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Little Essays of Love and Virtue/Index

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Abstinence, sexual, 59.

Acton, 110.

Adrenal glands, 132.

Anstie, 45.

Art of love, 121.

Asceticism and sexuality, 57.

Augustine, St., 58, 77.

Australian birth-rate, 162.

Auto-erotism, 46.

Bantu, marriage among the, 92.

Bateson, 166.

Bell, W. Blair, 119.

Binet-Sangle, 146.

Birth-control, 72, 138 et seq.

Birth-rate, in France, 159, 174.

in Australia, 162.

in Canada, 160.

in England, 159, 164.

Book of the Knight of the Tour-Landry, 18, 82.

Brontës, the, 25.

Browning, Mrs., 26.

Brown-Séquard, 45.

Burbank, Luther, 139.

Canada, birth-rate in, 160.

Chastity, 57.

Chaucer, 56.

Children, to parents, relation of, 13 et seq.

in modern life, 24 et seq.

sex in, 48.

China, parents in, 32.

Christianity, 57, 65, 70, 76, 108, 110.

Continence, the value of, 38, 42.

Courtship in Nature, 103.

Crooks, Mrs. Will, 89.

Davenport, C. B., 143.

Darwin, Major Leonard, 166.

Davies, 51.

Drayton, 51.

Dundas, C., 92.

East, E. M., 176.

Education, 14.

in Old England, 16.

in Old France, 17, 19.

Electra-complex, 22.

Eliot, George, 31.

Ellis, Mrs. Havelock, 68, 69, 96.

English social history, 15, 16, 79, 159, 164.

Erotic claims of women, 112.

Erotic personality, 121.

Eugenics, 134 et seq.

Ewart, 141.

Family, sex in life of, 22 et seq., 78.

Feeblemindedness, 143.

Feudal education, 19.

Francis of Assisi, St., 58.

Freernan, Austin, 99, 177.

French social history, 17, 19, 81, 159, 173.

Freud, 33, 46, 52.

Frink, H. W., 131.

Fuller, B. A. G., 171.

Galton, Sir Francis, 134, 139, 140, 144, 145.

Girls, emancipated, 27.

Goddard, 143.

Goethe, 179.

Gratian, 79.

Greeks, eugenics amongst ancient, 137.

Groos, 119.

Hadfield, Mrs., 32.

Heraclitus, 178.

Hinton, James, 29, 45, 67, 68, 69, 98.

Home, revolution in the, 93.

Hormones, 40, 117.

Husbands, 75 et seq.

Individualism and eugenics, 148.

Infanticide, ancient, 135.

Infantile arrest, 33.

Inge, Dr., 166.

Internal secretions, 40, 117.

Jonson, Ben, 51.

Juries, women on, 16.

Key, Ellen, 13, 14, 15, 145.

Lasco, John á, 70.

Lowenfeld, 52.

Luchaire, 19.

Luther, 109.

Machinery and civilisation, 177.

Magic and sex, 39.

Marriage, 63 et seq., 76 et seq., 108 et seq., 117 et seq.

Martineau, Harriet, 27.

Mathorez, 174.

Matsumato, 48.

McDougall, W., 99.

Meirowsky, 42.

Milton, 77.

Moïssidés, 137.

Monogamy, 106.

Montaigne, 17, 21, 37, 108, 109.

Morality, and nature, 55.

in marriage, 109.

More, Sir Thomas, 37, 109.

Murphy, Sir Shirley, 172.

Näcke, 59.

Nature and morality, 55.

New Caledonia, treatment of parents in, 32.

Northcote, H., 71.

Œdipus-complex, 22.

Osborn, H. F., 170.

Palladius, 57.

Parasitism in the home, 90.

Parents, merciful destruction of, 32.

relation of children to, 13 et seq., 24.

training of, 34.

veneration of, 32.

Parmelee, 120.

Paston Letters, 16, 79.

Paul, Eden & Cedar, 18, 151.

Paul, St; 77.

Peacock, 51.

Pell, C. E. 172.

Perrycoste, F. H., 149, 153.

Perseigne, Adam de, 20.

Pituitary gland, 118.

Play-function of sex, 116 et seq.

Pleasure, the function of, 67.

Polonius, 31.

Powell, Dr., 81.

Protestantism and marriage, 77.

Psycho-analysis, 22, 130.

Purity, 37 et seq.

Race-suicide, 155 et seq.

Ring in marriage, 84.

Rite, the marriage, 83.

Robert of Arbrissel, 58.

Rohleder, 43.

Rolland, Romain, 67.

Sacrament, sex as a, 69.

Salle, Antoine de la, 17.

Sanger, Margaret, 152.

Schreiner, Olive, 69, 90.

and asceticism, 57.

Sex, and magic, 39.

as a sacrament, 69.

evolution in, 66.

Sex, nature of impulse of, 44.

play-function of, 116 et seq.

spiritual element in, 66.

sublimation of, 47, 50.

Shaftesbury, 51.

Socialism and eugenics, 150,

Stonor Letters, 81.

Stopes, Marie, 152.

Suarez, 62.

Sublimation, 47, 50.

Theognis, 65.

Wells, H. G., 152.

Westermarck, 32.

Wives, 75 et seq.

love rights of, 102 et seq.

Wollstonecroft, Mary, 25.

Women, erotic claims of, 112.

erotic ideas of average, 124.

in Crusades, 20.

in marriage, 75, 78.

in old France, 19 et seq.

in subjection to men, 111.

love rights of, 102 et seq.

on juries, 16.

Yule, G. Udney, 172.