Manual of the New Zealand Flora/Additions and Corrections
4 Clematis parviflora.—To this species I refer with some doubt C. Hillii, Col. in Trans. N.Z. Inst. xxxi. (1899) 266, of which I have seen no authentically named specimens.
6 Myosurus aristatus.—Abundant in moist places near the mouth of the Awatere River, Marlborough, J. H. Macmahon!
10 2 bis. Ranunculus Matthewsii, Cheesem. n. sp.—Habit of R. Buchanani, but larger and stouter, 15–20 in. high, glabrous or with a few weak hairs on the petioles and peduncles. Radical leaves on stout petioles 3–9 in. long, reniform or orbicular in outline, ternatisect; the main divisions petiolate, coarsely toothed or lobed. Cauline leaves sessile, deeply toothed or lobed, but not so finely as in R. Buchanani. Flowers 1–4, large, pure-white, sweet-scented, 2½–3 in. diam. Sepals 5, slightly villous, reflexed when the flower is mature. Petals numerous, 12–20, oblong-cuneate, rounded at the tip, narrowed to the base; gland solitary, large, basilar. Achenes turgid, pilose, forming an oblong-globose head ½ in. diam. or more; styles long, subulate.
South Island: Otago—Mount Earnslaw, alt. 4000–6000 ft., H. J. Matthews!
I have only two good specimens of this beautiful plant, and some allowance must consequently be made for the description. It is evidently very close to R. Buchanani, differing chiefly in the larger size and stouter habit, in being almost glabrous, and in the more sparingly divided leaves, and larger flowers.
12 R. nivicola.—Mount Holdsworth, Tararua Range, W. Townson! Flowerless specimens apparently belonging to the same species have also been sent from Mount Stokes, Marlborough, by Mr. J. H. Macmahon.
14 R. tenuicaulis.—Boundary Peak, Lyell District, alt. 3000–4000 ft., W. Townson! Sources of the Poulter River and Kelly's Hill, Westland, Dr. Cockayne.
22 R. Hectori.—Dr. Cockayne considers that this is doubtfully distinct from R. aucklandicus. (See Trans. N.Z. Inst. xxxvii. 318.)
25 R. rivularis.—According to Kirk's Sbudents' Flora, Petrie's R. areolatus (Trans. N.Z. Inst. xxii. (1891) 439) is based upon a mixture of this species and the Scandinavian R. pygmæus, Wahlb.
36 Sisymbrium novæ-zealandiæ.—Mount Blairish, Marlborough, J. H. Macmahon!
38 Lepidium oleraceum var. frondosum.—Curtis Island, Kermadec Group, Miss Shakespere!
43 Notothlaspi australe var. stellatum.—Boundary Peak, Lyell District, W. Townson!
46 Melicytus collinus, Col. Excurs. N. Island, 85.—A name quoted in the Index Kewensis, but I have seen no specimens nor description. Like most of Mr. Colenso's names, it probably does not represent a distinct species.
56 Pittosporum patulum.—Cobb Valley, to the north of Mount Arthur, F. G. Gibbs!
56 9 bis. P. Dallii, Cheesm. n. sp.—Apparently a small tree; branches stout, whorled, the younger ones glabrous, with reddish bark. Leaves towards the tips of the branchlets, alternate or subwhorled, 2½–4 in. long, elliptic-lanceolate or oblong-lanceolate to linear-oblong, acute or acuminate, coriaceous, sharply and coarsely doubly serrate; midrib stout, prominent above; veins finely reticulate; petioles ½–¾ in. long, stout, reddish. Flowers not seen. Capsules numerous, arranged in corymbose cymes terminating the branches, about ½ in. long, elliptic-oblong, apiculate, quite glabrous, 2-valved; valves hard and woody, rough and corrugated. Seeds numerous.
South Island: Nelson—Mountains near Collingwood, Dall!
A remarkably distinct plant, with very different foliage to that of any other New Zealand species. The flowers are quite unknown.
68 Colobanthus brevisepalus.—Summit of Mount Blairish, Marlborough, J. H. Macmahon!
71 Claytonia australasica.—Mr. Colenso's C. calycina (Trans. N.Z. Inst. xxviii. 592) appears to be a synonym of this.
77 Plagianthus cymosus.—Pelorus Valley, Marlborough, rare, J. H. Macmahon! Female specimens have also been found at Kaitaia by Mr. R. H. Matthews.
80 Gaya Lyallii, var. ribifolia, F. Muell. Veg. Chath. Is. 11.—Leaves deeply lobed or incised, usually smaller and not so acuminate; stellate pubescence more conspicuous, especially on the under-surface.
A very distinct-looking variety, accidentally omitted in the body of this book. It is abundant in many parts of Marlborough and Canterbury, usually on the lower ranges flanking the eastern side of the Southern Alps; whereas the typical state is more common in the humid climate of Westland and Nelson. Dr. Cockayne considers that both forms are truly deciduous.
83 Aristotelia racemosa.—Mr. Townson sends a variety from the Mokihinui Eiver, to the north of Westport, in which the berries are clear bright-red when mature (not blackish-red), and rather larger than in the type.
97 Pennantia corymbosa.—Add as a synonym P. odorata, Raoul in Ann. Sc. Nat. Ser. iii. 2 (1844) 123.
104 Corynocarpus.—Mr. W. B. Hemsley, in an elaborate memoir published in the "Annals of Botany" for 1903, pp. 743–60, fully discusses the relationships of the genus, and describes two new species, one collected by Archdeacon Comins in Torres Island, New Hebrides, the other by Viellard in New Caledonia. He gives an amended generic character, in which attention is drawn to the curious fact that the gynæceum occasionally has a second rudimentary style. Full descriptions are also given of the three species. The two new ones from Polynesia are closely allied to C. lævigata, chiefly differing in the smaller foliage and in the shape of the petaloid staminodia. With respect to the systematic position of the genus, Mr. Hemsley confirms Professor Engler's statement respecting the total absence of resin-canals, which are present in all the other genera of Anacardiaceæ, but considers that this peculiarity is not accompanied by correlated characters of sufficient importance to justify the exclusion of the genus from the order. The discovery of Corynocarpus in western Polynesia is of considerable interest in connection with the often-quoted tradition that the New Zealand species was introduced by the Maoris when they first colonised the country.
109 Carmichaelia Muelleriana, Regel in Gartenf. (1887) 611.—I have been unable to satisfactorily identify this plant, which is probably the same as one of the species described in this work.
112 C. Williamsii.—Barren specimens apparently referable to this species have been collected by Dr. Cockayne on the Poor Knights Islands, but the identification cannot be considered certain until flowering and fruiting specimens have been obtained.
120 Clianthus puniceus.—A variety with white flowers is now commonly cultivated in gardens.
121 Swainsona novæ-zealandiæ.—Mount Torlesse Range, Canterbury, alt. 3200–3600 ft., Dr. Cockayne.
128 Geum aucklandicum, Greene, Pittonia, iv. 225.—This name must be substituted for G. sericeum, T. Kirk, over which it has several years' priority.
128 G. uniflorum.—Dr. Cockayne remarks that this is an extremely common plant of subalpine and alpine meadows and moist shady rocky places in Westland.
131 Acaena sanguisorbæ var. antarctica, Cockayne in Trans. N.Z. Inst. xxxvi. (1904) 319.—Dr. Cockayne proposes this name for the conmion form of the species in the Auckland and Campbell Islands, remarking that it can be distinguished from var. pilosa by the pale-green (not whitish-green) leaves which are glabrous on the upper surface, much shorter scapes which are hardly raised above the foliage, bright-green calyx-lobes, and by the shorter stamens. I have seen no specimens.
137 Carpodetus serratus.—The synonjms C. dentatus, Poir. Encyc. ii. 120, and C. Forsteri, Roem. and Schult. Syst. v. 604, were accidentally omitted in the body of this work.
143 Tillæa purpurata.—Mouth of the Awatere River, Marlborough, in places where water has stagnated, J. H. Macmahon!
160 Leptospermum scoparium.—A variety with dark-red flowers, originally discovered by Mr. Justice Chapman in Otago, is now often cultivated as a garden-plant.
166 Metrosideros tomentosa.—Mr. Carse sends specimens of a yellow-flowered variety gathered at Rangaunu Harbour, near Mongonui.
169 Myrtus obcordata.—Reef Point, Ahipara, R. H. Matthews! The most northern habitat yet recorded.
175 Epilobium confertifolium.—Dr. Cockayne limits this species to the Auckland and Campbell Islands plant.
176 E. pictum.—Tinline Valley, Marlborough, J. H. Macmahon!
182 E. vernicosum.—Mount Owen, abundant, W. Townson!
197 Hydrocotyle moschata.—Add to the synonyms H. compacta, A. Rich, in Ann. Sci. Phys. iv. (1820) 201; and H. colorata, Col. in Trans. N.Z. Inst. xviii. (1885) 260.
200 Azorella reniformis.—This was first referred to Azorella by Asa Gray in Bot. U.S. Expl. Exped. i. 698, and he should consequently be quoted as the authority.
203 A. Hookeri, Drude in Engl. and Prantl, Pflanzenf. 3, viii. 132.—A name proposed to take the place of A. trifoliolata, Hook, f., which is preoccupied bv a Chilian species. (Clos in C. Gay, Fl. Chil. iii. 85.)
203 10. A radians, Drude, l.c.—This is quoted as a new species allied to A. Hookeri, but no description or locality is given.
203 Eryngium vesiculosum.—Abundant near the mouth of the Awatere River, Marlborough, J. H. Macmahon!
204 Actinotus novæ-zealandiæ.—Add to the synonyms Hemiphues novæ-zealandiæ, Petrie in Trans. N.Z. Inst. xii. (1880) 355.
209 Aciphylla Colensoi var. conspicua.—Mount Kelvin, near Westport, alt. 4500 ft., W. Townson!
209 A. squarrosa.—Gingidium squarrosum, F. Muell. Veg. Chath. Is. 18, should be quoted as a synonym.
210 A. Hookeri.—Brunner Mountains, W. Townson!
211 A. Lyallii.—Lyell Mountains, alt. 3500 ft., W. Townson! From the same locality Mr. Townson also sends a remarkable variety (?) with larger and more rigid leaves, the lower pinnæ of which are trifid or again pinnate. The bracts are also longer and more squarrose, with pinnately divided laminæ.
211 5 bis. A. Townsoni, Cheesem. n. sp.—Erect, slender, smooth and grassy, often somewhat flaccid, 6–12 in. high. Radical leaves numerous, very slender, 3–9 in. long, pinnate or bipinnate at the base; leaflets 2–4 pairs, very narrow, ½–3 in. long, 1/30–1/20 broad, usually flaccid but tipped by a short spinous point; margins minutely crenulate; petioles long, with broad membranous sheathing bases. Scape short, leafy; bracts very numerous, usually more rigid than the leaves, with broad membranous sheathing bases and a trifoliolate or pinnately divided lamina. Male umbels numerous, compound, on long slender spreading peduncles; females much fewer and smaller, on shorter erect peduncles, almost concealed in the broad membranous bract-sheaths. Fruit linear-oblong, about ⅕ in. long; carpels 3–5-winged.
South Island: Nelson—Mount Faraday, Mount Buckland, and the Lyell Mountains, alt. 3000–4500 ft., W. Townson!
The nearest ally of this curious novelty appears to be A. Lyallii var. crenulata, from which it differs in the slender and almost flaccid habit, and in the extremely narrow leaf-segments.
212 A. Monroi.—Add as a synonym Gingidium Monroi, F. Muell. Veg. Chath. Is. 18.
214 A. Dieffenbachii.—Include among the synonyms Angelica Dieffiinbachii, Benth. and Hook. f. Gen. Plant, i. 916.
216 Ligusticum antipodum.—Add to the synonyms Gingidium antipodum, P. Muell. Veg. Chath. Is. 18.
219 L. deltoideum.—Lyell Mountains, alt. 3000–4000 ft., W. Townson!
219 11 bis. L. diversifolium, Cheesem. n. sp.—Habit and size of L. carnosulum, and like it thick and fleshy and glaucous-green when fresh. Stems 1–4 in. long, tufted at the top of a stout tortuous rootstock, with several radical leaves at the base, and 1–3 cauline ones just below the inflorescence. Leaves as in L. carnosulum, 2–3-ternately multifid with linear-subulate ultimate segments ⅙—⅓ in. long. Umbels usually solitary, compound, terminating the stem, 1–3 in. diam.; but sometimes smaller simple or compound umbels are developed in the axils of the cauline leaves. Involucral bracts 4–6, linear, flat, acute, quite entire or rarely forked, much shorter than the umbel; rays 6–12, stout, rigid. Secondary umbels small, many-flowered; bracts of the involucels 8–12, linear, quite entire. Flowers crowded, white or pink, much as in L. carnosulum but rather larger and with more prominent calyx-teeth. Fruit not seen.
South Island: Nelson—Shingle slopes on Mount Robert (overlooking Lake Rotoiti), alt. 4000 ft., F. G. Gibbs!
I have been much puzzled with this plant, which has the habit and foliage of L. carnosulum, but differs markedly in the much smaller linear and entire involucral bracts, and in smaller simple or compound umbels often being developed in the axils of the cauline leaves. In L. carnosulum the bracts are similar to the leaves—that is, are ternately multifid, and the primary ones far overtop the umbel. There is never more than a single terminal compound umbel, and the stems are usually very short.
223 Angelica trifoliolata.—Sphagnum bogs near the summit of Porter's Pass, Canterbury, Dr. Cockayne.
227 Aralia Lyallii.—This species, which was originally described as a Stilbocarpa by Armstrong, has been, with much reason, replaced in that genus by Harms (Engl. and Prantl, Pflanzenf. 3, viii. 57), but in a separate section, for which he proposes the name Kirkophytum.
227 A. Lyallii var. robusta.—Mr. Justice Chapman, who has collected this on the Snares, informs me that it can be readily distinguished from the type by not possessing stolons, and by its larger size, leaves having been measured 28 in. in diameter.
228 Panax.—In Engler and Prantl's Pfanzenfamilien the whole of the New Zealand species are placed in Miquel's genus Nothopanax, a course indicated by Seemann as far back as 1866. But there is much confusion and no small diversity of opinion regarding the classification of the order, and most of the genera require careful re-examination. Until this has been done it seems inadvisable to alter the position of our species.
228 P. lineare.—Add as a synonym Nothopanax linearis, Harms in Engl. and Prantl, Pflanzenf. 3, viii. 48.
229 P. simplex.—Include among the synonyms P. integrifolius, Col. in Trans. N.Z. Inst. xx. (1888) 192; Nothopanax simplex, Seem. Journ. Bot. iv. (1866) 296; and N. integrifolium, Harms, l.c.
229 P. Edgerleyi.—Nothopanax Edgerleyi, Harms, l.c.
230 P. anomalum.—Nothopanax anomalum, Seem. l.c.; N. microphyllum, Harms, l.c.
230 P. Sinclairii.—Nothopanax Sinclairii, Seem. l.c.
231 P. Colensoi.—Nothopanax Colensoi, Seem. l.c.
231 P. arboreum.—Nothopanax arboreum, Seem. l.c.
233 'Pseudopanax discolor.—This was first referred to Pseudopanax by Harms (Engl. and Prantl, Pflanzenf. 3, viii. 46).
234 P. Lessonii.—Add to the synonyms Aralia Lessonii, Hook. f. Fl. Nov. Zel. i. 96.
235 P. crassifolium.—Include among the synonyms Aralia heterophylla, A. Cunn. ex Hook. Ic. Plant, t. 583.
236 P. ferox.—Reef Point, near Ahipara, R. H. Matthews!
246 Coprosma grandifolia.—Add to the synonyms C. latifolia, Col. ex Cheesem. in Trans. N.Z. Inst. xix. (1887) 229; and C. lanceolata, Col. [[Transactions and Proceedings of the New Zealand Institute/Volume 31/Article 27#270|l.c. xxxi. (1899) 270].
249 C. Cunninghamii.—To this should be referred C. conferta, A. Cunn. Precur. n. 471.
250 C. tenuifolia.—Mount Kakaramea, and forests near the base of Tongariro, abundant, T.F.C.
252 C. areolata.—Mr. Carse informs me that the fruit requires from fourteen to sixteen months to ripen.
255 C. crassifolia.—Mr. Colenso's C. arcuata (Excurs. North Island, 84) is probably the same as this species.
257 27 bis. C. rugosa, Cheesem. n. sp.—A much and densely branched rigid erect shrub 4–8 ft. high; branches stout, divaricating, often interlaced, glabrous or the younger ones puberulous; bark fissured and uneven, dark-brown or dark red-brown, of the branchlets yellowish -brown. Leaves in opposite pairs or fascicles, ¼–¾ in. long, 1/25 in. broad, narrow-linear or narrow linear-spathulate, subacute or acute, spreading, veinless, narrowed into a short petiole or sessile; stipules ciliolate. Flowers involucellate, axillary, terminating minute arrested branchlets. Males solitary or in 2–3-flowered fascicles; calyx wanting; corolla 1/7 in. long, campanulate, deeply 4-partite; stamens 4. Females solitary or rarely two together; calyx-limb 4-toothed; corolla deeply 4-lobed. Drupe ¼–⅓ in. long, broadly oblong or almost globose, pale-blue, almost translucent.
South Island: Nelson—Buller Gorge, W. Townson! Clarence Valley, T.F.C. Canterbury—Arthur's Pass and Mount Cook District, T.F.C. Otago—Near Dunedin, Petrie! Sea-level to 3000 ft.
Closely allied to C. acerosa var. brunnea, from which it differs in the much larger size and erect habit, longer and narrower often petioled leaves, in the longer calyx-lobes of the female flowers, and in the more oblong drupe. It is probably common in mountain districts throughout the South Island.
277 Brachycome Thomsoni var. membranifolia.—Mount Murchison and Brunner Mountains, alt. 2000–4000 ft., W. Townson!
281 Olearia operina.—Add to the synonyms Eurybia operina, F. Muell. Veg. Chath. Is. 22.
282 O. Colensoi.—Quote as a synonym Eurybia Colensoi, F. Muell. Veg. Chath. Is. 22.
286 O. Cunninghamii.—Mount Frederic, near Westport, W. Townson!
287 O. excorticata.—Dr. Cockayne states (Trans. N.Z. Inst. xxxvii. 366) that this is not uncommon in the subalpine scrub of Westland, but I have seen no specimens from thence.
296 Pleurophyllum criniferum.—Add to the synonyms P. oresigenesum, Decne. iu Bot. Voy. Astrol. et Zél. 37.
300 Celmisia Walkeri.—Dr. Cockayne remarks that this is "a most chaiacteristic plant of the subalpine meadows of Westlaud, and of moist rocky places in the same region" (Trans. N.Z. Inst. xxxvii. 367).
302 C. Dallii.—Mount Lockett, Nelson, F. G. Gibbs!
307 C. petiolata var. membranacea.—Brunner Mountains, alt. 4,000 ft., W. Townson!
313 C. Monroi.—Taylor's Pass, Awatere Valley, J. H. Macmahon! Almost precisely matches one of Monro's original specimens, now in Mr. Petrie's herbarium.
314 C. longifolia.—C. asteliæfolia, Hook. f. Fl. Antarct. i. 35; and C. perpusilla, Col. in Trans. N.Z. Inst. xxii. (1890) 470, are both referable to this species.
324 Gnaphalium subrigidum.—Mr. Townson has sent me a specimen from the Buller Valley, near Westport, the first I have seen from the South Island.
329 Raoulia australis.—I have erroneously quoted R. Mackayi, Buch. in Trans. N.Z. Inst. xiv. (1882) 354, as a synonym of this species. It is a variety of Gnaphalium Traversii.
338 Helichrysum filicaule.—Add as a synonym Gnaphalium parviflorum, Col. in Trans. N.Z. Inst. xiv. (1884) 333.
340 H. Leontopodium.—Mount Richmond, Nelson, J. H. Macmahon!
343 H. coralloides.—Source of the Conway River, South Marlborough, Dr. Cockayne
351 Cotula australis.—Recorded from Campbell Island by Mr. Buchanan. (See Trans. N.Z. Inst. xvii. 399.)
358 C. dioica.—I believe that one of the forms of this species was collected in the Auckland Islands by Dr. Koettlitz during the recent visit of the Antarctic exploring-ship "Discovery."
367 Brachyglottis Rangiora.—This would have been better treated as a variety of B. repanda. Mr. J. E. Annabell informs me that it occurs between Patea and Hawera, and at Waitotara.
380 Senecio Monroi.—Mount Blairish, North Marlborough, J. H. Macmahon.
381 S. Adamsii.—Mount Lockett, to the north of the Mount Arthur Plateau, F. G. Gibbs!
383 S. rotundifolius.—Add to the synonyms S. Reinoldi, Endl. ex Hook. f. Handb. N.Z. Fl. 734.
388 Sonchus asper.—Shores of Auckland Island, Dr. Koetilltz. The Snares and Antipodes Island, Kirk.
398 Pratia angulata var. arenaria.—Chatham Islands, F. A. D. Cox!
410 Pentachondra pumila.—I refer to this Mr. Colenso's Leucopogon heterophyllus (Trans. N.Z. Inst. xx. (1888) 198).
414 Leucopogon Fraseri.—Add to the synonyms Pentachondra mucronata, Hook. f. in Hook. Lond. Journ. Bot. vi. (1849) 270.
421 Dracophyllum strictum.—I suspect that D. Featonianum, Col. in Trans. N.Z. Inst. xxii. (1890) 477, of which I have seen no authentic specimens, is nothing more than a state of this.
422 D. recurvum.—Very plentiful near the base of Tongariro and Ruapehu, where it forms a low rigid shrub with spreading or almost prostrate branches, the whole plant forming dense masses 2–5 ft. diam., but usually not rising more than 1–2 ft. from the ground.
425 D. subulatum.—D. angustifolium, Col. in Trans. N.Z. Inst. xxviii. (1896) 603, is probably a synonym.
434 Myrsine divaricata.—Dr. Cockayne informs me that this is plentiful on the Poor Knights Islands, between Whangarei and the Bay of Islands, a somewhat unexpected locality.
443 Logania depressa.—In the body of this work I have followed the "Handbook" in giving the Ruahine Range as the locality where this species was originally collected. The exact habitat, however, was on the margin of the Onetapu Desert, near the base of Ruapehu. (See Mr. Colenso's "Visits to the Ruahine Range," p. 43.)
446 Gentiana.—Since the arrangement given in the body of this work was printed I have received copious suites of specimens from Messrs. Townson, Macmahon, Gibbs, H. J. Matthews, and others. These by no means simplify the task of providing good distinctive characters for the species, but rather increase it, so many of the specimens being intermediate forms. This is particularly the case with the species constituting the section D of the conspectus given on page 447, the whole of which appear to pass into one another by imperceptible gradations.
448 2 bis. G. gracilifolia, Cheesem. n. sp.—Perennial, dark-green, much branched at the base, forming compact sward-like patches 2–6 in. diam. or more. Flowering-stems numerous, 3–6 in. high, decumbent at the base, erect above. Leaves numerous, crowded at the base of the stem or on short erect branches, ⅓–⅔ in. long, 1/10–1/8 in. broad, narrow linear-spathulate or linear-lanceolate, acute, sessile or the lower ones narrowed into short petioles, rather thick and coriaceous, dark-green and shining when fresh, often blackish-brown when dry. Cauline leaves 2–4 distant opposite pairs, similar to the radical. Flowers 2–4 to each stem, ⅓–½ in. diam., pure-white. Calyx divided from two-thirds to three-quarters of the way down; lobes lanceolate or linear-lanceolate, acute or acuminate. Corolla campanulate, divided two-thirds of the way down; lobes oblong-obovate, obtuse or subacute. Stamens about half as long as the corolla. Ovary linear-oblong.
South Island: Nelson—Peaty localities by the margin of small tarns on the Mount Arthur Plateau, alt. 3500–4500 ft., T.F.C., F. G. Gibbs! February–March.
This appears to be a perfectly distinct species, perhaps more nearly allied to G. Townsoni than to any other, but easily distinguished by the much smaller size, by often forming a compact sward, by the smaller narrower and much more numerous leaves, and by the smaller and fewer flowers.
451 G. montana.—Brunner Range, alt. 3000–4000 ft., W. Townson! Mr. Gibbs also sends specimens of a closely allied plant, with slightly longer and narrower cauline leaves, from Mount Lockett and Mount Peel.
452 9 bis. G. vernicosa, Cheesem. n. sp.—Perennial; root long, slender, bearing at the top a compact tuft of radical leaves, and 1–5 stout flowering-stems 4–9 in. high, which are decumbent at the base but erect above. Radical leaves numerous, crowded, ½–1¼ in. long, ⅙–⅓ in. broad, narrow oblong-spathulate or linear-oblong, obtuse or subacute, narrowed to a broad sessile base, dark-green, polished and shining, somewhat concave above, thick and coriaceous, especially towards the tip, but becoming thinner at the base. Cauline leaves many towards the base of the flowering-stems, in distant pairs above, similar to the radical but smaller and more acute. Flowers large, white, ½–¾ in. diam., in 2–7-flowered terminal umbels or corymbose cymes. Calyx half the length of the corolla; lobes lanceolate or oblong-lanceolate, acute. Corolla divided three-quarters of the way down or more; lobes obovateoblong, rounded at the tip. Ovary linear-oblong.
South Island: Nelson—Mount Lockett (to the north of Mount Arthur), alt. 3500–4500 ft., F. G. Gibbs! February–March.
I have only three good specimens of this plant, but they all agree in the thick and coriaceous polished and shining leaves, which present quite a different appearance from those of any other species known to me. But it is possible that it may vary into G. bellidifolia.
469 18 bis. Myosotis Townsoni, Cheesem. n. sp.—Perennial; more or less densely hispid with soft spreading white hairs; rootstock rather long, prostrate, branched; stems few or many, slender, leafy, prostrate or decumbent below, ascending or erect at the tips. Radical leaves on long slender petioles ⅓–⅔ in. long; blade ½–1 in. by ¼–⅓ in., oblong-spathulate or linear-oblong, obtuse or apiculate, membranous, upper surface densely hispid with soft white hairs, often almost glabrous beneath. Cauline leaves numerous, narrow-oblong, sessile or the lowermost petiolate. Flowers in the axils of the upper cauline leaves or forming few-flowered racemes terminatmg the stem, ¼–⅓ in. long, ⅕–¼ in. diam., sessile or the lowermost shortly pedicelled. Calyx hispid with coarse white hairs, 5-lobed below the middle; lobes linear-lanceolate, acute. Corolla-tube cylindric, much longer than the calyx; throat, with 5 scales; limb broad flat, with broadly oblong lobes. Stamens inserted between the corolla-scales; filaments slightly longer than the linear anthers, which are wholly above the level of the scales. Nutlets ovoid, shining, black.
South Island: Nelson—Brunner Range and Lyell Mountains, W. Townson! 3000–4500 ft. January–March.
In the structure of the flower this is intermediate between Exarrhena and Eumyosotis, but as the anthers stand above the level of the scales I have placed it in the former section. It is apparently allied to M. saxosa and M. Lyallii, but difiers from both in the flowers being chiefly axillary.
470 M. concinna.—Abundant on the southern face of Mount Owen, alt. 3000–4500 ft., Townson!
472 Myosotidium nobile.—Insert as a synonym Cynoglossum nobile, Hook. f. in Gard. Chron. (1858) 240.
486 Mazus radicans.—To this species I refer Ourisia montana, Buch. in Trans. N.Z. Inst. xix. (1887) 214, t. 15, f. 1.
516 Veronica elliptica.—Add as a synonym V. marginata, Col. in Trans. N.Z. Inst, xxviii. (1896) 608. With respect to the inclusion of Hooker's V. odora with V. elliptica, Dr. Cockayne has independently come to the same conclusion as myself.
522 V. Cockayniana.—This appears to have a wide range on the western side of the Southern Alps, at altitudes above 3000 ft., stretching from Mount Peel and the Lyell Mountains to Lake Wanaka.
528 V. Gilliesiana.—Mount Lyell and the Brunner Mountains, alt. 4000–5000 ft., W. Townson!
547 V. Cheesemanii.—Mount Richmond and Mount Fishtail, North Marlborough, alt. 4000–5000 ft., J. H. Macmahon!
550 Ourisia sessilifolia.—Diamond Lake Range, to the north of Mount Peel, F. G. Gibbs!
553 Euphrasia cuneata.—Mr. J. H. Macmahon has sent me numerous specimens of this species collected on the shores of Pelorus Sound, Marlborough, where he states it is plentiful. So far, these are the only specimens I have seen from the South Island. It is worth mention that according to A. Richard the type specimens were collected in Tolago Bay: "Crescit in Novæ-Zealandiæ, rupibus maritimis loco dicto baie Tologa."
565 Vitex lucens.—An interesting account of the pollination of this species, prepared by Mr. Petrie, is printed in Trans. N.Z. Inst. xxxvii. (1905), pp. 409–11.
578 Rhagodia nutans.—South Island: Kaikoura Peninsula, Rev. R. H. Spencer! Rocky places near the sea, Banks Peninsula, Dr. Cockayne.
584 Atriplex Billardieri.—Shore of Ruapuke Island, Foveaux Strait, Dr. Cockayne.
593 Muhlenlbeckia ephedrioides.—Marlborough: Stony bed of the Conway River, near its source, Dr. Cockayne.
596 Peperomia reflexa.—Near Gisborne, Bishop Williams!
599 Hedycarya arborea.—Preservation Inlet, Dr. Cockayne. The most southern locality yet recorded.
609 Pimelea longifolia.—Charlestown, on rocks near the sea, Townson! The most southern locality I am acquainted with. Add to the synonyms P. congesta, F. Muell. Fragm, Phyt. Austral. viii. 9.
611 P. virgata.—Insert as a synonym P. axillaris, Banks and Soland. ex Wikstr. in Vet. Akad. Handl. Stockh. (1818) 280.
612 P. arenaria.—To this should be referred P. villosa, Banks and Soland. ex Meissn. in D.C. Prodr. xiv. 517.
613 P. Suteri.—I am indebted to Mr. F. G. Gibbs for excellent specimens of this species, which so far has only been found on the Dun Mountain Range, Nelson.
616 Drapetes villosa var. multiflora.—Brunner Range, alt. 4000 ft., W. Townson!
617 An important series of memoirs on the structure and classification of this order, by the French botanist Van Tieghem, is printed in the Bulletin of the Botanical Society of France for the years 1891–96 (Vols. xli. to xliii.). One of these memoirs, entitled "Sur les Loranthoidées de la Nouvelle-Zélande," deals specially with the New Zealand species included by all previous writers in the genus Loranthus, and contains many original and valuable observations. In addition to the 5 species given by Hooker in the Handbook, Van Tieghem accepts the whole of those (5) described by subsequent authors, and publishes 5 others as new, thus enumerating 15 species in all. These he distributes in 7 new genera, with one exception confined to New Zealand. Van Tieghem's liberal ideas as to the number of genera are not restricted to the New Zealand species, for in a conspectus of the whole order he admits no fewer than 133, whereas Hooker and Bentham, in the "Genera Plantarum," only gave 13. Van Tieghem's researches have to a large extent supplied the basis of a new classification of the order proposed by Engler in "Die Pflanzenfamilien" (Nachtrage, i. 124), although most of his genera are reduced to the position of subgenera or sections. The following sketch will show how the New Zealand species are disposed of under Engler's arrangement.
* Perianth double. | |
Ovary more or less distinctly 2- or more-celled | 1. Elytranthe. |
Ovary distinctly 1-celled. Anthers basifixed | 2. Loranthus. |
Ovary distinctly 1-celled. Anthers versatile | 3. Phrygilanthus. |
** Perianth single. | |
Leafy. Flowers in axillary or terminal panicles | 4. Tupeia. |
Leafless. Flowers at the nodes of the jointed stems or branches | 5. Korthalsella. |
1. E. Colensoi, Engl. in Engl. and Prantl, Pfianzenf. Nachtr. i. 126. Peraxilla Colensoi, Van Tieghem in Bull. Soc. Bot. Fr. xli. (1894) 500. Loranthus Colensoi, Hook. f. in Hook. Ic. Plant. t. 633. (Manual, 619.)
Mr. Mayo informs me that this is occasionally parasitic on introduced trees. At Motueka (Nelson) he has observed it growing on Pears, Plums, and on Robinia pseudacacia.
2. E. tetrapetala, Engl. l.c.—Peraxilla tetrapetala, Van Tiegh. l.c. Loranthus tetrapetalus, Forst. Prodr. n. 156. (Manual, 618.)
Colenso's Loranthus punctatus (Peraxilla punctata, Van Tiegh.; Elytranthe punctata, Engl.) is doubtless identical with this species, judging from an imperfect specimen in his herbarium. Van Tieghem's Peraxilla uniflora and P. Haastii, both of which are accepted and referred to Elytranthe by Engler, are said to be closely allied; but as no descriptions or diagnostic characters are given I cannot express any opinion as to their validity. Van Tieghem also retains Kirk's Loranthus decussatus as a distinct species; placing it, under the name of Peraxilla decussata, in the immediate neighbourhood of E. Colensoi, with which he states it agrees in having the flowers in axillary racames. No doubt he has been influenced by Kirk's original description, in which the flowers are described as being arranged in "2–4-flowered racemes." But the type specimens in Kirk's herbarium all have the flowers solitary in the axils of the leaves, and this is also the case with specimens collected by myself in the locality where it was first obtained by Kirk. I can entertain no doubt of its identity with E. tetrapetalus, and consider that the mistake in Kirk's diagnosis was probably due to some accidental mixture of specimens. As mentioned in the body of this work, the name of L. tetrapetalus is applied in Kirk's herbarium to the following species.
3. E. Adamsii, Engl. l.c. Trilepidea Adamsii, Van Tiegh. l.c. Loranthus Adamsii, Cheesem. in Trans. N.Z. Inst. xiii. (1881) 296. (Manual, p. 620.)
The fruit of this has been forwarded by Mr. Adams. It is bright-red, oblong or oblong-obovoid, viscid, about ⅓ in. long. Van Tieghem mentions a Trilepidea Ralphii (Bull. Soc. Bot. Fr. xlii. (1895) 28) as a closely allied species, but he gives no distinctive characters.
4. E. flavida, Engl. l.c. Alepis flavida, Van Tiegh. l.c. Loranthus flavidus, Hook. f. Fl. Nov. Zel. i. 100, t. 27. (Manual, 620.)
Van Tieghem also accepts Colenso's L. polychroa, giving it the name of Alepis polychroa. Probably he has seen no specimens, for the examination of one given to me by Mr. Colenso leaves no doubt in my mind that it is absolutely identical with E. flavida.
1. L. micranthus, Hook. f. Fl. Nov. Zel. i. 100. Ileostylus micranthus, Van Tiegh. l.c. xli. (1894) 489. (Manual, 618.)
Van Tieghem's Ileostylus Kirkii (l.c. xlii. (1895) 25) is based upon specimens collected near Auckland by Kirk, and is said to differ from the type in the shape and structure of the leaves. But no second species exists in Mr. Kirk's herbarium, and the typical form is the only one I have seen near Auckland.
L. micranthus is sometimes parasitic on introduced trees. At the Native settlement of Waihi, at the south end of Lake Taupo, it grows in great abundance on Pear and Plum trees.
2. L. Fieldii, Buch. in Trans. N.Z. Inst. xvi. (1884) 397.—"Leaves 1–1½ in. long, linear-oblong, rounded at the tip and narrowed into a very short petiole at the base, midrib indistinct. Racemes 3–4 in. long, tetrachotomously 16–flowered. Flowers 1–1½ in. long, bright-crimson tipped with dark-purple, and yellowish towards the base, petals free to the bottom, anthers linear."—Neamyza Fieldii, Van Tiegh. l.c. xlii. (1895) 25.
North Island: Base of Ruapehu, H. C. Field.
Only known from Buchanan's very incomplete description, quoted above. It is accepted by both Van Tieghem and Engler, the first creating the new genus Neamyza for its reception, the latter keeping it in Loranthus.
1. P. tenuiflorus, Engl. l.c. 134. Hookerella tenuiflora, Van Tiegh. l.c. xiii. (1895) 25. Loranthus tenuiflorus, Hook. f. Fl. Nov. Zel. i. 100. (Manual, 620.)
2. P. Raoulii, Engl. l.c. 134. Mullerina Raoulii, Van Tiegh, l.c.
North Island: Bay of Islands, Raoul (on Metrosideros); Whangaroa, A. Cunningham (on Metrosideros and Vitex).
New Zealand botanists are indebted to Professor Van Tieghem for pointing out the distinctness of this species, which was confounded with Loranthus tetrapetalus by both Cunningham and Raoul. It is much more nearly allied to the preceding species, from which it differs in the inflorescence being composed of terminal (not axillary) trichotomous panicles. The flowers differ from all the other New Zealand species in being pentamerous, and the anthers are versatile.
1. T. antarctica, Cham. et Schl. in Linnæa iii. (1828) 203; Van Tiegh. l.c. xlii. (1895) 643; Engl. l.c. 133. (Manual, 621.)
Van Tieghem draws attention to the fact that this species is not simply diœcious, as described by Hooker, but consists of three sorts of individuals—hermaphrodites, males, and females. This peculiarity was first pointed out by A. Richard, from Forster's manuscripts (Flore Nouv. Zél. 269).
1. K. salicornioides, Van Tiegh. l.c. xliii. (1896) 165; Engl. l.c. 138. Viscum salicornioides, A. Cunn. Precur. n. 485. (Manual, 623.)
2. K. Lindsayi, Engl. l.c. 138. Heterixia Lindsayi, Van Tiegh. l.c. 178. Viscum Lindsayi, Oliv. ex Hook. f. Handb. N.Z. Fl. 108. (Manual, 622.)
3. K. clavatum, Cheesem. Viscum clavatum, T. Kirk in Trans. N.Z. Inst. xxiv. (1892) 429, t. 37. (Manual, 622.)
Korthalsella amentacea (Heterixia amentacea, Van Tiegh.), a New Caledonian species, is erroneously stated in the "Pflanzenfamilien" to be a native of New Zealand.
668 Thelymitra.—I have been unable to identify T. formosa, Col. in Trans. N.Z. Inst. xvi. (1884) 338; T. concinna, Col. l.c. xx. (1888) 207; T. nervosa, Col. l.c. 207; and T. fimbriata, Col. l.c. xxii. (1890) 490.
669 T. longifolia.—Ascends to 4,500 ft. on Mount Kakaramea, Taupo, where it is associated with the next species.
670 4 bis. T. decora, Cheesem. n. sp.—Stem slender, 6–12 in. high or more. Leaf shorter than the stem, narrow-linear, thick and fleshy, channelled, ⅙–⅓ in. broad; empty bracts 1–3, the upper one broader and more membranous. Flowers 1–4, about ½ in. diam., dark-blue, the two lateral petals obscurely spotted with brown. Sepals and petals ovate-oblong, subacute. Column short, stout, about half the length of the perianth, the wing continued behind the anther and longer than it, 3-lobed; middle lobe the shortest but exceeding the anther, hood-shaped, truncate, the margin thick and fleshy and denticulate, the back minutely warted, the anterior angle on each side slightly produced and acute; lateral lobes much larger than the middle lobe, pointing forwards, terminated by a dense rounded brush of cilia. Anther broad; connective terminating in a stout horn-like point.
North Island.—Summit of Mount Kakaramea, Taupo, and hills near the base of Ngauruhoe, alt. 3000–5000 ft., T.F.C. January.
This is probably nearer to Berggren's T. intermedia than to any other species, but (judging from his plate and description) differs in the broader and more truncate middle lobe of the column-wing, which is denticulate on the margin and warted on the back, and not at all bifid, and in the much shorter and more densely ciliate lateral lobes. T. longifolia is at once removed by the much longer and more distinctly hooded middle lobe of the column-wing, with an entire margin and smooth back, and by the shorter and more densely ciliate lateral lobes, which do not exceed the middle lobe.
670 4 ter. T. pachyphylla, Cheesem. n. sp.—Stem tall, stout or rather slender, 9–18 in. high or more. Leaf shorter than the stem, usually very thick and fleshy, grooved and channelled, variable in breadth, sometimes as much as ¾ in. across; empty bracts 2 or 3, thick and fleshy, sheathing. Flowers 3–6 or more in a raceme, large and handsome, ¾–1 in. diam., blue-purple. Sepals and petals oblong-ovate or broadly oblong, subacute. Column short, stout, about half as long as the perianth, the wing continued behind the anther but hardly as long as it, 3-lobed; middle lobe short, broad, indistinctly hood-shaped, truncate at the top with an even or denticulate margin; lateral lobes longer than the middle one, erect or pointing forwards, flattened, the margins divided into numerous simple or branched fimbriae. Anther broad; connective produced into a stout horn-like point which usually overtops the middle lobe of the column-wing.
South Island: Nelson—Vicinity of Westport, Townson! Westland—Kumara, Brame!
This has doubtless been confused with T. pulchella, from which, however, it totally differs in ihe structure of the column. In T. pulchella the middle lobe of the column-wing is much shorter than the anther, while the lateral lobes are barely as long as it, and are irregularly toothed or jagged, and not at all ciliate or fimbriate. In the present species the middle lobe almost equals the anther, while the lateral lobes are longer than it, and are provided with numerous fimbriæ. T. longifolia differs in the smaller flowers, much longer and distinctly hooded middle lobe of the column-wing, and in the shorter lateral lobes, which terminate in a dense rounded brush of white cilia.
671 T. imberbis.—Mr. E. H. Matthews sends a variety with cream-coloured flowers from Kaitaia (Mongonui County).
673 Orthoceras strictum.—Vicinity of Westport, Townson! The most southern locality yet recorded.
676 Prasophyllum rufum.—Vicinity of Westport, not uncommon in mossy stony places up to 1000 ft., Townson! I suspect that the New Zealand plant will prove to be a different species to the Australian, and it is also probable that the North Island plant described in the Handbook under the name of P. nudum is distinct from Macmahon's and Townson's South Island specimens. Mr. Townson's specimens have a broad obtuse lip, but in Fitzgerald's Australian Orchids (Vol. ii, Part 4) the lip of P. rufum is represented as lanceolate and acute.
680 Pterostylis micromega.—Swamps near Lake Tongonge, Kaitaia, B. H. Matthews! Coromandel, Joliffe (Handbook).
681 P. venosa.—Nelson—Ranges between Motueka and Takaka, Rev. R. H. Spencer!
683 P. barbata.—Bare clay hills at Whangarei, W. T. Ball!
694 Corysanthes rivularis.—Add to the synonyms Acianthus rivularis, A. Cunn. Precur. n. 312.
701 Hypoxis pusilla.—New Zealand specimens are usually much smaller than Australian, and in most of the localities it is rare for the scape to have more than one flower.
704 Cordyline.—C. rubra, Hueg. ex Kunth. Enum. pi. v. 34, is often quoted as a native of New Zealand, but is really a garden-plant of unknown origin. Mr. Baker remarks that it is intermediate between the widely diffused C. terminalis and the Australian C. stricta, Endl. I know nothing of C. Hooibrenkeana, Goepp, in Nov. Act. Cur. xxv. (1855) 55, also said to come from New Zealand.
708 Astelia.—I have failed to identify the following species described by Mr. Colenso: A. spicata, Trans. N.Z. Inst. xix. (1882) 335; A. subrigida, l.c. xix. (1887) 268; and A. planifolia, l.c. xx. (1888) 209.
711 A. Banksii.—Mr. Townson sends specimens of apparently this species from the vicinity of Westport.
712 A. trinervia and A. Solandri.—Both of these have also been collected at Westport by Mr. Townson.
716 Phormium Cookianum.—Bishop Williams has described and figured a remarkable sport of this species in which the flowers are replaced by tufts of foliage leaves, the scapes thus bearing numerous dense clumps of leaves which sometimes reach the length of 12 in. to 18 in. For a detailed account see his paper in Trans. N.Z. Inst. xxxvi. 333.
741 Freycinetia Banksii.—Forms the chief component of the vegetation on the Open Bay Islands, off the coast of South Westland, Dr. Cockayne. (See Trans. N.Z. Inst. xxxvii. 368.)
744 Sparganium antipodum.—Swamps near Methven, Canterbury, Dr. Gaze!
772 Scirpus lenticularis.—Ascends to 4000 ft. on Mount Kakaramea, Taupo, T.F.C.
775 S. sulcatus.—Vicinity of Westport, Townson!
792 Gahnia setifolia.—Near Westport, Townson!
801 Uncinia caespitosa.—Chatham Islands, Cox and Cockayne!
803 U. riparia.—Chatham Island, Cox and Cockayne!
812 Carex trachycarpa.—Mount Lyell, alt. 3500 ft., Townson!
816 C. resectans.—Awatere River, Marlborough, J. H. Macmahon!
818 C. leporina.—Mount Rochfort, near Westport, W. Townson!
820 20 bis. C. Darwinii, Boott. in Proc. Linn. Soc. i. (1845) 261.—Rhizome thick, creeping, stoloniferous. Culms 1–3 ft. high, stout below, slender and drooping above, sharply triquetrous, faces concave. Leaves numerous, equalling or longer than the culms, ⅕–⅖ in. broad, margins and midrib sharply scabrid; bracts leafy, the lower far exceeding the culms. Spikelets numerous, 6–15, dark ferruginous-brown, distant, long-stalked, pendulous, ½–3 in. long; upper 1–3 male, solitary or the lower geminate; the remainder female but often with a few male flowers at the top, geminate or ternate, lax-flowered at the base. Glumes lanceolate or ovate-lanceolate, dark-brown with a pale keel, 1–3-nerved, cuspidate. Utricle ovate, plano-convex, 3–5-nerved on each face, minutely papillose-granulate and more or less spotted with purple, narrowed into a very short beak with an almost entire mouth. Styles 2. Nut broadly obovoid.—Hook. f. Fl. Antarct. ii. 364, t. 145.
Chatham Islands: Lowland swamps near Lake Huro, Cockayne.
Also in South America, where it stretches from Chili to the Straits of Magellan and Fuegia. I have not seen New Zealand examples, and the above description has been drawn up from those given by Boott and Kukenthal. The latter author, who has examined Dr. Cockayne's specimens, states that they are referable to the variety urolepis (C. urolepis, Franchet), which differs from the type in the glumes being produced into awns much longer than the utricle. C. Darwinii comes nearer to C. ternaria than to any other New Zealand species, principally differing in the utricle and glumes.
847 Isachne australis.—Opunake (Taranaki), Kirk! The most southern locahty known to me.
858 Stipa setacea.—I have received numerous specimens of this from various localities on the east coast of the South Island, from Marlborough to Otago. It is evidently spreading rapidly, and no doubt can be entertained of its exotic origin.
874 Dichelachne sciurea.—Vicinity of Westport, Townson!
888 Danthonia oreophila.—Source of Nigger Creek, Canterbury Alps, Dr. Cockayne.
894 Arundo conspicua.—Add to the synonyms Agrostis Lessoniana, Steud. Nom. ii. 41, and A. procera, A. Rich. Fl. Nouv. Zél. 125.
902 Poa litorosa.—In a communication made to the New Zealand Institute in October, 1905, but not yet printed, Mr. Petrie has pointed out that the Festuca scoparia of Hooker's Handbook, which answers to the Poa litorosa of this work, is really composed of two species—one the original Festuca scoparia of the "Flora Antarctica," which is apparently confined to the outlying islands to the south of New Zealand; the other a very different plant, occurring on the rocky coasts of southern Otago and Stewart Island, as well as on the Auckland Islands, and for which he proposes the name Poa Astoni. The two plants may be thus characterized:—
3. P. Astoni, Petrie in Trans. N.Z. Inst. xxxviii. (1906) ined.—Culms densely tufted, 12–15 in. high. Leaves equalling or exceeding the culms, very narrow, linear-filiform, gradually narrowed into an almost pungent point, closely involute, striate, glabrous; sheaths long, compressed, striate; ligules broadly triangular, acute. Panicle 2–2½ in. long, ovate or ovate-oblong, rather dense; branches short, simple or divided. Spikelets compressed, ovate-oblong, ¼ in. long, 5–6-flowered. Two outer glumes about half as long as the spikelet, subequal, broadly lanceolate, acuminate, glabrous, 3-nerved. Flowering glumes ovate-lanceolate, acuminate, keeled, strongly 5-nerved, usually with a tuft of crisped hairs on the callus and lower part of the keel, but frequently without. Palea linear-oblong, bidentate, ciliate-scabrid on the keels.—Festuca scoparia, Hook. f. Handb. N.Z. Fl. 341 (in part, but not of Fl. Antarct. i. 98); Buch. N.Z. Grasses, t. 55a.
South Island: Rocky cliffs on the coast-line of Otago and Stewart Island, not uncommon. Auckland Islands: T. Kirk!
907 12 bis. P. litorosa, Cheesem.—A tall densely tufted species, often forming tussocks 2–3 ft. high. Culms numerous, branched at the base, leafy, quite glabrous, 2–3-noded. Leaves much longer than the culms, narrow linear- filiform, gradually narrowed upwards, strongly involute for their whole length, coriaceous, glabrous, striate; sheaths very long, smooth, shining; ligules narrow, horizontal, inconspicuous. Panicle 3–5 in. long, suberect or slightly inclined, sparingly branched, few-flowered; rhachis slender, scabrid; branches scaberulous, 8–5-spiculate. Spikelets much compressed, ovate-oblong, about ⅓ in. long, 4–5-flowered. Two outer glumes subequal, lanceolate, acute, 3-nerved, scabrid on the back and nerves. Flowering glumes oblong-lanceolate, obtuse or subacute, prominently 5-nerved; callus and base with a tuft of long crisped hairs, the whole surface densely minutely scaberulous. Palea a quarter shorter than the glume, bidentate, ciliate-scabrid on the keels. — Festuca scoparia, Hook. f. Fl. Antarct. i. 98.
Auckland and Campbell Islands: Abundant in rocky places near the sea, Hooker, Kirk!
Easily distinguished from P. Astoni by the larger size and stouter habit, larger spikelets with fewer flovvers, and obtuse or subacute flowering glumes.
905 P. pusilla.—Bluff Hill and Dog Island, Foveaux Strait, Dr. Cockayne.
906 P. dipsacea.—Mr. Townson has collected this in several localities in the south-west of the Nelson Provincial District.
907 12 ter. P. Hamiltoni, T. Kirk in Trans. N.Z. Inst. xxvii. (1895) 353.—"Culms leafy to the base of the panicle, erect, 6–9 in. high. Leaves flat, spreading, exceeding the panicle; ligule ovate, laciniate, the laciniae produced into long hair-like points. Panicle 3–4 in. long, strict, narrow, lower branches 1–2 in. long. Spikelets pedicellate, 2–3-flowered; outer glumes unequal, the outermost less than half the length of the inner. Flowers never webbed at the base. Flowering glume narrow-lanceolate, 5-nerved; lodicules ovate, acute. Grain large, cylindrical."
Macquarie Island: A. Hamilton.
"A distinct species allied to P. foliosa, Hook. f., and P. anceps, Forst., but distinguished from both by the leaves exceeding the culms, the laciniate ligule, the smaller spikelets, and unequal flowering-glumes; also from P. foliosa by the longer pedicels, very short styles, and cylindrical grain."
The above species was accidentally omitted in the body of this work. I have seen no specimens, and Kirk's description is not sufficiently precise to allow its systematic position to be made out with certainty.
936 Hymenophyllum rufescens.—Kelly's Hill, Westland, Dr. Cockayne.
952 Alsophila lunulata.—In Asa Gray's "Botany of the United States Exploring Expedition" this is stated to have been collected at the Bay of Islands—no doubt through some mistake. It is a native of Fiji, New Caledonia, Samoa. &c.
962 Adiantum hispidulum.—Add to the synonyms A. Birkenheadii, Moore in Gard. Chron. (1886) 648.
980 Lomaria capensis.—Mr. J. H. Macmahon sends a beautifully crested variety from the Pelorus Valley, Marlborough.
1005 Nephrodium unitum.—Piako Swamp, H. C. Field. (See Trans. N.Z. Inst. xxxvii. 377.)
1016 Gymnogramme rutæfolia.—Gorge of the Waimakariri, Canterbury, Dr. Cockayne.
1022 Schizæa bifida.—The filamentous prothallium of this species has been described by Professor A. P. W. Thomas in the Annals of Botany for 1902, in a communication entitled "An Alga-like Prothalhum" (p. 165).
1038 Lycopodium Drummondii.—Outlet of Lake Tongonge, near Kaitaia, R. H. Matthews! This is an interesting rediscovery, the species having completely eluded the search of New Zealand botanists since it was first collected by Mr. Colenso in 1839.