Literary Research Guide/The Research Process/Manuscript Step 4
Step 4: Search catalogs devoted to a national literature, geographical area, or subject.
- Schoenberg, Schoenberg Database of Manuscripts (F305)
- Index of English Literary Manuscripts (M1365)
- Catalogue of Additions to the Manuscripts (M1540)
- Crum, First-Line Index of English Poetry, 1500–1800 (M1590)
- Ker, Catalogue of Manuscripts Containing Anglo-Saxon (M1645)
- Ker, Medieval Manuscripts in British Libraries (M1810)
- Ricci, Medieval and Renaissance Manuscripts in the United States and Canada (M1815)
- Boffey, New Index of Middle English Verse (M1940)
- Index of Middle English Prose (M1945)
- Location Register of English Literary Manuscripts and Letters (M2227)
- Location Register of 20th-Century English Literary Manuscripts and Letters (M2765)
- Hayes, Manuscript Sources for the History of Irish Civilisation (N2940)
- American Literary Manuscripts (Q3230)
- American Manuscripts, 1763–1815 (Q3235)
- Guide to Manuscripts Relating to America in Great Britain and Ireland (Q3240)