As lies the blue behind the thunder-cloud,
As lurk the snowdrop 'neath the drifted snow.
As the bright buds till April calls aloud
Hide deep within the black and leafless bough.
So, despite care and sorrow, loss and fret,
God's loving pity guards His children's fates;
Oh, in our darkness let us trust Him yet.
Whose Comforter eaa patient soul awaits.
Believe the rankling wound in love is sent,
Believe the grief in chastening mercy comes,
And so the bitter "why" to faith will melt.
And sorrow smile anong her darlings' tombs.
Watching the violets gem the grassy lane
That late in desolate winter chill we trod,
Let the sweet flowers preach to the lonely pain
The everlasting pity of our God.