Lyra Davidica/St. Bernard's Jubile
St. Bernard's Jubile on the Name Iesus.
Jesu dulcis Memoria
![<< \new Staff \relative f' { \time 3/4 \key f \major \omit Staff.TimeSignature \override Stem.neutral-direction = #up
\partial 4 f4 | a2 bes4 | c2 c4 | bes2 a4 | g2 c4 | d2 e4 | f2 e4 | d2 d4 | c2 \bar "|"
c4 | a (bes) c | d2 c4 | bes2 bes4 | a2 g4 | a2 bes4 | c2 f,8 (g) | a2 g8 (f) | f2 \bar "||" }
\addlyrics { Je -- sus my Mem -- ory's sweet em -- ploy E'en di -- stant gives my heart true joy, Not ho -- ney nor all Earth's de -- light Re -- gale like his o -- bli -- ging sight. }
\new Staff \relative f { \clef bass \key f \major \omit Staff.TimeSignature
\partial 4 f4 | f,2 g4 | a2 a4 | g2 f4 | c'2 c'4 | bes2 c4 | a bes c | f,2 g4 | c,2 \bar "|"
e4 | f2 a,4 | bes2 a4 | g2 c4 | f2 e4 | f e d | c2 d4 | bes2 c4 | f2 \bar "||" } >>](
Transcribed lyrics (not listed in original)
Jesus my Memory's sweet employ
E'en distant gives my heart true joy,
Not honey nor all Earth's delight
Regale like his obliging sight.
THere's Nothing can be sung, more sweet;
Nothing the Ears more pleasant greet;
Nothing be sweeter thought upon,
Than Jesus, God's beloved Son.
Jesus, the Penitents Good Hope;
Jesus, the Suppliant's Aim and Scope;
To those that do but seek, how kind?
But what, O what to those that find!
Jesus, of Hearts the sweet Delight;
The Fountain of their Life and Light.
Joy, that all other Joy transcends,
And ev'n beyond Desire extends.
Our stammering Tongues can never tell;
Letters and Words but vainly swell;
Th' Experienc'd can believe alone
What 'tis to Love God's only Son.
Jesus I seek when on my Bed;
The World shut out of Heart and Head,
Private or Publick, when I move,
Jesus I'll seek with eager Love.
I'll run with Mary by Day-break,
My Jesus in the Tomb Ill seek,
With my Heart's Love-complaint and cry;
With Heart I'll seek and not with Eye.
My Tears shall on his Tomb distill,
My Sighs and Groans the Concave fill.
I'll throw me at his Foot of Grace,
And there hold fast with strict Embrace.
Jesu! Of Kings the wondrous King,
Ore Death and Hell thy Triumphs ring:
Sweetness of Grace Inaffable;
All Love, all o'er Desirable.
Abide with us, and ever Lord,
Illumination true afford:
Then shall we this vain World despise;
And Heavenly Love Victorious rise
Thy Grace Exuberant's understood,
By Characters of thy own Blood
Where dying Love, and clouded Light,
Restore us Life, and God's dear Sight.
Then let all Jesus seek, and burn
With Heavenly Love, in Loves return:
The Savour of his Ointments drawing,
And his All-Clement Sceptre Awing.
Ah! me, sweet Jesu, let me prove
The force of thy Exstatick Love.
Whose longing Eyes are waiting Thee
Inthron'd in Glory high to see.
Tho Worthily I cannot Name Thee,
cannot chuse yet but proclaim Thee.
For boyling Love oft makes us bold,
Breaks way and runs like Molten Gold
Thy Love, thy Self, O Jesu blest,
Is our true Food, and Heavenly Feast.
Where Appetites nor cloy nor tire;
But fill'd of Thee have fresh Desire.
Thou art when sounding in our Ears
The Musick of the Heavenly Spheres:
Ith' Mouth Heaven's Virgin Honey art,
And Heavenly Nectar in the Heart.
Ah! bless'd expert of Joys Divine,
Inebriate with the Kingdoms Wine
So Rapt their Jesus to admire,
That of all else they've lost Desire.
My Soul each Moment thee requires,
To ease my Languors, quench my Fires:
And still what Transport when I find,
And Thee in warm Embraces bind!
Now, now I see what I Admire;
My Arms Inlock my Lifes Desire.
I'm held i'th [1] Galleries of Love,
Intranc'd in Flames like Theirs above.
'Tis Paradisial Love Descends
Heavens Flame through all my Vitals sends;
Pierces the Centre of my Soul,
And Reigns in Joy without Controul.
O blessed Conflagration dear,
Of Hearts Conjunction in Love's Sphear!
O cool Refreshment sweet, in one,
To Love, and Love God's only Son!
Fair Virgin Flower, of Virgin Bed,
With Lilly White, and Rosie Red,
Grow in my Heart; then Praise shall rise
Heav'ns best Perfume and Sacrifice.
Jesu, than Sun more charming calm;
More Odorous than Gileads Balm;
Sweet to my Tast all Sweets above;
To my Eye loveliest of all Love.
Thou art my Souls Supreme Delight;
Consummate Loves Meridian Height:
My Conquest, Glory, Jubile;
Salvation Universally.
O come enlarge thy Triumphs here,
JEHOVAH's Right-hand, Consort dear,
And all thy Enemies trod down,
Come sway thy Sceptre, wear thy Crown.
All Powerful King, All Glorious;
Ore Death and Hell Victorious;
The Fountain whence all Graces rise,
And the Sun-Flower of Paradise.
Ye Orders bright of Heavenly Powers,
Lift up the Everlasting Doors:
To the Triumphant Conqueror Sing,
Hail, Jesu, of all Kings the King.
Thee all th' Angelick Quires Proclaim;
And Shout in thy Imperial Name:
Who Reigns in Peace surpassing Sense;
And bids Loves Sabbath now Commence.
Jesus Ascends his Father's Throne,
The Godhead Love-Pavilion
And after him my Heart shall fly;
Christ live in Me and no more I.
O let us all Resound his Praise;
Our Cries and Vows incessant raise,
That he may us the Favour design,
In this blest Throne with him to Reign.
- ↑ Cant. 7. 51