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Life of Henry Clay (Schurz)/Index

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Boston: Houghton, Mifflin & Co., pages 415–424


Aberdeen, Lord, ii., 247.

Abolitionists, ii., 70, ff; 163, 164, 167, 264, 387.

Adams, John Quincy, i., 99; appointed peace commissioner, 100; character of, 102-104; diary of, 114, ff; sojourn at Ghent, 123; in London, 124; Secretary of State, 141; Spanish Amer. colonies, 149, 150; concerning General Jackson, 152; diary of, 161; Florida treaty, 162, 164; on Missouri question, 174; on slavery and union, 198; on Clay, 200-1; candidate for presidency, 222, 226-8, 231, 232, 247; elected president, 248; forming his Cabinet, 249, ff; inaugurated, 254; administration, 258; on removals, 259-262; on constitutional powers, 265-7; Panama mission, 267-273; on opposition, 278; policy as to patronage, 281; defeated in 1828, 287-8; causes of defeat, 288-292; slave extradition, 301; defending Clay, 309, 311; on masonry, 344; on U. S. Bank, 373; on Jackson's message, ii., 6; anti-slavery petitions, 81; Texas, 86; claims against Mexico, 93; on Clay and Webster, 174, 191; on Tyler's title, 200; report on Tyler's veto, 226; trial of, 232, 233; votes against Mexican war, 283; death, 297, 409.

Adams, Charles Francis, ii., 311.

Adams, Dr. William, British peace commissioner, i., 105, 124.

Alexander, Emperor of Russia, i., 99, 106, 108, 270, 300.

Allen, Charles, ii., 305.

Allibone, S. A., ii., 390.

Ambrister, R., i., 151.

Anderson, Richard C, i., 293

Anti-Masons, i., 340 344; ii., 97, 175.

Arbuthnot, A., i., 151.

Arista, Mexican general, ii., 282.

Austin, Moses, ii., 87.

Badger, George E., Secretary of the Navy, ii., 190; resigns, 212, 323, 349.

Bank of the U. S., proposition to recharter, i., 62, ff; recharter defeated, 66, 131; new Bank of the U. S., 132, 345; attacked by Jackson, 351-5; struggle about recharter, 372, ff; investigated, 373; recharter passed and vetoed, 374; deposits removed, ii., 25, ff, 47, 48-50, 115, 142; breaks down, 143.

Barbour, James, i., 196; Secretary of War, 258, 266.

Barbour, Philip B.. i., 204.

Barnwell, R. W., ii., 357.

Barnburners, ii., 303, 310.

Barry, William T., i., 329, 347.

Bayard, James A., appointed peace commissioner, i., 100; at Ghent, 104.

Bayard, Richard, against expunging resolution, ii., 101; opposes Van Buren's policy, 135.

Bell, John, on four years term law, ii., 68; Secretary of War, 190, 346, 349.

Benton, Thomas H., canvasses for Clay, i., 228; for Jackson's election, 240, 247; on Clay-Randolph duel, 274; on public lands, 369-70; U. S. Bank, 372-3; defends Jackson's bank veto, 377; on Verplanck bill, ii., 8; on tariff compromise, 20, 32, 38, 42; on four years term law, 68, 78; expunging resolution, 99, ff; specie circular, 123, 191, 206, 225, 238, 271, 272, 329, 349, 352.

Berrien, John M., L, 329; ii., 208, 329.

Beverly, Carter, i., 282.

Biddle, Nicholas, i., 353, 378: ii., 143.

Birney, James G., ii., 253, 254; vote in New York, 264.

Blair, Francis P., i., 236, 239, 248, 345; advises removal of deposits, ii., 25.

Bolivar, Simon, i., 267, 295.

Branch, John, i., 329.

Bright, Jesse D., ii., 329.

Brooke, Francis, i., 228, 239, 241, 248, 252, 253; ii., 23, 24, 45, 173, 193, 221.

Bryant, William Cullen, ii., 258, 270, 311.

Buchanan, James, i., 283; on four years term law, ii., 68; on anti-slavery petitions, 79, 85; report on relations with Mexico, 93; for expunging resolution, 101; Secretary of State, 272, 275; note concerning Oregon, 279, 280.

Buffalo Convention, ii., 252, 253, 310-312.

Burr, Aaron, in Kentucky, i., 34; engages Clay as attorney, 35; last meeting with Clay, 37.

Butler, Arthur P., ii., 329, 349.

Butler, Benjamin F., ii., 311.

Calhoun, John C., i., 78, 128; speech on reducing taxes, 129; favors tariff, 130; reports bill for Bank of the U. S., 132; on internal improvements, 137; Secretary of War, 142; desires to discipline Gen. Jackson, 152; candidate for presidency, 222; elected vice-president, 232; in opposition, 263, 311, 313; on Van Buren's rejection, 367-8; nullification doctrine, ii., 2, 3; resigns vice-presidency and elected Senator, 8; 11; accepts Clay's compromise, 12-14; objects to amendments, 16, 42; report on patronage, 60, 61, 68; denounces anti-slavery petitions, 78; on abolition publications, 83, 84; bill defeated, 89; on recognition of Texas, 91; distribution bill, 121; amendment to sub-treasury bill, 136; dissolves alliance with Whigs, 144; personal debates with Clay and Webster, 145-150; state-rights resolutions, 154-162; on Clay's anti-abolition speech, 167, 168, 170, 206; Secretary of State, 239; reply to Lord Aberdeen, 247, 250; proposes arbitration concerning Oregon, 279, 281; resolutions on territories, 301; rejects squatter sovereignty, 302; Southern party, 320, 329; speech against compromise, 337-339; death, 339.

Cambreleng, C. C, ii., 311.

Canning, George, i., 298.

Caroline case, ii., 150.

Cass, Lewis, i., 256; ii., 280; nominated for the presidency, 304, 308, 311, 329, 349.

Castlereagh, Lord, i., 84, 108, 118.

Champagny, French Minister of Foreign Affairs, i., 74, 75.

Chase, Salmon P., ii., 254, 329; speech against compromise, 344, 345, 382, 389, 404.

Cheves, Langdon, belonging to war party, i., 78; on the navy, 80; president of the U. S. Bank, 351.

Choate, Rufus, ii., 186.

Church, Sanford E., ii., 311.

Clay, Cassius M., ii., 263, 264.

Clay, Rev. John, Henry Clay's father, i., 23.

Clay, Mrs., Henry Clay's mother, i., 3; her patriotism, 3; marries Henry Watkins, 4.

Clay, Henry, birth, i., 2; early education, 3, 4; in Denny's store, 4; in Tinsley's office, 5; amanuensis of Chancellor Wythe, 6, 7; law student with Robert Brooke, obtains license, 8; member of rhetorical society, 9; emigrates to Kentucky, 9; his schooling, 10, 11; settles at Lexington, Ky., 18; in debating club, 18, 19; law practice, 19, ff; public prosecutor, 22; practices oratory, 24; marries Lucretia Hart and purchases Ashland, 24; his early popularity, 25, ff; for emancipation, 27, 31; against alien and sedition laws, 32; in the legislature, 33; quarrel with Col. Daviess, 34; attorney for Aaron Burr, 35; appointed U. S. Senator, 35; in the Senate, 38; on internal improvements, 39, ff; in Kentucky legislature, 49; defends English common law, 50; resolutions endorsing Jefferson and in favor of home-made clothes, 51; duel with Humphrey Marshall, 52; again in U. S. Senate, 52; on home industry, 52, ff; on Indian affairs, 57; on the West Florida case, 57, ff; on U. S. Bank, 62, ff; elected to House of Representatives, 67; elected speaker, 68; leading the war party, 78; on increase of army, 79; on the navy, 80, 81; on embargo, 82; firing the popular heart, 86; to be made commanding general, 88; answers Quincy, 91, ff; peace commissioner, 100; resigns speakership, 101; at Ghent, 103; 109, ff; on the peace, 121; in Paris, 122, 123; in London, 123; returns to U. S., 125; elected speaker again, 126; on reduction of taxes, 128, 129; for new Bank of the U. S., 133, ff; on internal improvements, 137; on increase of pay, 138; anecdote, 139; declines cabinet position, reëlected speaker, 141; Clay vs. Monroe on internal improvements, 142, ff; on Spanish American colonies, 146, ff; censures Jackson's conduct in Florida, 153, ff; gambling, and decline of popularity, 160, 161; reëlected speaker, 162; against Florida treaty, and condemning “cession” of Texas, 163-5; for recognition of South American republics, 165-8; conversation with Adams concerning South America, 169-171; position on Missouri bill, 178-182; overriding Randolph's motion to reconsider, 180-1; announces his temporary retirement, 182; resigns speakership and returns to Washington, 183; takes Missouri question in hand, 186, ff; moves committee of thirteen, 187; reports, 188-9; arranges counting of electoral vote, 190; moves committee of twenty-three, 191; reports, 192; “the great pacificator,” 193; meeting Randolph, 197; judged by Adams, 200-1; retires, 202; against “relief” movement in Kentucky, 203; reëlected to Congress and made speaker, 204; opposes pension of Mrs. Perry, 204-5; on internal improvements, 206-8; for Greek cause, 208; in accord with Monroe doctrine, 210; on tariff of 1824, 212-7; “American system,” 216; candidate for presidency, 228-30, 232; on election, 233; welcomes Lafayette, 234; to F. P. Blair, 236; meets Jackson, 237; to Blair, 239; to Brooke, 241; charged with bargain and corruption, 241, ff; votes for Adams, 248; to be Secretary of State, 248, ff; accepts, 253; retires from speakership, 253-4; nomination in Senate, 254; publishes address, 255-6; on removals, 259-262; Panama mission, 267-273; duel with John Randolph, 273-5; ill, 276, 281; refuting bargain and corruption charge, 282-5; campaign of 1824, 287-8; on defeat, 292; resigns, 293; failure of Panama mission, 293-6; letter to Bolivar, 295; attempts to purchase Texas, 296; commercial diplomacy, 296; West India trade, 297; his treaties, 299; British indemnity for slaves, 299; slave extradition, 300; sentiments concerning slavery, 301-7; on colonization society, 302-5; unhappy while Secretary of State, 307-8; relations with Adams, 308; defended by Adams, 309; as a party leader, 324-8; dinner speech at Washington, 330; on spoils politics, 335, 336; journeyings, 339; on Anti-Masons, 342-3; elected to the Senate, 348-9; his programme as candidate for the presidency, 350; in favor of pushing the bank question, 355-6; unanimously nominated, 356; takes up the tariff question, 357-65; on nullification, 362; attacks Gallatin, 362-3; opposes confirmation of Van Buren's nomination, 367; report on public lands, 368-372; opposes bank veto, 376; on veto power, 377; defeated in presidential election, 382; his mistakes, 382-3; effect of defeat, ii., 1; on Jackson's proclamation against nullifiers, 7, 8; introduces tariff compromise, 9, ff; remarks on tariff compromise, 14-19; carries compromise bill, 19; “pacificator,” 20, 21; meets John Randolph, land bill, 22; home life, 23; visits the East, 24; attacks Jackson for removal of deposits, resolutions of censure, 30, ff; resolution to restore deposits, 36; apostrophizes Van Buren, 37; on Jackson's protest, 41, 42; on rejections, 42, 43; on Whig party, 44; on nullifiers, 45, 51; report on French difficulties, 55, 56; on rights of Indians, 58-60; on appointments and removals, 61-68; land bill, 69; on anti-slavery petitions, 79-81; on anti-slavery publications, 84, 85; record as to Texas, 86; report on recognition of Texas, 91, 92, 94; on presidential election, 95, 96; reëlected to Senate, 99; land bill, 99; against expunging resolution, 101-103; his discomfiture, 105, 106; distribution bill, 121; on specie circular, 124; opposition to Van Buren, 130, 131; candidate for the presidency, 132; demands further surplus distribution, 134, 135; opposes treasury notes, 136; opposes sub-treasury bill, 138-141; on new U. S. Bank, 142; debate with Calhoun, 145-150; on Carolina case, 150; on Oregon, 150; dueling, price of public lands, 151; anti-slavery petitions, 153, 154; amending Calhoun's state-rights resolutions, 158-162; letter and speech on abolitionists, 163-168; “better be right than President,” 169, 170; preparing for 1840, 172, 173; relations with Webster, 174; opposition to Clay, 175-179; defeat, 180-182; supports Harrison, 186-188; meets Harrison, 189; resolution to repeal sub-treasury act, 190, 191; patronage, 192, 193; relations with Harrison, 194-196; with Tyler, 199, 200; correspondence with Tyler, 201, 202; takes command in Congress, 204; reports bank bill, 205, 206; censures veto, 207; land bill, 210; favors resignation of Cabinet, 212, 213; rallies Whig party against Tyler, 215, 216; his leadership, 217-219, 220; constitutional amendments, 221-223; resolutions concerning retrenchment and revenue, 223; farewell to the Senate, 223; meets Calhoun, 224; on Whig policy, 226, 227; at home, 228; nominations for presidency, 228; Mendenhall speech, 230-232; thanks Giddings, 234; traveling, 241, 242; understanding with Van Buren, 243; Raleigh letter on Texas, 244, 245; nominated for President, 249; relations with Birney, 254; on United States Bank, 255; defending himself, 258; Alabama letter, 259-261; effect of Alabama letters, 261-264; defeat, 264-267; at home relieved of debt, 268, 269; at meeting of Colonization Society, 269, 270, 280, 286; on death of his son, 287; speech on Mexican war, 289-291; aspirant to presidency, 291; opposition to, 292, 293, 295; at Washington, 296, 297; popular demonstrations, 297; receives letter from General Taylor, 298; letter on Whig policy, 299; defeated in convention, 305; refuses to support Taylor, 306-309; on emancipation, 315-318; elected Senator, 318; at Washington, relations with Taylor, 322; expectations, 323-325, 327, 328; a plan of compromise, 329-333; declaration against slavery extension, 333, 334; physical weakness, 334; speech in support of compromise, 335-337; eulogizes Calhoun, 339; on Seward, 344, 345, 346; reports compromise bills, 347-349; criticises Taylor, 352, 354; closing speech on compromise, 355-358; defeat of compromise bills, 358-361; goes to Newport, 361; returns to Washington, 364; retrospect, 364-369; speech to Kentucky legislature, 376; compromise manifesto, 377; on African slave-trade, 378; on Shadrach case, 379-381; on tariff and river and harbor bill, 382, 383; refuses constructive mileage, 383, 384; goes to Cuba and returns, 384; declines to be a candidate for the presidency, 385; letter to New York committee, 386-388; on Southern extremists, returns to Washington, 390; on fugitive-slave law, 391; addressing Kossuth, 393-395; on prospects of Whig party, 395, 396; advises Filmore's nomination, 400, 401; on his death-bed, 403-405; death, 405; character and career, 406-414.

Clay, Thomas, ii., 405.

Clay, Henry, Jr., ii., 286, 287.

Clayton, John M., i., 376; on tariff compromise, ii., 16, 17; on four years term law, 68; against expunging resolution, 101; opposes Van Buren's policy, 135, 180, 186.

Clemens, Jeremiah, Senator from Alabama, ii., 374.

Clinton, De Witt, candidate for presidency, 222, 259.

Cobb, Howell, speaker, ii., 325, 374.

Collamer, Jacob, Postmaster General, ii., 320.

Colonization Society, i., 302, ff; ii., 269.

Compromise, Missouri, i., 172, ff; of 1833, ii., 1, ff; of 1850, 329, ff.

Cooper, James, ii., 349.

Corwin, Thomas, ii., 186, 329; Secretary of the Treasury, 354.

Craig, Sir James, Governor of Canada, i., 82.

Crawford, George W., Secretary of War, ii., 320.

Crawford, W. H., Secretary of the Treasury, candidate for presidency, i., 222, 223, 232, 238, 249, 258, 311.

Crittenden, J. J., i., 238, 247; against expunging resolution, ii., 101; opposes Van Buren's policy, 135; Attorney-General, 190; Senator, 224, 225, 246, 292; Attorney-General, 355.

Curtis, Edward, ii., 192, 193.

Dallas, Alexander G., Secretary of the Treasury, proposes tariff, i., 130; proposes specie-paying national banks, 131.

Dallas, George M., nominated for vice-president, ii., 251.

Daschkoff, Russian Minister, offers Russian mediation, i., 99.

Davis, Jefferson, ii., 322, 329, 333, 349.

Davis, John, ii., 229, 329.

Democratic Party, origin of, i., 311 318; ii., 137, 144, 182, 188, 206, 219, 236, 250-252, 264, 279, 281, 288, 300, 303, 304, 313, 327, 333, 401.

Dickinson, Daniel S., ii., 302, 303, 329.

Dix, John A., ii., 303, 311.

Douglas, Stephen A., ii., 271, 329, 349, 403.

Duane, William J., Secretary of the Treasury, opposes removal of deposits, ii., 26, 27; removed, 28.

Eaton, John H., i., 238, 245, 329, 379.

Ellwanger, Amos, i., 342.

Emancipation, i., 27, ff; movement in Kentucky, 29, 30; ii., 315.

Erskine, British Minister, i., 73, 91.

Eustis, William, offers resolution to admit Missouri, i., 185.

Everett, Edward, ii., 186.

Ewing, Thomas, i., 376; opposes removal of deposits, ii., 36; on appointing and removing power, 61, 68; against expunging resolution, 101, 186; Secretary of Treasury, 190; report, 204, 208; resigns, 213.

Expunging resolution, ii., 99, ff; passed, 104.

Father Mathew, ii., 327.

Federalists, i., 31, 32, 59, 89, 129; opposing tariff of 1816, 129; opposing U. S. Bank, 133; principles of, 136; decline of, 140, 311, 316, 317.

Fessenden, W. Pitt, i., 380.

Field, David Dudley, ii., 258.

Filmore, Millard, nominated for vice-presidency, 305; character, 354; aspirant to the presidential nomination, 399, 400.

Flagg, Azariah, ii., 311.

Florida, West, i., 57, ff; Jackson Florida war, 151, 152; treaty for cession of, 162.

Floyd, John, on Missouri, i., 190, 191, 279.

Foote, Henry S., ii., 329, 346.

Forsyth, John, i., 244.

France, the continental system, Milan decree, i., 69; offensive conduct, 74; difficulties with the U. S., ii., 25, ff.

Free Soilers, ii., 311, 313, 341.

Frelinghuysen, Theodore, on four years term law, ii., 68; nominated for vice-president, 249.

Fugitive-slave law, i., 182; ii., 332, 348, 362, 369-371, 375-6, 378, 380-1.

Gaines, General, ii., 90.

Gallatin, Albert, Secretary of the Treasury, report on internal improvements, i., 46; report on manufacturing industries, 55; on U. S. Bank, 62-64; appointed peace commissioner, 100; at Ghent, 105, ff; in London, 124, 128; for Greek cause, 208; Panama mission, 293; Minister to England, 297; negotiations about colonial trade, 298; slave extradition, 301; attacked by Clay, 362-4; ii., 35; promoting specie payments, 142, 201, 410.

Gambier, Lord, British peace commissioner, i., 105, 124.

Garrison, William Lloyd, ii., 71, 74, 75, 76.

Ghent, designated for meeting of peace commissioners, i., 102; beginning of negotiations at, 107, ff; treaty signed, 112, 122.

Giddings, Joshua R., ii., 233, 234, 378.

Goulburn, Henry, British peace commissioner, i., 105, 124.

Gouverneur, Samuel L., ii., 82.

Granger, Francis, i., 343; candidate for vice-presidency, ii., 97; Postmaster General, 190.

Greece, i., 208, ff.

Great Britain, feeling against, i., 49; blockade, orders in council, i., 69; impressment of seamen, 70; peace with, 112: negotiation with, 124; negotiation concerning colonial trade, 297, 298; ii., 237.

Greeley, Horace, ii., 192, 263, 318.

Grundy, Felix, belonging to war party, i., 78.

Hale, John P., ii., 310, 311, 329, 378.

Hamilton, Col. James A., i., 329, 336.

Hamlin, Hannibal, ii., 329, 351.

Harrison, William H., General in war of 1812, i., 98, 105; nominated for presidency, ii., 97, 174; again nominated for presidency, 179, 184, 185; elected, 188; meets Clay, 189-190; relations with Clay, 194-196; death, 197.

Hart, Lucretia, Mrs. Clay, i., 24.

Hart, Thomas, i., 37.

Harvey, James E., ii., 323.

Henderson, T. P., ii., 239.

Henry, Patrick, on emancipation, i., 28, 29.

Henry, John, i., 82.

Herrera, president of Mexico, ii., 276.

Hill, Isaac, i., 344, 352.

Hoist, Von, Dr. H., ii., 106.

Horsey, Outerbridge, on West Florida case, i., 59, 60.

Houston, Sam., ii., 89, 90; president of Texas, 238; rejects armistice; 239, 329.

Huelsemann, Chevalier, ii., 391

Hunkers, ii., 303.

Hunt, Ward, ii., 311.

Hunt, Washington, ii., 263.

Hunter, Robert M. T., ii., 329.

Indians, ii.,58, 59.

Ingham, Samuel D., i., 329; commands the U. S. Bank, 352

Internal improvements, policy of, i., 40, ff; report on, 46; Madison's veto, 138; Monroe's message on, 162; resolution on, 145.

Jackson, Andrew, in war of 1812, i., 106; in Florida war, 151, 152; his military fame and popularity, 158; vindicated by House of Repr., 159; candidate for presidency, 222-6, 232; meets Clay, 237, 249, 254, 255; again candidate for presidency, 263-4; his platform, 277; on bargain and corruption, 282-5; elected President, 288, 311; political position, 303; as a party leader, 320-4; hating Clay, 328-30; spoils-politics, 332-5; his Cabinet, 33G, 344-7; attacks the U. S. Bank, 352, 354; on the tariff, 358-9; nominates Van Buren for Minister to England, 360; public lands, 369; bank veto, 374-8; effect of veto, 380; in campaign of 1832, 381; reëlected, 382; ii., 2; message of 1832, 5; proclamation against nullifiers, 6, 7; recommends force bill, 9; threatening Calhoun, 12, 13; signs tariff compromise, 19, 21; presidential tour, 23; removal of deposits, 25, ff; message, 29; answer to Clay's resolutions, 30, 31; protests against resolution of censure, 39, 40, 43, 47, 50; message concerning French difficulties, 54, 56, 57; disapproves land bill, 68; messpge on abolition publications, 83; Texas, 89; message on Mexican claims, 93; expunging resolution, 103; his triumph, 105; the “reign” of A. J., 106-112; on distribution, 118; approves bill, 120; specie circular, 123, 124, 184; letter for annexation of Texas, 238; letter favoring Van Buren, 247; letter against Clay, 257; orders exploration of Columbia country, 278, 407, 413.

Jackson, Francis James, British Minister, i., 73.

Jefferson, Thomas, student in George Wythe's office, i., 7; prosperity under presidency of, 40, ff; on internal improvements, 45; averse to war, 68; embargo, 71; man of peace, 72, 127; on Missouri question, 193; ii.,32; on distribution, 115, 409.

Johnson, Reverdy, ii., 186.

Johnson, Richard M., on Clay, i., 211, 348. Johnston, Andrew, ii., 289. Johnston, J. S., i., 228.

Kearney, General, sent to New Mexico, ii., 284.

Kendall, Amos, opinion of Kentucky society, i., 17; member of the Kitchen Cabinet, 344, 345; advises removal of deposits, ii., 25; Postmaster General, 82.

Kent, Joseph, against expunging resolution, ii., 101.

Kentucky, settlement of, i., 13; character of population, 14, ff; emancipation movement, 27; “relief” movement, 203.

King, Preston, ii., 303, 311.

King, Rufus, appointed Minister to England, i., 259, 297.

King, William R., ii., 68, 329.

Kitchen Cabinet, Jackson's, i., 344; ii., 25; Tyler's, 214, 217.

Kossuth, Louis, ii., 391-395.

Kremer, George, i., 243, ff; 254.

Lafayette, Marquis de, i., 234, 235.

Leigh, B. Watkins, ii., 179.

Letcher, Robert P., i., 247; ii., 225.

Lewis, William B., i., 344.

Lexington, Ky., settlement of, i., 16; literary centre, 17.

Liberty party, ii., 253, 261, 264, 310.

Lincoln, Abraham, ii., 288.

Liverpool, Lord, i., 108, 118.

Livingston, Edward, i., 347; Minister to France, ii., 26, 53, 57.

Long, James, ii., 87.

Louis Philippe, king of the French, ii., 52, 53.

Lovejoy, Elijah P., ii., 74.

Lowndes, William, belonging to war party, i., 78; on the navy, 80; favors tariff, 130; reports on Missouri question, 185.

Lundy, Benjamin, ii., 70, 75.

Madison, James, President, on West Florida case, i., 58; proclamation concerning intercourse with Great Britain, 73; message advising warlike preparations, 77; character, 78; recommends embargo, 82; nominated for reëlection, 83; receives offer of Russian mediation, 99, 128; vetoes internal improvement bill, 138; on removing power, ii., 63, 64, 85, 86, 201.

Mangum, W. P., ii., 68, 329.

Mann, Abijah, ii., 311.

Marcy, William L., i., 367; Secretary of War, ii., 303.

Marshall, Humphrey, i., 51; duel, 52.

Marshall, John, i., 7, 256.

Mason, James M., ii., 329, 337, 349.

Mason, Jeremiah, i., 352.

McLane, Louis, i., 347; on public lands, 369; Secretary of State, ii., 26.

McLean, John, Postmaster General, i., 258, 281.

Mendenhall, ii., 230.

Mexican war, ii., 274-289.

Middleton, Henry, i., 160, 271.

Miller, Stephen F., ii., 260.

Missouri, bill admitting, i., 172, ff; second phase of question, 183, ff; admitted, 192; the Missouri compromise, 194.

Monroe, James, i., 71; Secretary of State, 126; elected President, 140; his Cabinet arrangements, 141; makes John Quincy Adams Secretary of State, 141, 146, 147, 148, 161, 163, 164; message, 142, 146; Spanish Am. colonies, 149, 150, 161; on Texas, 164; message in favor of recognizing Spanish Amer. republics. 168; reëlected President, 190, 200, 201, 204, 206; Monroe doctrine, 210; 221, 409; ii., 410; sympathizes with Greeks, 209.

Morris, Thomas, ii., 253.

Murphy, American agent in Texas, ii., 239, 240.

Napoleon, emperor of the French, i., 69, 70, 74, 76, 87, 99, 106, 117.

Nashville Convention, ii., 321, 353, 373.

Native Americans, ii., 265, 294.

Nelson, John, Secretary of State pro tem., ii., 239, 240.

New Orleans, battle of, i., 117, 118.

Nullification, ii., 2, ff.

O'Connell, Daniel, ii., 327.

Omnibus bill, ii., 348, 351, 361.

Opdyke, George, ii., 311.

Orders in Council, i., 69, 73, 75, 87, 117.

Oregon, ii., 277-282, 292, 311.

Panama Congress, i., 267-273. Paredes, president of Mexico, ii., 276; reftises to receive U. S. Minister, 282.

Patriot war, ii., 150.

Patronage, i., 259-262, 289, 332, ff; ii., 60, ff.

Petitions, business distress, ii., 36, ff; anti-slavery, 78-81, 152-154.

Pickering, Timothy, on West Florida case, i., 59, 62.

Pierce, Franklin, nominated for the presidency, ii., 401.

Pindell, Richard, ii., 316.

Plumer, William, on Clay's appearance in the Senate, i., 47, 48.

Poindexter, George, on four years term law, ii., 68.

Poinsett, Joel R., American Minister in Mexico, i., 293, 296; ii., 86.

Polk, James K., reports resolutions against restoration of deposits, ii., 47; nominated for President, 251, 255; the Kane letter, 256, 257, 261; elected President, 264; inaugurated, 272; sends Slidell to Mexico, 275; on Oregon, 279, 280; refers Oregon question to Senate, 281, 285; recommends territorial government, 319.

Porter, Peter B., i., 228; ii., 175, 192, 249.

Preston, D. C., on four years term law, ii., 68; against expunging resolution, 101; on the surplus, 120; opposes Van Buren's policy, 135, 164, 168, 224.

Protest, Jackson's, ii., 39-42.

Publications, anti-slavery, ii., 81-85.

Quincy, Josiah, in opposition to war of 1812, i., 89, 90.

Randolph, John, opposes war, i., 84; opposes tariff, 130; motion to reconsider Missouri bill, 180; on counting electoral vote, 191; suggesting secession, 197; duel with Clay, 273-5, 278; meets Clay, ii., 22.

Removal of deposits, ii., 25, ff.

Republicans, young leaders of, i., 77, 85; new republicanism, 127, 128; Republican protectionists, 130; favoring U. S. Bank. 133; latitudinarian principles of, 136.

Repudiation, ii., 211.

Rhett, Barnwell, ii., 357.

Richmond, Dean, ii., 311.

Riley, General, military governor of California, ii., 320.

Rives, W. C., against expunging resolution, ii., 101; turns “conservative,” 144, 173.

Robinson, Lord Goderich, i., 124, 298.

Rochester, W. B., i., 228.

Romanzoff, Russian chancellor, i., 99.

Rush, Richard, Secretary of the Treasury, i., 258; Anti-Mason, 343.

Rusk, Thomas J., ii., 329, 349.

Russell, Jonathan, peace commissioner, i., 100, 251.

Russell, Lord John, ii., 279.

Santa Ana, Lopez de, ii., 89, 90, 280; provisional president of Mexico, defeated at Buena Vista and other battles, 286.

Sargent, Epes, on compromise of 1835, ii., 12.

Sargent, Nathan, i., 160; ii., 194, 266.

Scott, Winfield, ii. 178, 179; expedition upon Vera Cruz, 285; wins victories and enters City of Mexico, 286; defeated in convention, 305, 398, 399; nominated for the presidency, 402.

Sedgwick, Theodore, ii., 258.

Sergeant, John, on Missouri question, i., 185, 293; nominated for vice-president, 356; ii., 208.

Seward, William H., i., 343; ii., 176; supports Taylor, 312, 329; speech against compromise, 342-344, 345, 389, 404.

Shadrach case, ii., 378, ff.

Slavery, i., 27-31, 172, ff, 194-200, 299-307; ii., 70, ff, 152, ff, 232, 261, 285, 291, 309-312, 313, 315-318, 319-322, 324, 329-346, 366-372, 375-382.

Slidell, John, Minister to Mexico, ii., 275, 276; demands reception, 283.

Sloat, Commodore, ii., 275.

Smith, Oliver H., on Calhoun resolutions, ii., 157.

Smith, Truman, ii., 329.

Soulé, Pierre, ii., 329, 349.

Southard, Samuel L., Secretary of the Navy, i., 258; Senator, opposes removal of deposits, ii., 26; on four years term law, 68; against expunging resolution, 101; opposes Van Buren's policy, 135, 179.

Spanish American colonies, i., 146; motion in favor of, defeated, 150, 165-171; recognized as independent states, 168.

Specie circular, ii., 124.

Spenser, Ambrose, ii., 264.

Spoils politics, i.,332, ff; ii., 183, 184.

Staël, Madame de, i., 124.

Stephens, Alexander H., ii., 269, 296, 322, 341, 374.

Sterret case, i., 259, ff.

Stevens, Thaddeus, i., 343.

Stevenson, Thomas B., ii., 318, 323.

Story, Joseph, i., 256.

Sub-treasury, ii., 136 ff, 264, 283.

Sumner, Charles, ii., 404.

Sumner, Prof. William G., biography of Andrew Jackson, i., 203, 373.

Swartwout, Samuel, i., 254; ii., 183.

Tallmadge, James, moves anti-slavery amendment on Missouri bill, i., 172.

Tallmadge, N. P., ii., 85, 180.

Taney, Roger B., i., 347; Secretary of the Treasury, removes deposits, ii., 28; report, 29, 30; nomination rejected, 43.

Tariff of 1816, i., 129, ff; of 1824, 212, ff; of 1828, 286; of 1832, 357, ff; of 1846, 283.

Taylor, John W., on Missouri bill, i., 179.

Taylor, General Zachary, ii., 274; ordered to advance to the Rio Grande, 277; moves to Rio Grande, 282, 283; defeats Mexicans at Palo Alto and Resaca, 284; takes Monterey, 285; candidate for presidency, 293, ff; candidate against the field, 298; nominated for presidency, 305; opposition to, 308-310; elected President, 313; agent to California, 320, 321; messages on California and New Mexico, 325; character, 326, 327, 346; opposed to compromise, 350, 351; death, 354.

Texas, excluded by Florida treaty, i., 162, 163; annexation scheme, ii., 86, ff; annexation proposed, 235, 238; annexation treaty sent to Senate, 247; annexation treaty defeated, 259; annexed by joint resolution, 271; accepts annexation, 273.

Thomas, Jessie B., offers compromise proposition on Missouri bill, i., 177.

Thompson, George, ii., 380.

Thompson, Richard, ii., 186.

Tilden, Samuel J., ii., 311.

Tucker, George, ii., 85.

Tucker, Henry St. George, i., 142, 145.

Turner, Nat., ii., 73.

Tyler, John, representative from Virginia, i., 256, 279; Senator, opposes force bill, ii., 17; on four years term law, 68; candidate for vice-presidency, 97; resigns from Senate, 99, 173; nominated for vice-presidency, 180; President, 197; record, 198, 199, 200; address to the people, 201; letter to Clay, 202; message, 202; vetoes bank bill, 205, 207, 208; second bank veto, 209, 210, 213, 214, 215; third veto, 225; on annexing Texas, 236; reorganizes Cabinet, 236; pushes annexation, 237, 238; message with annexation treaty, 248; candidate for President and withdraws, 252; message concerning Texas, 259, 270, 272, 278.

Tyler, John, Jr., ii., 213.

Tyler, Lyon G., ii., 238.

Ullmann, Daniel, ii., 385, 395, 406.

Upshur, Abel P., Secretary of State, ii., 237, 238; on protecting Texas, 239; death, 239.

Van Buren, John, ii., 311.

Van Buren, Martin, Senator from New York, i., 229-30; on Clay, 233, 279, 293; Secretary of State, 329; nominated as Minister to England, 365; attacked by Clay, 366-7; rejected, 367; nominated for vice-president, 379; apostrophized by Clay, ii., 37, 38; nominated for presidency, 95; elected, 97; character, 128-130; calls an extra session, 130; first message, 132-134, 171; renominated, 182, 184; declines annexing Texas, 235; understanding with Clay, 243; letter on Texas, 246, 247; defeated in convention, 250, 251; nominated at Utica and Buffalo, 310, 311; opposition to, 312, 314.

Verplanck, Gulian C, reports tariff bill, ii., 8, 12.

Veto, Madison's, of internal improvement bill, i., 138; Monroe's, of toll-gate bill, 206; Jackson's, of U. S. bank bill, 374-5; Tyler's, of U. S. bank bill, ii., 205; second veto, 209; of two tariff bills, 225, 226; Clay on veto power, i., 377; ii., 187, 221, 222.

Wade, Benjamin F., ii., 404.

Wadsworth, James S., ii., 311.

Walker, Robert J., ii., 91, 271.

War of 1812, causes of, i., 68, ff; declared, 84; insufficient preparation for, 85; unfortunate beginning of, 86; events of, 98; Russian mediation, 99; further events of, 105, 106; end and consequences of, 116, ff.

Watkins, Capt. Henry, Clay's step-father, i., 4; emigrates to Kentucky, 9.

Webb, James Watson, i., 361.

Webster, Daniel, opposing the tariff, i., 130; opposing the bank charter, 133; on Greek cause, 209; on tariff of 1824, 218; on “American system,” 220, 247, 256, 263; on Clay-Randolph duel, 274; calls for Clay as a leader, 347-8; on U. S. Bank, 355; opposes bank veto, 376; apprebends secession movement, ii., 5, 11; opposed to tariff compromise, 16; advocates force bill, 17; against removal of deposits, 36, 42; on appointing and removing power, 61, 62; on four years term law, 68; on recognition of Texas, 91; candidate for presidency, 96, 97; against expunging resolution, 101, 104; on specie circular, 125; opposes Van Buren's policy, 137; opposes sub-treasury bill, 141; debate with Calhoun, 145; aspiring to presidency, 173, 174, 179, 186; Secretary of State, 190; reform circular, 196, 200, 208; remains in Cabinet, 213, 215, 216, 217; opposed to annexation of Texas, resigns, 236; at Whig convention, 248-250, 278; defeated in convention, 305; supports Taylor reluctantly, 309, 329; 7th of March speech, 339-342; on Seward, 345, 346, 349; Secretary of State, 354; compromise speeches, 376; compromise speeches, 386; Huelsemann letter, 391, 393, 396; aspirant to the nomination, 398-400; defeated, 402; compared to Clay, 408.

Weed, Thurlow, i.,343, 355; ii., 176, 177, 178, 180, 192, 193, 197, 263, 293.

Wellesley, Marquis of, i., 119.

Wellington, Duke of, i., 108, 124.

Whigs, origin of party, i., 316, ff; character of, 318-20; ii., 44, 95; in presidential campaign of 1836, 97, 119, 137, 172, 178, 184, 186, 188, 203, 216, 217, 219, 266, 271, 287, 288, 294; disagreements on slavery, 300-301, 304, 306; “conscience,” 309, 333, 395-399, 402, 404, 405.

White, Hugh L., on four years term law, ii., 68; candidate for presidency, 97; against expunging resolution, 101.

Whitman, Dr. Marcus, ii., 278.

Whitney, Asa, ii., 279.

Wilmot, David, moves proviso, ii., 285.

Wilson, Henry, ii., 305.

Wirt, William, Attorney General, i., 258; nominated by Anti-Masons, 342.

Wise, Henry A., ii., 177, 180, 186, 199, 200, 201, 209, 214, 217.

Woodbury, Levi, Secretary of the Treasury, i., 347, 352; ii., 43.

Worthington, Thomas, on internal improvements, i., 46.

Wright, Silas, ii., 42; on four years term law, 68, 85, 191; declines nomination for vice-presidency, 251; candidate for governor of New York, 258.

Wythe, George, takes Clay as amanuensis, i., 6; career and character, 7.

X. Y. Z. correspondence, i., 31.

Yancey, W. L., ii., 304.