Madam be covered, why stand you bare?

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Madam be covered, why stand you bare? (1650)

From the larger The Academy of Complements

464879Madam be covered, why stand you bare?1650

Madam be cover'd, why stand you bare,
It fits not with your female sex.
We know you carry worthy ware,
Which found may be without Index.
These bare signes do but bid us look
For unknown stuffe in your two leav'd book.

Spartan Ladies some there be
Which to their suitors naked stood,
And you your bare brests let us see.
Which tells your hidden parts are good.
Thus wanton Venus drew on Mars,
A bare breast shews an open ----.

They hang forth signs at common Inns,
That strangers may know where to lodge.
And you shew forth your naked twins,
And use them as a Brothel-badge;
These wanton signs direct men gratis
The high way to your nunquam satis.

Diana being naked seen
Did hornifie Acteon's crest,
And the fair stript Hebreiv Queene
Her husbands fore-head finely drest;
Shut up then Madam, flye mens scorns
For open breasts breed secret horns.

The Persian Matrons when their men
Before the Medes did flye, and fall,
For to encourage them again,
Shew'd them their bellies bare; and all.
You with your fair breasts would, belike,
Move even a heartlesse man to strike.

Our grandam Eve before the Fall,
Went naked, and sham'd not awhit,
You not to one, but, unto all.
Shew both your hills and naked pit:
Very well read in Rhetoricks school.
You shew us but a part for th' whole.

The mask you wear upon your face.
Upon your breasts would better shew,
By nature that's a naked place.
Then Madam use your Mask below,
Lest that some gazing fellow venter,
And so descend to loves low center.

This work was published before January 1, 1929, and is in the public domain worldwide because the author died at least 100 years ago.

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