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Littell's Living Age/Volume 127/Issue 1642/Happy and Whole

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Sigh not for me, O never sigh for me.
Tender and true! since tongue can never tell
Half my content in your felicity.
For you are happy and whole, and all is well.
God's alms wherewith my daily bread is bought.
Strait casement letting in my livelong day.
Sweet words, the blossom of a blessed thought,
"Happv and whole, happy and whole are they."
Divine reproachful voice at dead of night,
"Happy and whole are they, how canst thou weep?"
My lids are toucht by fingers feathery-light,
And love that never slumbers gives me sleep.
See how your joy is mine, both night and day.
Your joy is mine, sigh none of it away.

Mary Brotherton
Macmillan's Magazine.