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Littell's Living Age/Volume 143/Issue 1842/First and Last

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Littell's Living Age
Volume 143, Issue 1842 : First and Last by Elizabeth Charles

Originally published in Sunday Magazine.

111515Littell's Living AgeVolume 143, Issue 1842 : First and LastElizabeth Charles

Thy "little lamb" once more!
     My Lord, my life, my rest,
Borne in thine arms the wide world o'er,
     A lamb upon thy breast.

Thy sheep across the waste
     Were wandering far and wide,
And after them my heart would baste
     To bring them to thy side.

Thy lambs were weak and faint,
     I could but give my best;
Feebly I sought to still the plaint,
     And bear them on my breast.

Great Shepherd of the sheep!
     The sheep are thine, not mine!
Thou thy great flock wilt surely keep,
     And each one lamb of thine.

Ever, the wide waste o'er,
     A lamb upon thy breast!
Thy lost thou seekest evermore,
     I seek, with thee, and rest.

A lamb upon thy breast,
     Still learning what thou art, —
Our Lord, our life, our strength, our rest!
     Borne on thy changeless heart.

Thy "little lamb" once more
     My Lord, my life, my rest;
Borne in thine arms the dark flood o'er,
     A lamb upon thy breast!