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Lyrics of Sunshine and Shadow/Faith

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I'S a-gittin' weary of de way dat people do,De folks dat's got dey 'ligion in dey fiah-  place an' flue;Dey's allus somep'n comin' so de spit'll have  to turn, An' hit tain't no p'oposition fu' to mek de  hickory bu'n.Ef de sweet pertater fails us an' de go'geous  yallah yam,We kin tek a bit o' comfo't f'om ouah sto'  o' summah jam.W'en de snow hit git to flyin', dat's de Mas-  tah's own desiah,De Lawd'll run de wintah an' yo' mammy'll  run de fiah.I ain' skeered because de win' hit staht to raih  and blow,I ain't bothahed w'en he come er rattlin' at  de do',Let him taih hisse'f an' shout, let him blow an'  bawl,Dat's de time de branches shek an' bresh-wood  'mence to fall.W'en de sto'm er railin' an' de shettahs blowin'  'bout,Dat de time de fiah-place crack hits welcome  out. Tain' my livin' business fu' to trouble ner  enquiah,De Lawd'll min' de wintah an' my mammy'll  min' de fiah.Ash-cake allus gits ez brown w'en February's  hyeahEz it does in bakin' any othah time o' yeah.De bacon smell ez callin'-like, de kittle rock  an' sing,De same way in de wintah dat dey do it in de  spring;Dey ain't no use in mopin' 'round an' lookin'  mad an' glumErbout de wintah season, fu' hit's des plumb  boun' to come;An' ef it comes to runnin' t'ings I's willin' to  retiah,De Lawd'll min' de wintah an' my mammy'll  min' de fiah.