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Littell's Living Age/Volume 130/Issue 1685/To Summer

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Summer, summer, lovely summer,
List, O list to what I say;
Is thy reign so quickly ended?
Canst thou, then, no longer stay?

Autumn cometh, crowned with glory;
What is that, I pray, to me?
All my soul the dearest loveth,
Summer, is entwined with thee.

'Mid thy green leaves' shimmering glory,
Waving in the baliny air,
Hope peers forth, with smile entrancing,
Tells me life is passing fair.

And the roses' bloomy petals
Whisper softly in mine ear
Breezy poems, sweet romances,
Tender songs I love to hear.

Velvet pansies, nodding near me,
Tell of happy, golden hours,
And some, useful, heaven-taught lesson
Do I learn from all the flowers.

Waving ferns, by brooklets springing,
Perfumed lilies, fair of face,
Whisper low of modest virtue,
Purity and joy and grace.

With the spring my fond hopes budded,
And in thy rich loveliness
Have they grown, and bloomed and blossomed
Into ripest perfectness.

And when autumn leaves are faded,
And the winds of winter blow,
Shall they, like thy peaceful beauty,
Hidden lie beneath the snow?

Summer, summer, lovely summer,
If thy parting hour is near,
Leave me peace and love and blessings,
Guardian angels for the year.

Summer, may thy memory linger
In my heart forevermore,
And, the dreary winter ended,
May I welcome thee once more.

Transcript. K. M. K.