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Life of Octavia Hill as told in her letters/Index

From Wikisource


Aberdare, Lord, 446, 526

Ad hoc election, 568

Alford, B. H., 468, 500, 528

Alfreston, 538

Amsterdam, 549, 582

Antiquaries (Society of), 215, 216, 243

Architecture, 99-100

Arnold, Matthew, 244, 445

Art, 13, 15, 21, 26, 30-1, 34, 37, 40, 66-7, 73, 99-100, 102-6, 145-6, 159-60, 165, 196, 203, 204, 215, 222, 355, 389, 520

Arthur (King), 158, 168

Artizans' Dwellings Bill, 264, 321-4, 337, 348, 438

Assisi, 364-7, 463

Association (Hall of), 24
(Tailors'), 23

Athens, 401-17, 419

Ayres, Alice, 506

Baptism, 284, 343-6

Barter (Miss), 467
letter to, 451

Barmouth, 533

Barnett, Canon, 258, 272, 281, 290, 297, 303, 305, 347, 369, 388, 417, 419, 492 letter to, 328-9. See Preface

Barrington, Russell, 299
Mrs., 506

Baumgartner, Miss, 156, 162, 164
letters to, 166, 167, 169, 172, 173, 174, 175, 229-230, 248

B——Court, 265, 268, 286, 310, 311, 320, 322, 326, 337, 339, 346, 350, 351, 352, 353, 367, 390-392, 393-4, 399, 413, 466, 470

Beethoven, 20

Ben Rhydding, 189, 269

Benson, Archbishop, 484, 498

Berlin, 441, 538

Bethnal Green, 449, 511-12

Bible, 20, 33, 64, 277, 409-410
Class, 32, 115

Bible Women, 171

Birthday, 62, 104, 169

Blind, concerts for, 223

Blyth, Wm., 393
letters to, 439, 554, 555
Mrs., 536

Boarding out, 324, 352

Bodichon, Madame, 182-3

Bond, Ed., 261, 297, 315, 327, 331, 338
Nigel, 575, 576

Booth, Chas., 515, 570
General, 505

Bosanquet (C. P. B.), 259, 260, 287, 311, 323

Botany, 80

Brandlehow. See Derwent Water

Brooke, Rev. Ingham, 491, 492
letters to, 513-14, 552
Mrs., letters to, 572

Brougham Hall, 196

Browning, Mrs., 97, 108-9, 146-7, 167, 179, 446
Robert, 7, 108-9, 240, 245, 246, 273-3, 288, 446, 500

Bryce, J., 465, 540

Bunhill Fields, 316, 338, 346, 350

Bunney, Mr., 175

Burglar, 16

Burne-Jones, E., 202, 522

Burnham Beeches, 396

Burns, John, 508, 565

Buttercups, 32, 333

Cadet Corps, 491, 518, 549, 552-3, 571-2

Carlyle, Thos., 144, 261, 312-13. See Cromwell

Carpenter, Rev. E., 314, 322 Page:Life of Octavia Hill as told in her letters.djvu/618 Page:Life of Octavia Hill as told in her letters.djvu/619 Page:Life of Octavia Hill as told in her letters.djvu/620 Page:Life of Octavia Hill as told in her letters.djvu/621 Page:Life of Octavia Hill as told in her letters.djvu/622 Page:Life of Octavia Hill as told in her letters.djvu/623

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