Dictionary of National Biography, 1885-1900/Lloyd, Nathaniel

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486116Dictionary of National Biography, 1885-1900, Volume 33 — Lloyd, Nathaniel1893James McMullen Rigg

LLOYD, Sir NATHANIEL (1669–1745), master of Trinity Hall, Cambridge, born in the Savoy 29 Nov. 1669, was eldest son of Sir Richard Lloyd (1634–1686), by Elizabeth, his wife. The father, second son of Andrew Lloyd of Aston, Shropshire, was a fellow of All Souls' College, Oxford; proceeded B.C.L. 1659 and D.C.L. 1662; was admitted to Gray's Inn 1655, and an advocate at Doctors' Commons 1664. He was admiralty advocate 1674-85, and chancellor of the dioceses of Llandaff and Durham. He was M.P. for Durham city, 1679-81, 1681 and 1685; was knighted 16 Jan. 1676-7, was dean of the arches 1684-6, and a judge of the high court of admiralty 1685-6. He died 28 June 1686, and was buried in the church of St. Bennet, Paul's Wharf (Foster, Alumni Oxon, 1500-1714; Coote, Civilians, p. 87).

The son Nathaniel was educated at St. Paul's School and Trinity College, Oxford, where he matriculated 9 April 1685. He was elected fellow of All Souls' College in 1689, graduated B.C.L. 22 June 1691, and proceeded D.C.L. 30 June 1696, in which year he was admitted a member of the College of Advocates (21 Nov.) Lloyd was appointed deputy admiralty advocate during the absence of Dr. (afterwards Sir) Henry Newton [q. v.] on 15 Nov. 1701, and was king's advocate from 1715 to 1727. He was knighted 29 May 1710, and the same year was incorporated at Cambridge, and admitted (20 June) master of Trinity Hall, the chapel of which he enlarged and to which he bequeathed 3,000l. to rebuild the hall. He resigned the mastership on 1 Oct. 1735, died at Sunbury on 30 March 1745, and was buried in Trinity Hall Chapel on 8 April.

[Cole MSS. vi. 82, 84, 89, 90-3, 112, xli. 72; Foster's Alumni Oxon.; Coote's Civilians; Gardiner's Reg. St. Paul's School; Cooper's Memorials of Cambridge, p. 128; Haydn's Book of Dignities, edit. Ockerby; Le Neve's Pedigrees of Knights (Harl. Soc.)]