Loves Garland/Mr. Evans's Posies
By the courtesy of John Evans, Esq., F.R.S., D.C.L., of Nash Mills, Hemel Hempstead, I have been favoured with the following list of Posie Mottoes from rings in his possession. The collection is so unique and of such exceptional interest, that I print it entire, at the risk of repeating some of the mottoes already given. My acknowledgments are also due to Mrs. Evans, to whom I would offer my sincere thanks for preparing this list for me during the absence of Dr. Evans from home; it is through this graceful act on her part that I am enabled to embody it into “Ye Garland of ye Sette of Odd Volumes.”
J. R. B.
August, 1883.
All I refues
and thee i chus (silver).
A Loving Wife
prolongeth Life.
A mind content
canot repent.
A token of my love.
A token sent
with true intent.
A true friends guift.
A vertuous wife
preserveth life.
Advised choyse
Admits no chang-.
As endless is
My love as this.
Amorim pro amore Cupio (sic).
Animam Deo Cor Sponsæ dedi.
As God saw fitt
our Knott it Knitt.
I. S. E. W.
As god decreed
so wee agreed.
As gold is puer
let love Indure.
As I love thee
so love thou mee.
As trewe to me
as i to thee.
Bee true in heart.
By this my love presented is
Christ & thee
my comfort be.
Content indeed
doth gold exceed.
Content’s a treasure.
Death only parts
united hearts.
Direct our waies
lord all our daies.
Desire hath noe rest.
Ever true
my Dear to you.
Every condition
Grave doth swetten.
Far apart
yet night in ♥
Feare god only (silver)
Fear God and love me
Feare God and love thy chosce.
Fortune of War.
God above
continue our love.
God above
increase our love.
God above
Keep us in love.
God alone
made us two one.
God above
unite our love.
God’s Blesing be
on thee and me.
God continue our love.
God alone my love hath shown.
God’s decree
well pleseth me.
God be a guide
to thee my Bride.
God for me
apointed thee.
God bless for ever
us two together.
God gives increase
to love and peace.
God did decree
our unity.
God hath sent
my ♥ content.
God’s intent
none can prevent.
God’s decree
fulfilled have we.
God’s providence
is our inheritance.
God saw fitt
this knott to knitt.
God knyt our hartes in faith.
God’s intent none can prevent.
Godly love
will not remove.
Godliness is great gaine.
Good Lord, abide
To us a guide IUS
God hath me sent
my harts content.
God hath for me
ordained the REB 1739.
Happy in thee
hath God made me.
Happy pair
That faithfull are.
Hearts united
live contented.
Hearts content
cannot repent.
Heaven is my happyness.
Hurt not yt ♥
whose joy thou art
✠ I ✠ AM ✠ YOVRES ✠
E G.
I am blacke but comely.
I bid adue
to all but you.
I am his that gave me this.
I have obtained
what God ordained.
I have obtaine
home God ordained.
✠ I ✠ JOYE ✠ IN ✠ GOD ✠
I joye in god.
I joy to find
a constant mind.
I like my choyce
to well to change.
I love and like my choice.
I owe this ring thy love to win E H.
I vow to God and you.
I will ever
love the giver.
I sorrow in silens.
I wish no chainge.
In Christ alone
we two are one.
In constancy
let’s live and dy.
In God and thee
my joy shall be.
In thy brest
my hart doth rest.
In thy sight
is my delight.
If in thy love thou constant bee
My heart shall never part from thee.
If love you baer for me this wear
In unity let’s live and dye.
Joyned in one
by Christ alone.
Keepe Promiss.
Keepe Faith till Death.
Knit in one
by Christ alone.
Let’s live and die
in unity.
Let God above
increase our love.
Let love abide
till death divide.
Let love increase.
Let no Calamitye
seperate amitie.
Let patience be thy pennance.
Let virtue be thy guide.
Let liking last (silver).
Let vertue be
a guide to thee.
Let wisdom bee thy gide.
Let us share
in Joy and Care.
Let your life
show your love.
Like this my love
shall endless prove.
Live in love and fear the Lord RWT
Live in Love (silver).
Love and live happy.
Love as I or else I dye.
Love and fear God.
Love him in heart
whose joy thou Art.
Love ever not the guift
but the giver.
Love is the bond of peace.
Love loves no chainge.
Love that is pure
wil endure.
Lite to require (enamel).
My harte is your.
My love to thee shall ever bee.
Make God above
thy greatest love.
My beloved is mine
and I am his.
My care shall be
to honour thee.
My heart and I
untill I die.
My love shall last
til life be past.
My promise past
shall ever last.
No heart so true
as mine to you.
Noe treasure to a true frinde
Noe treasure to content.
No riches like content
No riches so content (bronze).
No joy to content.
No cute to unkindness.
Not the vallue
but my love.
O Lord us bless
with happyness.
One to one
is sport alone.
Only death
shall separat love.
Perfect love
is from above.
Rather dy
than faith deny.
Rather die
than faith denie (silver).
“Remember him who dyed for thee
and after him remember me.”
Remember youer freind.
Respect is dew only to you.
Sis eadem in utraq, Fortuna.
The gift is small
ye love is all.
The God of peace
true love increase.
The Lord our Righteousness.
The Lord us bless
with good succis.
Thoe many thought us two to sever
Yet God hath joyned us two together.
Thy virtue is thy honor.
Thought absent yet constant.
Time shall tell
j love thee well.
To God’s decree we both agree.
True in hart till death us depart.
Twas God to thee directed me.
Two but one hart
till death us depart.
Two ♥♥ soe tide let none devide.
United hearts death only parts.
Vertue ganeth glory.
Vertue gaineth glory.
Virtue paseth riches.
Virtue passeth riches.
Wheare vertue lyes
love never dies.
When this you see
remember mee.
Wome God as assinted (? apinted)
I am contented.