Lyrics of Sunshine and Shadow/To Dan
STEP me now a bridal measure, Work give way to love and leisure,Hearts be free and hearts be gay—Doctor Dan doth wed to-day.
Diagnosis, cease your squalling—Check that scalpel's senseless bawling,Put that ugly knife away—Doctor Dan doth wed to-day.
'Tis no time for things unsightly,Life's the day and life goes lightly;Science lays aside her sway—Love rules Dr. Dan to-day.
Gather, gentlemen and ladies,For the nuptial feast now made is, Swing your garlands, chant your layFor the pair who wed to-day.
Wish them happy days and many,Troubles few and griefs not any,Lift your brimming cups and sayGod bless them who wed to-day.
Then a cup to Cupid daring,Who for conquest ever faring,With his arrows dares assailE'en a doctor's coat of mail.
So with blithe and happy hymningAnd with harmless goblets brimming,Dance a step—musicians play—Doctor Dan doth wed to-day.