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Life of Tolstoy/Index

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396761Life of Tolstoy — IndexBernard MiallRomain Rolland


(The names of characters and titles of books are in italics).

Alexandra, Tolstoy’s aunt, 18
Ancestry, Tolstoy’s, 14, 15
Analysis, self-, 29
Andrei Bolkonsky, Prince, 88-90, 94, 100
Anna Karenin (novel), 76, 84, 99, 102, 203
Anna Karenin (character), 103, 104
Arabian Nights, 19, 169
Attacks on modern, 145, 146
Tolstoy’s conception of, 147-150
His ignorance of, 151
His religious ideal of art, 156
Christian art extinct, 157
The art of the future, 159
Endowment of, 159
Mission of, 160
Austerlitz, 89, 90

Bach, 153
Bachkirs, the, 102
Bagration, 88
Beethoven, 151, 155, 181, 183
Bers family, the, 75
Bers, S. A., 179
Bers, Sophie, see Countess Tolstoy
Besoukhov, Pierre, 88, 91-4, 100
Bloody Sunday, 212
Böcklin, 151
Boyer, Paul, 167
Boyhood, 42
Brahms, 151
Breton, Jules, 151
Brothers, Tolstoy’s, 17
Brush with the Enemy, A, 44
Bylines, 19, 168

Caucasus, Tolstoy joins Army of the, 33
Census, the, Tolstoy assists in taking, 127
Chavannes, P. de, 151
Childhood, Tolstoy’s, 17-19
Childhood, Boyhood, Youth, 15, 16, 19, 23
Begun in the Caucasus, 35; 39
Tolstoy’s later opinion of, 40; 84
See Boyhood and Youth
China, Tolstoy’s admiration for, 220
Christ, Tolstoy’s conception of, 119
Concordance and Translation of the Four Gospels, 118
Confessions, 106, 120, 238
Cossacks, The, 44
Countess Tolstoy—
Character and abilities, 83
As model, 84; 100, 135-8, 226-7
Letter to, 229-31
Creed, Tolstoy’s, 123-4
Crimea, transference to the, 49
Criticism of Dogmatic Theology, 118
Criticism of art, destructive, 151
Cycle of Readings, 200

Death of Ivan Ilyitch, The, 6, 68, 165, 174-5
Decembrists, The (a projected novel), 91
Diary of a Sportsman, 68, 75
Diary of Prince D. Nekhludov, 65
Dmitri Tolstoy, 17
Death of, 106-7
Don Quixote, 158
Dostoyevsky, 158, 193
Dreyfus Affair, the, 154
Droujinine, 61

Education, Tolstoy’s ideas concerning, 23-5, 66
End of a World, The, 201
England, Tolstoy contemplates retiring to, 103
Erochta, the old Cossack, 45
Execution, effect of a public 64

Faith, Tolstoy’s, brings no happiness, 128
Family, Tolstoy’s, 16
Family dissensions, 228
Family Happiness, 75-7, 84
Father, Tolstoy’s, 16
Feminism, Tolstoy’s attitude towards, 138
Flaubert’s opinion of Tolstoy’s work, 99, 245

Gapon, Father, 212
George, Henry, 225
Georgians, the, 213
Goethe, 156
Gontcharev, 61
Great Crime, The, 201, 210
Greek, Tolstoy studies, 101
Gricha, the idiot, 18
Grigorovitch, 61

Hadji Mourad, 199
Hebrew, Tolstoy studies, 137
Home, Tolstoy’s, see Yasnaya Polyana
Hugo, Victor, 158
Hunting, renounced, 132

Ibsen, 151
Introspection, Tolstoy’s faculty of, 29
Invasion, The, 35, 42
Irtenieff, Nikolas, 15

Joseph, the History of, 19, 159
Journal, Tolstoy’s, 14, 27, 34

Karenin, 106
Karatayev, 91
Kazan, 23
Khlopoff, Captain, 43
Kitty Levine, 84, 103
Klinger, Max, 151
Kozeltoff, brothers, in Sebastopol in August, 1855, 56-7
Kreutzer Sonata, The, 165, 174, 176-7, 181
Kutuzof, 88, 90-1

Levine, 103, 106-8, 111
Lhermitte, 151
Liberal Party, Tolstoy’s disdain of the, 66, 202-3
Life, 120
Literary Society of St. Petersburg, Tolstoy’s dislike of, 61-67
Logic, heroic, 129-130
Definition of, 122
Tolstoy’s attitude towards sexual, 177
Law of, 211
Lucerne, incident of the singer, 65

Manet, 151
Marriage, Tolstoy’s views concerning, 100, 177
Marie, Princess, 88-9
Marie Tolstoy, 16, 94
Maslova, 191
Master and Servant, 165
Michelangelo, 151
Millet, 151
Molière, 158
Moscow, effect of visit to, 127, 130, 147
Love of, 28-9
Ignorance of modern music, 151-2; 153
In the Kreutzer Sonata, 178
Dread of, 179
Suggested State control over, 182-3

Natasha, 90, 93-4, 179-180
Nekhludov, 26-8, 33, 68, 181, 191
Nekhludov, Diary of Prince D., 65
Nikolas Tolstoy, 17, 33
Dies of phthisis, 69
Non-Resistance, 211, 225

Old Believers, the, 212
Olenin, 45
Orthodox Church, Tolstoy’s relations with the, 117
Ostrovsky, 61

Pakhom the Peasant, 169-170
Parents, Tolstoy’s, 15-16
Pascal, 120
Pedagogy, 135
Polikushka, 70, 78
Popular Tales, 42, 165, 168
Popular idiom, 167-8
Portraits of Tolstoy—
Of 1848, 26 (note)
Of 1851, 35
Of 1856, 61
Of 1885, 129; 140
Posdnicheff, 177, 182
Power of Darkness, The, 165, 170-3
Prashkhoukhine, death of, 54

Reason (letter upon), 121
Reason, Tolstoy’s distrust of, 108; 120-121
Tolstoy’s vague agnosticism as a youth, 24
Revival of, in the Caucasus, 33-9; 100, 123-4, 135, 209, 215-16
Rembrandt, 151
Resurrection, 166, 187-195, 224, 247
Revolution, Tolstoy prophesies, 209-10
Roumania, Tolstoy joins Army of, 49
Rousseau, J. J., worship of, 27; 240-3
Rules of Life, 25
Russian Proprietor, A, 27
Written in the Caucasus, 35; 42
Russo-Japanese War, 201

St. Petersburg, Tolstoy’s dislike of literary society of, 61, 67
Samara, 102
Schopenhauer, 101 (note)
Science, Tolstoy attacks, 145
Sebastopol in December, 1854, 52
Sebastopol in May, 1855, 52-6
Sebastopol in August, 1855, 52, 54-7
Sebastopol, the siege of, 49-57
Sexual morality, 177
Shakespeare, 166
Shakespeare, no artist, 152-3, 155-6
Siegfried, hasty judgment on, 152
“Smartness,” Tolstoy’s worship of, 27
Socialism, Tolstoy’s hatred of, 205-8
Society, pictures of Russian, 103
Sophia Bers, see Countess Tolstoy
Sovremennik, the (Russian review), 40
Spelling-book, Tolstoy’s, 135
State, the, a murderous entity, 130
Stepan Arcadievitch, 105
Sterne, influence of, 41
Story-teller, a blind, 19
Strauss, 151
Stuck, 151
Suarès, 6, 61
Suicidal tendencies, 107, 111, 113

Tatiana, Tolstoy’s aunt, 17
Tchaikowsky, 151
Terror, attack of nervous, 100
Three Deaths, 68
Three Old Men, 168
Tolstoy, Countess, 75, 83, 84, 100, 135-8, 226-7, 229-231
Tolstoy, Dmitri, 17
Death of, 106-7
Tolstoy, Leo—
Reception of his work in France, 6
Influence of Rousseau and Stendhal, 7
Organic unity of his life, 13
Ancestry and inheritances, 14-15
Childhood, 17-19
Student days, 23-5
Personal appearance (see Portraits), 25-6
Joins Army of Caucasus, 33
Religious experiences, 33-4
First literary work, 35
Effects of illness, 39
Early work, 41-5
Love of life, 46
Transferred to Crimea, 49
Narratives of Sebastopol, 52
Enters St. Petersburg literary society, 61
Quarrels with Tourgenev, 63
Travels in Europe, 64
Studies pedagogy, 66
Effect of his brother’s death 70
Courtship, 75
Marriage, 76-83
War and Peace, 83-95
Anna Karenina, 99
Effect of Dmitri’s death, 107
Suicidal tendencies, in
His “conversion,” 115-16
Joins the Orthodox Church, 117
Tolstoy Leo (continued)
Leaves it, 117
Visits Moscow, 127
Commences to write on religious subjects, 136
Differences with Countess
Tolstoy, 136-7
Spiritual loneliness, 140
Attacks upon modern art and science, 145
His ignorance of art, 151
Ignorance of modern music, 152
Attack upon Shakespeare, 153-7
Religious and aesthetic ideals, 156-61
His fear of music, 178-80
Political ideals, 214
Religious ideals, 215-16
Old age, 219
Political hopes, 220
Loneliness, 228
Intends leaving his family, 229
Death, 234
Tolstoy, Nikolas, 17, 33, 69
Töppfer, influence of, 41
Tourgenev, 17, 61-3
Criticism of Tolstoy, 95, 140, 202
Turkey, war declared upon, 49
Two Hussars, The, 68

Volodya, see Kozeltoff
Vogüé, Melchior de, 140
Vronsky, 103-4 Wagner, Tolstoy’s hasty judgment of, 152, 155
War and Peace, 15, 43, 84, 95, 99-101, 103-5
What I Believe, 141
What is Art? 149-50, 166
What shall we do? 129, 138
Woman, Tolstoy’s ideal of, 138-9
Woodcutters, The, 44

Yasnaya Polyana, 16, 33
Tolstoy returns to, 65
Experiments at, 66-7; 224, 228

Written during the siege of Sebastopol, 50
Lyrical beauty of, 51