Littell's Living Age/Volume 138/Issue 1784/The Passing of the Cloud

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764099Littell's Living Age, Volume 138, Issue 1784 — The Passing of the CloudFrancis William Bourdillon


There came a cloud over yonder hill,
When the wind was muttering low,
Round and white as the sails, that fill
When the winds o'er the ocean go.

And the skirts of the cloud were snowy white,
But the heart of the cloud was black;
And the sunshine fled, and the trees in fright
Murmured and bowed them back.

And the cruel north wind whistled shrill,
And the south wind sobbed in turn,
And the east wind shrieked, "Come down and kill!"
And the west wind sighed, "Return!"

But the cloud gave heed to sob nor cry,
But swept over bill and plain;
The cloud went by in the broad blue sky,
And the sunshine came again.

Spectator.F. W. B.