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Life and Works of Abraham Lincoln/Volume 8

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Life and Works of Abraham Lincoln
Abraham Lincoln, ed. Marion Mills Miller
Volume VIII: Letters and Telegrams, Adams to Garrison
839250Life and Works of Abraham Lincoln — Volume VIII: Letters and Telegrams, Adams to GarrisonAbraham Lincoln, ed. Marion Mills Miller

Life and Works of Abraham Lincoln

Commemorative Edition

Edited by Marion Mills Miller, Litt. D.

In Ten Volumes: Volume VIII

Letters and Telegrams

Adams to Garrison

Including Messages to Congress, Military Orders, Memoranda, etc., Relating to Individual Persons


Abraham Lincoln

New York

The Current Literature Publishing Co.



Preface ix
  Lincoln, the Man of the People. By Edwin Markham. xi
Letters and Telegrams:

Adams, Charles Francis, page 1. Adams, Green, 10. Adams, James, 10. Agriculture, Commissioner of, 20. Addison, John, 22. Allen, Robert, 22. Anderson, Robert, 23. Anderson, W. G., 25. Andrews, I. D., 26. Andrews, —, 26. Arnold, I. N., 27. Asbury, Henry, 28. Ashmun, George, 29. Astor, J. J., and Others, 30.

Baldwin, D. S. D., 30. Bancroft, George, 31. Banks, Nathaniel P., 32. Barney, Hiram, 44. Bates, Edward, 44. Bayles, Jesse, 46. Bedell, Miss Grace, 47. Beecher, Henry Ward, 47. Belmont, August, 48. Bennett John, 49. Bennett, James Gordon, 52. Berdan, James, 52. Birchard, M., and Others, 53. Bixby, Mrs., 61. Blair, Frank P., Jr., 61. Blair, Frank P., Sr., 62. Blair, Montgomery, 64. Bliss, William S., 66. Blow, H. T., and Others, 67. Blunt, J. G., 67. Boal, Robert, 69. Boker, G. H., 70. Boyk, J. T., 71. Bouligny, J. E., 72. Bradford, A. W., 73. Bramlette, Thomas E., 75. Brayman, M., 77. Briggs, James A., 77. Broadhead, J. O., 77. Brockman, J. M., 78. Brown, B. Gratz, 78. Brown, J. N., 78. Browning, O. H., 80. Browning, Mrs. O. H., 84. Bryant, J. H., 86. Bryant, William Cullen, 87. Buckner, Simon B., 90. Buell, Don Carlos, 90. Bullitt, Cuthbert, 96. Burbridge, S. G., 99. Burnside, Ambrose E., 101. Butler, Benjamin F., 110. Butterfield, Daniel, 121.

Cabinet, The, 122. Cameron, Simon, 123. Campbell, A., 132. Campbell, J. A., 133. Campbell, William B., and Others, 134. Canby, E. R. S., 136. Canisius, Theodore, 140. Capen, F. L., 141. Carney, Thomas, 142. Chandler, Zachariah, 144. Chase, Salmon P., 144. Cheney, T. A., 164. Chew, Henry, 165. Chew, R. S., 165. Chicago Journal, Editor of the, 166. Choate, Joseph H., 168. Chrisman, John, 169. Clay, Cassius M., 169. Clay, Clement C., 171. Clay, John M., 172. Clay, Thomas H., 172. Clayton, John M., 173. Codding, I., 174. Colfax, Schuyler, 175. Collamer, Jacob, 177. Conkling, F. A., 179. Conkling, James C., 179 Cook, B. C., 186. Corning, Erastus, 187. Cottman, Thomas, 200. Craig, Mr. and Mrs., 202. Crawford, S. W., 202. Creswell, J. A. J., 202. Crosby and Nichols, 204. Crisfield, J. W., 205. Crittenden, J. J., 205. Cunningham, J. O, 207. Curtin, Andrew G., 208. Curtis, S. R., 213. Cushing, William B., 221.

Dana, N. J. T., 222. Davis, Henry Winter, 223. Davis, John W., 224. Delahay, M. W., 225. Dennison, William, 226. Derrickson, Captain, 227. Dingman, A., 228. Dix, John A., 228. Dixon, James, 232. Dodge, G. M., 233. Dodge, William E., Jr., 234. Douglas, Mrs. Stephen A., 235. Drake, Charles D., 236. Dubois, Jesse K., 243. Du Pont, Samuel F., 245. Durley, William, 247.

East, E. H., 249. Eckert, T. T., 250. Ellsworth, Mr. and Mrs., 251. Embree, E., 252. Evans, E. P., 253. Everett, Edward, 253. Ewing, Thomas H., 255.

Fair, Sailors', at Boston, 259. Fair, Sanitary, at Chicago, 260. Farragut, David G., 260. Fell, Jesse W., 261. Ferguson, R. L., 264. Ficklin, O. B., 264. Field, Christopher F., 265. Filley, O. D., 266. Fishback, W. M., 268. Fisher, C. H., 269. Fisher, G. P., 269. Fisk, Clinton B., 271. Fithian, William, 271. Flanders, B. F., 272. Fleming, J. M., 272. Fletcher, Thomas C., 274. Foote, Andrew H., 275. Forney, John W., 276. Foster, J. G., 276. Fox, Gustavus V., 277. Franklin, W. B., 279. Frazer, W. E., 280. Frémont, John C., 280. Frémont, Mrs. John C., 295. French, B. B., 295. Fry, John B., 296.

Galloway, Samuel, 297. Gamble, Hamilton R., 302. Gardner, Prof., 306. Garrison, William Lloyd, 307.