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Literary Landmarks of Oxford/Indices

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Addison, Jospeh, 142-143, 212.
Allen, Thomas, 228. 258-259.
Arnold, Matthew, 42-43. 184.
Arnold, Thomas, 90. 92-96. 183.
Aubrey, John, 228-229. 233.

Bacon, Roger, 31-33. 161-162.
Barham, Richard Harrison, 54-55.
Beaumont, Francis, 196. 233.
Bentham, Jeremy, 213-214.
Blackstone, William, 16. 20-21. 204-205.
Bodley, Thomas, 140. 163-164
Boswell, James, 145.
Bradley, Edward, 11-12.
Browne, Thomas, 194. 195-196. 151.
Burne-Jones, Edward, 101.
Burton, Robert, 53. 70-71.

Calverley, Charles Stuart, 44-45. 233.
Camden, William, 68-69. 140. 194.
Chaucer, 162.
"Christopher North." (See John Wilson.)
Clough, Arthur Hugh, 43-44. 184.
Coleridge, Samuel Taylor, 38.
Collins, William, 143-144. 213.
Colman, George, The Younger, 75. 233.
Connington, John, 149. 244-245.
"Cuthbert Bede." (See Edward Bradley.)

Daniel, Sauel, 140-141.
Davenant, William, 125. 126. 129. 233.
Day, Thomas, 87-90. 233.
de Bury, Richard, 227-228.
Denham, John, 228. 233.
De Quincey, Thomas, 233. 261-262.
Digby, Kenelm, 233. 259-260.
Digges, Leonard, 239-240.
Dodgson, Charles Lutwidge, 77-78

Emerson, Ralph Waldo, 96
Erasmus, 17-18. 188.
Evelyn, John, 29-30. 233. 249-250.

Fell, John, 28-29. 71-73.
Fell, Samuel, 72.
Fiske, John, 76-77. 244.
Ford, John, 101.
Foxe, John, 52-53. 139.
Freeman, Edward Augustus, 186-187. 234-235.
Froude, James Anthony, 101. 104-105.

Gibbon, Edward, 145-147. 233.

Gladstone, William Ewart, 78-79.
Graves, Richard, 203-204.
Green, John Richard, 115-117. 149.
Greville, Fulke, 194-195.

Hamilton, William, 39-40.
Hearne, Thomas, 216-218.
Heber, Reginald, 16. 22. 53-54.
Herbert, Edward of Cherbury, 233. 240.
Hervey, John, 123-124.
Heywood, John, 193-194.
Holmes, Oliver Wendell, 151-152.
Hook, Theodore Edward, 188-189. 233.
Hooker, Richard, 85-87.
Horne, George, 144-145. 241.
Hughes, Thomas, 42. 184-186.

Jeffrey, Francis, 215. 233.
Jewel, John, 84.
Johnson, Samuel, 70. 116. 145. 196-202. 229-230. 233.
Jones, William, 241-242.
Jonson, Benjamin, 70.
Jowett, Benjamin, 40. 45-47. 215.

Keble, John, 90. 92. 182.
Keble, Thomas, 90.
Killigrew, William, 222-223. 233.
Kingsley, Henry, 262-264.
Kittell, Dr., 231.
Kyrle, John, 33-34.

Landor, Walter Savage, 231-233.
Langbaine, Gerard, The Younger, 240-241.
Laud, William, 221-222.
Liddell, Henry George, 75-76.
Linacre, Thomas, 16. 17. 68.
Locke, John, 73.
Lockhart, John Gibson, 38-39.
Lovelace, Richard, 260.
Lowell, James Russell, 151.
Lyell, William, 101.
Lyly, John, 140.

Manning, Edward Henry, 40. 79. 168.
Marston, John, 53.
Milman, Henry Hart, 54.
Mitford, William, 214. 233.
Montgomery, Robert, 124-125.
More, Hannah, 202.
More, Thomas, 68.
Morris, William, 101.
Milller, Max, 150-152.

Newmann, John Henry, 183. 233-234.

Otway, Thomas, 74-75. 233.

Pater, Walter, 56-57. 215.
Pepys, Samuel, 30-32.
Pitt, Robert, 253-254.
Prideaux, Humphrey, 74.
Prideaux, John, 102-103.

Raleigh, Walter, 181. 233.
Reade, Charles, 148.
Robertson, Frederick William, 55-56.
Rochester, Earl of, 252-253.
Ruskin, John, 79-80. 96-97.

Sanderson, Robert, 121-122.
Scott, Robert, 40-41. 75-76.
Scott, Walter, 53-54.
Seldon, John, 101. in. 233.
Shakspere, 125-130.
Shelley, Percy Bysshe, 78. 233. 242-244.
Shenstone, William, 200. 202-203. 204. 233.

Shirley, James, 222. 233.
Sidney, Philip, 69. 194
Smith, Adam, 35-36.
Smith, Sidney, 174-175.
Southey, Robert, 36-38.
Sprat, Thomas, 251.
Stanley, Arthur Penrhyn, 41-42. 183. 244.
Steele, Richard, 168. 233.
Swift, Jonathan, III.

Taylor, Jeremy, 18-19.
Tennyson, Alfred, 152-153.
Thackeray, William Makepeace, 223.
Tickell, Thomas, 212-213.
"Tom Brown," 10. II. 184-186.
Tyndale, William, 138-139.

Udall, Nicholas, 84-85.

"Verdant Green," 10. 11. 58-59. 66. 132.

Warton, Thomas, 200. 230-231.
Wesley, John, 75, 121, 122-123.
White, Gilbert, 181-182.
Whitefield, George, 204.
Wilkins, John, 249-251.
Wilson, John ("Christopher North"), 147-148.
Withers, George, 141-142. 233.
Wood, Anthony, 164-168. 173.
Wren, Christopher, 16. 19. 29. 251.
Wycherley, William, 212. 233.
Wycliffe, John, 28. 68. 162.

Young, Edward, 16. 19-20. 87. 173-174.


Addison's Walk, 143.
Algate Street, 130.
All Souls, 15-23. 54.
William Blackstone, 20. 21. 205.
Erasmus, 17-18.
Reginald Heber, 16. 22. 53-54.
Thomas Linacre, 16. 17.
Jeremy Taylor, 16. 18-19.
Christopher Wren, 16. 19.
Edward Young, 16. 19-20. 87. 173-174.
Angel Inn, 201.

Balliol, 27-47.
Matthew Arnold, 42-43.
Roger Bacon, 31-33.
Charles Stuart Calverley, 44-45.
Arthur Hugh Clough, 43-44.
Samuel Taylor Coleridge, 38.
John Evelyn, 29-30.
William Hamilton, 39-40.
Benjamin Jowett, 45-47.
John Kyrle, 33-34.
John Gibson Lockhart, 38-39.
Edward Henry Manning, 40. 168.
Robert Scott, 40-41. 75-76.
Adam Smith, 35-36.
Robert Southey, 36-38.
Arthur Penrhyn Stanley, 41-42.
John Wycliffe, 27-28. 162.
Balliol Grove, 38.
Bodleian Library, 140. 163-164. 216. 217. 229.
Bradmore Road, 56.
Brazenose, 51-60.
Richard Harrison Barham, 54-55.
Robert Burton, 53. 70-71.
John Fell, 71-73.
Samuel Fell, 72.
John Foxe, 52-53.
Reginald Heber, 22. 53-54.
John Marston, 53.
Henry Hart Milman, 54.
Walter Pater, 56-57. 215.
Frederick William Robertson, 55-56.
Walter Scott, 53-54.
Brazenose Lane, 54.
Broadgates Hall. (See Pembroke.)
Broad Street, 200. 229.

Canterbury College. (See Christ Church.)
Carfax, The, 132.
Cathedral, 71. 73.
Cemetery of the Holy Cross,
Christ Church, 63-80. 184.
Robert Burton, 70-71.
William Camden, 68-69. 140.
George Colman, The Younger, 75.
Charles Lutwidge Dodgson, 77-78.
John Fell, 28-29. 71-73.

Samuel Fell, 72.
John Foxe, 52-53.
William Ewart Gladstone, 78-79.
Fulke Greville, 194-195.
Benjamin Jonson, 70.
Henry George Liddell, 75-76.
Thomas Linacre, 68.
John Locke, 73.
Thomas More, 68.
Thomas Otway, 74-75.
Humphrey Prideaux, 74.
John Ruskin, 79-80. 96-97.
Robert Scott, 40-41. 75-76.
Philip Sidney, 69.
Arthur Penrhyn Stanley, 41-42.
Richard Steele, 168.
John Wesley, 75.
John Wycliffe, 68.
Cornmarket Street, 18. 125. 127. 130.
Corpus Christi, 83-98. 184.
Thomas Arnold, 92-96.
Thomas Day, 87-90.
Richard Hooker, 85-87.
John Jewel, 84.
John Keble, 90-92. 182.
Thomas Keble, 90.
John Ruskin, 80. 96-97.
Nicholas Udall, 84-85.
Edward Young, 87. 173-174.
Crown Inn, 125-130.

Durham College. (See Trinity.)

Exeter, 101-5.
Edward Burne-Jones, 101.
John Ford, 101.
James Anthony Froude, 101. 104, 105.
William Lyell, 101.
William Morris, 101.
John Prideaux, 102-103.
John Seldon, 101.
Exeter Gardens, 54.

Franscian Monastery, 32.
Frewen Court, 18.
Frewen Hall, 18.
Friar Bacon's Study, 31-32.

Gloucester Hall. (See Worcester. )

Hart Hall. (See Hertford.)
Hertford, 109-111.
John Seldon, in.
Jonathan Swift, in.
High Street, 21. 56. 103-104. 130. 151. 152. 183. 187. 201.
Holy well Cemetery, 57.

Jesus, 115-117.
John Richard Green, 115-117. 149.
Samuel Johnson, 116.

Keble, 182.
Kettell Hall, 200. 230. 231.

Lincoln, 121-133.
William Davenant, 125-129
John Hervey, 123-124.
Robert Montgomery, 124-125.
Robert Sanderson, 121-122.
Shakspere, 125-130.
John Wesley, 75. 121. 122-123.

Magdalen, 68. 110. 111. 137-153.
Joseph Addison, 142-143. 212.
Thomas Bodley, 140. 163-164.


James Bos well, 145. William Camden, 68-69. 140 194. William Collins, 143-144. 213. John Connington, 149, 244-245. Samuel Daniel, 140-141. John Foxe, 52-53. 139. Edward Gibbon, 145-147. John Richard Green, 149. George Home, 144-145. 241. Samuel Johnson, 145. John Lyly, 140. Charles Reade, 148. William Tyndale, 138-139. John Wilkins, 249-251. John Wilson, 147-148. George Withers, 141-142. Magdalen Grammar School, 116. 149. 150. Magdalen Hall. (See Magdalen College.) Merton, 72. 184. 157-168. Roger Bacon, 161-162. Thomas Bodley, 140. 163-164. Chaucer, 162. Edward Henry Manning, 168. Richard Steele, 168. Anthony Wood, 164-168. John Wycliffe, 28. 162. Merton Chapel, 164. 167. Merton Street, 164. Mitre Inn, 21-22.

New, 110. 171-175. Sidney Smith, 174-175. Edward Young, 20. 87. 173-174. New College School, 173. New Inn Hall Street, 18. Norham Gardens, 151.

Old Broad Walk, 72. Oriel, 179-189. Matthew Arnold, 184. Thomas Arnold, 183. Arthur Hugh Clough, 43-44. 184. Erasmus, 188. Edward Augustus Freeman, 186-187. Theodore Edward Hook, 189. Thomas Hughes, 184-186. John Keble, 92. 182. John Henry Newman, 183. 233-234. Walter Raleigh, 181. Sidney Smith, 174-175. Gilbert White, 181-182. Oriel Street, 187. Oxford Union, 18. 252.

Pembroke, 193-205. Francis Beaumont, 196. William Blackstone, 20-21. 204-205. Thomas Browne, 194. 195-196. William Camden, 68-69. 140. 194. Richard Graves, 203-204. Fulke Greville, 194-195. John Heywood, 193-194. Samuel Johnson, 196-202. 229-230. William Shenstone, 200. 202-203. 204. George Whitfield, 204. Pusey House, 57.

Queens's, 209-218. Joseph Addison, 142-143. 212. Jeremy Bentham, 213-214. William Collins, 143. 213. Thomas Hearne, 216-218. Francis Jeffrey, 215. William Mitford, 214. Walter Pater, 56. 215.

Thomas Tickell, 212-213.

William Wycherly, 212.
John Wycliffe, 28. 162.
Queen's Lane, 215.
Queen Street, 130. 164.

Radcliffe Square, 57.
Roebuck Inn, 125. 126. 127. 132.

St. Aldate's Church, 199.
St. Ebbe's Church, 32. 56.
St. Edmund Hall. (See Queen's.)
St. Giles Street, 57. 187. 234.
St. John's, 57. 221-223.
William Killigrew, 222-223.
William Laud, 221-222.
James Shirley, 222.
William Makepeace Thackeray, 223.
St. John's Church, 167.
St. John Baptist Hall. (See Worcester.)
St. John Baptist Street, 164.
St. Martin's Church, 126. 127.
129. 130.
St. Mary Magdalen, 42. 229.
St. Mary's Hall. (See Oriel.)
St. Mary the Virgin, 183. 258.
St. Peter's-in-the-East, 218. 240.
St. Sepulchre's Cemetery, 45.
Seagrym's Hall. (See Pembroke.)
Sheldonian Theatre, 30. 94.

Trinity, 227-236. 259.
Thomas Allen, 228. 259.
John Aubrey, 228-229.
Richard de Bury, 227-228.
John Denham, 228.
Edward Augustus Freeman, 186-187. 234-235.
Samuel Johnson, 229-230.
Benjamin Jonson, 70.
Dr. Kittell, 231.
Walter Savage Land or, 231-233.
John Henry Newman, 183, 233-234.
Thomas Warton, 230-231.
Trinity Lime Walk, 227.

Union. (See Oxford Union.)
University, 239-245.
John Connington, 149. 244-245.
Leonard Digges, 239-240.
Herbert, of Cherbury, 240.
George Home, 144. 241.
William Jones, 241-242.
Gerard Langbaine, the Younger, 240-241.
Percy Bysshe Shelley, 242-244.
Arthur Penrhyn Stanley, 244.

Wadham, 249-254.
John Evelyn, 249-250.
Robert Pitt, 253-254.
Earl of Rochester, 252-253.
Thomas Sprat, 251.
John Wilkins, 249-251.
Christopher Wren, 19. 29. 251.
Worcester, 257-264.
Thomas Allen, 228. 258-259.
Thomas De Quincey, 261-262.
Kenelm Digby, 259-260.
Henry Kingsley, 262-264.
Richard Lovelace, 260.