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Manual of the Lodge/Appendixes/Forms of Documents

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Manual of the Lodge (1868)
by Albert Gallatin Mackey
Appendix IV: Forms of Documents
2432713Manual of the Lodge — Appendix IV: Forms of Documents1868Albert Gallatin Mackey


Forms of Documents.


The petition of the undersigned respectfully showeth, that they are regular Freemasons, and are at present or have been members of regular Lodges, that having the prosperity of the fraternity at heart, they are willing to exert their best endeavors to promote and diffuse the genuine principles of Freemasonry; that for the conveniency of their respective dwellings [other wise, stating the circumstances of the case], and for other good reasons, they have agreed to form a new Lodge; that in consequence of this resolution, they pray the Most Worshipful Grand Master for a dispensation to empower them to assemble as a regular Lodge at . . . . and there to discharge the duties of Freemasonry in a regular and constitutional manner, according to the ancient usages of the Order, and the rules and regulations of the Grand Lodge of Ancient Freemasons of . . . . . . . . . . . .; that they have nominated and do recommend A. B. to be the first Master, and C. D. to be the first Senior Warder, and E. F. the first Junior Warden of the said Lodge: and the prayer of this petition being granted, they promise strict conformity to every regular edict and command of the Grand Master, and to the constitutions, laws, and regulations of the Grand Lodge of ancient Freemasons of . . . . . . . .

This petition must be signed by, at least, seven regular Master Masons, and be recommended by the nearest Lodge, and be delivered to the Grand Secretary, who shall present it to the Grand Master, or, in his absence to the Deputy Grand Master.


To all whom it may concern:

Whereas, we . . . . . . Most Worshipful Grand Master of Ancient Freemasons of . . . . . . . ., have received a petition from a constitutional number of brethren who have been regularly vouched for and recommended, which petition sets forth that they are desirous of establishing a new Lodge at . . . . under our Masonic jurisdiction, and requesting a dispensation for the same; and whereas there appears to us good and sufficient cause for granting the prayer of the said petition—

Now know ye, that we, the Most Worshipful Grand Master aforesaid, by virtue of the powers in us vested by the Ancient Constitutions of the Order, do hereby grant this our dispensation, authorizing and empowering Brother . . . . . . to act as Worshipful Master, Brother to act as Senior Warden, and Brother to act as Junior Warden of a Lodge, to be held under our jurisdiction at . . . . . ., and to be known as . . . . Lodge. And we further authorize and empower the said brethren to Enter, Pass, and Raise Freemasons according to the Ancient Constitutions of the Order, the customs and usages of the craft, and the rules and regulations of the Grand Lodge of Ancient Freemasons of . . . . . . . . . ., and not otherwise. And this our dispensation shall continue of force until the Grand Lodge shall grant a Warrant of Constitution for the same, or this dispensation be revoked by us or by the Grand Lodge aforesaid.

[l. s. ] Given under our hand and the seal of the Grand Lodge, at the Grand East of . . . . . . . . . ., this . . . day of . . . ., A∴ L∴ 58 . .
. . . . . . . ., . . . . . . . .,
Grand Secretary. Grand Master.



To all whom it may concern:

The Most Worshipful Grand Lodge of Ancient Freemasons of . . . . . . . . . . . ., in Grand Communication assembled, Send Greeting:

Know ye, that we, the Grand Lodge of Ancient Freemasons of . . . . . . . . . ., have authorized and empowered, and do hereby authorize and empower, our trusty and well-beloved brethren, A. B., Worshipful Master; C. D., Senior Warden; and E. F., Junior Warden, to open and hold a Lodge designated as . . . . . Lodge, No. . . ., under our register and jurisdiction, at . . . . . ., in the State of . . . . . . ., or within three miles of the same.

And we do further authorize and empower the said brethren to Admit, Enter, Pass, and Raise Freemasons, according to the most ancient customs and usages of the craft, in all ages and nations throughout the world, and not otherwise.

And we do further authorize and empower the said brethren, and their successors in office, to hear and determine, all and singular, matters and things relative to the craft, within the jurisdiction of the said Lodge.

And lastly, we do hereby authorize, empower, and direct our paid trusty and well-beloved brethren to install their successors in office, after being duly elected and chosen; to invest them with all the powers and dignities to their offices respectively belonging, and to deliver to them this Warrant of Constitution; and such successors shall, in like manner, from time to time, install their successors, and proceed in the premises as above directed: such installation to be upon, or immediately preceding, the festival of St. John the Evangelist, during the continuance of the said Lodge forever.

Provided always, that the said above-named brethren and their successors do pay, and cause to be paid, due respect and strict obedience to the Most Worshipful Grand Lodge of Ancient Freemasons of . . . . . . . . . . . aforesaid, and to the rules, regulations, and edicts thereof: otherwise, this Warrant of Constitution to be of no force nor virtue.

Given in open Grand Lodge, and under the hands of our Grand officers, and the seal of our Grand Lodge, at . . . . . . . ., this . . . . day of . . . . ., in the year of Light 58. . .

Q . . . . R . . . . ,   U . . . . V . . . . ,
Grand Master.   Senior Grand Warden.
S. . . . T . . . . , [l.s.] W . . . . X . . . . ,
Deputy Grand Master.   Junior Grand Warden.
Y . . . . Z . . . ., Grand Secretary.


To the Worshipful Master, Wardens and Members . . . . . . of Lodge, No . . . .


Being prompted by a favorable opinion conceived of the Institution, unbiased by the improper solicitation of friends and uninfluenced by mercenary motives, I voluntarily offer myself a candidate for the mysteries of Freemasonry to be conferred it your Lodge.

If elected, I promise cheerfully to conform to all the ancient usages and established customs of the fraternity.

I am by occupation a . . . . . . ., aged . . . . years, and without any mental or physical defects which, as I am informed, would preclude my initiation.

I submit my character to your investigation, and ask your suffrages in my behalf.

I am, respectfully,
A . . . . . . B . . . . . .

Recommended by

C . . . . . . D . . . . Members of the Lodge.
E . . . . . . F . . . . . .


To the Worshipful Master, Wardens and Brethren of . . . . . .
Lodge, No. . . .


I fraternally apply for affiliation with your Lodge. I am a Master Mason in good standing, and with this petition submit my Demit from . . . . . Lodge, No. . . , of which Lodge I was last a member.

I am, fraternally,

G . . . . . . H . . . . . .



To all Free and Accepted Masons throughout the globe—Greeting.

Know ye, that our beloved Brother, . . . . . . . . . ., who has signed his name in the margin hereof, is a regular Master Mason of . . . . . . . Lodge, No. . . ., at . . . . . . ., in the State of . . . . . . . , and as such we desire and recommend that he be received and accepted by the Craft wheresoever dispersed over the face of the globe.

Given under our hands, and the seal of the Lodge, at . . . . . . . ., this . . . . day of . . . . . . ., in the year of Light. 587. . .

[.L. S.] . . . . . . . . . . ., Worshipful Master.
. . . . . . . . . . ., Senior Warden.
. . . . . . . . . . ., Junior Warden.

. . . . . . . . . . ., Secretary.

Grand Lodge of Ancient Free and Accepted Masons of . . . . . . . .

This is to certify that . . . . . . . . Lodge, No . . . . ., is a just and legally constituted Lodge working under the jurisdiction of the Grand Lodge of . . . . . . . ., and that this Diploma is entitled to full faith and credit among the brethren.


. . . . . . . . . . . .,
Grand Secretary.

Omnibus Latomis per Orbem Terrarum Liberis Acceptisque.
S∴ S∴ S∴

Sciant omnes fratrem nostrum dilectissimum . . . . . .qui hujusce in margine nomen suum ascripsit, post debitas constitutasque probationes, sublimem gradum Magistri assecutum esse et in Collegium Latomorum vulgo appellatum . . . . . . No. . . coöptatum esse.

Quamobrem eum singulis ejusdem gradus juribus ac privilegiis frui voiumus.

In cujus rei testimonium, manus nostras et sigillum quo in hisce utimur apponi curavimus, . . . . . . die mensis . . . . . . anno lucia 587. . .

. . . . . . . . . . . ., Magister.
. . . . . . . . . . . ., Custos Senior.
. . . . . . . . . . . ., Custos Junior.
. . . . . . . . . . . ., Scriba.


To the Worshipful Master, Wardens and Brethren of . . . . . . Lodge, No. . . .


Being desirous of severing my connection with . . . . . . , No . . . ,for the purpose of uniting with another, I fraternally apply for a Demit. All dues to the Lodge have been paid.

J . . . . . . K . . . . . . .


Lodge No. . . . , under the jurisdiction of the Grand Lodge of . . . . . .

To all whom it may concern—Greeting:

This is to certify, that Brother . . . . . ., whose name appears in the margin of this Demit, is a Master Mason in good standing, and clear of the books, and was a member of this Lodge, and as such we recommend him to the fraternal regard of all Free and Accepted Masons, wheresoever dispersed over the face of the globe.

[l. s.] In testimony whereof, we have caused this Demit to be signed by the Worshipful Master and Secretary, and the seal of the Lodge to be affixed, this . . . day of . . . . . ., A. L∴ L∴ 687 . . . .
. . . . . . . . ., W. Master . . . . . . . . ., Secretary.


. . . . . Lodge, No. . . .


You are hereby summoned to attend a . . . . . . communication of this Lodge, to be holden at . . . . o'clock on . . . . evening the . . . . day of . . . . . Herein fail not.

By order,

A. . . . . . C . . . . ., Secretary.


. . . . . . Lodge, No . . . .


You are hereby notified that at a regular Communication of . . . . . Lodge, No. . . , holden on Thursday Evening, . . . . . of charges and specifications, a copy of which is hereunto annexed, were preferred against you by Bro∴ . . . . . .

Whereupon it was ordered that the said charges and specifications be investigated at a trial to be holden in open Lodge, at the next regular Communication, to be holden on Thursday, the . . . day of . . . . . ., of all which you will take due notice and govern yourself accordingly.

By order of the Lodge, A . . . . . C . . . . . . ,

. . . . . . Lodge, No . . . .

To R∴ W ∴ Brother. . . . M.M.

Grand Secretary of the Grand Lodge of . . . . . .

R∴ W∴ Sir and Bro∴

You are hereby notified that at a regular Communication of . . . . . . Lodge, No . . ., holden on Thursday, the . . . of . . . ., 1870, Brother . . . . . . . . . ., after due trial, was expelled from all the privileges of Masonry (or suspended, as the case may be), and it was ordered that notice thereof be given to the Grand Lodge.

A. . . . . . C . . . . . .,


[The following form embraces the most important transactions that usually occur during the Communication of a Lodge, and it may therefore, serve as an exemplar for the use of secretaries.]

A regular Communication of . . . . . Lodge, No. . . , was holden at . . . . . ., on the . . . . day of . . . . , 587 . . .


Bro. A. B . . . . , W. Master,
Bro." B. C. . . ., S. Warden,
Bro." C.D. . . . , J. Warden,
Bro." D. E . . . ., Treasurer,
Bro." E. F. . . ., Secretary,
Bro." F. G . . . ., S. Deacon,
Bro." G. H . . . .,J. Deacon,
Bro." H. I. . . . ,
Bro." J. K. . . . ,
Bro." K. L. . . ., Tiler,
Bro. L. M. . . . .
  M.N. . . . .
  N. O. . . . .
  O. P. . . . .
Bro. P. Q. . . . ., Lodge No. . .
&nbsp Q. R. . . . ., Lodge," No. . .
&nbsp R. S. . . . ., Lodge," No. . .

The Lodge was opened in due form on the third degree of Masonry.

The minutes of the last regular Communication, and of a special Communication holden on . . . . . ., were read and confirmed.

The Committee on the petition of Mr. C. B . . . ., a candidate for initiation, reported favorably, whereupon he was balloted for and duly elected.

The Committee on the petition of Mr. D. C. . . .. , a candidate for initiation, reported favorably, whereupon he was balloted for, and the box appearing foul, he was rejected.

The Committee on the petition of Mr. E. D. . . . ., a candidate for initiation, reported unfavorably, whereupon he was declared rejected without a ballot.

Brother S. R. . . . . an Entered Apprentice, having applied for advancement, he was duly elected to take the second degree; and Brother W. Y. . . . ., a Fellow Craft, was, on his application for advancement, duty elected to take the third degree.

A petition for initiation from Mr. G. F, . . . . . enclosing the usual amount, and recommended by Bros. C. D . . . . .and H. L. . . . ., was referred to a Committee of Investigation, consisting of Bros. G. H. . . . ., L. M. . . . ., and O. P . . . .

A letter was read from Mrs. T. V. . . . ., the widow of a Master Mason, when the sum of twenty dollars was voted for her relief.

The Amendment to Article 10, Section 5, of the By-Laws of this Lodge, proposed by Brother M. N. . . . . at the Communication of. . . . . . ., was read a third time, adopted by a constitutional majority, and ordered to be sent to the Grand Lodge for approval and confirmation.

The Lodge of Master Masons was then closed, and a Lodge of Entered Apprentices opened in due form.

Mr. C, B. . . ., a candidate for initiation, being in waiting, was duly prepared, brought forward and initiated as an Entered Apprentice, he paying the usual fee.

The Lodge of Entered Apprentices was then closed, and a Lodge of Fellow Crafts opened in due form.

Brother S. R. . . . ., an Entered Apprentice, being in waiting, was duly prepared, brought forward and passed to the degree of a Fellow Craft, he paying the usual fee.

The Lodge of Fellow Crafts was then closed, and a Lodge of Master Masons opened in due form.

Brother W. Y . . . . . ., a Fellow Craft, being in waiting, was duly prepared, brought forward and raised to the sublime degree of a Master Mason, he paying the usual fee.

Amount received this evening as follows :

Petition of Mr. G. F. . . . . . . . . $5
Fee of Bro. C. B. . . . . . . . . . . 5
Fee" of" Bro." S. R. . . . . . . . . . . 5
Fee" of" Bro." W. Y. . . . . . . . . . . 5 ——Total, $20.

all of which was paid over to the Treasurer.

There being no further business, the Lodge was closed in due form and harmony.

E . . . . . . . . F . . . . . . . .

[These minutes should be read at the close of the meeting, that the Brothers present may suggest any necessary alterations or correct omissions; and then at the beginning of the next regular Communication, that they may be confirmed. After which they should be transcribed from the rough Minute Book, in which they were first entered, into the permanent Record-Book of the Lodge.]


[One of the greatest of the difficulties which are attendant on the organization of a new Lodge is the adoption of a suitable and efficient code of By-Laws for its government. This difficulty is often rendered still greater by the inexperience of its members, often young Masons, unacquainted with the usages of the craft and the prerogatives of a subordinate Lodge. The following model of a Code of By-Laws is therefore submitted, as in part tending to remove this difficulty. It is not to be expected that every section of this form will be always adopted. Local circumstances and special regulations of a Grand Lodge may render some of them unnecessary or inexpedient. Yet, the general form will not, it is believed, be found useless as a guide for the preparation of a proper code.]

Name, Officers, &c.

Section. 1. The name and title of this Lodge shall be . . . . . . Lodge, No. . . .

Sec. 2. Its officers shall consist of a Worshipful Master, Senior and Junior Wardens, Treasurer, Secretary, Senior and Junior Deacons, two Stewards, and a Tiler.

Sec. 3. The first five officers shall be elected by ballot, and by a majority of the votes present, for twelve months, at the regular communication preceding the festival of St. John the Evangelist, and shall be installed on or before the said festival; on which festival they shall assume the duties and prerogatives of their respective offices. But every officer shall retain his office until his successor shall have been installed.

Sec. 4. On the night of installation, the Worshipful Master elect shall appoint the Senior Deacon and Tiler; the Senior Warden shall appoint the Junior Deacon, and the Junior Warden shall appoint the two Stewards.

Sec. 5. The Worshipful Master elect shall, on the night of election, appoint a Committee of three to examine the Treasurer and Secretary's books, which Committee shall report at the next regular Communication.

Of the Worshipful Master.

Sec. 1. The Worshipful Master shall preside at all times when present. He shall have charge of the Warrant of Constitution, Jewels, and Furniture. He shall be empowered to convene the Lodge on any emergency which in his judgment shall require the same. He shall see that the rules and regulations of the Grand Lodge of. . . . . . . . ., as well as the By-Laws of this Lodge, be strictly obeyed; that his Officers perform their duties faithfully; that the Annual Returns be made, and dues punctually paid to the Grand Lodge. He shall appoint all Committees, and be ex-officio Chairman of the same, when he shall think proper to attend.

Sec. 2. On all questions where the votes of the Lodge are equally divided, the Master shall be entitled to the casting vote in addition to his vote as a member.

Sec. 3. There can be no appeal from the decision of the Master, except to the Grand Lodge.

Of the Wardens.

Sec. 1. It shall be the duty of the Wardens to assist the Worshipful Master in the government of the Lodge, and in his absence to preside according to seniority, unless through courtesy they relinquish the right of presiding to a Past Master present.

Of the Treasurer.

Sec. 1. The Treasurer shall keep an exact account of all the Funds of the Lodge, and all scrip and certificates of Stock, and all titles of property belonging to the Lodge. lie shall pay all orders signed by the Worshipful Master, and countersigned by the Secretary, and those drawn on him by the Committee of Charity; he shall report the state of the funds, and the members in arrears, at the regular meetings in June and December in each year. He shall submit his books to inspection whenever required by the Worshipful Master or the Lodge. He shall give a bond for the faithful performance of his duties in such sum as the Lodge may determine.

Of the Secretary.

Sec. 1. The Secretary shall issue all summonses for stated Communications three days previous; and for extra Communications, when required by the Presiding Officer, and deliver them to the Tiler. He shall keep a record of all the proceedings of the Lodge, which may be committed to writing; and insert the names of the members and visitors. He shall receive all moneys due to the Lodge, and forthwith pay them over to the Treasurer, taking his receipt for the same. He shall make out the Annual Return to the Grand Lodge, agreeably to the form prescribed, and transmit the same to the Grand Lodge, after it has been signed by the Presiding Officer. lie shall have his Minutes copied into the journal and ready for examination at the regular Communication preceding the festival of St. John the Evangelist in each year.

Of the Deacons.

Sec. 1. The Senior and Junior Deacons shall perform all the duties appertaining to their respective offices according to Ma sonic usage under the direction of the Worshipful Master and Wardens.

Of the Stewards.

Sec. 1. The Stewards shall, under the direction of the Junior Warden, prepare and superintend any banquet of the Lodge. They shall also be intrusted with the preparation of Candidates as the Assistants of the Senior Deacon, and with the Examination of visitors.

Of the Tiler.

Sec. 1. The Tiler must be a worthy Master Mason. It shall be his duty to serve all summonses and notifications delivered to him by the Secretary; to prepare the room for the Communications of the Lodge, and carefully to collect and replace the Jewels and Furniture after the Lodge is closed. For the faithful performance of his duties he shall receive the sum of . . . . . . dollars annually.

Of the Standing Committees.

Sec. 1. The Worshipful Master, Wardens, Treasurer, and Secretary shall be a Standing Committee on the Funds, whose duty it shall be to make sale or commutation of Stock, or other property of the Lodge, when so ordered by the Lodge. Also to invest such cash as may be, from time to time, in the hands of the Treasurer, and which they may be directed to invest by the Lodge.

Sec. 2. A Committee of Charity, to consist of three members, shall be annually appointed at the regular Communication in January, to whom may be referred all applications for relief during the recess of the Lodge. The majority of the Committee shall have power to draw on the Treasurer for a sum in each case not exceeding . . . . . dollars.

Of Initiation and Affiliation.

Sec. 1. Any person wishing to be initiated into the mysteries of Freemasonry in this Lodge, must apply by petition, at a regular Communication, recommended by two members, and enclosing not less than . . . . dollars, upon which a Committee of three shall be appointed to inquire into his qualifications, and to report at the next stated Communication.

Sec. 2. Should the report of the Committee be favorable, he may be balloted for, and if unanimously elected, he shall receive the degrees conferred by the Lodge, on his paying the fees established by the Grand Lodge. But should one dissenting ball appear, the ballot shall be repeated; and if one black ball shall then appear, the candidate shall be declared to be rejected, and the money enclosed in his letter shall be returned to him. But the rejected candidate may re-apply at any subsequent stated Communication of the Lodge, provided the same preliminary measures of a petition, recommendation, reference to a committee and ballot, are observed as in the previous application.

Sec. 3. The same principles and regulations as to petition, investigation, and unanimous ballot, shall govern the application of brethren for affiliation.

Sec. 4. Should any candidate neglect to attend for initiation within three stated Communications of his being duly notified of his election, the money enclosed in his letter shall be forfeited to the Lodge, and he shall not be admitted without a new ballot, unless a reasonable excuse is assigned.

Of Life and Honorary Members.

Sec. 1. Any member of this Lodge may become a life member upon paying such sum as may be determined by the Lodge, but no life member is exempt from being expelled, suspended, or subjected to other Masonic discipline, for cause shown.

Of Demission.

Sec. 1. Any member of this Lodge, who is in good standing and not under charges, may bo permitted to demit upon giving written notice of his intention to the Lodge, requesting the said demit, and paying up his arrears in full.

Of Trials.

Sec. 1. All charges must be made in writing, signed by the accuser, and read by him at a regular Communication of the Lodge. The accused shall then be furnished with an attested copy of the charges by the Secretary, and he shall, at the same time, be informed of the time and place appointed by the Lodge for the trial.

Sec. 2. If the accused is living beyond the jurisdiction of the Lodge, the charges shall be communicated to him by letter through the Post Office, and a reasonable time allowed for his answer before the Lodge proceeds to trial.

Sec. 3. The trial shall commence at a regular Communication of the Lodge, but may be continued at special Communications convened for that purpose.

Sec. 4. The Lodge shall be opened in the highest degree to which the accused has attained, and the examinations shall take place in the presence of the accuser and the accused, if they desire it; but the final decision shall always be made in the third degree.

Sec. 5. The evidence of profanes, or brethren of an inferior degree, must be taken by a committee, and reported to the Lodge. The accuser and the accused shall have a right to be present at such examinations.

Sec. 6. The testimony of Master Masons must be taken on their honor as Master Masons; that of others in such manner as shall be agreed on by the parties or determined by the Committee.

Sec. 7. When the testimony and arguments are concluded, the accuser and the accused shall retire, and the Worshipful Master shall put the question of "guilty" or "not guilty" to the Lodge. The question shall be taken by ballot, a white ball denoting not guilty, and a black one guilty. If two-thirds of the balls are black, the accused shall be declared guilty. Every member present is bound to vote, unless excused by unanimous permission.

Sec. 8. If the verdict be guilty, the Worshipful Master shall then put the question as to punishment, beginning with expulsion, and going on, if necessary, to indefinite suspension, definite suspension, and public and private reprimand. For expulsion, or suspension, definite or indefinite, the votes must be two-thirds of those present, but for reprimand a majority will be sufficient. The votes on the nature of punishment must be taken by a show of hands.

Sec. 9. If the residence of the accused is not known, or if he refuses or neglects to attend, the Lodge may, nevertheless, proceed to the trial without his presence—a reasonable time, in the former case, being allowed for the necessary search for him.

Of Rules of Order.

Sec. 1 When the Presiding Officer takes the Chair, every officer and member shall immediately take his place, and observe strict order and decorum.

Sec. 2.. No member shall speak until he first rise, and respectfully address the Presiding Officer; nor shall he speak more than twice on any subject, unless to explain, or by permission from the Chair.

Sec. 3. All questions of Order shall be decided by the Presiding Officer, without appeal to the Lodge.

Sec. 4. All questions before the Lodge, not otherwise particularly defined, shall be decided by a majority of the Lodge.

Sec. 5. No person shall be permitted to leave the room during the session of the Lodge but by permission of the Presiding Officer.

Sec. 6. No Officer shall leave his seat except it be in the discharge of his official duties.

Sec. 7. No Brother shall move from his place, nor shall any member or visitor be permitted to enter at any time during the opening or closing of the Lodge, the reading of the minutes, at the time of preparing a candidate, or while conferring a degree, unless with permission of the Chair.

Sec. 8. If any member or visitor shall be guilty of indecorum during the session of the Lodge, the Worshipful Master may, at his discretion, reprimand or exclude him, for that Communication, from the Lodge.

Sec. 9. No member of any Lodge, who is more than twelve months in arrears, shall be eligible to any office, or be allowed to vote at the election of Officers.

Sec. 10. The Constitution of the Grand Lodge, and the land marks of the Order, shall be the governing principles of every Lodge, and shall be referred to in all cases of doubt. In all decisions of the Lodge, appeals may be made to the Grand Lodge; but until the opinion of the latter is made known, the decision of the former is held valid.

Of Alterations of the By-Laws.

No additions, alterations, or amendments, can be made to the By-Laws of any Lodge, unless first presented, in writing, to the Chair, then read at three stated Communications, and approved of by three-fourths of the members present; nor can any of these By-Laws be suspended, even by unanimous consent.