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Lyrics of Sunshine and Shadow/When a Feller's Itchin' to Be Spanked

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Lyrics of Sunshine and Shadow (1905)
by Paul Laurence Dunbar
When a Feller's Itchin' to Be Spanked
4643678Lyrics of Sunshine and Shadow — When a Feller's Itchin' to Be Spanked1905Paul Laurence Dunbar


W'EN us fellers stomp around, makin' lotso' noise,Gramma says, "There's certain times comes  to little boysW'en they need a shingle or the soft side of  a plank;"She says "we're a-itchin' for a right good  spank."    An' she says, "Now thes you wait,    It's a-comin'—soon or late,W'en a fellers itchin' fer a spank."
W'en a feller's out o' school, you know how he  feels,Gramma says we wriggle 'roun like a lot o'  eels.W'y it's like a man that's thes home from out  o' jail. What's the use o' scoldin' if we pull Tray's  tail?    Gramma says, tho', "thes you wait,    It's a-comin'—soon or late,You'se the boys that's itchin' to be spanked."
Cats is funny creatures an' I like to make 'em  yowl,Gramma alwus looks at me with a awful scowlAn' she says, "Young gentlemen, mamma  should be thankedEf you'd get your knickerbockers right well  spanked."    An' she says, "Now thes you wait,    It's a-comin'—soon or late,"W'en a feller's itchin' to be spanked.
Ef you fin' the days is gettin' awful hot  in schoolAn' you know a swimmin' place where it's nice  and cool,Er you know a cat-fish hole brimmin' full o'  fish,Whose a-goin' to set around school and wish?     'Tain't no use to hide your bait,    It's a-comin'—soon or late,W'en a feller's itchin' to be spanked.
Ol' folks know most ever thing 'bout the  world, I guess,Gramma does, we wish she knowed thes a  little less,But I alwus kind o' think it 'ud be as wellEf they wouldn't alwus have to up an' tell;    We kids wish 'at they'd thes wait,    It's a-comin'—soon or late,W'en a feller's itchin' to be spanked.