Looters of the Public Domain
Portland, Oregon, 1908
Copyright, 1907
By S. A. D. Puter and
Horace Stevens
List of Illustrations
Francis J. Heney (Steel Engraving)
Frontispiece. |
Buffalo Head on Wyoming Plains
13 |
Puter's Old Home in Humboldt County, California
14 |
Gulliver and the Lilliputians
17 |
A King of the Redwood Forest
19 |
Fallen Redwood Giant
20 |
Desert Automobiles
21 |
The Dead Monarch
24 |
"Old Pard" Mays
26 |
Willard N. Jones
29 |
House Made of Beer Bottles
32 |
Thomas B. Neuhausen, Special Inspector, Interior Department
34 |
Puter Making Estimates on Fraudulent Claim
37 |
Map Showing Fraudulent Timber Entries in Township 14 S., Ranges 3 and 4 East
39 |
Sample of Timber on Fraudulent Claim
41 |
Oregon City Land Office
43 |
Field Marshal Kribs
45 |
Map of the Famous Township "11-7"
47 |
Horace G. McKinley
49 |
Ardigah Falls
51 |
Linn County Courthouse
54 |
Cedar Stump House
56 |
Bearing Tree in "11-7"
59 |
Ex-Commissioner of the General Land Office Binger Hermann
62 |
Daniel W. Tarpley
64 |
"T. A." Ranch on Crazy Woman Creek, Wyoming
66 |
Puter Cooking Flapjacks on Bogus Homestead Claim
69 |
"Line-Up" at Vancouver, Washington, Land Office
71 |
Cornerstone of Two Fraudulent Claims
73 |
Scene in Township 8 S., R. 3 E
75 |
Homestead Claim in Lakeview Land District
78 |
Group of Nevada Prospectors
79 |
Character of Yellow Pines in the Deschutes Country
82 |
A. B, Hammond
85 |
Ex-Special Inspector A. R. Greene
87 |
Special Agent Making Field Investigation
90 |
The Late Judge Charles B. Bellinger
93 |
Coal Lands of Wyoming Acquired Fradulently
96 |
Ex-United States Senator Fred. W. Mulkey
99 |
United States District Judge William H. Hunt
102 |
"The Lure of the Sagebrush" (Poem)
104 |
Sample of Timber in Township 1 S., Range 6 W.
108 |
Garden Patch in Heart of the Forest
113 |
Mrs. Emma L. Watson
115 |
Captain J. A. Sladen
119 |
Prof. F. J. Toland
124 |
Judge Thomas O 'Day
129 |
Mammaloose Island
132 |
Monarch of the Sugar Pine Forest
135 |
Mount Jefferson, Oregon
137 |
Judge Martin L. Pipes
139 |
Forest Rangers' Cabin on Minto Mountain
141 |
Captain Salmon B. Onnsby
143 |
Government Surveying Party
147 |
"Leather Stocking" Walgamot
149 |
Clyde D. Lloyd
151 |
Snowdrifts in June
154 |
George R. Ogdcn
156 |
Government Surveyor Barber Identifying Comer
158 |
Robert B. Montague
161 |
Maud Witt
163 |
Frank E. Alley
165 |
Judge O'Day Grilling Witness Heidecke
167 |
Puter Estimating Timber on C. A. Smith Claim
170 |
Special Agent J. H. Alexander
173 |
The Famous United States Grand Jury
177 |
Sample of Tillamook County Timber
181 |
Foothills of the Big Horn Mountains
184 |
Clerk J. F. Casey, of the General Land Office
187 |
A Glimpse of the High Sierras
191 |
A Typical Mountaineer Named Andy Nicholls
193 |
Group of Portland Newspaper Men
197 |
Mount Hood, Oregon
201 |
Lumber Flume at Bridal Veil, Oregon
205 |
Samples of Lubricant
209 |
Scene on the Allie Houser Claim
211 |
Irvin Rittenhouse
213 |
Judge Tanner on the Witness Stand
215 |
Harry C. Robertson
217 |
Heney Arguing the Mitchell Case
218 |
Ex-United States Senator John M. Thurston
210 |
The Late United States Senator Mitchell
221 |
A Group of Sugar Pines
227 |
United States District Judge John J. DeHaven
228 |
Marie Ware-McKinley
231 |
"Chink in Stocks"
233 |
State Senator Robert A. Booth
237 |
Eskimo Grave on St. Michael's Island
239 |
William J. Bums
241 |
Fenway Branch Postoffice, Boston, Mass
245 |
Women Homesteaders in Lane County, Oregon
249 |
The Last Line-up in Oregon
253 |
Trading Station in the British Possessions
257 |
United States District Judge Charles E. Wolverton
261 |
An Official Inspection
266 |
William C. Bristol
271 |
Bogus Homestead Claim on Summit of Sierras
275 |
Some Clackamas County, Oregon, Timber
280 |
United States Marshal Charles J. Reed, of Oregon
285 |
Robert L. Stevens, Sheriff of Multnomah County, Oregon
290 |
"Dad" Hunter, Jailer of the Multnomah County Jail
292 |
Puter at Work in His Cell
294 |
Map of Township 13 S., R. 3 E., Linn County, Oregon
296 |
Plat of Township 13 S., R. 4 E., Linn County, Oregon
298 |
United States Surveyor-General George A. Westgate
299 |
Logging Train in Humboldt County, California
301 |
Sample of Redwood Timber in Humboldt County, California
303 |
C. A. Smith
307 |
"Bull Donkey" in Operation Among the Redwoods
309 |
The Sequoia's Last Stand
312 |
The Happy Family
314 |
Ex-United States Senator George W. McBride, of Oregon
318 |
T. W. Davenport
323 |
Ex-United States Senator Joseph Simon, of Oregon
326 |
Ex-Governor T. T. G-eer, of Oregon
331 |
Official Pet of Gibsonville, California
333 |
Governor George E. Chamberlain, of Oregon
335 |
Railroad Commissioner Oswald West, of Oregon
337 |
Dr. Van Gesner
340 |
Government Exhibit in the Williamson Case
343 |
" Scapegoat "
345 |
Ex-Congressman J. N. Williamson, of Oregon
346 |
Yellow Fir Logs Ready for the Bull Donkey
349 |
George Sorenson
353 |
Marion R Biggs
355 |
John H. Hall
359 |
Edward A. Putnam
361 |
Edward W. Dixon, Chief of Field Division No. 3
363 |
Stupendous Scheme of Illegal Fencing
365 |
"Pretty Moth" of Oregon Politics
367 |
Map Showing Mt. Rainier National Park Steal of the Northern Pacific
369 |
James Henry Booth, Ex-Receiver Roseburg Land Office
372 |
Gold Dredger at Work Near Oroville, California
375 |
Critical Moment in the Williamson Case
378 |
Sample of Burnt Over Lands of the Northern Pacific in Mt. Rainier National Park ....
381 |
J. F. ("Jack") Kerrigan
384 |
The Picture that Elected Binger Hermann to Congress
386 |
John F. Cusack, Professional "Cruiser"
391 |
Corner Post and "Bearing Trees"
393 |
Yellow Pine Tree in the Big Meadows
394 |
Horace Stevens
397 |
Museum of the California State Mining Bureau
404 |
Birdseye View of Oil Field in Southern California
406 |
Sample "Seepage" in the Oil Fields
407 |
Standard Oil Drilling Rig in Operation
411 |
Lewis E. Aubury, State Mineralogist of California
419 |
Town of Taylorsville, Plumas County, California
421 |
La Porte, Plumas County, California
423 |
Scope of Operations of Timber Thieves in Mineral Belt
425 |
Scene in the United States Land Office at Susanville, California, During Great Rush for
Timber in 1902
426 |
Fredonia Pass, Lassen County, California
427 |
Camel's Peak, Plumas County, California
428 |
H. H. Yard, the "frenzied" Mineral Locator
429 |
Gibsonville, Sierra County, California
430 |
Edward H. Benjamin
432 |
Thomas B. Walker
435 |
State Mineralogist Aubury in His Office
437 |
The Late Michael A. Meyendorff, Special Agent, General Land Office
449 |
Ex-Secretary of the Interior, Ethan Allen Hitchcock
453 |
Embryo Matches
454 |
Dr. Harry Lane, Mayor of Portland, Oregon
457 |
Enormous Timber Growth in the Siletz Country
463 |
James Rudolph Garfield, Secretary of the Interior
465 |
Scene in the Sunset Oil Fields, Kern County, California
468 |
An Humble Home in the Siletz Country
470 |
Palatial Residence of a Siletz Homesteader
471 |
Ira Wade, Clerk of Lincoln County, Oregon:
472 |
United States Senator Charles W. Fulton, of Oregon
475 |
Sample Residence of a Siletz Homesteader
476 |
R. A. Ballinger, Ex-Commissioner General Land Office
478 |
Thad. S. Potter
480 |
Fred Dennett, Commissioner of the General Land Office
481 |
Arthur B. Pugh, Special Assistant to the Attorney-General
484 |
Daniel W. Baker, United States Attorney for the District of Columbia
486 |
Uncle Sam, as He is Liable to Appear Twenty Years Hence
488 |
7 |
15 |
Early life of Puter in the California Redwoods, showing how he was reared amidst scenes of turmoil and bereft of refining influences—Details the Indian outbreak of forty years ago, wherein his childhood home was reduced to ashes—Gives his experience as a lumberman and practical logger—Also tells the story of his initial connection with Government lands, and how his environs were such as to inspire him with a desire to prey upon the public domain—Describes the first fraud of any consequence under the Timber and Stone Act of June 3, 1878.
21 |
Stephen A. Douglas Puter meets Franklin Pierce Mays, and the pair form a mutual admiration society, which ripens into a business relationship of many years' standing. He also comes in contact with Willard N. Jones, and subsequent events indicate that there was all kinds of pleasure and profit in the association of the Triumvirate. Describes some of their crooked transactions in connection with the public domain, and also tells how Ex-Surveyor-General Meldrum refused to be buncoed. Operations of Puter and Jones result in a criminal proceeding of a "holdup" character, and marks the Land-Fraud King's first appearance as a defendant
33 |
C. A. Smith, a Minneapolis millionaire, engrosses the attention of the Land-Fraud King, and their acquaintance ripens into a clever scheme to bunco Uncle Sam out of a vast tract of Oregon timber. The outwitted Northern Pacific seeks revenge by having McKinley arrested, and is also blamed for reporting the matter to the Government. As a result of subsequent investigations by the Land Department, several special agents fall by the wayside under the mystic spell of Fred. Kribs' tainted money, and the effort to acquire patents on the fraudulent entries marks the first step in the downfall of United States Senator John H. Mitchell.
46 |
History of the Famous Township "11-7" deal, whereby Puter and his associates demonstrate conclusively that there is an actual method of stealing Government land—Desperate efforts of the conspirators to secure the early issuance of patents on the fraudulent claims includes the wholesale bribery of public officials of both high and low degree—Details of the transaction in which United States Senator John H. Mitchell, of Oregon, figures as the taker of tainted money in the shape of two $1000 bills for his services in securing favorable action by the Land Department at Washington.
67 |
Emboldened by their success in the "11-7" deal, Puter and McKinley seek new worlds to conquer, and are rewarded by making a rich haul in Township "24-1"—McKinley plays an interesting hold-up game with Clyde Lloyd in the transaction, his careless methods resulting in laying the foundation for subsequent Governmental prosecutions—The irrepressible Franklin Pierce Mays also takes a hand in the game upon a percentage basis, and poor Hobson is left with his usual choice.
80 |
Details of a well-laid plot to raid the public domain in the Deschutes Country, wherein 108 "dummies" seek to acquire 17,280 acres of fine timber land for speculative purposes—A combination of adverse circumstances operates to Puter's disadvantage, notwithstanding the collossal ideas of "Old Pard" Mays on the subject of evading consequences—A. B. Hammond, a wealthy Pacific Coast lumberman, figures as a bold financier, but is prevented from doing business on account of the general cussedness of inanimate things—Inspector Greene, of the Interior Department, strikes a smoking trail, and a case of mistaken identity leads to an amusing situation.
91 |
Petty controversies between McKinley and young Lloyd over money matters furnishes the basis for the first land fraud indictments in Oregon—Colonel Greene has his suspicions aroused by reason of the "241" transaction, and lifts the lid from the ugly mess—Incidentally, Special Agent Linnen, of the General Land Office, distinguishes himself in the terpsichorean art while in search of evidence against the conspirators—Francis J. Heney, Special Assistant to the United States Attorney-General, makes his initial appearance at the land fraud trials, and his presence causes a general scurrying to shelter by the two female defendants, as well as considerable anxiety on the part of F. P. Mays.
97 |
Wherein Mrs. Emma L. Watson is spirited away under the advice of Attorney F. P. Mays, and an interesting account is given of the frantic efforts made by the Government to discover her hiding-place—Sleuth Gallagher shows up to good advantage in the start, but is finally obliged to let 'er go—Puter relates the ingenious methods resorted to by himself and McKinley in throwing the secret service man off the scent, and altogether, enough queer mix-ups occur to make the affair a "Comedy of Errors."
105 |
Capture of Mrs. Watson in Chicago by Government sleuths after a hide-and-seek game of long duration—The Windy City newspapers draw the long bow in describing the affair, and print photographs of attractive actresses to represent the fair prisoner, in lieu of her genuine picture, which has never been published heretofore—Puter details his clever efforts to throw the Secret Service off the scent, and almost succeeds in getting Mrs. Watson out of town—Detective Gallagher comes in for a gilt-edged "roast" at the hands of Mrs. Watson, and Special Inspector Greene, of the Interior Department, indulges in a wild-goose chase to his sorrow.
123 |
Heney's coup in substituting the 11-7 case for that of the 24-1 throws consternation in the ranks of the defendants, and upsets Mays' arrangements with United States Attorney Hall to have Heney beaten in the weaker case, so as to open the doors for the dismissal of the other — Marie Ware meets an interesting mining man, who is assiduous in his attentions, and almost wins her tender young heart, but he proves to be Douglas W. Doyle, of the Government Secret Service, and the astounding discovery causes the wedding bells to go on a strike—Colonel Greene shows to disadvantage as a sleuth—Details of the final preparations for the great 11-7 battle.
136 |
Trial of the famous "11-7" case ends in speedy conviction after a series of sensational developments—Puter charges that himself and associates were to be sacrificed as a burnt offering in atonement for the sins of those "higher-up"—Incidentally, the land fraud king pays his respects to John H. Hall, and shows how the efforts of the ousted United States Attorney to hide Heney's light under a bushel met with disastrous consequences—Binger Hermann's fickle memory proves a factor at the trial, but fails to save the defendants—Telegraphic correspondence between Heney and Mitchell indicates the powerful pressure brought by the Government to secure the Senator's attendance as a witness—Special Agent Loomis and Forest Superintendent Ormsby shine as pastmasters in the art of making misleading reports.
171 |
Puter's motives for aiding the Government—His cooperation with Heney and Burns the mainstay in the efforts to connect United States Senator John H. Mitchell with the Oregon land frauds—How Frederick A. Kribs was driven into a corner and forced to "peach" on his friends—C. A. Smith, the notorious Minneapolis millionaire, saved by the statute of limitations—Unique system of "mining" pursued by the Secret Service Department in reducing the strongholds of conspiracy.
212 |
Evidence produced before the Federal Grand Jury by Fred A. Kribs and others results in the indictment and subsequent conviction of United States Senator John H. Mitchell, of Oregon, for violation of Section 1782 of the Revised Statutes — Judge Tanner, Senator Mitchell's law partner, breaks down in the Grand Jury room, and in order to save his son from criminal prosecution, confesses that a fake partnership agreement between the law firm of Mitchell & Tanner had been substituted for the original, and changed so as to exonerate Senator Mitchell from any criminal liability—Some interesting inside history of the manner in which the Government secured damaging evidence against the accused statesman, wherein Irvin Rittenhouse, private secretary to Prosecutor Heney, distinguishes himself as a sleuth.
229 |
Tells how the acquaintance between the land fraud king and his chief lieutenant originated—Also gives a graphic account of the brilliant social function in Chicago, wherein the gay and festive Horace G. McKinley leads the charming Marie L. Ware to the altar, both bride and groom being exceedingly well known in land fraud circles — Cards are sent out announcing that the happy couple would be "At Home" in 11-7—Recites the preparations for McKinley's flight to the Orient, and pretends to describe the form of punishment meted out by the Chinese Government to its own looters of the public domain in the Flowery Kingdom.
234 |
Describes Puter's flight from the Pacific Coast upon learning that the Oregon State authorities were after him on account of his connection with alleged fraudulent school land deals in that State—Also tells about the various disguises he adopted to avoid detection, and gives the inside facts pertaining to his unique system of correspondence with his family and friends for the purpose of baffling pursuit.
240 |
Full particulars regarding Puter's exciting capture by Secret Service Agent Burns at the Fenway Branch Postoffice in Boston, on the night of March 26, 1906, and his subsequent sensational escape from the famous Government sleuth—Clever plans are prepared for ensnaring the land fraud king, but the postmaster's blunder upstes calculations—Puter's gun-play after a fierce battle on the sidewalk causes the great detective to beat an unceremonious retreat and enables the wily land grabber to get away—Details successful efforts to evade re-capture, and tells about his wanderings following escape from Burns.
254 |
The King of the Oregon Land Fraud Ring encounters a Boston lawyer, who furnishes him some valuable up-to-date ideas on the subject of "cultured" looting—Holds Puter up to the tune of $322 for collecting a $1022 check — Describes his interesting experiences as a fugitive from justice and the clever methods adopted to evade the Government sleuths.
267 |
Puter returns to the Pacific Coast for the leniency of throwing himself upon the leniency of Francis J. Heney, and is recaptured by Government Secret Service Agents and local officers after a series of exciting adventures—Gives a vivid account of his arrest and subsequent confinement in various jails, in the course of which he hands of Sheriff of Alameda County some left-handed compliment for his Russianized methods of conducting a prison—Is much shocked to learn that he was betrayed by Allie McKinley, his former partner's cousin—Is transported to Portland, Oregon, where he receives a severe sentence for his misdeeds—Takes up the burdens of life as philosophically as possible in the Multnomah County jail, and receives a New Year's gift from President Roosevelt in the form of a pardon.
295 |
C. A. Smith, the multi-millionaire of Minneapolis, and candidate for the United States Senate from Minnesota, grows exceedingly "chesty"' when he imagines Puter has joined the "Down and Out" Club on account of being a fugitive from justice, and gives a local newspaper a false interview concerning the land fraud king—The latter retaliates, and proves Smith to be not only the Premier Disciple of Ananias, but a Shylock of the first water and a miser of the deepest dye, behind whom the turnkey stalked with fiendish glee until the statute of limitations kindly came to his rescue.
315 |
A few pertinent facts connected with Oregon State School Lauds, which have a tendency to throw considerable light on the inner workings of one system of plunder slightly out of the ordinary—Indemnity selections are shown to be a favorite method of operation, and the "School Land Ring" comes in for its share of attention—Governor Pennoyer's heart and the State Treasury are touched simultaneously by a clever ruse, wherein a bum actor plays a leading part—How the Hyde-Benson gang stole a march on the Oregon "Push," and got away with 40,000 acres of lieu in the cascade Forest Reserve under their eyes, causing much wailing and gnashing of teeth among the "faithful"—Ex-Governor Geer looms up in the land fraud limelight—The election of Governor Chamberlain marks the downfall of the School Land sharks, and Oswald West earns an enviable reputation as State Land Agent—Puter's explanation of the State indictments against him.
339 |
Conviction of Congressman Williamson, Dr. Van Gesner and Marion R. Biggs, for conspiracy to defraud the Government of its public lands, after three stubbornly-contested trials—Apprehending a third disagreement of the jury, Heney prepares for a fourth trial of the case—The United States Supreme Court grants Williamson a new trial upon grounds that practically open the doors for all forms of abuse of the timber land laws, and legalizes the "dummy" system of acquiring titles under the Act of June 3, 1878.
347 |
Details of the great Blue Mountain Forest Reserve conspiracy, as outlined at the trial of F. P. Mays, W. N. Jones and George Sorenson—All three defendants are convicted after a trial that broke all records in the Federal Courts of Oregon for longevity—McKinley and Tarpley work a shrewd flim-flam game on Mays, who threatens to "checkerboard" their holdings unless they pay tribute to his autocratic power—Almost the entire Oregon delegation in Congress is implicated in the plot to establish the Blue Mountain reserve, which develops into a clever scheme to convert a large quantity of school land into forest reserve scrip.
257 |
John H. Hall's repeated efforts to protect his political associates from criminal prosecution for violations of the Federal statutes results in his conviction for conspiracy in the Butte Creek Land, Livestock & Lumber Company Case, during which a gigantic scheme of inclosing Government land is laid bare—Nearly 20,000 acres of the public domain is inclosed in a vast pasture by the wealthy corporation, but the persistency of Edward A. Putnam, a small stockraiser, in fighting for his rights, is the David that destroys the Goliah of evil—Senator Fulton's name is brought under an unpleasant limelight by the Court proceedings, and the inactivity of former United States Attorney Hall is established clearly by the testimony, especially where those "higher up" were involved—George C. Brownell, the uncrowned king of Clackamas county politics, is absolved from blame by Government Prosecutor Heney, as a result of Henry Meldrum's confessions.
368 |
Under the guise of creating a National Park from the bleak territory surrounding Mt. Rainier, Congress enacts a measure giving the Northern Pacific Railroad Company autocratic powers in the selection of Government lands, and enables the Hill corporation to exchange its worthless holdings for valuable tracts in every State penetrated by its lines—How the Land Department, under the Ballinger regime has aided the Northern Pacific with its lieu selections—With less than thirty miles of constructed road in Oregon, the railway company is empowered by Congress to make selection of more than 300,000 acres of valuable timber lands in that State—The bulldozing manner in which settlers are prevented from taking homestead claims.
388 |
Some interesting information on the subject of "cruisers," showing the important work of this highly necessary class in connection with the lumbering industry—Honesty and integrity a prime factor in the business of estimating timber—How dealers in timber lands are often swindled by misleading reports of dishonest cruisers—Also exposes the scheme of land locators to catch victims, and furnishes a way of preventing deception in this respect.
395 |
History of the famous contest between the Scrippers and Mineral Locators in the Kern River oil fields of California, over the titles to valuable petroleum lands, wherein Binger Hermann figures as the Good Samaritan—The plot also thickens, involving a high Federal official in its meshes, besides having something to do with the mysterious disappearance of Henry J. Fleischmann, the petted child of fortune, with half a million dollars belonging to the funds of a Los Angeles bank, and "no questions asked" or arrests made.
417 |
Great rush of Eastern timber speculators with a horde of dummy entrymen into the virgin forests of Northern California impels the State Mining Bureau to send a special agent to the affected districts for the purpose of investigating numerous complaints relative to encroachments on unpatented mining claims by the greedy grabbers—His report to State Mineralogist Anbury has the effect of drawing the President's attention to the situation, with the result that an Executive proclamation is issued, making provisional suspension of a vast territory for forest reserve purposes, and calling a halt on further depredations—It also encompasses the loss of several official heads in the Land Department, and likewise reveals a cunning scheme to grab 265,000 acres of valuable timber land by process of placer mining locations, in order to blaze the way for the coming of the Western Pacific railroad.
442 |
Grist of the Government's land fraud mill in the shape of indictments and convictions—How the famous Federal Grand Jury of Oregon put a stop to the reign of the looters. In the course of a session lasting several months, the body returns numerous indictments covering about every phase of the land fraud situation with the result that twenty-seven persons have already been convicted while other trials are to follow.—Resume of the different eases showing social status of most of those involved.
455 |
A few arguments in support of President Roosevelt's forestry policy—How the creation of reserves has been the salvation of the timber industry in this country—Views of those well-informed indicate that it was a wise plan to place the control of the forests in the general Government, and that the only protest comes from selfish interests—How the Denver Public Lands Convention had the tables turned in the effort to discredit the President's policies.
469 |
The story of Siletz—How the Indians were robbed of their homes for the benefit of pale-faced looters, under the guise of treaty rights—The scheme to open the reservation to settlement under a special homestead law merely a cloak for grabbing the timber by dishonest methods, as only a few entrymen were acting in good faith—The part United States Senator Fulton, of Oregon, took in the game of trying to induce the Secretary of the Interior to expedite the issuance of patents to the bogus entries of Willard N. Jones—How old soldiers were lured into committing perjury by the clink of land fraud gold—Fulton's senseless warfare on William C. Bristol prevents the latter from being confirmed as United States Attorney for Oregon, and also helps materially in the overthrow of Fulton at the polls.
483 |
Brief history of the famous Hyde-Benson-Schneider-Dimond Conspiracy Case, now on trial at Washington, D. C.—Defendants brought to bar after four years of vexatious delays—Some interesting features in connection with the manner in which the evidence against the accused was unearthed by the Government.
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