Littell's Living Age/Volume 144/Issue 1864/Origin of Plants
Origin of Plants
Cabbage grew wild in Siberia; buckwheat originated in Siberia; celery originated in Germany; the potato is a native of Peru; the onion originated in Egypt; tobacco is a native of South America; millet was first discovered in India; the nettle is a native of Europe; the citron is a native of Asia; oats originated in north Africa; rye came originally from Siberia; parsley was first discovered in Sardinia; the parsnip is a native of Arabia; the sunflower was brought from Peru; spinach was first cultivated in Arabia; the apple is from Europe; the horse-chestnut is a native of Thibet; the quince came from the island of Crete; the radish is a native of China and Japan; the pear is supposed to be of Egyptian origin; the horse-radish came from the south of Europe.