Lyra Davidica/A Morning Hymn
A morning Hymn.
Awake my Soul and with the Sun
Thy daily Stage of Duty run:
Shake off dull flesh and joyfull rise
To pay thy morning Sacrifice.
Francis Hoffman sculpsit.
A Wake my Soul, live this day o're,
As if thou vert to live no more.
Lord, I my Vowes to thee renew;
Dispel my Sins as Morning Dew
Awake my Soul, on God reflect,
Whose Eyes all day thy ways inspect.
Lord, Guard me least I should Transgress,
Lord, all my motions Guide and Bless.
Awake my Soul as Noon-tide Clear,
Let thy Integrity appear.
Return all Heavens benignest rays,
In ardent Love, and Sprightly Praise.
Awake my Strings, Tune to my Heart,
And with the Angels bear your part;
Who all Night long Unwearied Sing,
All Glory to th' Eternal King
I Wake, I Wake, ye Heavehly Quire,
May your Devotion me Inspire:
That I like you my Age may spend;
Like you may on my God attend.
May I like you in God delight;
And always have my God in sight;
Perform (like you) my Makers will;
And never never more do ill.
Had I your Wings to Heaven I'd flie,
But Love shall that defect supply;
And my Soul Wing'd with warm desire,
Shall all day long to Heav'n aspire.
Glory to thee who safe hast kept,
And hast refresht me whilst I'slept.
Grant Lord, when I from Death awake,
I may of Endless Life partake.
I would not wake, nor rise again;
Ev'n Heaven it self I would disdain;
Wert thou not there to be Enjoy'd,
And I in Hymns to be Imploy'd.
Heav'n is, dear Lord, where e're thou art,
Oh! never then from me depart,
For to my Soul 'tis Hell to be,
But one sad moment without Thee.
Glory to Thee; be thou this Day,
In all I think, or do, or say.
That all my Powers their force may raise,
And all Day long recite thy Praise.