from the ends of the letter, both herself and Catherine were safely landed in England. As soon as I read this I fell upon my knees and gave thanks to God for the good news. Slept at Brother J. Scott's for the night. All very kind to me, and desired to be remembered to my beloved wife.
Saturday 19th. — Went up this morning to the Credit in the steamboat. Found all well.
Sunday 20th. — Went to a Field meeting on the Plains, appointed by Brother Slight.
Monday 21st. — Engaged in writing a letter to Brother Case, and a long one to Brother Stinson, giving him an account of our late Mission tour to the Manitoolin Island.
Friday 25th. — Employed in arranging my accounts and papers. In the evening felt the drawings of the Good Spirit, and I was enabled to praise God. I had an assurance that some kind friend was praying for me in faith.
Monday 28th. — Engaged in writing letters to several persons. Gave an acre of wheat to my dear mother.
Wednesday 30th. — In the forenoon at writing. In the afternoon went down to Toronto, in order to visit the Rice Lake Missions.
Sunday, September 3rd. — Made an early start this day, and arrived at Alnwick before breakfast. Brother Case and family appeared glad to see me.
Monday 4th. — The settlement at Alnwick bids fair to be a prosperous one. The Indians in general are very industrious and ambitious to get along in their civilization. The arrangement of this Mission is the best I have seen in all the Indian settlements.
Thursday 7th. — Went up to the Credit this morning. Found all well. Sent up to the Post Office, and my heart was gladdened at the sight of two letters from my beloved newish.
Saturday 9th. — Left the Credit this morning for the Grand River, in order to attend an Indian Camp meeting, to be held near the Salt Springs Mission.
Sabbath 10th. — After breakfast, rode down to the Camp meeting, found several of the Mohawk brethren assembled together — perhaps about three hundred. Went with Mr. Oughtred to Mr. Nightingale's to dinner. Mr. N. informed me that he was awakened under a sermon I preached at a Camp meeting back of Brantford last summer; that before this he was a strong Roman Catholic. In a prayer meeting the following languages were used in praising, and praying to, the Great Spirit, viz: English, Mohawk, Oneida, Seneca, Tuscarora, Cayuga. Onondaga, and Chippeway — eight in all. God heard and understood all these tongues, and so blessed them all.
Tuesday 12th. — At the request of Henry Brant, head Chief of the Mohawks, we went to the Mohawk village to be present at a Council of the Six Nations, to be held to-day. The principal topic of the day, was the Grand River Navigation Company. The Indians have already taken to the amount of £50,000, of which they have paid in the sum of £25,000. I told them plainly that in my opinion the undertaking would never pay.
Wednesday 13th.— Left the Grand River for the Credit this morning. Arrived at home before night. Found all well.
Monday, October 20th. — During the past week my time has been occupied in making arrangments for my intended journey to England. On Saturday last I wrote my tenth letter to my beloved newish.
Saturday 7th. — On Monday last I called to see the Rev. J. Gladwin, and found him breathing his last. He seemed to recognize me when I went up and shook hands with him. In about thirty minutes after he ceased to breathe. Mr. G. was one of the excellent of the earth.
Sunday 8th. — In the evening I gave my farewell address to my Indian brethren, founded on 1 Samuel—. After which we had a short prayer meeting, and after the congregation was dismissed, Chief Sawyer, James Young, D. Sawyer, W. Jackson, T. Smith, Thos. Magee, Sarah Henry and others spoke on the subject of my journey to England, and deputed me to deliver their Christian salutations to the English Christians; thanking them for sending Missionaries and School Teachers among them, by which they have been brought to know the Gospel.
Tuesday 10th. — At 11 o'clock in the evening I left Toronto by the Steamer Traveller for Rochester.
Sunday 15th. — Arrived in New York at about 4 o'clock in the morning. Called on Mr. Love's, and after this I went in search of Brother James Evans. We were very glad to see each other.
Monday 16th. — Wrote letters to Mr. Howell and Miss Pinney, on business relative to our Credit affairs. Took my passage for Liverpool in the ship Hibernia, for which I paid £25. Left the city at 11, a. m., by the steamer Hercules, which towed the ship out to sea.
Tuesday, November 7th. — At 2 o'clock p. m., we safely landed at Liverpool, and I was not a little pleased to stand once more on terra firma. Blessed be God who has safely brought us across the mighty waters!
Thursday 9th. — Took stage for London at half-past seven in the morning. Hired a cab to take me to Lambeth, and my heart was made glad at about 7 o'clock, p. m., to meet with my dearest wife in health and peace. Blessed be God who has brought us together once more!
Sunday 12th. — In the morning Eliza and myself went to the Lambeth Chapel, to hear Mr. Wm. Dawson, of Yorkshire, preach. His text was Hebs. xii. 1, 2. It was a plain, useful, and practical discourse. Mr. D. is full of original thought, and is very fond of using metaphors. The Chapel was crowded.
Saturday 18th. — Left London with Mr. Alder, to attend Missionary meetings at Reading and Newbury.
Thursday, December 7th. — Mr. A. informed me that he had spoken to the Missionary Committee about my expenses and salary, which they agreed to pay, and therefore requested me keep an account of all my travelling expenses to Missionary Meetings.
Wednesday 20th. — Went in the morning to the Wesleyan Mission House, and presented the Committee with a small birch bark canoe manned with wooden warriors. Through Mr. Alder I was admitted into the room where the Committee were holding their meeting.
Monday, January 1st, 1838.— Felt thankful to God for having spared my unprofitable life unto the present time.
Tuesday 2nd. — At 10 this morning I met the Aborigines' Protection Society at Bloomfield Street. In the evening met a large party to tea at Mr. Whites, where we met the Rev. John Williams, the celebrated Missionary, who returned to England from the South Sea Islands about a year ago, and has published a narrative of his missionary enterprises in that part of the world. Wednesday 3rd. — Engaged in writing, at my Ojebway History. In the evening with Rev. Mr. Sherman.
Wednesday 24th. — Called at the Mission House, and received from Mr. Alder the sum of £25, sterling, as quarterage from September 15th, to December 15th, 1838. This is more than I expected to receive from the Society when I left Canada, as I came over at my own request, and at my own expense. I felt truly thankful to the Committee for their kind assistance in continuing to pay my salary. In receiving the same, it is understood that I am to be at the service of the Society during my stay in England, which I shall be most happy to be as far as my health and affairs will permit. My travelling expenses during Missionary tours are to be paid by the Society.
Monday 5th. — Mr. Alder informed me that he had in contemplation the writing a History of the Chippeway Indians. Mr. A. proposed we might join together in getting up a work, and so have it published in our names. I complied with his proposal to unite our efforts together in getting up the work; but with regard to the disposal of the profits arising therefrom we left for further consideration.
Wednesday, February 7th. — In the evening I went with Mr. Alder to dine with Sir Augustus D'Este, son of the Duke of Sussex, and a cousin of the present Queen Victoria. We found him much interested for the Indians in America, and very anxious that their lands should be secured to them. He has a full length portrait of Mahkoons, an Indian belonging to St. Clair Lake, who was in England three or four years ago as an actor.
Monday 12th. — Having heard of an Indian being in Clerkenwell Prison, I went in the morning to see him. This man stated to me that he was drawn into the affray out of self-defence, and if he had not assisted he would have been killed himself. Monday 19th. — During a Bible Meeting a blind boy was brought on to the platform, and read several verses in John's Gospel by means of raised letters, over which he gently drew his fingers, and it was truly surprising how fast and distinctly he read. The Rev. Mr. Binney turned over the leaves promiscuously, in order to hear him read. On the second turning, the little blind boy put his fingers upon these words which he read with great emphasis, — “Could not this man which opened the eyes of the blind, have caused that this man should not have died?” The effect upon the audience was truly powerful.
Saturday, March 3rd. — Received a note from Mr. Alder, stating that Lord Glenelg had appointed this day to see him and myself on Indian matters. We arrived at Downing Street about 12, and after waiting some time were conducted into the presence of His Lordship, who appeared to be a kindhearted man, and listened with attention to the statements Mr. A. and myself made to him.
Wednesday 14th. — Went to a great meeting at Exeter Hall, on the subject of doing away with the negro apprenticeship in the West Indies. So great was the excitement on the subject, that thousands could not get into the Hall, which was crammed as full as it could hold. Lord Brougham was in the chair, and the meeting was addressed by the following gentlemen: His Lordship, the chairman, made an eloquent speech on taking the chair, and was loudly cheered; the Rev. W. M. Bunting, William Allen, Esq., (a Quaker); Sir Charles Style, M.P.; the Rev. Mr. Carlisle, of Belfast; Alexander Oppenheim; then Daniel O'Connell rose up amid loud cheers, and addressed the meeting for an hour; Captain Harward, the Rev. John Leifchild, Andrew White, Esq., M. P.; the Rev. John Burnett, the Rev. Dr. Beaumont,—---- Roche, Esq., M. P., and other gentlemen addressed the meeting. The people seemed determined to abolish the apprenticeship system at once, on account of the cruelties inflicted upon the apprentices by their masters.
Wednesday 21st. — At writing. In the evening Mr. Alder and myself went to dinner at the Highland Scotch Society, in the Freemason's Hall, to which we were invited by our friend, Sir Augustus D'Este. The Duke of Sutherland was in the chair, and there were about 200 gentlemen sat down to dinner, about half of whom were attired in their Highland costume. The Duke of Wellington and Sir George Murray were present on the occasion, and both made speeches. Sir Augustus introduced me to the Duke of Sutherland and Sir George Murray. I was much pleased to see so many of the great men of England, and to have the honour of dining with them. The Duke of Wellington appeared very well, but aged. He looked as if he was the father of the British nation.
Thursday 22nd. — Called at the Mission House. Made preparations for a Missionary tour into Cornwall and other parts of England. At 8 o'clock, p. m., Mrs Jones and myself left London by the Exeter mail. Travelled all night.
Tuesday 27th. — After dinner, at Plymouth, went to see a man-of-war, of 120 guns, called the Adelaide. She was anchoring in the harbour. She had three decks, and is calculated to carry 1000 men. It is the Admiral's ship. I was much pleased to see this huge floating canoe, which seemed to me whilst I was on board, as if I was on an Island in Lake Huron. In the evening the Missionary Meeting for Ker Street Chapel was held. I was informed that the enemy said Jabez Bunting and Robert Newton had been training me to appear at the meeting, in order to extract money out of the people's pockets! The collections during all the services were nearly double to that of previous years.
Thursday 29th. — In the evening the Missionary Meeting was in the Camborne Chapel, which was crowded as full as it could hold. There were at least 2000 persons present. The chair was taken by J. Carne, Esq. The people appeared much pleased, and we had many warm answers during the time of prayer.
Saturday 31st. — After breakfast, my friend Mr. Turner and I rode to St. Agnes. In the evening we had a crowded meeting, and a good collection. The two collections amounted to about £44 5s., almost double what was collected last year.
Sunday, April 1st. — Made an early start for Gwennap, where I was announced to preach. On my arrival there, I found the chapel thronged with a fine looking congregation. I preached to them from Gen. viii. 15, 16. The Lord helped me to speak with boldness, and He softened the hearts of the people, so that many wept. May God awaken and convert poor sinners! Collection exceeded £11, more than double last year's.
Monday 2nd. — Rode over to Penzance in an omnibus. Put up at Joseph Carnes, Esq., — a rich man. Here I met Mr. Turner and Dr. Beaumont. In the evening the large Methodist Chapel was jammed; and the collections during yesterday and this day amounted to the handsome sum of £202! The population of this town, I was informed, is only 8000.
Tuesday 3rd. — In the evening we had a crowded chapel at St. Ives. Before the meeting began, we heard that the good people of St. Ives were determined to out-do Penzance this year as they did last year; so when the collections of this Anniversary were announced, we were astonished to hear the noble sum of £214! given out. This was received with great applause. The population of St. Ives is only about 5,000. A Missionary ship was presented on the platform during the meeting, containing a cargo of copper, silver, and gold, to the amount of more than £27. A steam engine was also set in motion to bring up the precious metals of copper, silver, and gold, from the bowels of the earth, and safely landed on the platform £20; and after this a small barrel was presented to the cause of Missions, containing £20, which has been raised by the members of the Teetotal Society. May God ever bless the good folks of St. Ives. Amen.
Thursday 5th. — Left for Redruth. On our way we called to see the remains of a Druidical Temple, called Carnbrea, where human sacrifices used to be offered to their gods. We saw several of the rocks hollowed out into basins, where the poor creatures were slain, and these basins to all appearances caught the blood of the victims. Surely God has done much for England.
Wednesday 11th. — Having spent about a fortnight in Cornwall, during which time I have been enabled to see the influence of Methodism in the country, I can truly say that the whole land is before the Methodist preachers. I never was in any place before where the general mass of the people seemed to lean more to the Methodist doctrines and usages than in Cornwall. Could say much more of places and persons.
Monday 23rd. — At Birmingham. Went in the morning to the breakfast meeting. About 800 persons of respectable appearance sat down to a most splendid breakfast, decorated with ornaments, such as vases, busts, flowers, and evergreens. The Town Hall is a most elegant building, and will contain about 4,000 persons. In the evening attended the grand Missionary meeting in the Town Hall, which was crowded. Singing and prayer by Rev. Mr. Waddy. The chair was filled by Geo. B. Thornicroft, Esq., and the meeting was addressed by the Rev. Messrs. Stead, P. Jones, Geo. Steward, Thos.Waugh, Wm. Dawson, and Robt. Newton. The three last speakers made a powerful feeling in the audience.
Thursday 26th. — Visited the Prison, and saw the treadmill where forty men were at work. Poor creatures, after they have walked for some time they are still where they first started. Monday 30th. — Went to the great Anniversary Meeting of the Wesleyan Missionary Society, held in Exeter Hall. John Hardy, Esq., in the chair. The Report was read by Dr. Bunting. The meeting lasted about seven hours, and what was surprising, the interest was kept up to the very last. The collection at this meeting was £259. An excessive crowd!
Friday; May 11th. — Rode through Worcestershire, which presented to the eye one of the most beautiful sights I ever saw. The immense orchards of fruit trees of various sorts were in bloom, so that the whole country appeared like a garden. I never saw any country so highly cultivated as this country. When will my poor native land assume such a garden of paradise? Not in my day.
Wednesday 16th. — Went with Mr. Marsden and Loutit to Chesterfield, to attend the Missionary meeting. There is a very curious spire to the old Church in this ancient town. It is called the “crooked spire,” from its being so constructed that stand where you will, it appears leaning, so that it bends and leans in every direction.
Thursday 24th. — Left Leeds for Hull this morning at 7 o'clock. Before reaching the town of Goole, two gentlemen came on board with an earnest invitation that we would stop at their Missionary meeting this day at Goole. We consented, and so landed at this town. At the Missionary meeting this day a beautiful model of a steamboat was presented on the platform as a Missionary box, or rather a Missionary Steamboat, containing about £13. At the bowsprit was a flag bearing this inscription — “Peace and good will to men!” On top of one of the masts waved a flag with these words — “Missionary Collector.” Over the wheels stood the Captain holding out a signal of distress, with these words — “Men and Brethren, help!” The Captain who commanded this steamboat, was no other than my good brother John Sunday, with his Chief's medal hanging by his breast, and girded about his body with his sash. Well done, Captain Sunday! raise your steam, and let your steamboat soon reach our poor Indian brethren who are perishing in pagan darkness, that you may return with a precious cargo of redeemed and saved souls, and safely land them in the haven of everlasting joy and peace. To-day is just an hundred years since Mr. Wesley found peace to his soul. What hath God wrought since that time! To-day is also the birth-day of our young and beloved Queen Victoria. She is 19 years old this day.
Wednesday , June 6th. — Left Nottingham this morning at half-past 7, for London.
Sunday 10th. — Went and heard the Rev. Henry Melville preach an excellent sermon on the divinity of our Saviour, from Matt. xxii. 41, 42. Mr. M. is one of the most eloquent preachers I have ever heard, and is well calculated to defend the doctrines of the Gospel.
Sunday 17th. — Went with my dear newish to hear the Rev. Baptist Noel. In the evening heard the Rev. George Osborn, in City Road Chapel, from 1 John ii. 2.
Tuesday 19th. — Called on Sir Augustus D'Este, who drove me to the palace of St. James, in order to see Sir Henry Wheatley, His late Majesty's Executor, who named this day to see me, and to present to me in the name of the late King, the medal promised to me when in this country six years ago. Sir Henry received us very politely, and presented me with a beautiful silver medal, faced over on both sides with glass. On one side it bore the likeness of the King, and a good one it is. When Sir Henry handed me the medal, he said, “I have great pleasure in presenting to you this medal in the name of the late King, Wm. IV., which his Majesty was pleased to promise to you. I am sorry that it was not presented to you sooner. I do assure you, that on your return you will carry back with you to your country the good wishes of the Sovereign and people of this country, for your happiness and prosperity.” I thanked him heartily for the medal, and for the kindly feelings he had been pleased to express towards myself and countrymen. I assured him that I should always feel it a duty to inculcate among my native brethren feelings of affection and good will to the British Government. Sir Augustus was very anxious to have me present in Westminster Abbey at the Coronation, and thought he could procure me a ticket of admission.
Thursday 21st. — Called at the Mission House and had an interview with Dr. Bunting and Mr. Alder. Dr. B. said that Mr. Hoole had informed him that he should arrange to have the Missionary Meeting in Dublin on Monday next, and if so it would be necessary that I should leave on to-morrow in order to be present at the meeting. So I at once concluded to forego my own personal gratification in waiting to see the Coronation, and I made up my mind to go to-morrow, that I may gratify the Irish friends with my unworthy presence and services.
Saturday 23rd. — At 5, p. m., I took my place in the Dublin mail Packet Steamer. We had a fine night. There were many passengers on board.
Sunday 24th. — Slept pretty well. Arrived at King's Town Harbour, where we landed at 5,a. m. I then took a car and rode to Dublin, about six miles from where we landed. Having lost the direction Mr. Hoole gave me, I did not know where to go; but whilst riding through the city, a Methodist saw me, and knowing me from the likeness in the Methodist Magazine, he came running after me, and asked me if my name was not Peter Jones? I told him it was: he then said he would shew me my lodgings. I was soon waited upon by some of the preachers, who all seemed very glad to see me. Every one with whom I shook hands said, “You are welcome into Ireland!” Breakfasted at a friend's house with several of the preachers. Here I met my old friend the Rev. Thos. Waugh. On my arrival there, I was informed that it had been given out that I was to preach this morning at 7 o'clock, in Whitefriar Street Chapel, but on telling the Superintendent of the Circuit, the Rev. Mr. Stewart, that I had been now travelling two nights and days, and therefore was not in a fit state to preach, he readily relieved me from the appointment. At 11, a. m., I heard the distinguished Rev. R. Newton preach a sermon from Luke xi. 2: “Thy kingdom come.” The Lord Mayor and Lady, and the Sheriff of this city were present at the sermon. In the afternoon I wrote and sent off a letter to my beloved newish. The Irish Conference held in this city began its session on Friday last.
Monday 25th. — A number of friends and preachers breakfasted with us at Mr. Briscoe's. Went in the forenoon to the Conference, and was kindly received by the preachers. In the evening at 7 o'clock I addressed a crowded congregation in Whitefriar Street Chapel, from Psalm 66, 16. Mr. Newton closed by a powerful prayer. The spirit of the Lord was with us, and we had a melting time.
Thursday 28th. — At 1 o'clock I preached in Abbey Street Chapel from 2 Cor. x. 4, 5. A collection for the Missionary Society was made, amounting to about £5. The Hon. Judge Crampton was one of my hearers. He handed me a draft of £10 for Canadian Missions.
Monday, July 2nd. — Attended the Missionary Meeting at the Rotunda. The Right Hon. the Lord Mayor of the city took the chair at 12 o'clock. The room was crowded by a respectable audience. All well pleased.
Tuesday 3rd. — Left Dublin for a tour northward.
Wednesday 4th, — After breakfast we started to see Baron Foster, who had sent an invitation to have me call upon him. We found him a friendly, clever man, and he seemed very glad to see me, and to hear what God had done for myself and my countrymen. He gave me £10 for our intended Industrial school, and £10 for the general work. We had a word of prayer before we parted.
Monday 9th. — Mr. and Mrs. Young drove Mr. Tobias and myself a little way out of the town. The country about Belfast is more like England than any part of Ireland I have seen. At 9 p. m., I took steamboat for Glasgow, Scotland. The sea was very rough and I was very sick. Had little rest.
Tuesday 10th. — Arrived at Greenock at 7 o'clock in the morning, where we laid up for three hours waiting for the tide to rise. In going up the river Clyde, I saw the most beautiful scenery my eyes have met since I have been on this side of the Atlantic.
Thursday 12th. — On my arrival this morning in the City of Edinburgh my eyes beheld one of the most beautiful and romantic cities I have ever witnessed in all my travels. We saw also a panorama of New Zealand and Quebec. At half-past 4, p. m., I left for Liverpool by the mail. For several miles after we left Edinburgh, we passed through a fine, rich agricultural country, with here and there a nobleman's seat. On the road an extraordinary, singular old woman was pointed out to me, by the name of Mother Wilson. I was informed that Sir Walter Scott formed one of his pieces from this great oddity. The seat of the late Sir Walter which we passed by this afternoon, is a lovely place, and very rich in scenery.
Saturday 14th. — Mr. Lessey and myself left Liverpool by the Birmingham Railway at 8 in the morning. We travelled together as far as Whitmore Station, where I left the train in order to go to Newcasstle-under-Lym. The Rev. J. B. Holroyd met me, and took me to the above place. Dined at Mr. H.'s, and then after dinner he drove me to Burslem to see the potteries. Called upon Enoch Wood, Esq., the father of the potteries. This is the gentleman who took a bust of Mr. Wesley, now so common amongst Methodists.
Monday l6th. — Took coach at Rugby for Derby Hall, thence by railway to London, where we arrived about 10 in the evening. Found my dear newish and all the friends in health.
Saturday 21st, — Mrs. J. and myself went to see the Diorama in Regent's Park. The views were Trivoli, and St. Peter's, at Rome. Had I not known that they were only paintings, I should have fancied that they were the places themselves. After this we went in company with Mr. S. Field to see the Zoological Gardens in Regent's Park.
Saturday, August 4th. — Left Bristol at an early hour for Wales. Here I cannot say all I wish of country and people.
Sunday 5th. — At half-past 10, a. m., I preached to a pretty large congregation of Welsh and English from John ix. 25. The people were very attentive. A collection was made in behalf of this chapel. In the afternoon I went to the Welsh Wesleyan Chapel, and heard a sermon in the Welsh language, not a word of which I could understand.
Monday 6th. — In the morning Miss Taylor drove me to see the splendid scenery of the Welsh mountains, and there was much romantic beauty.
Friday 10th. — Started for London at 8 in the morning.
Sunday 12th. — In the morning I went and heard the Rev. Mr. Binney preach in his chapel, near the Monument. He delivered a beautiful lecture from part of the 19th Psalm.
Thursday 16th. — Saw the Queen as she went to prorogue the Houses of Parliament. I had a very fine view of her, and received a bow from her as she passed by. The state carriages were most splendid. Received late a cask of presents from Sheffield, a large bale of goods from Wakefield, and a small medicine chest from Dublin. All these are most valuable presents in a Missionary work. Monday 20th. — At noon I called at the Colonial Office in Downing Street to see Lord Glenelg. About half-past 2, p. m., I was favoured with an audience. His Lordship made several enquiries about the Indians in the west, and about the Manitoolin Indian Settlement. I told His Lordship that I had visited the Island; that, in my opinion, it was unfit for an Indian settlement, as the Island was rocky, and the soil was very poor; that the Indians objected to their settling on that Island
Tuesday 2lst. — Received a letter from Chief Jos. Sawyer, of the Credit, which I enclosed to Lord Glenelg for perusal. Sent off nine cases and one bale of goods, to Montreal.
'Wednesday 22nd. — Went to the city on business with Brown & Co. In the afternoon rode with Mr. Field to Mr. Loate, at Clapham, to tea.
Sunday, September 9th. — In the morning 1 heard the Rev. Mr. Aitkins preach in his chapel at Spitalfields, from Prov. iv. 23. The preacher was very zealous in his appeals to the people, and there seemed much power attending his words. Such a preacher in America would be considered a first-rate minister of the Gospel, and would be run after by thousands; but in London, his violent gestures and loud preaching is too harsh to the fine feelings and hearing of some of the modern Athenians.
Friday 14th. — Left this morning for Windsor Castle; called at the Mission House and Mr. Alder concluded to accompany me; so we went by the Great Western Railway to Slough; then by an Omnibus to Windsor, where we arrived a little after 11, a. m. At about half-past twelve, we proceeded to the Castle and enquired for Lord Glenelg, to whom we sent in our names. We were then conducted to His Lordship's room, which is in the east wing of the castle. His Lordship appeared glad to see us, and gave us a hearty shake of the hand. The conversation was about the costume in which I should be presented to the Queen. His Lordship thought I had better appear in the English dress, as he did not know what the Indian dress was, and therefore did not know if it would be proper to appear in it; and asked if it was like the Highland Scotch dress? We informed his Lordship that it was not like the Highland dress, but that it was a perfect covering, and that I had appeared in it at large promiscuous assemblies. Lord Glenelg then said he would go and speak to Lord Melborne on the subject. He was absent a few minutes, and on his return said that Lord Melborne thought I had better appear in my English dress. So we left Lord Glenelg with the understanding that I should come up to the Castle in my English dress; but to bring my Indian costume with me to the Castle. Lord Glenelg came to the inn in about half an hour after we had left the Castle, and said that he called in order to request that I would bring with me the whole of my dress to the Castle. At about half-past 2, P. M., we rode in a close fly to the Castle; and on appearing before His Lordship, I showed him the Indian costume, and when he had looked at it, he said I had better begin to put it on. I said if his Lordship thought best to put it on, I should. He replied that it was, and asked how long it would take me to dress? I said about twenty minutes. His Lordship then left us the use of his room to dress in. I then proceeded with the assistance of Mr. A. to undress and to put on the Indian costume as fast as I could, and finished dressing by the time above specified. The Honourable Mr. Murray came in to us and talked on Indian customs, languages, &c. He informed us that he had been in America, and had seen many of the western Indians. I found he understood a few Chippeway words. His Lordship at length came in and said that the Queen was prepared to receive me; and that I should kiss her hand. So away we went, following His Lordship, and in passing through the halls and rooms we saw several persons in attendance. When we had arrived at the anti-chamber, a message was sent from the Queen, that Her Majesty wished to see His Lordship. He returned in a few minutes, and then the doors were thrown open, and we saw Her Majesty standing about the centre of the drawing-room, with two Ladies standing a little behind, and four or five Lords. Lord Glenelg introduced me to Her Majesty by my Indian name, as a Chief of the Chippeway Indians in Upper Canada. I bowed two or three times as I approached the Queen, which she returned, approaching me at the same time, and holding out her hand as a signal for me to kiss. I went down upon my right knee, and holding out my arm, she put her hand upon the back of my hand, which I pressed to my lips and kissed. I then said that I had great pleasure in laying before Her Majesty a petition from the Indians residing at the River Credit in Upper Canada, which that people had sent by me; that I was happy to say Lord Glenelg (pointing to his Lordship,) had already granted the prayer of the petition, by requesting the Governor of Upper Canada, to give the Indians the title-deeds they asked for. His Lordship bowed to Her Majesty, and she bowed in token of approbation of His Lordship's having granted the thing prayed for by her red children; that I presented the petition to Her Majesty, thinking she would like to possess such a document as a curiosity, as the wampum attached to it had a meaning, and their totams marked opposite the names of the Indians who signed it. The Queen then said, “I thank you, sir, I am much obliged to you.” I then proceeded to give her the meaning of the wampum; and told her that the white wampum signified the loyal and good feeling which prevails amongst the Indians towards Her Majesty and Her Government; but that the black wampum was designed to tell Her Majesty that their hearts were troubled on account of their having no title-deeds for their lands; and that they had sent their petition and wampum that Her Majesty might be pleased to take out all the black wampum, so that the string might all be white. The Queen smiled and then said to me, “You were in this country before?“” I said, I was here eight years ago. Her next question was, how long I had been here this time, and when I was going to return. I told her that I had been here about ten months, and that I was going to sail next week. I, morever, informed her Majesty that I had travelled a good deal in England, and that I had been highly pleased with the kind reception I had met with. When I had finished my talk, she bowed to me in token of the interview being over, so I bowed and retired.
Thus ended my presentation to the Queen, which did not last over five minutes. Lord Glenelg then said that the Queen had ordered a collation to be prepared for us. So Mr. Murray and the Lords in waiting conducted us to another room, where we sat down to a lunch, but which I should call a dinner. We had roasted fowl and other good things to eat. After this we returned to our inn; and when I had changed my dress, we hired a fly which took us to the railway station; and by 5, p. m., we were back to London.
I called at Lambeth, and then went to the City Road Chapel, where several Missionaries were about being ordained, and some who were soon leaving the country for foreign missions, were to take their farewell of their friends. Mr. Alder had invited me to attend and to take my leave of the friends also. The President of the Conference presided. After the ordinations were finished, the Missionaries about to depart were called forward to take their seats on the front forms of the platform. The Rev. J. Waterhouse and two others with myself formed the number. The President gave us a charge, and then called upon us to address a few words to the congregation, which we did. After this the Ex-President and Dr. Bunting offered up a prayer for us all.