Luckie plou'-boy/Virtue and wit, the preservatives of love and beauty
VIRTUE and WIT, the Preservatives
COnfess thy love, fair blushing maid,
for since thine eye’s consenting,
Thy faster thoughts are a' betray’d,
and na-says no worth tenting.
Why aims thou to oppose thy mind,
with words thy wish denying;
Since Nature made thee to be kind,
reason allows complying.
Nature and Reason’s joint consent,
make love a sacred blessing,
Then happily that time is spent,
that’s war’d on kind caressing.
Come then my Katie to my arms,
I’ll be nae mair a rover;
But find out heav’n in a’ thy charms,
and prove a faithful lover.
She.) What you design, by Nature’s law,
is fleeting inclination,
Then Willy-Wisp beguiles us a'
by its infatuation
When that goes out, caresses tire,
and love’s nae mair in season,
Syne weakly we blow up the fire,
with all our boasted reason.
He.) The beauties of inferior cast
may start this just reflection;
But charms, like thine, must always last,
where Wit has the protection.
Virtue and Wit, like April rays,
make Beauty rise the sweeter;
The langer then on thee I gaze,
my Love will grow completer.

This work was published before January 1, 1930, and is in the public domain worldwide because the author died at least 100 years ago.
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