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Manual of the New Zealand Flora/List of Naturalised Plants

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4652680Manual of the New Zealand Flora — II. List of Plants Naturalised in New ZealandThomas Frederick Cheeseman


The extent to which an alien vegetation has become established in New Zealand has long been a familiar fact. Immediately after the discovery of the country and the establishment of intercourse with other parts of the world, a stream of foreign plants commenced to pour in; and when European settlers arrived, bringing with them their flocks and herds, and began to clear away the indigenous vegetation to make room for pastures and cultivated fields, the inrush of foreign weeds became still more marked, and their spread through the country still more rapid. At the present time there are many districts where the indigenous flora has been almost entirely supplanted by a crowd of hardy immigrants from the Northern Hemisphere; and there are few localities indeed, however remote, in which some species of foreign origin have not successfully established themselves. This is not the place to inquire into the reasons why the native vegetation is apparently unable to hold its own against these foreign intruders, or to discuss the many curious side-issues which at once arise when the subject is under consideration. Those who are interested in the matter should refer to Mr. Kirk's memoir "On the Displacement of Species in New Zealand" (Trans. N.Z. Inst, xxviii. 1), and to a paper of my own on "The Naturalised Plants of the Auckland Provincial District" (Trans. N.Z. Inst. xv. 268).

In the subjoined catalogue I have included all species of foreign origin known to me which appear to be thoroughly well established. I have purposely omitted several garden escapes and other plants which have been observed in small quantity only, or in a single locality, not wishing to encumber the list with the names of species which may fail to become permanent denizens. The total number of plants recorded is 528, belonging to 285 genera, and included in 66 orders. The orders best represented are Gramineæ with 81 species; Compositæ, 70; Leguminosæ, 49; Cruciferæ, 35; Caryophylleæ, 26; and Labiatæ, 20. With respect to their native country, no less than 425 come from some portion of the north temperate zone, including in the term Europe, North Asia, part of North Africa, and part of North America; 41 are of tropical origin, most of them having very wide ranges; 19 are from South Africa, and 20 from extratropical South America; while from Australia, notwithstanding its proximity to New Zealand, only 23 have been received.

Many of the naturalised plants included in the catalogue are now so widely distributed that they will be taken for true natives by any one unacquainted with their history, and I fear that the pages of this work will be searched in vain for descriptions of them. A supplementary volume, containing short diagnoses of all such species, would doubtless be a great convenience to students, and I am not without hopes that I may be enabled to undertake the work. In the meantime, I have inserted in the catalogue references to good descriptions of each species, selecting books that are likely to be contained in the chief public libraries of the colony.


Ranunculus aquatilis, Linn. Sp. Plant. 556; Benth. Illust. Handb. Brit. Fl. i. 11. Water Buttercup. South Island: Various localities in Canterbury, Dr. Cockayne. (Europe; North Asia; North America.)

Ranunculus sceleratus, Linn. Sp. Plant. 551; Hook. f. Student's Fl. 8. Celery-leaved Buttercup. North and South Islands: Damp pastures and waste places from Mongonui to Southland, local. (Throughout Europe; North and Central Asia.)

Ranunculus acris, Linn. Sp. Plant. 554; Hook. f. Student's Fl. 9. Field Buttercup. North and South Islands: Pastures and waste places throughout, but not common. (Europe; North Asia.)

Ranunculus repens, Linn. Sp. Plant. 554; Hook. f. Student's Fl. 9. Creeping Buttercup. North and South Islands: Pastures and waste places throughout. (Europe; North Asia; North America.)

Ranunculus bulbosus, Linn. Sp. Plant. 554; Hook. f. Student's Fl. 9. Bulbous Buttercup. North and South Islands: Pastures and waste places, abundant. (Europe; Western Asia; North Africa.)

Ranunculus sardous, Crantz, Stirp. Austr. 84; R. hirsutus. Curt.; Hook. f. Student's Fl. 10. Hairy Buttercup. North and South islands: Pastures and waste places, common. (Europe; West Asia; Noith America.)

Ranunculus parviflorus, Linn. Syst. Nat. 1087; Hook. f. Student's Fl. 10. Small- flowered Buttercup. North and South Islands: Pastures and waste places, abundant. (Europe; West Asia; North Africa.)

Ranunculus arvensis, Linn. Sp. Plant. 555; Hook. f. Student's Fl. 10. Corn Buttercup. North and South Islands: Cultivated fields, not common. (Central and South Europe; West Asia.)

Ranunculus muricatus, Linn. Sp. Plant. 555; Hook. f. Fl. Brit. Ind. i. 20. North and South Islands: Waste places, local. (Europe; West Asia; temperate North America.)

Ranunculus (Ceratocephalus) falcatus, Linn. Sp. Plant. 556; Hook. f. Fl. Brit. Ind. i. 16. South Island: Dry localities in northern and Central Otago, Petrie! (South Europe; West Asia.)

Nigella damascena, Linn. Sp. Plant. 584. Fennel Flower. North Island: A garden escape in the vicinity of Auckland, rare. (South Europe.)

Aquilegia vulgaris, Linn. Sp. Plant. 533; Hook. f. Student's Fl. 13. Columbine. North and South Islands: A garden escape of tolerably frequent occurrence. (Temperate Europe and Asia.)

Aconitum Napellus, Linn. Sp. Plant. 532; Hook. f. Student's Fl. 13. Monkshood. South Island: Ashburton, W. W. Smith. (Europe; North and West Asia.)


Papaver hybridum, Linn. Sp. Plant. 506; Hook. f. Student's Fl. 17. Rough Poppy. South Island: Ashburton, W. W. Smith. I have not seen New Zealand specimens. (Europe; West Asia; North Africa.)

Papaver Argemone, Linn. Sp. Plant, 506; Hook. f. Student's Fl. 17. Pale Poppy. South Island: Ashburton, W. W. Smith. (Europe; West Asia; North Africa.)

Papaver dubium, Linn. Sp. Plant. 1196; Hook. f. Student's Fl. 17. Longheaded Poppy. South Island: Otago, in cultivated fields, Petrie! (Europe; West Asia.)

Papaver Rhœas, Linn. Sp. Plant. 507; Hook. f. Student's Fl. 17. Field Poppy. North and South Islands: Cornfields and waste places, not common, (Europe; West Asia; North Africa.)

Papaver somniferum, Linn. Sp. Plant. 508; Hook. f. Student's Fl. 18. Opium Poppy. North and South Islands: A garden escape, rare. (Commonly cultivated in the warm and temperate portions of Europe, Asia, and North Africa.)

Glaucium flavum, Crantz, Stirp. Austr. ii. 131; G. luteum, Scop.; Hook. f. Student's PI. 19. North Island: Sandy beaches from the East Cape and Wanganui to Cook Strait. (Europe; West Asia; North Africa.)

Chelidonium majus, Linn. Sp. Plant. 505; Hook. f. Student's Fl. 18. Celandine. South Island: Ashburton, W. W. Smith. (Europe; Asia Minor to Persia.)

Eschscholtzia californica, Cham. in Hort. Phys. Berol. 74; Wats. Bot. Cal. i. 22. North and South Islands: A garden escape in light dry soils. (California.)

Fumaria muralis, Sond. ex Koch, Syn. Fl. Germ. 1017; F. capreolata sub-sp. muralis, Hook. f. Student's Fl. 20. Fumitory. Kermadec Islands, North and South Islands: Cultivated fields and waste places, not uncommon. (Europe; North Africa; West Asia.)

Fumaria officinalis, Linn. Sp. Plant. 700; Hook. f. Student's Fl. 20. Fumitory, North and South Islands: Cultivated fields, rare. (Europe; North Africa; West Asia.)


Matthiola incana, R. Br. in Ait. Hort. Kew, iv. 119; Hook. f. Student's Fl. 24. Common Stock. North Island: Cliffs at Castlepoint, Wellington, Kirk! (West Europe and all round the Mediterranean.)

Cheiranthus Cheiri, Linn. Sp. Plant. 661; Hook. f. Student's Fl. 24. Wallflower. North and South Islands: A garden escape in several localities, but not common.

Nasturtium officinale, R. Br. in Ait. Hort. Kew, iv. Ill; Hook. f. Student's Fl. 24. Common Watercress. North and South Islands, Stewart Island: Abundant in streams and wet places throughout. (Europe; West Asia; North Africa.)

Barbarea præcox, R. Br. in Ait. Hort. Kew, iv. 109; Hook. f. Student's Fl. 26. Wintercress. North and South Islands: Waste places and roadsides, not uncommon. (Europe.)

Arabis hirsuta, Scop. Fl. Cam. ii. 30; Hook. f. Student's Fl. 27. Rockcress. South Island: Ashburton, W. W. Smith. I have not seen New Zealand specimens. (Europe; temperate Asia; North America.)

Alyssum calycinum, Linn. Sp. Plant. 908; Hook. f. Student's Fl. 36. Small Alyssum. North and South Islands: Roadsides and waste places, not uncommon, ascending to 3000 ft. in Central Otago, Petrie! (Central and South Europe; West Asia.)

Alyssum maritinum, Lam. Encycl. i. 98; Hook. f. Student's Fl. 36. Sweet Alyssum. North and South Islands: Waste places and dry sandy soils near the sea, often abundant. (Europe.)

Erophila vulgaris, D.C. Syst. ii. 356; Hook. f. Student's Fl. 35. Whitlowgrass. South Island: Eastern and Central Otago, Petrie! (Europe; West Asia.)

Cochlearia Armoracia, Linn. Sp. Plant. 648; Hook. f. Student's Fl. 37. Horseradish. North and South Islands: Deserted gardens and waste places, not uncommon. (Europe.)

Hesperis matronalis, Linn. Sp. Plant. 663; Hook. f. Student's PL 31. Dame's Rocket. North and South Islands: A garden escape. Poverty Bay, Bishop Williams! near Wellington, Kirk! Oamaru, Petrie! (Europe; West Asia.)

Malcolmia maritima, R. Br. in Ait. Hort. Kew, iv. 121. North Island: Waste places near Wellington, Kirk! (South Europe.)

Sisymbrmm Sophia, Linn. Sp. Plant. 659; Hook. f. Student's Fl. 29. Flixweed. South Island: Central Otago, Petrie! (North Europe; North and Central Asia; North Africa; North and South America.)

Sisymbrium officinale, Scop. Fl. Carn. 26; Hook. f. Student's Fl. 30. Hedge-mustard. North and South Islands: Roadsides and waste places, plentiful. (Europe; North Asia.)

Camelina sativa, Crantz, Stirp. Austr. i. 18; Hook. f. Student's Fl. 37. Gold of Pleasure. North and South Islands: Cultivated fields, rare. Remuera, T.F.C.; Oamaru, Petrie! (Europe; West Asia.)

Brassica oleracea, Linn. Sp. Plant. 667; Hook. f. Student's Fl. 31. Wild Cabbage. North and South Islands: Abundant on sea-cliffs. (Coasts of South and West Europe.)

Brassica campestris, Linn. Sp. Plant. 666; Hook. f. Student's Fl. 32. Swede. North and South Islands: Not uncommon in cultivated fields. (Europe.)

Brassica Rapa, Linn. Sp. Plant. 666; B. campestris var. Rapa, Hook. f. Student's Fl. 32. Turnip. North and South Islands: Cultivated fields, not uncommon. (Europe.)

Brassica Napus, Linn. Sp. Plant. 666; B. campestris var. oleifera, Hook. f. Student's Fl. 32. Rape. North and South Islands: Abundant in cultivated fields. (Europe.)

Brassica nigra, Koch, in Roehl. Deutschl. Fl. 713; Hook. f. Student's Fl. 32. Black Mustard. North and South Islands: Cultivated fields and waste places, not uncommon. (Europe; North and West Asia.)

Brassica adpressa, Boiss. Voy. Espagne, ii. 38; Hook. f. Student's Fl. 38. North and South Islands: Fields and waste places, not uncommon. (Europe; North and West Asia.)

Brassica Sinapistrum, Boiss. Voy. Espagne, ii. 39; Hook. f. Student's Fl. 33. Charlock. North and South Islands: Cultivated fields and waste places, not common. (Europe; North and West Asia; North Africa.)

Brassica alba, Boiss. Voy. Espagne, ii. 39; Hook. f. Student's Fl. 33. White Mustard. North and South Islands: Cultivated fields and waste places, not common. (Europe; North and West Asia; North Africa.)

Diplotaxis muralis, D.C. Syst. ii. 634; Hook. f. Student's Fl. 33. Wall-mustard. North and South Islands: Waste places, local. (Europe; North Africa.)

Eruca sativa. Lam. Fl. Franc, ii. 496. North Island: Port Fitzroy (Great Barrier Island), Kirk! (South Europe; West Asia.)

Capsella Bursa-pastoris, Medic. Pflanzeng. 85; Hook. f. Student's Fl. 38. Shepherd's Purse. North and South Islands, Chatham Islands, Stewart Island: Roadsides, waste places, &c., an abundant weed. (Europe; North and West Asia; North Africa.)

Senebiera didyma, Pers. Syn. ii. 185; Hook. f. Student's Fl. 39. Wart-cress. North and South Islands, Stewart Island: An abundant weed in waste places, especially near the sea. (Originally from South America; now spread over the whole world.)

Senebiera Coronopus, Poir. Encycl. vii. 76; Hook. f. Student's Fl. 39. Wart-cress. North and South Islands: Waste places, not nearly so plentiful as the preceding. (A cosmopolitan weed.)

Lepidium Draba, Linn. Sp. Plant. 645; Hook. f. Student's Fl. 40. Hoary Cress. South Island: Ashburton, W. W. Smith! (Southern Europe; West Asia.)

Lepidium campestre, R. Br. in Ait. Hort. Kew, iv. 88; Hook. f. Student's Fl. 40. Field-cress. North and South Islands: Cultivated fields and waste places, not common. (Europe; West Asia; North Africa.)

Lepidium hirtum, Sm. Comp. Fl. Brit. 98; L. Smithii, Hook. f. Student's Fl. 40. North and South Islands: Cultivated fields, roadsides, &c., local. (Europe.)

Lepidium ruderale, Linn. Sp. Plant. 645; Hook. f. Student's Fl. 39. Narrow-leaved Cress. North and South Islands: Waste places and roadsides, plentiful, especially near the sea. (Europe; North and West Asia.)

Lepidium sativum, Linn. Sp. Plant. 644. Garden-cress. North and South Islands: A garden escape, rare. (Europe; but not known in an indigenous state.)

Iberis amara, Linn. Sp. Plant. 649; Hook. f. Student's Fl. 41. Candytuft. North and South Islands: A garden escape, far from common. (Europe.)

Rapistrum rugosum, All Fl. Pedem. i. 257. North Island: Once very plentiful in waste places within the confines of the City of Auckland, now nearly extinct. (South Europe; West Asia.)

Raphanus sativus, Linn. Sp. Plant. 669. Common Radish. North and South Islands: A garden escape, not uncommon. (Europe; and naturalised in most warm and temperate regions.)


Reseda Luteola, Linn. Sp. Plant. 448; Hook. f. Student's Fl. 45. Dyer's Weed. North and South Islands: Fields and waste places, not uncommon. (Europe; West Asia; North Africa.)

Reseda lutea, Linn. Sp. Plant. 449; Hook. f. Student's Fl. 45. Cut-leaved Mignonette. North Island: Fields at Pukeroro, J. D. P. Morgan! (Europe; West Asia; North Africa.)

Reseda alba, Linn. Sp. Plant. 449; Hook. f. Student's Fl. 45. White Mignonette. North and South Islands: Poverty Bay, Bishop Williams! Canterbury, Kirk! (Europe; West Asia; North Africa.)


Viola tricolor, Linn. Sp. Plant. 935; Hook, f. Student's Fl. 49. Pansy. North and South Islands: Cultivated fields and waste places, local. (North Europe to Siberia and North-west India; North Africa.)

Viola tricolor var. arvensis, Murr.; Hook. f. Student's Fl. 49. North and South Islands: Cultivated fields, not common.

Ionidium filiforme, F. Muell. Pl. Vict. i. 66.; Benth. Fl. Austral. i. 103. North Island: Grassy places near Lake Takapuna, Auckland, Miss Rolleston! (Australia.)


Polygala myrtifolia, Linn. Sp. Plant. 703; Harv. & Sond. Fl. Cap. i. 83. North Island: A garden escape in several localities near Auckland, T.F.C.; near Napier, Colenso! (Cape Colony.)


Tunica prolifera, Scop. Fl. Carn. i. 299; Dianthus prolifer, Linn. Sp. Plant. 410; Hook. f. Student's Fl. 53. South Island: Ashburton. W. W. Smith. I have not seen New Zealand specimens. (Europe; West Asia to the Caucasus.)

Dianthus Armeria, Linn. Sp. Plant. 410; Hook. f. Student's Fl. 53. Deptford Pink. North and South Islands: Pastures and waste places, not common. (Europe; West Asia to the Caucasus.)

Dianthus barbatus, Linn. Sp. Plant. 409. Sweet-william. North and South Islands: A garden escape, not common. (Europe.)

Saponaria Vaccaria, Linn. Sp. Plant. 409 North Island: Cultivated fields near Auckland and Wellington, Kirk! (Europe; West Asia.)

Silene inflata, Sm. Fl. Brit. 467; S. Cucubalus, Wibel; Hook. f. Student's Fl. 55. Bladder-campion. North and South Islands: Cultivated fields, roadsides, &c., not common. (Europe; and northwards to Siberia and southwards to India.)

Silene conica, Linn. Sp. Plant, 418; Hook. f. Student's Fl. 55. South Island: Otago, Petrie! (Europe; West Asia; Algeria.)

Silene gallica, Linn. Sp. Plant. 417; Hook. f. Student's Fl. 55. Catchfly. North and South Islands, Stewart Island, Chatham Islands: Common throughout. (Europe; North and West Asia; North Africa.)

Silene nocturna, Linn. Sp. Plant. 416. North Island: Karori, near Wellington, Kirk! (South Europe; West Asia; North Africa.)

Silene nutans, Linn. Sp. Plant. 417; Hook. f. Student's Fl. 56. Nodding Catchfly. North Island: Pastures at Matamata, Thames Valley, T.F.C. (Europe; North and West Asia; Canary Islands.)

Lychnis Flos-cuculi, Linn. Sp. Plant. 436; Hook. f. Student's Fl. 57. Ragged Robin. North and South Islands: Pastures, rare. Whangarei, T.F.C.; Ashburton, W. W. Smith. (North Europe; Siberia.)

Lychnis vespertina, Sibth. Fl. Oxon. 146; Hook. f. Student's Fl. 57. White Campion. South Island: Fields and roadsides, rare. Ashburton, W. W. Smith; near Dunedin, Petrie. (Europe; West Asia; North Africa.)

Lychnis coronaria, Desr. in Lam. Encycl. iii. 643. Rose Campion. North and South Islands: An occasional outcast from gardens. (South Europe; Asia Minor and eastwards to the Himalayas.)

Lychnis Githago, Scop. Fl. Carn. i. 310; Githago segetum, Desf.; Hook. f. Student's Fl. 58. Corn-cockle. North and South Islands: Cultivated fields, not uncommon. (Europe; Russian Asia.)

Cerastium glomeratum, Thuill. Fl. Par. ed. ii. 226; Hook. f. Student's Fl. 59. Mouse-ear. Kermadec Islands, North and South Islands, Stewart Island, Chatham Islands: Abundant throughout. (Europe; North and West Asia; North Africa.)

Cerastium triviale, Link, Enum. Hort. Berol. i. 483; Hook. f. Student's Fl. 60. C. truncatulum, Col. in Trans. N.Z. Inst. xxv. (1893) 327, and C. amblyodontum, Col. l.c. xxvii. (1895) 384. Larger Monse-ear. North and South Islands, Stewart Island, Chatham Islands: An abundant weed. (Distribution of the preceding.)

Stellaria media, Cyr. Char. Comm. (1784) 36; Hook. f. Student's Fl. 62. Chickweed. Kermadec Islands southwards to Macquarie Island: A most abundant weed. (Originally from North Europe and Asia, now found in all temperate and cold climates.)

Stellaria holostea, Linn. Sp. Plant. 422; Hook. f. Student's Fl. 62. Stitchwort. South Island: Ashburton, W. W. Smith. (Europe; West Asia.)

Stellaria graminea, Linn. Sp. Plant. 422; Hook. f. Student's Fl. 62. Lesser Stitchwort. North and South Islands: Fields and roadsides, not common. (Europe; North and West Asia.)

Stellaria uliginosa, Murr. Prodr. Stirp. Gotting. 55; Hook. f. Student's Fl. 63. South Island: Bogs near Westport, Townson! Ruapuke Island (in Foveaux Strait), C. Traill. (North Europe; North and West Asia; North Africa; North America.)

Arenaria serpyllifolia, Linn. Sp. Plant. 423; Hook. f. Student's Fl. 64. Sandwort. North and South Islands: Abundant in light dry soils. (Europe; West Asia to the Himalayas.)

Sagina procumbens, Linn. Sp. Plant. 128; Hook. f. Student's Fl. 66. S. truncata, Col. in Trans. N.Z. Inst. xxvii (1895) 386. Pearl-wort. North and South Islands, Stewart Island: A common weed in damp places. (Europe; North and West Asia to the Himalayas; North Africa; temperate North and South America.)

Sagina apetala, Linn. Mant. ii. 559; Hook. f. Student's Fl. 66. Pearl-wort. North and South Islands, Chatham Islands: Abundant throughout. (Europe; North and West Asia; North Africa)

Sperugula arvensis, Linn. Sp. Plant. 440; Hook. f. Student's Fl. 67. Spurrey. North and South Islands: Cultivated fields and waste places, abundant. (Europe; West Asia to India; North Africa.)

Spergula pentandra, Linn. Sp. Plant. 440. North Island: Naturalised near Wellington, Kirk. I have not seen New Zealand specimens. (Europe; West Africa to India.)

Spergularia rubra, J. and C. Presl. Fl. Cech. 94; Hook. f. Student's Fl. 68. Sands-purrey. North and South Islands: Roadsides and waste places, abundant. (Most temperate countries.)

Polycarpon tetraphyllum, Linn. Syst. 881; Hook. f. Student's Fl. 69. Kermadec Islands, North and South Islands, Stewart Island: Roadsides and waste places, abundant on dry soils. (Europe; West Asia; North Africa.)


Portulaca oleracea, Linn. Sp. Plant. 445; Benth. Fl. Austral, i. 169. Purslane. North Island: Abundant in warm dry soils as far south as the East Cape, rare and local from thence to Cook Strait. (All warm climates.)

Claytonia perfoliata, Donn. ex Willd. Sp. Plant. 1186; Hook. f. Student's Fl. 70. South Island: A garden escape, rare. Cheviot, Haast! near Dunedin, G. M. Thomson. (North-west America.)

Calandrinia caulescens, H. B. K. Nov. Gen. et Sp. vi. 78, t. 526. North and South Islands: Cultivated fields, rare and local. Otahuhu, T.F.C.; near Christchurch, Kirk. (Peru.)


Hypericum Androsæmum, Linn. Sp. Plant. 784; Hook. f. Student's Fl. 72. Tutsan. North and South Islands: Roadsides and waste places, not uncommon. (Europe; West Asia; North Africa.)

Hypericum perforatum, Linn. Sp. Plant. 785; Hook. f. Student's Fl. 72. St. John's Wort. North and South Islands: Abundant. (Europe; North and West Asia to China and India; North Africa.)

Hypericum humifusum, Linn. Sp. Plant. 785; Hook. f. Student's Fl. 73. Trailing Hypericum. North and South Islands: Common, especially on clay soils. (Europe; India; Canary Islands.)


Althæa officinalis, Linn. Sp. Plant. 686; Hook. f. Student's Fl. 75. Marsh mallow. South Island: Ashburton, W. W. Smith. I have not seen New Zealand specimens. (Europe; North and West Asia to the Himalayas; North Africa.)

Lavatera arborea, Linn. Sp. Plant. 690; Hook. f. Student's Fl. 76. Tree mallow. North and South Islands: An occasional garden escape. (Coasts of West and South Europe.)

Malva sylvestris, Linn. Sp. Plant. 689; Hook. f. Student's Fl. 76. Common Mallow. North and South Islands: Roadsides and waste places, not common. (Europe; North and West Asia to China and India; North Africa.)

Malva rotundifolia, Linn. Sp. Plant. 688; Hook. f. Student's Fl. 76. Dwarf Mallow. North and South Islands: Roadsides and waste places, not uncommon. (Europe; North and West Asia to the Himalayas.)

Malva parviflora, Linn. Amœn. Acad. ii. 416; D.C. Prodr. i. 433. North and South Islands: Roadsides and waste places, abundant. (Europe; West Asia to India and China; North Africa.)

Malva verticillata, Linn. Sp. Plant. 689; D.C. Prodr. i. 438. North and South Islands: Waste places, abundant. (Europe; North and West Asia to China and India; North Africa.)

Malva crispa, Linn. Syst. Nat. 1147; D.C. Prodr. i. 433. North Island: A garden escape at Port Waikato, Kirk. (Europe; West Asia.)

Modiola mullifida, Moench. Meth. 620; Asa Gray, Man. 58. North and South Islands: Pastures and roadsides, abundant. (Eastern States of North America.)


Linum marginale, A. Cunn. ex Hook. Lond. Journ. Bot. vii. (1848) 169; Benth. Fl. Austral. i. 283. North and South Islands: Generally distributed, but most plentiful in the North Island. (Australia.)

Linum usitatissimum, Linn. Sp. Plant. 277; Hook. f. Student's Fl. 78. Common Flax. North and South Islands: Occasionally seen as an escape from cultivation. (Europe; West Asia to India.)

Linum gallicum, Linn. Sp. Plant. 401; D.C. Prodr. i. 423. North Island: Fields and waste places as far south as the East Cape. (South Europe; North Africa.)

Linum catharticum, Linn. Sp. Plant. 281; Hook. f. Student's Fl. 78. Purging Flax. North and South Islands: Fields and waste places, not common. (Europe; West Asia to Persia; Canary Islands.)


Geranium Robertianum, Linn. Sp. Plant. 681; Hook. f. Student's Fl. 82. Herb-robert. North and South Islands: Fields and waste places, not common. (Europe; North and West Asia to India.)

Erodium cicutarium, L'Herit. ex Ait. Hort. Kew, ii. 414; Hook. f. Student's Fl. 83. Stork's-bill. North and South Islands, Stewart Island, Chatham Islands: Cultivated fields and waste places, abundant. (Europe; North and West Asia to India; North Africa.)

Erodium moschatum, L'Herit. l.c.; Hook. f. l.c. Musky Stork's-bill. North and South Islands: Roadsides and waste places, abundant. (Europe; West Asia; North Africa.)

Erodium malachoides, Willd. Phyt. 10; D.C. Prodr. i. 648. North Island: In sandy places near the sea. Mongonui and the Bay of Islands, T.F.C.; Wellington, Kirk! (South Europe; West Asia to India; North Africa.)

Pelargonium zonale, L'Herit. ex Ait. Hort. Kew, ii. 424; Harv. and Sond. Fl. Cap. i. 298. North Island: Often persisting for some years in deserted gardens. (Cape Colony.)

Pelargonium quercifolium, L'Herit. Ger. t. 14; Harv. and Sond. Fl. Cap. i. 306. North Island: An occasional garden escape. (Cape Colony.)

Tropæolum majus, Linn. Sp. Plant. 345; D.C. Prodr. i. G83. Indian Cress. North Island: A garden escape, not uncommon in the Auckland District and southwards to New Plymouth. (Peru.)

Oxalis cernua, Thunb. Diss. Oxal. 14; Harv. and Sond. Fl. Cap. i. 348. North Island: An occasional weed in gardens and orchards. (Cape Colony.)

Oxalis variabilis, Jacq. Oxal. 89; Harv. and Sond. Fl. Cap. i. 331. North Island: A garden escape, not common. (Cape Colony.)

Oxalis hirta, Linn. Sp. Plant. 434; Harv. and Sond. Fl. Cap. i. 343. North Island: A garden escape in the vicinity of Auckland, rare. (Cape Colony.)


Vitis vinifera, Linn. Sp. Plant. 202; D.C. Prodr. i. 633. Vine. North Island: Often lingers in deserted gardens, old Maori cultivations, &c. (West Asia.)


Melianthus major, Linn. Sp. Plant. 639; Harv. and Sond. Fl. Cap. i. 367. North Island: Not uncommon as a garden escape. (Cape Colony.)


Lupinus arboreus, Sims, Bot. Mag. t. 682; Watson, Bot. Calif, i. 117. Tree Lupine. North and South Islands: Often planted to arrest drifting sands, and increasing in some localities. (California.)

Ulex europæus, Linn. Sp. Plant. 241; Hook. f. Student's Fl. 92. Gorse, Furze. North and South Islands, Stewart Island: Abundant throughout. (Europe; Canary Islands and the Azores.)

Cytisus scoparius, Link, Enum. Hort. Berol. ii. 241; Hook. f. Student's Fl. 92. Common Broom. North and South Islands: Not uncommon throughout. (Europe; North Asia; Canary Islands and the Azores.)

Cytisus albus, Link, Enum. Hort. Berol. ii. 241; D.C. Prodr. ii. 153. White Broom. North and South Islands: An occasional escape from gardens. (South Europe.)

Cytisus candicans, Lam. Fl. Fr. ii. 623. North and South Islands: Abundant. (South Eurcpe; North Africa.)

Medicago sativa, Linn. Sp. Plant. 778; Hook. f. Student's Fl. 95. Lucerne, Alfalfa. North and South Islands: An escape from cultivation. (South Europe.)

Medicago lupulina, Linn. Sp. Plant. 779; Hook. f. Student's Fl. 95. Black Medick. North and South Islands: Fields and waste places, plentiful. (Europe; North and West Asia to India; North Africa.)

Medicago denticulata, Willd. Sp. Plant, iii. 1414; Hook. f. Student's Fl. 95. Toothed Medick. North and South Islands, Stewart Island, Chatham Islands: Abundant throughout. (Europe; North and West Asia; North Africa.)

Medicago maculata, Willd. Sp. Plant, iii. 1412; Hook. f. Student's Fl. 95. Spotted Medick. North Island: Abundant in the Auckland Provincial District, local elsewhere. (Europe; West Asia; North Africa.)

Melilotus officinalis, Lam. Fl. Fr. ii. 594; Benth. Illust. Handb. Brit. Fl. i. 193. Common Melilot. North and South Islands: Sparingly naturalised in fields and waste places. (Europe; West Asia to the Himalayas.)

Melilotus arvensis, Wallr. Sched. Crit. 391; Benth. Illust. Handb. Brit. Fl. i. 194. Field Melilot. North and South Islands, Chatham Islands: Roadsides and waste places, plentiful. (Europe; North and West Asia; North Africa.)

Melilotus alba, Desr. in Lam. Encycl. iv. 63; Hook. f. Student's Fl. 96. White Melilot. North and South Islands: Waste places, rare. Napier, Kirk, T.F.C.; Canterbury Plains, Kirk, W. W. Smith. (Europe; North and West Asia to India.)

Trifolium subterraneum, Linn. Sp. Plant, 767; Hook. f. Student's Fl. 97. North Island: Waste places in the Auckland District, rare. (Europe; West Asia; North Africa.)

Trifolium arvense, Linn. Sp. Plant, 769; Hook. f. Student's Fl. 97. Hare's-foot Clover. North and South Islands: Roadsides and waste places, increasing, especially in light dry soils. (Europe; North and West Asia; North Africa.)

Trifolium incarnatum, Linn. Sp. Plant. 769; Hook. f. Student's Fl. 97. Crimson Clover. North and South Islands: Pastures, rare. (South and West Europe.)

Trifolium ochroleucum, Huds. Fl. Angl. 283; Hook. f. Student's Fl. 98. Sulphur Clover. South Island: Ashburton, W. W. Smith. I have not seen New Zealand specimens. (West and South Europe; West Asia.)

Trifolium pratense, Linn. Sp. Plant. 768; Hook. f. Student's Fl. 98. Red Clover. North and South Islands, Stewart Island, Chatham Islands: Abundant throughout. (Europe; North and West Asia to India; North Africa.)

Trifolium medium, Linn. Fauna Suec. ed. ii. 558; Hook. f. Student's Fl. 98. Zigzag Clover. North and South Islands: Pastures, meadows, &c., not uncommon. (Europe; North and West Asia.)

Trifolium scabrum, Linn. Sp. Plant. 770; Hook. f. Student's Fl. 99. Rough Clover. North Island: Pastures and waste places, local. (Europe; West Asia; North Africa.)

Trifolium glomeratum, Linn. Sp. Plant. 770; Hook. f. Student's Fl. 99. Clustered Clover. North and South Islands: Pastures and waste places, plentiful. (Europe; West Asia; North Africa.)

Trifolium hybridum, Linn. Sp. Plant. 766; Hook. f. Student's Fl. 100. Alsike Clover. North and South Islands: Pastures, meadows, &c., not uncommon. (Europe; West Asia; North Africa.)

Trifolium repens, Linn. Sp. Plant. 767; Hook. f. Student's Fl. 100. White Clover. Kermadec Inlands, North and South Islands, Stewart Island, Chatham Islands: Plentiful throughout. (Europe; North and West Asia to India; North Africa.)

Trifolium fragiferum, Linn. Sp. Plant. 772; Hook. f. Student's Fl. 100. Strawberry Clover. North Island: Fields and waste places in the Auckland District, rare. (Europe; North and West Apia; North Africa.)

Trifolium resupinatum, Linn. Sp. Plant. 771; Benth. Illust. Handb. Brit. Fl. i. 205. Reversed Clover. North Island: Fields and waste places; very plentiful in the North Cape district, and increasing elsewhere. (Europe; West Asia to the Caucasus.)

Trifolium agrarium, Linn. Sp. Plant. 772. South Island: Broken River Basin. (Canterbury), Kirk! (Central Europe.)

Trifolium procumbens, Linn. Sp. Plant. 772; Hook. f. Student's Fl. 101. Hop Trefoil. North and South Islands, Stewart Island, Chatham Islands: Abundant throughout. (Europe; North and West Asia; North Africa.)

Trifolium dubium, Sibth. Fl. Oxon. 231; Hook. f. Student's Fl. 101. Yellow Suckling. North and South Islands, Stewart Island, Chatham Islands: Plentiful. (Europe; North Africa )

Trifolium filiforme, Linn. Sp. Plant. 773; Hook. f. Student's Fl. 101. Lesser Trefoil. South Island: Various localities in Otago and Southland, not common. (Europe; West Asia to the Caucasus.)

Anthyllis vulneraria, Linn. Sp. Plant. 719; Hook. f. Student's Fl. 102. Kidney-vetch. South Island: Sparingly naturalised near Nelson and Dunedin, Kirk. (Europe; West Asia; North Africa.)

Lotus corniculatus, Linn. Sp. Plant. 775; Hook. f. Student's Fl. 102. Bird's-foot Trefoil. North and South Islands: Fields and roadsides, not uncommon. (Europe; North and West Asia to India; North Africa.)

Lotus uliginosus, Schkuhr, Handb. ii. 412; Hook. f. Student's Fl. 103. Greater Bird's-foot Trefoil. North and South Islands: Fields and waste places, abundant, especially in the Auckland District. (Europe; West Asia; North Africa.)

Lotus angustissimus, Linn. Sp. Plant. 774; Hook. f. Student's Fl. 103. Slender Bird's-foot Trefoil. North Island: In several localities near Auckland, rare, T.F.C. (Europe; West Asia.)

Indigofera viscosa, Lam. Encycl. iii. 247; D.C. Prodr. ii. 227. North Island: Has been noticed as a garden escape near Auckland, but is scarcely naturalised. (India to Malaya and North Australia; tropical Africa.)

Galega officinalis, Linn. Sp. Plant. 714; D.C. Prodr. ii. 248. Goat's Rue. North Island: Manawatu River-bed, H. J. Matthews! (South Europe; West Asia; North Africa.)

Robinia Pseud-acacia, Linn. Sp. Plant. 722; Asa Gray, Man. 96. Locust-tree. North Island: Naturalised in various localities between Auckland and the Upper Waikato. (United States.)

Coronilla varia, Linn. Sp. Plant. 743; D.C. Prodr. ii. 310. South Island: A garden escape in the vicinity of Nelson, T.F.C. (South Europe; West Asia.)

Onobrychis viciæfolia, Scop. Fl. Carn. ii. 70; O. sativa, Lam.; Hook. f. Student's Fl. 106. Sainfoin. North and South Islands: An occasional escape from cultivation, but scarcely naturalised. (Europe; North and West Asia.

Vicia gemella, Crantz, Stirp. Austr. ed. ii. v. 389; V. tetrasperma, Moench; Hook. f. Student's Fl. 107. Slender Tare. North and South Islands: Roadsides, hedges, &c., not uncommon. (Europe; North and West Asia to India; North Africa.)

Vicia gracilis, Lois. Fl. Gall. 460. South Island: Taieri Plain, G. M. Thomson! (Central and South Europe.)

Vicia hirsuta, S. F. Gray, Nat. Arr. Brit. PI. ii. 614; Hook. f. Student's Fl. 107. Common Tare. North and South Islands: Roadsides and waste places, not uncommon. (Europe; North and West Asia; North Africa.)

Vicia Cracca, Linn. Sp. Plant. 735; Hook. f. Student's Fl. 107. Tufted Vetch. South Island: Opawa River, Marlborough, Kirk. (Europe; North and West Asia to India; North Africa; North America.)

Vicia sativa, Linn. Sp. Plant. 736; Hook. f. Student's Fl. 109. Common Vetch. North and South Islands: Cultivated fields and waste places, abundant. (South Europe; North and West Asia; North Africa.)

Vicia narbonensis, Linn. Sp. Pl. 737; D.C. Prodr. ii. 364. North Island: Port Fitzroy (Great Barrier Island), Kirk! (South Europe.)

Lens esculenta, Moench. Metb. 131. Common Lentil. North Island: Naturalised in the Auckland Domain for many years, but does not spread. (South Europe.)

Lathyrus odoratus, Linn. Sp. Plant. 732; D.C. Prodr. ii. 374. Sweet-pea. North Island: An occasional garden escape in rich warm soils, but soon disappears. (South Europe.)

Lathyrus latifolius, Linn. Sp. Plant. 733; D.C. Prodr. ii. 370. Everlasting Pea. North Island: An occasional garden escape. (Europe.)

Acacia decurrens, Willd. Sp. Plant. iv. 1072; Benth. Fl. Austral. ii. 414. Black Wattle. North Island: Largely planted for tanning purposes, and has established itself in several localities. (Australia.)

Acacia dealbata. Link. Enum. Hort. Berol. 445; Benth. Fl. Austral. ii. 415. Silver Wattle. North Island: Established in several localities in the Auckland District. (Australia.)

Albizzia lophantha, Benth. in Hook. Lond. Journ. Bot. iii. 86; Fl. Austral. ii. 421. Brush Wattle. North Island: Naturalised in many localities, especially in the Auckland Provincial District. (Australia.)


Prunus Persica, Stokes, Bot. Mat. Med. iii. 100; Amygdalus Persica, Linn. Sp. Plant. 472. Peach. North Island: Copiously naturalised in the Auckland Provincial District in the early period of settlement, but at the present time rarely spreads out of cultivation. (Originally from China or Central Asia.)

Prunus Cerasus, Linn. Sp. Plant. 474; Hook. f. Student's Fl. 115. Cherry. North and South Islands: Maintains itself in old Maori plantations and deserted orchards, sometimes forming small groves. (South Europe; Western Asia.)

Rubus idæus, Linn. Sp. Plant. 492; Hook. f. Student's Fl. 117. Raspberry. North and South Islands: An occasional escape from cultivation, not common. (Europe; North and West Asia; North Africa.)

Rubus fruticosus, Linn. Sp. Plant. 493; Hook. f. Student's Fl. 117. Bramble; Blackberry. North and South Islands: Copiously naturalised throughout, and in many localities a serious pest. Several of the subspecies or varieties have been introduced, the following being the most prominent: R. discolor, Weihe and Nees; R. leucostachys, Smith; R. rusticanus, Weihe; and R. macrophyllus, Weihe. (Europe; North and West Asia to the Himalayas; North Africa.)

Fragaria vesca, Linn. Sp. Plant. 494; Hook. f. Student's Fl. 123. Wild Strawberry. North and South Islands: An occasional garden escape, not common. Europe; West Asia; North America.)

Fragaria elatior, Ehr. Beitr. vii. 23; Hook. f. Student's Fl. 123, Hautbois Strawberry. North and South Islands: Has been noticed as a garden escape, but is much rarer than the preceding. (Europe; West Asia.)

Potentilla reptans, Linn. Sp. Plant. 499; Hook. f. Student's Fl. 125. Cinquefoil. North and South Islands: Waysides and pastures, local. Near Hamilton, T.F.C.; Wellington and Akaroa, Kirk! (Europe; North and West Asia to the Himalayas; Canary Islands and the Azores.)

Alchemilla arvensis, Scop. Fl. Carn. i. 115; Hook. f. Student's Fl. 127. Parsley Piert. North and South Islands: Waste places and fields, often abundant in light dry soils. (Europe; Wesc Asia; North Africa.)

Acæna ovina, A. Cunn. in Field's N.S. Wales, 358; Benth. Fl. Austral, ii. 433. North and South Islands: Fields and waste places, not uncommon. (Australia.)

Poterium Sanguisorba, Linn. Sp. Plant. 994; Hook. f. Student's Fl. 128. Burnet. North and South Islands: Dry pastures, not common. (Europe; North and West Asia to India; North Africa.)

Poterium polygamum, Waldst. and Kit. Pl. Rar. Hung. ii. 217, t. 198; P. muricatum, Spach; Hook. f. Student's Fl. 129. Burnet. South Island: Near Lake Ellesmere and elsewhere on the Canterbury Plains, Kirk! (South Europe.)

Rosa rubiginosa, Linn. Mant. ii. 564; Hook. f. Student's Fl. 131. Sweetbriar. North and South Islands: Abundant throughout. (Europe; North and West Asia to the Himalayas.)

Rosa canina, Linn. Sp. Plant. 492; Hook. f. Student's Fl. 132. Dog-rose. North and South Islands: Roadsides and waste places, not uncommon. (Europe; North Asia; North Africa.)

Rosa multiflora, Thunb. Fl. Jap. 214. North Island: Often lingering for years in deserted gardens, &c. (China; Japan.)

Cratægus Oxyacantha, Linn. Sp. Plant. 477; Hook. f. Student's Fl. 137. Hawthorn. North and South Islands: Scarcely naturalised, but seedlings sometimes appear in the vicinity of planted hedges. (Europe; North and West Asia to the Himalayas; North Africa.)


Ribes Grossularia, Linn. Sp. Plant. 201; Hook. f. Student's Fl. 144. Gooseberry. North and South Islands: A garden escape of frequent occurrence, especially in the South Island. (Europe; North and West Asia; Himalayas; North Africa.)


Tillæa trichotoma, Walp. Rep. li. 251; Harv. and Sond. Fl. Cap. ii. 330. North Island: Roadsides near Auckland, T.F.C.; Wanganui, E. W. Andrews! (Cape Colony.)


Eucalyptus globulus, Labill. Voy. i. 153, t. 13; Benth. Fl. Austral, iii. 225. Blue-gum. North Island: Seedlings frequently appear in the vicinity of plantations. (Australia.)


Peplis Portida, Linn. Sp. Plant. 332; Hook. f. Student's Fl. 155. Water-purslane. South Island: Various localities in the east of Otago, Petrie! (Europe; North Africa.)

Lythrum Hyssopifolia, Linn. Sp. Plant. 447; Hook. f. Student's Fl. 154. Hyssop Loosestrife. North and South Islands: Moist places, ditches, &c., abundantly naturalised. (Europe; North and West Asia; North Africa.)

Lythrum Grafferi, Tenore, Prod. Fl. Nap. Ixviii. North and South Islands: Various localities in the Auckland District, Kirk! T.F.C.; Greymouth, Helms! (South Europe; North Africa.)


Œnothera biennis, Linn. Sp. Plant. 346; Hook. f. Student's Fl. 169. Evening Primrose. North and South Islands: Roadsides and waste places, not common. (North America.)

Œnothera odorata, Jacq. Ic. Plant. Rar. iii. 3, t. 456; Hook. f. Student's Fl. 159. Evening Primrose. North Island: Abundant in light dry soils and sandy places near the sea. (Chili; Patagonia.)

Œnothera tetraptera, Cav. Ic. iii. 40, t. 279. North Island: A garden escape near Auckland, rare. (Mexico.)


Lagenaria vulgaris, Ser. in Mem. Soc. Phys. Genev. iii. 25; Hook. f. Fl. Brit. Ind. ii. 613. Gourd; Hue. North Island: Brought by the Maoris from Polynesia when they first colonised New Zealand, and still cultivated by them. (Native country uncertain; cultivated everywhere in the tropics.)

Citrullus vulgaris, Schrad. ex Eckl. and Zeyh. Enum. 279; Hook. f. Fl. Brit. Ind. ii. 621. Water-melon. North Island: Occasionally lingers in old Maori cultivations, but scarcely naturalised. (Tropical Africa; cultivated in all warm countries.)


Mesembryanthemum edule, Linn. Syst. ed. x. 1060; Harv. and Sond. Fl. Cap. ii. 412. North Island: Often planted to check the advance of drifting sands, and spreading in several localities, especially near New Plymouth. (Cape Colony.)


Conium maculatum, Linn. Sp. Plant. 243; Hook. f. Student's Fl. 167. Hemlock. North and South Islands: Waste places, local. (Europe; North and West Asia; North Africa.)

Bupleurum rotundifolium, Linn. Sp. Plant. 236; Hook. f. Student's Fl. 168. Hare's-ear. North Island: Cultivated fields and waste places. Near Auckland, T.F.C.; Wellington, Kirk! (Europe; West Asia to the Caucasus.)

Apium graveolens, Linn. Sp. Plant. 264; Hook. f. Student's Fl. 169. Celery. North and South Islands: Has established itself in several districts in marshy places near the sea. (Europe; West Asia; India; North Africa.)

Apium leptophyllum, F. Muell. ex Benth. Fl. Austral. iii. 372. North Island: Waste places from Mongonui to Wellington, not common. (South America; tropical Africa; Australia.)

Ammi majus, Linn. Sp. Plant. 243. North Island: Waste places near Auckland, rare. (Europe; West Asia; North Africa.)

Carum Carni, Linn. Sp. Plant. 263; Hook. f. Student's Fl. 171. Caraway. South Island: Near Dunedin, rare, A. Hamilton. (Europe; North and West Asia; India.)

Carum Petroselinum, Benth. and Hook. Gen. Plant, i. 891; Hook. f. Student's Fl. 171. Common Parsley. North and South Islands: Waste places and roadsides, not uncommon. (South Europe; North Africa.)

Scandix Pecten-Veneris, Linn. Sp. Plant. 256; Hook. f. Student's Fl. 175. Venus's Comb. North and South Islands: Waste places, far from common. (Europe; West Asia to India; North Africa.)

Fœniculum vulgare, Mill. Gard. Dict. ed. viii. n. 1; F. officinale, All.; Hook, f. Student's Fl. 177. Fennel. North and South Islands: Waste places and roadsides, abundant. (Europe; North and West Asia to India; North Africa.)

Peucedanum sativum, Benth. and Hook. f. Gen. Plant, i. 920; Hook. f. Student's Fl. 1S3. Parsnip. North and South Islands: An occasional escape from cultivation, but not common. (Europe; North Asia.)

Daucus Carota, Linn. Sp. Plant. 242; Hook. f. Student's Fl. 184. Wild Carrot. North and South Island: Fields and roadsides, not uncommon. (Europe; North and West Asia to India; North Africa.)

Caucalis nodosa, Scop. Fl. Carn. i. 192; Hook. f. Student's Fl. 186. North and South Islands: Waste places, not abundant. (Europe; West Asia to India; North Africa.)


Hedera Helix, Linn. Sp. Plant. 202; Hook. f. Student's Fl. 187. Ivy. North Island: Occasionally spreading in gardens and plantations, but scarcely naturalised. (Europe; West Asia to India; China and Japan; North Africa.)


Sambucus nigra, Linn. Sp. Plant. 269; Hook. f. Student's Fl. 189. Elder. North and South Islands: A frequent garden escape, sometimes forming thickets. (Europe; West Asia; North Africa.)

Leycesteria formosa. Wall, in Roxb. Fl. Ind. ii. 181; Hook. f. Fl. Brit. Ind. iii. 16. North and South Islands: An occasional garden escape. (Temperate Himalayas.)


Galium palustre, Linn. Sp. Plant. 105; Hook. f. Student's Fl. 193. North Island: Swamps near Mauku (Manukau Harbour), H. Carse! (Europe; North and West Asia; North Africa.)

Galium Mollugo, Linn. Sp. Plant. 107; Hook. f. Student's Fl. 194. North Island: Between the Manukau Harbour and the Waikato River, H. Carse! (Europe; North and West Asia to the Himalayas; North Africa.)

Galium Aparine, Linn. Sp. Plant. 108; Hook. f. Student's Fl. 194. Goosegrass. North and South Islands: Hedges and waste places, not uncommon. (Europe; North and West and Central Asia; North Africa.)

Galium parisiense, Linn. Sp. Plant. 108; G. anglicum, Huds.; Hook. f. Student's Fl. 195. North and South Islands: Local. Whangarei, Kirk; vicinity of Auckland, T.F.C.; Motueka, Kingsley. (South Europe; West Asia to the Caucasus; North Africa.)

Sherardia arvensis, Linn. Sp. Plant. 102; Hook. f. Student's Fl. 195. Field Madder. North and South Islands: Fields and waste places, abundant throughout. (Europe; West Asia to Persia; North Africa.)


Centranthus ruber, D.C. Fl. Fr. iv. 239; Hook. f. Student's Fl. 197. Spur-valerian. North and South Islands: A frequent garden escape. (South Europe; West Asia; North Africa.)

Valerianella olitoria, Pollich, Hist. Pl. Palat. i. 30; Hook. f. Student's Fl. 197. Lamb's Lettuce. North Island: Roadsides and waste places, not uncommon. (Europe; West Asia; North Africa.)


Dipsacus sylvestris. Mill. Gard. Dict. ed. viii. n. 1; Hook. f. Student's Fl. 199. Wild Teasel. North Island: Waste places, not common. (Europe; West Asia; North Africa.)

Scabiosa arvensis, Linn. Sp. Plant. 99; Hook. f. Student's PI. 200. Field Scabious. North Island: Fields near Auckland, rare. (Europe; North and West Asia; North Africa.)

Scabiosa maritima, Linn. Cent. Plant, ii. 8. North Island: A common garden escape; Mongnnui, Bay of Islands, Auckland, Tauranga, &c., T.F.C.; Wellington, Kirk! (South Europe; North Africa.)


Lagenophora emphysopus. Hook. f. Fl. Tasm. i. 189; Benth. Fl. Austral. iii. 508. North and South Islands: Hills near Wellington, Buchanan! Kirk! Banks Peninsula, Kirk! (Australia.)

Bellis perennis, Linn. Sp. Plant. 886; Hook. f. Student's Fl. 205. Daisy. North and South Islands, Stewart Island: Abundant in meadows throughout. (Europe; Asia Minor.)

Calotis lappulacea, Benth. in Enum. Pl. Hueg. 60; Fl. Austral. iii. 504; Glossogyne Hennedyi, R. Brown in Trans. N.Z. Inst. xv. (1883) 259. North and South Islands: Poverty Bay, Bishop Williams! Nelson, Kingsley; Banks Peninsula, Brown! Kirk! (Australia.)

Aster imbricatus, Linn. Pl. Rar. Afr. 21; Harv. and Sond. Fl. Cap. iii. 77. North Island: Ballast at Wellington, Kirk! (Cape Colony.)

Erigeron canadensis, Linn. Sp. Plant. 863; Hook. f. Student's Fl. 205. Canadian Flea-bane. Kermadec Islands, North and South Islands, Stewart Island, Chatham Islands: Abundant throughout. (Originally from North America; now almost cosmopolitan.)

Erigeron linifolius, Willd. Sp. Plant. iii. 1955; Benth. Fl. Austral. iii. 495. Kermadec Islands, North and South Islands: Abundant in the Auckland Provincial District, rarer southwards to Marlborough and Westport. (Tropics of both hemispheres.)

Vittadinia australis, A. Rich.; var. dissecta, Benth. Fl. Austral. iii. 491. South Island: Naturalised in several localities, especially about Nelson. In my opinion, this is totally distinct from the typical V. australis. (Australia.)

Stuartina Muelleri, Sond. in Linnæa, xxv. (1852) 522; Benth. Fl. Austral. iii. 657. South Island: Marlborough, sandy places near the mouth of the Awatere River, J. H. Macmahon! (Australia.)

Helichrysum cymosum, Less. Syn. Comp. 302; Harv. and Sond. Fl. Cap. iii. 245. South Island: Railway embankments near Westport, Townson! (Cape Colony.)

Gnaphalium purpureum, Linn. Sp. Plant. 854; Benth. Fl. Austral. iii. 655. North Island: Not uncommon in drained swamps, freshly cleared lands, &c. from the North Cape to the Upper Waikato, rarer southwards to Wellington. (North America; but now naturalised in many parts of the world.)

Xanthium strumarium, Linn. Sp. Plant. 987; Benth. Ill. Handb. Brit. Fl. i. 456. Burweed. North Island: Roadsides and waste places in Hawke's Bay and Wellington, scarce. (Europe; Central Asia.)

Xanthium spinosum, Linn. Sp. Plant. 987; Benth. Fl. Austral. iii. 585. Bathurst Burr. North Island: Not uncommon in warm rich soils from the North Cape to the Upper Waikato, rarer southwards to Wellington. (Originally from South America; now naturalised in most warm countries.)

Pascalia glauca, Orteg. Hort. Matr. Dec. 39; D.C. Prodr. v. 549. North Island: Ballast at Wellington, Kirk. (Chili.)

Galinsoga parviflora, Cav. Ic. iii. 41, t. 281; Hook. f. Student's Fl. 211. North Island: Ballast at Wellington, Kirk. (South America.)

Madia sativa, Molina, Sagg. Chile, ed. i. 136; Wats. Bot. Calif, i. 359. Tarweed. South Island: Roadsides and waste places. Renwicktown (Marlborough), Reader; south-east Otago, Petrie! Kirk! (California; Peru; Chili.)

Helenium quadridentatum, Labill. in Act. Soc. Hist. Nat. Par. i. (1792) 22; D.C. Prodr. v. 666. North Island: Waste places at Tapotopoto Bay, North Cape district, T.F.C. (North America.)

Achillea millefolium, Linn. Sp. Plant. 899; Hook. f. Student's Fl. 212. Yarrow. North and South Islands: Fields and roadsides, not uncommon. (Europe; North and West Asia to India; North America.)

Achillea tanacetifolia. All. Fl. Pedem. i. 188; D.C. Prodr. vi. 25. North and South Islands: Roadsides and waste places, not common. Vicinity of Auckland, T.F.C.; Lincoln (near Christchurch), Kirk. (South Europe.)

Anthemis arvensis, Linn. Sp. Plant. 894; Hook. f. Student's Fl. 211. Corn Chamomile. North and South Islands: Roadsides and margins of fields, not uncommon. (Europe; West Asia; North Africa.)

Anthemis Cotula, Linn. Sp. Plant. 894; Hook. f. Student's Fl. 212. Stinking Mayweed. North and South Islands: Roadsides and waste places, not uncommon. (Europe; North and West Asia to India; Canary Islands.)

Anthemis nobilis, Linn. Sp. Plant. 894; Hook. f. Student's Fl. 212. Chamomile. North and South Islands: An occasional garden escape, rare. (Europe; North Africa.)

Chrysanthemum segetum, Linn. Sp. Plant. 889; Hook. f. Student's Fl. 214. Corn Marigold. North and South Islands: Cultivated fields, not common. (Europe; West Asia; North Africa.)

Chrysanthemum Parthenium, Bernh. Syst. Verz. Erf. 145; Hook. f. Student's Fl. 214. Fever-few. North and South Islands: Waste places and roadsides. (Europe.)

Chrysanthemum Leucanthemum, Linn. Sp. Plant. 888; Hook. f. Student's Fl. 214. Ox-eye Daisy. North and South Islands: An abundant weed in pastures throughout. (Europe; North and West Asia.)

Matricaria discoidea, D.C. Prodr. vi. 50; Asa Gray, Man. 226. North Island: Roadsides in the Auckland Provincial District, abundant. (North America.)

Matricaria Chamomilla, Linn. Sp. Plant. 891; Hook. f. Student's PI. 213. Wild Chamomile. North and South Islands: Waste places and cultivated fields, not uncommon. (Europe; North and West Asia.)Fl Matricaria inodora, Linn. Fl. Suec. ii. 765; Hook. f. Student's Fl. 213. North and South Islands: Fields and waste places, not uncommon. (Europe; North and West Asia.)

Cenia turbinata, Pers. Syn. ii. 465; Harv. and Sond. Fl. Cap. iii. 185. North Island: Ballast at Wellington, Kirk. (Cape Colony.)

Soliva anthemifolia, R. Br. in Trans. Linn. Soc. xii. (1817) 102; Benth. Fl. Austral. iii. 552. North Island: Alluvial flats by the Northern Wairoa River, T.F.C.; Fairburn's (near Mongonui), H. Carse! (South America; naturalised in Australia.)

Soliva sessilis, Ruiz and Pav. Prodr. 113, t. 24; D.C. Prodr. vi. 143, North Island: Waste places in the Lower and Middle Waikato, T.F.C. (Chili.)

Tanacetum vulgare, Linn. Sp. Plant. 844; Hook. f. Student's Fl. 215. Tansy. North and South Islands: Waste places, not common. (Europe; North Asia.)

Artemisia Absinthium, Linn. Sp. Plant. 848; Hook. f. Student's Fl. 216. Wormwood. North and South Islands: Waste places and roadsides, not uncommon. (Europe; North and West Asia; North Africa.)

Senecio vulgaris, Linn. Sp. Plant. 867; Hook. f. Student's Fl. 218. Groundsel. Kermadec Islands, North and South Islands, Stewart Island: A common weed throughout. (Europe; North Asia; North Africa; and naturalised in all temperate countries.)

Senecio sylvaticus, Linn. Sp. Plant. 868; Hook. f. Student's Fl. 218. S. areolatus, Col. in Trans. N.Z. Inst. xxvi. (1894) 317. North and South Islands: Abundant throughout. (Europe; North Asia.)

Senecio Jacobæa, Linn. Sp. Plant. 870; Hook. f. Student's Fl. 218; S. dimorphocarpos, Col. in Trans. N.Z. Inst. xxvi. (1894) 316. Ragwort. North and South Islands: Plentiful in many localities. (Europe; North and West Asia.)

Senecio aquaticus, Hill, Veg. Syst. ii. 120; Hook. f. Student's Fl. 219. South Island: Buller Valley, Rev. F. H. Spencer. (Europe; North Asia; North Africa.)

Senecio mikanioides, Otto ex Walp. in Otto and Dietr. Allg. Gartens, xiii. (1845) 42; Harv. and Sond. Fl. Cap. iii. 402. North Island: A common garden escape from Kaitaia and Mongonui to Wellington. (South Africa.)

Calendula officinalis, Linn. Sp. Plant. 921; D.C. Prodr. vi. 451. Marigold. North and South Islands: A frequent garden escape. (South Europe; West Asia.)

Osteospermum moniliferum, Linn. Sp. Plant. 923; Harv. and Sond. Fl. Cap. iii. 436. North Island: An occasional garden escape in the vicinity of Auckland, rare. (South Africa.)

Cryptostemma calendidaceum, R. Br. in Ait. Hort. Kew. ed. ii. 141; Harv. and Sond. Fl. Cap. iii. 467. Cape-weed. North Island: Pastures and waste places, abundant. (Cape Colony.)

Arctium Lappa, Linn. Sp. Plant. 816; Hook. f. Student's Fl. 220. Burdock. North and South Islands: Waste places from the East Cape southwards, not uncommon. (Europe; North and West Asia.)

Carduus nutans, Linn. Sp. Plant. 821; Hook. f. Student's Fl. 224. Musk-thistle. South Island: Eastern Otago, Kirk. (Europe; North and West Asia to India; North Africa.)

Carduus pycnocephalus, Linn. Sp. Plant, ed. ii. 1151; Hook. f. Student's Fl. 225. Slender Thistle. North and South Island: Not uncommon in fields and waste places. (Europe; North Africa.)

Cnicus lanceolatus, Willd. Prodr. Fl. Berl. 259; Hook. f. Student's Fl. 225. Spear Thistle. North and South Islands, Stewart Island: Abundant throughout. (Europe; North Asia; North Africa.)

Cnicus eriophorus, Roth. Tent. Fl. Germ. i. 345; Hook. f. Student's Fl. 225. Woolly Thistle. North Island: Upper Wairarapa, Kirk. (Europe.)

Cnicus arvensis, Hoffm. Deutschl. Fl. ed. ii. 180; Hook. f. Student's Fl. 226. Californian Thistle; Canadian Thistle. North and South Islands: Cultivated fields; a serious pest in many localities. (Europe; North atd West Asia; North Africa.)

Onopordon Acanthium, Linn. Sp. Plant. 827; Hook. f. Student's Fl. 227. Cotton Thistle. South Island: Ashburton, W. W. Smith. (Europe; North Asia.)

Silybum Marianum, Gaertn. Fruct. ii. 378, t. 168; Hook. f. Student's Fl. 228. Milk Thistle. North and South Islands: Fields and waste places, abundant to the north of the East Cape, rarer southwards. (Europe; West Asia to the Caucasus.)

Cynara Cardunculus, Linn. Sp. Plant. 827; D.C. Prodr. vi. 620. Cardoon. North Inland: Waste places, not common. Mongonui, T.F.C.; Napier, Kirk. (South Europe.)

Centaurea nigra, Linn. Sp. Plant. 911; Hook. f. Student's Fl. 222. Knapweed. North and South Islands: Fields and waste places, not common. (Europe.)

Centurea cyanus, Linn. Sp. Plant. 911; Hook. f. Student's Fl. 222. Cornflower. South Island: Ashburton, W. W. Smith. (Europe; West Asia to India.)

Centaurea Calcitrapa, Linn. Sp. Plant. 917; Hook. f. Student's Fl. 223. Star-thistle. North and South Islands: Fields and waste places, not uncommon. (Europe; West Asia to India.)

Centaurea solstitialis, Linn. Sp. Plant. 917; Hook. f. Student's Fl. 223. Yellow Star-thistle. North and South Islands: Fields and waste places, not uncommon. (Europe; West Asia; North Africa.)

Cichorium Intybus, Linn. Sp. Plant. 813; Hook. f. Student's Fl. 228. Chicory. North and South Islands: Roadsides and waste places, not uncommon. (Europe; North and West Asia to India; North Africa.)

Tolpis umbellata, Bertol. in Mem. Soc. Emul. Geneva, ii. (1803) 133; D.C. Prodr. vii. 86. North Island: Fields between Panmure and Penrose (Auckland District), near Helensville, T.F.C. (South Europe.)

Lapsana communis, Linn. Sp. Plant. 811; Hook. f. Student's Fl. 229. Nipplewort. North and South Islands, Stewart Island: Waste places and cultivated fields, abundant. (Europe; North and West Asia to India; North Africa.)

Picris (Helniinthia) echioides, Linn. Sp. Plant. 792; Hook. f. Student's Fl. 230. Ox-tongue. North and South Islands: Fields and waste places, generally distributed. (Europe; North Africa.)

Crepis virens, Linn. Sp. Plant. 1134; Hook. f. Student's Fl. 230. North and South Islands, Stewart Island, Chatham Islands: Fields and waste places, common throughout. (Europe; Caucasus; North Africa.)

Crepis fœtida, Linn. Sp. Plant. 807; Hook. f. Student's Fl. 231. North Island: Fields on the Auckland Isthmus, not common. (Europe; West Asia to the Himalayas; North Africa.)

Crepis taraxacifolia. Thuill. Fl. Par. 409; Hook. f. Student's Fl. 231. North Island: Fields and waste places in the Auckland District. (Europe; West Asia; North Africa.)

Crepis setosa. Hall. f. in Roem. Archiv. i. 2, 1; Hook. f. Student's Fl. 231. North Island; Waste places on the Auckland Isthmus, not common, (Europe.)

Hypochæris glabra, Linn. Sp. Plant. 810; Hook. f. Student's Fl. 238. Smooth Cat's-ear. North and South Islands: Fields, &c., abundant throughout. (Europe; West Asia; North Africa.)

Hypochæris radicata, Linn. Sp. Plant. 810; Hook. f. Student's Fl. 238. Cat's ear. Kermadec Islands, North and South Islands, Stewart Island, Chatham Islands: Abundant in all soils and situations. (Europe; North Africa.)

Leontodon hirtus, Linn. Syst. 1194; Hook. f. Student's Fl. 239. Lesser Hawkbit. North and South Islands: Fields and waste places, not common. (Europe.)

Leontodon hispidus, Linn. Sp. Plant. 799; Hook. f. Student's Fl. 239. Common Hawkbit. North and South Islands: Fields and waste places, plentiful in many localities. (Europe.)

Leontodon autumnalis, Linn. Sp. Plant. 798; Hook. f. Student's Fl. 239. Autumnal Hawkbit. North Island: Fields and waste places from Auckland to Wellington, not common. (Europe; North and West Asia.)

Lactuca saligna, Linn. Sp. Plant. 796; Hook. f. Student's Fl. 241. Willow Lettuce. North Island: Petane (Hawke's Bay), A. Hamilton. (Europe; West Asia; North Africa.)

Lactuca muralis, E. Mey. Chlor. Hannov. 431; Hook. f. Student's Fl. 241. Wall Lettuce. South Island: Marlborough, Macmahon! Kirk! (Europe; North and West Asia.)

Sonchus arvensis, Linn. Sp. Plant. 793; Hook. f. Student's Fl. 242. Corn Sowthistle. North Island: Cultivated fields near Auckland, rare. (Europe; West Asia to the Himalayas; North Africa.)

Tragopogon porrifolius, Linn. Sp. Plant 789; Hook. f. Student's Fl, 243. Salsify. North and South Islands: Fields and waste places, not common. (Europe; North and West Asia.)


Campanula Trachelium, Linn. Sp. Plant. 166; Hook. f. Student's Fl. 247. North Island: A garden escape near Wellington. (Europe; North and West Asia.)

Specularia hybrida, A. D.C. Monog. Camp. 348; Hook. f. Student's Fl. 248. South Island: Cultivated fields at Ashburton, W. W. Smith. (Europe; North Africa.)


Epacris purpurascens, R. Br. Prodr. 520; Benth. Fl. Austral. iv. 241. North Island: Open tea-tree country at the head of the Manukau Harbour, near Papakura and Drury. (Australia.)

Epacris microphylla, R. Br. Prodr. 550; Benth. Fl. Austral. iv. 240. North Island: In the same locality as the preceding species, A. T. Urquhart! (Australia.)

Epacris pulchella, Cav. Ic. iv. 26, t. 345; Benth. Fl. Austral, iv. 241. North Island: In the same locality as E. purpurascens, A. T. Urquhart! (Australia.)


Anagallis arvensis, Linn. Sp. Plant. 148; Hook. f. Student's Fl. 265. Pimpernel. North and South Islands, Stewart Island, Chatham Islands: Fields and waste places, abundant. (Europe; West Asia to India; North Africa.)


Vinca major, Linn. Sp. Plant. 209; Hook. f. Student's Fl. 269. Periwinkle. North and South Islands: Roadsides and waste places, a plentiful garden escape. (South Europe; West Asia to the Caucasus; North Africa.)


Gomphocarpus fruticosus, R. Br. in Mem. Wern. Soc. i. (1809) 38; D.C. Prodr. vii. 557. North Island: An occasional garden escape near Auckland and Napier, rare. (Arabia; North Africa; now naturalised in most warm countries.


Erythræa Centaurium, Pers. Syn. i. 288; Hook. f. Student's Fl. 271. Centaury. North and South Islands: Abundant throughout. (Europe; North Africa.)


Collomia coccinea, Lehm. ex Benth. in Bot. Reg. t. 1622; D.C. Prodr. ix. 308. North and South Islands: A garden escape in a few localities. Vicinity of Auckland, T.F.C.; Ashburton, W. W. Smith; near Roxburgh, Petrie! Cardrona, Kirk! (Chili.)

Gilia squarrosa, Hook, and Arn. Bot. Beech. Voy. 151; Wats. Bot. Calif, i. 493. North and South Islands: Dry pastures, not uncommon. (California.)


Amsinckia angustifolia, Lehm. Del. Sem. Hort. Hamb. (1831) 7. South Island: Interior of Otago, Alexandra South, Black's, Petrie! (Chili.)

Borago officinalis, Linn. Sp. Plant. 137; Hook. f. Student's Fl. 276. Borage. North Island: Waste places from Auckland to Wellington, not uncommon. (Europe; North Africa.)

Myosotis palustris, Lam. Fl. Fr. ii. 283; Hook. f. Student's Fl. 280. Forget-me-not. North and South Islands: Not uncommon in wet places. (Europe; North Asia.)

Myosotis cæspitosa, Schultz, Prodr. Fl. Starg. Suppl. i. 11; Hook. f. Student's Fl. 281. North and South Islands: Not uncommon in wet places. (Europe; North and West Asia to India.)

Myosotis sylvatica, Hoffm. Deutschl. Fl. ed. i. 61; Hook. f. Student's Fl. 281. North and South Islands: Waste places, not common. (Europe; North and West Asia; North Africa.)

Myosotis arvensis, Lam. Fl. Pr. ii. 213; Hook. f. Student's Fl. 281. North and South Islands: Fields and waste places, local. (Europe; North and West Asia to India; North Africa.)

Myosotis collina, Hoffm. Deutschl. Fl. ed. i. 61; Hook. f. Student's Fl. 282. North and South Islands: Fields and waste places, not common. (Europe; West Asia; North Africa.)

Lithospermum arvense, Linn. Sp. Plant. 132; Hook. f. Student's Fl. 279. Corn Gromwell. North and South Islands: Fields and waste places, plentiful. (Europe; North and West Asia to India; North Africa.)

Echium vulgare, Linn. Sp. Plant. 139; Hook. f. Student's FJ. 276. Viper's Bugloss. North and South Islands: Roadsides and waste places, local. (Europe; North Asia; North Africa.)

Echium plantagineum, Linn. Mant. ii. 202; Hook. f. Student's Fl. 276. North Island: Waste places, rare. Vicinity of Auckland, T.F.C.; ballast at Wellington, Kirk! (South Europe; North Africa.)


Ipomœa batatas, Poir. Encycl. vi. 14. Kumara. North Island: Introduced by the Maoris from Polynesia, and still largely cultivated by them. It often lingers for some time in deserted plantations. (Native country uncertain; now cultivated in all warm climates.)

Convolvulus arvensis, Linn. Sp. Plant. 153; Hook. f. Student's Fl. 284. Smaller Bindweed. North and South Islands: Fields and waste places, not uncommon. (Europe; North and West Asia to India; North Africa.)

Cuscuta racemosa, Mart. Reise. Bras. i. 286, var. Chiliana, Engelm. Cusc. 505; C. Hassiaca, Pfeiff. in Bot. Zeit. i. (1843) 705; Kirk in Trans. N.Z. Inst. xx. (1888) 182. South Island: Fields in the Canterbury Provincial District, parasitic on lucerne, knot-grass, &c. (Chili; from whence it has been carried to North America and Europe.)

Cuscuta Epilinum, Weihe, in Archiv. Apoth. viii. (1824) 54; Hook. f. Student's Fl. 285. Flax Dodder. South Island: Has been recorded from the Canterbury District, but I have seen no specimens (Europe: East Asia.)

Cuscuta Epithymum, Murr. Syst. ed. xiii. 140; Hook. f. Student's Fl. 285. Lesser Dodder. North and South Islands: From Auckland to Foveaux Strait, abundant in many places, and parasitic on a great variety of plants, including many indigenous species. Mr. Kirk's C. novæ zealandiæ (Trans. N.Z. Inst. xx. (1889) 183, name only) appears to be identical with it. The var. Trifolii (Clover Dodder), which usually attacks clover, is also introduced. (Europe; North Asia.)


Lycopersicum esculentum, Mill. Gard. Dict. ed. viii. n. 2; D.C. Prodr. xiii. 26. Tomato. North and South Islands: An occasional garden escape of short duration. (Tropical America.)

Solanum tuberosum, Linn. Sp. Plant. 185; D.C. Prodr. xiii. 81. Potato. North and South Islands: Often lingers for a time in places where it has been cultivated. (South America.)

Solanum marginatum, Linn. f. Suppl. 147; D.C. Prodr. xiii. 370. North Island: A garden outcast near Auckland. (Tropical Africa.)

Solanum sodomæum, Linn. Sp. Plant. 187; Benth. Fl. Austral, iv. 458. Dead-sea Apple. North Island: From the North Cape to the Upper Waikato, on warm dry soils and on sand-dunes, not uncommon. (South Europe; North Africa.)

Solanum auriculatum. Ait. Hort. Kew, ed. i. 246; Benth. Fl. Austral, iv. 450. North Island: Waste places in the vicinity of Auckland, increasing. (Tropical America; and widely naturalised in warm countries.)

Physalis peruviana, Linn. Sp. Plant, ed. ii. 1670; Benth. Fl. Austral, iv. 466. Cape Gooseberry. North Island: An escape from cultivation in warm dry soils, not common. (South America.)

Nicandra physaloides, Gaertn. Fruct. ii. 237; Benth. Fl. Austral, iv. 465. North Island: Waste places in the vicinity of Auckland, scarce. (Peru.)

Lycium chinense. Mill. Gard. Dict. ed. viii. n. 5; Benth. Fl. Austral. iv. 467. North and South Islands: Waste places and roadsides, not uncommon. (China.)

Datura Stramonium, Linn. Sp. Plant. 179; Benth. Ill. Hauob. Brit. Fl. 592. Thorn-apple. North and South Islands: Waste places io rich warm soils as far south as Canterbury, not uncommon. (Native or naturalised in most warm countries.)

Hyoscyamus niger, Linn. Sp. Plant. 179; Hook. f. Student's Fl. 286. Henbane. North Island: Ballast at Wellington, Kirk! (Europe; North and West Asia to India)

Nicotiana Tabacum, Linn. Sp. Plant. 180; D.C. Prodr. xiii. 557. Tobacco. North Island: An occasional escape from cultivation in rich warm soils. (Indigenous in America; now cultivated in all warm countries.)

Nicotiana acutiflora, A. St. Hil. Pl. Rem. Bras. 209. North Island: Ballast at Wellington, Kirk! (Brazil.)

Petunia parviflora, Juss. in Ann. Mus. Par. ii. (1803) 216, t. 47; Asa Gray, Syn. Fl. North Amer. ii. 243. North Island: Ballast at Wellington, Kirk. (Southern United States to Buenos Ayres.)


Verbascum Thapsus, Linn. Sp. Plant. 177; Hook.!. Student's Fl. 291. Mullein. North and South Islands: Abundantly naturalised in dry places. (Europe; North and West Asia to the Himalayas.)

Verbascum Blattaria, Linn. Sp. Plant. 178; Hook. f. Student's Fl. 292. Moth Mullein. North and South Islands: Pastures and waste places, not uncommon. (Europe; North Asia.)

Celsia cretica, Linn. f. Suppl. 281; Benth. in D.C. Prodr. x. 244. North Island: Fields in the Auckland District, not uncommon. (South Europe; North Africa.)

Linaria vulgaris, Mill. Gard. Dict. ed. viii. n. 1; Hook. f. Student's Fl. 294. Toadflax. South Island: Near Lake Brunner, J. W. Brame! Ashburton, W. W. Smith. (Europe; North Asia.)

Linaria purpurea, Mill. Gard. Dict. ed. viii. n. 5; Benth. in D.C. Prodr. x. 278. South Island: A garden escape in some parts of Canterbury and Otago. (South Europe.)

Linaria latifolia, Desf. Fl. Atlant. ii. 40, t. 134; Benth. in D.C. Prodr. x. 271. North Island: A garden escape in the vicinity of Wellington, Kirk! (South Europe; North Africa.)

Linaria Elatine, Mill. Gard. Dict. ed. viii. n. 16; Hook. f. Student's Fl. 293. North and South Islands: Roadsides and waste places, not uncommon. (Europe; West and Central Asia.)

Linaria Cymbalaria, Mill. Gard. Dict. ed. viii. n. 17; Hook. f. Student's Fl. 293. North and South Islands: An occasional garden escape. (South Europe.)

Antirrhinum Orontium, Linn. Sp. Plant. 617; Hook. f. Student's Fl. 295. North Island: Waste places near Auckland, T.F.C.; Napier, A. Hamilton! (Europe; West Asia to India; North Africa.)

Mimulus luteus, Linn. Sp. Plant, ed. ii. 884; Asa Gray, Syn. Fl. North Amer. ii. 277. North and South Islands: Damp places, sides of streams, &c., from Wellington southwards. (Western North America.)

Mimulus moschatus, Dougl. in Lindl. Bot. Reg. t. 1118; Asa Gray, Syn. Fl. North Amer. ii. 278. North and South Islands: Sides of streams from Wellington southwards, common. (Western North America.)

Digitalis purpurea, Linn. Sp. Plant. 621; Hook. f. Student's Fl. 298. Foxglove. North and South Islands: An occasional garden escape, not common. (Europe.)

Veronica agrestis, Linn. Sp. Plant. 13; Hook. f. Student's Fl. 299. Kermadec Islands, North and South Islands: Fields and waste places, abundant. (Europe; North and West Asia to the Himalayas; North Africa.)

Veronica Buxbaumii, Ten. Fl. Nap. i. 7, t. 1; Hook. f. Student's Fl. 299; V. areolata, Col. in Trans. N.Z. Inst. xxiv. (1892) 392. North and South Islands: Cultivated fields, abundant. (Europe; West Asia to the Himalayas; North Africa.)

Veronica arvensis, Linn. Sp. Plant. 13; Hook. f. Student's Fl. 300; V. longeracemosa, Col. in Trans. N.Z. Inst. xx. (1888) 203, and V. hirsuta, Col. l.c. xxiv. (1892) 393. Kermadec Islands, North and South Islands, Stewart Island: Fields and waste places, abundant throughout. (Europe; North and West Asia to India; North Africa.)

Veronica serpyllifolia, Linn. Sp. Plant. 12; Hook. f. Student's Fl. 300; V. macrocalyx and V. rugulosella, Col. in Trans. N.Z. Inst. xxiv. (1892) 391; V. oligantha, Col. l.c. xxv. (1893) 333. North and South Islands Stewart Island: Fields and waste places, abundant throughout. (Europe; North and West Asia to the Himalayas; North America.)

Veronica officinalis, Linn. Sp. Plant. 11; Hook. f. Student's Fl. 301. South Island: Has been recorded from the Canterbury District by Armstrong and W. W. Smith, but I have seen no specimens. (Europe; North and West Asia to the Himalayas; North America.)

Bartsia viscosa, Linn. Sp. Plant. 602; Hook. f. Student's Fl. 303. North and South Islands: Abundant in fields in most districts. (Europe; West Asia; North Africa.)


Orobanche minor, Sutt. in Trans. Linn. Soc. iv. (1798) 179; Hook. f. Student's Fl. 309. Broom-rape. North and South Inlands: Fields as far south as Nelson, most abundant in the Auckland District; parasitic on Trifolium, Medicago, Hypochæris, &c. (Europe; West Asia; North Africa.)


Verbena officinalis, Linn. Sp. Plant. 20; Hook. f. Student's Fl. 313. Vervain. North and South Islands: Fields and roadsides, not uncommon. (Europe; West Asia to India; North Africa.)

Verbena bonariensis, Linn. Sp. Plant. 20; Benth. Fl. Austral. v. 36. North Island: Waste places near Auckland, rare. (Extratropical South America.)


Mentha viridis, Linn. Sp. Plant, ed. ii. 804; Hook. f. Student's Fl. 315. Spearmint. North and South Islands: Waste places, ditches, &c., not uncommon. (Europe; North Asia; North Africa.)

Mentha piperita, Linn. Sp. Plant. 576; Hook. f. Student's Fl. 316. Peppermint. North and South Islands: An occasional garden escape in damp places. (Europe.)

Mentha aquatica, Linn. Sp. Plant. 576; Hook. f. Student's Fl. 316. Watermint. North Island: Wet places in the Auckland District, not common. (Europe; North and West Asia; North Africa.)

Mentha arvensis, Linn. Sp. Plant. 577; Hook. f. Student's Fl. 317. North Island: Fields and waste places, not uncommon. (Europe; North and West Asia to China and India.)

Mentha australis, R. Br. Prodr. 505; Benth. Fl. Austral. v. 83. North Island: Raglan, T.F.C.; Wairarapa, Kirk! (Australia.)

Mentha Pulegium, Linn. Sp. Plants. 577; Hook. f. Student's Fl. 318. Pennyroyal. North and South Islands: Fields and waste places, an abundant weed, especially in the Auckland District. (Europe; North and West Asia North Africa.)

Thymus Serpyllum, Linn. Sp. Plant. 590; Hook. f. Student's Fl. 319. Thyme. North and South Islands: An occasional garden escape, not common. (Europe; North and West Asia to the Himalayas; North Africa.)

Melissa officinalis, Linn. Sp. Plant. 592; Hook. f. Student's Fl. 321. Balm. North and South Islands: A garden escape in a few localities. (South Europe; West Asia.)

Salvia Verbenaca, Linn. Sp. Plant. 25; Hook. f. Student's Fl. 321. Wild Sage. North Island: Waste places near Auckland, Kirk! T.F.C.

Nepeta Cataria, Linn. Sp. Plant. 570; Hook. f. Student's Fl. 322. Catmint. North Island: Waste places and roadsides in the Auckland Provincial District, not common. (Europe; North and West Asia to the Himalayas.)

Nepeta Glechoma, Benth. Lab. Gen. et Sp. 485; Hook. f. Student's Fl. 323. Ground Ivy. North Island: Vicinity of Wanganui, Kirk. (Europe; North and West Asia.)

Cedronella triphylla, Moench, Meth. 411; Benth. in D.C. Prodr. xii. 406. North Island: Waste places near Auckland, T.F.C.; near Wellington, Kirk! (Canary Islands.)

Prunella vulgaris, Linn. Sp. Plant. 600; Hook. f. Student's Fl. 323. Self-heal. North and South Islands, Stewart Island, Chatham Islands: Abundant throughout. (Europe; North and West Asia; North Africa; North America.)

Marrubium vulgare, Linn. Sp. Plant. 583; Hook. f. Student's Fl. 325. Horehound. North and South Islands: Roadsides and waste places, abundant. (Europe; West Asia to India; North Africa.)

Stachys germanica, Linn. Sp. Plant. 581; Hook. f. Student's Fl. 326. Woundwort. South Island: Vicinity of Ashburton, W. W. Smith. (Europe; West Asia.)

Stachys palustris, Linn. Sp. Plant. 580; Hook. f. Student's Fl. 325. North Island: Near Wanganui, Kirk. (Europe; North and West Asia to India; North America.)

Stachys arvensis, Linn. Sp. Plant, ed. ii. 814; Hook. f. Student's Fl. 326. North Island: Cultivated fields, an abundant weed. (Europe; North and West Asia; North Africa.)

Stachys annua, Linn. Sp. Plant, ed. ii. 813; Benth. in D.C. Prodr. xii. 481. South Island: Vicinity of Ashburton, W. W. Smith. (Europe; West Asia to the Caucasus.)

Galeopsis Tetrahit, Linn. Sp. Plant. 579; Hook. f. Student's Fl. 327. Hemp-nettle. North Island: Waste places in the vicinity of Auckland, rare. (Europe; North and West Asia to India.)

Lamium purpureum, Linn. Sp. Plant. 579; Hook. f. Student's Fl. 328. Dead-nettle. North and South Islands: Cultivated ground at Wanganui, Kirk; Ashburton, W. W. Smith. (Europe; North and West Asia; North Africa.)


Plantago major, Linn. Sp. Plant. 112; Hook. f. Student's PI. 288. Greater Plantain. North and South Islands, Stewart Island, Chatham Islands: Roadsides and waste places, abundant. (Europe; North and West Asia to India; North Africa.)

Plantago media, Linn. Sp. Plant. 113; Hook. f. Student's Fl. 289. North and South Islands: Fields and waste places, not common. (Europe; West Asia.)

Plantago lanceolata, Linn. Sp. Plant. 113; Hook. f. Student's Fl. 289. Ribwort. Kermadec Islands, North and South Islands, Stewart Island, Chatham Islands: Abundant throughout. (Europe; North and West Asia; and now naturalised in almost all parts of the world.)

Plantago varia, R. Br. Prodr. 424; Benth. Fl. Austral. v. 139. North and South Islands: Sparingly naturalised in several localities between the East Cape and Banks Peninsula. (Australia.)

Plantago hirtella, H. B. and K. Nov. Gen. et Sp. ii. 229; Asa Gray, Syn. Fl. North Amer. ii. 392. North Island: Moist shaded places, not uncommon. (California; Mexico; Chili.)

Plantago Coronopus, Linn. Sp. Plant. 115; Hook. f. Student's Fl. 289. North and South Islands: Sandy and gravelly places, not uncommon. (Europe; West Asia; North Africa.


Mirabilis Jalapa, Linn. Sp. Plant. 177; Chois. in D.C. Prodr. xiii. 2, 429. Marvel of Peru. North Island: An occasional garden escape near Auckland. (Tropical America.)


Herniaria hirsuta, Linn. Sp. Plant. 218; Hook. f. Student's Fl. 334. Rupturewort. North Island: Sandy flats north of the Manukau Heads, T.F.C. (Europe; West Asia to India.)


Amarantus caudatus, Linn. Sp. Plant. 990; Moq. in D.C. Prodr. xiii. 2, 255. North Island: A garden escape in the vicinity of Auckland, not common. (Most warm countries.)

Amarantus retroflexus, Linn. Sp. Plant. 991; Asa Gray, Man. 368. North Island: Waste places and gardens, not uncommon. South Island: Nelson, T.F.C. (Tropical America; and naturalised in most warm climates.)

Amarantus hybridus, Linn. Sp. Plant. 990; Asa Gray, Man. 368. North Island: Waste places and gardens, common to the north of the East Cape. (Tropical America.)

Amarantus Blitum, Linn. Sp. Plant. 990; Moq. in D.C. Prodr. xiii. 2, 263. North and South Islands: Roadsides and waste places, not uncommon as far south as Nelson and Westport. (Most temperate and warm regions.)

Amarantus viridis, Linn. Sp. Plant, ed. ii. 1405; Benth. Fl. Austral. v. 215. North Island: Waste places and gardens, not uncommon as far south as Wellington. (Most warm regions.)

Teleanthera sp. North Island: Ballast at Aratapu, by the Northern Wairoa River. I have failed to precisely identify this, which is probably an introduction from South America.


Chenopodium album, Linn. Sp. Plant. 219; Hook. f. Student's Fl. 336. Fat-hen. North and South Islands: Waste places and cultivated fields, an abundant weed. (Europe; North and West Asia to India.)

Chenopodium ficifolium, Smith Fl. Brit. i. 276; Hook. f. Student's Fl. 337. North Island: Ballast at Wellington, Kirk! (Europe.)

Chenopodium murale, Linn. Sp. Plant. 219; Hook. f. Student's Fl. 337. North Island: Waste places and roadsides, abundant. (Europe; West Asia to India; North Africa.)

Chenopodium Bonus-Henricus, Linn. Sp. Plant. 218; Hook. f. Student's Fl. 338. North Island: An occasional escape from cultivation. (Europe; North Asia.)

Roubieva multifida, Moq. in Ann. Sci. Nat. Ser. ii. (1834) 292; D.C. Prodr. xiii. 2, 80. North Island: Ballast at Wellington, Kirk!

Beta vulgaris, Linn. Sp. Plant. 222. Beet. North Island: An occasional escape from cultivation. (Europe; North and West Asia.)


Phytolacca octandra, Linn. Sp. Plant, ed. ii. 631; Benth. Fl. Austral. v. 14 Ink-plant; Poke-weed. North Island: Roadsides and waste places, abundant in the Auckland District. (Tropical America.)


Polygonum lapathifolium, Linn. Sp. Plant. 360; Hook. f. Student's Fl. 344. South Island: Ashburton, W. W. Smith. I have not seen New Zealand specimens. (Europe; North and West Asia to India; North Africa.)

Polygonum Persicaria, Linn. Sp. Plant. 361; Hook. f. Student's Fl. 345. North and South Islands: Ditches and roadsides, not common. (Europe; North and West Asia to India; North Africa.)

Polygonum Hydropiper, Linn. Sp. Plant. 361; Hook. f. Student's Fl. 345. Water-pepper. North Island: East Cape district, Bishop Williams! (Europe; North and West Asia to India and Java; North America.)

Polygonum Convolvulus, Linn. Sp. Plant. 364; Hook. f. Student's Fl. 347. Black Bindweed. North and South Islands: Fields and waste places, not uncommon. (Europe; North and West Asia to the Himalayas; North Africa.)

Fagopyrum esculentum, Moench, Meth. 290; Hook. f. Fl. Brit. India, v. 55. Buckwheat. North and South Islands: An escape from cultivation. (North and Central Asia; now cultivated in most parts of the world.)

Rumex obtusifolius, Linn. Sp. Plant. 335; Hook. f. Student's Fl. 347. Common Dock. North and South Islands, Stewart Island, Chatham Islands: Plentiful throughout. (Europe; North and West Asia; North Africa.)

Rumex pulcher, Linn. Sp. Plant. 336; Hook. f. Student's Fl. 348. Fiddle Dock. North and South Islands: Fields and waste places, abundant. (Europe; West Asia; North Africa.)

Rumex palustris, Smith, Fl. Brit. i. 394; Hook. f. Student's Fl. 349. North Island: Near Wellington, Buchanan. (Europe; North Asia.)

Rumex crispus, Linn. Sp. Plant. 335; Hook. f. Student's Fl. 349. Curled Dock. North and South Islands, Stewart Island, Chatham Islands: Fields and waste places, abundant. (Europe; North Asia; North Africa.)

Rumex sanguineus, Linn. Sp. Plant. 334; Hook. f. Student's Fl. 349. North and South Islands, Stewart Island: Fields and waste places, abundant throughout. The form with the veins of the leaves green, not red (R. viridis, Sibthorp), is the one most abundant in New Zealand. (Europe; West Asia.)

Rumex conglomeratus, Murr. Prodr. Gotting. 52; Hook. f. Student's Fl. 349. North Island: Roadsides and waste places near Auckland and Wellington, not common. (Europe; West Asia; North Africa.)

Rumex acetosa, Linn. Sp. Plant. 337; Hook. f. Student's Fl. 350. Sorrel. North and South Islands: Fields and waste places, not uncommon. (Europe; North and West Asia; North Africa.)

Rumex acetosella, Linn. Sp. Plant. 338; Hook. f. Student's Fl. 351. Sheep's Sorrel. Kermadec Islands, North and South Islands, Stewart Island, Chatham Islands: Pastures and cultivated fields, a most abundant and troublesome weed. (Europe; North Asia; North Africa; and introduced elsewhere.)

Emex australis, Steinh. in Ann. Sci. Nat. Ser. ii. (1838) 195; Benth. Fl. Austral. v. 262. North and South Islands: Near Auckland and in the Bay of Plenty, T.F.C.; vicinity of Wellington, Kirk! Westport, Townson! (Australia.)


Hakea acicularis, R. Br. Prodr. 383; Benth. Fl. Austral. v. 54. North Island: Often planted for hedges in the Auckland District, and frequently spreads. (Australia.)


Euphorbia helioscopia, Linn. Sp. Plant. 459; Hook. f. Student's Fl. 356. Sun Spurge. North and South Islands: Roadsides and waste places, not uncommon as far south as Canterbury. (Europe; North and West Asia to India and Japan.)

Euphorbia Peplus, Linn. Sp. Plant. 456; Hook. f. Student's Fl. 358. Milkweed. Kermadec Islands, North and South Islands, Stewart Island, Chatham Islands: Waste places, gardens, &c., an abundant weed. (Europe; North and West Asia; North Africa.)

Euphorbia Lathyris, Linn. Sp. Plant. 457; Hook. f. Student's Fl. 359. Caper Spurge. North and South Islands: Waste places in rich warm soils, not common. (South Europe.)

Euphorbia hypericifolia, Linn. Sp. Plant. 154; Hook. f. Fl. Brit. Ind. v. 249. North Island: Streets of Auckland, once well established, now nearly extinct. (Tropics of both hemispheres.)

Euphorbia ovalifolia, Engelm. ex Klotsche and Garcke in Abh. Akad. Berl. (1860) 26. North Island: Ballast at Wellington, Kirk! (Temperate South America.)

Ricinus communis, Linn. Sp. Plant. 1007; Muell. Arg. in D.C. Prodr. xv. 2, 1017. Castor-oil. North Island: Waste places on warm rich soils from Mongonui to the Waikato River, not common. (All tropical countries.)


Humulus Lupulus, Linn. Sp. Plant. 1028; Hook. f. Student's Fl. 363. Hop. North and South Islands: Waste places, hedges, &c., an occasional escape from cultivation. (Europe; North Asia; North America.)

Ficus Carica, Linn. Sp. Plant. 1059. Common Fig. North Island: Often lingers for a considerable time in deserted orchards, but is scarcely naturalised. (South Europe; West Asia; North Africa.)

Urtica urens, Linn. Sp. Plant. 984; Hook. f. Student's Fl. 362. Small Nettle. North and South Islands: Waste places, not common. (Europe; North and West Asia; North Africa.)

Urtica dioica, Linn. Sp. Plant. 984; Hook. f. Student's Fl. 362. Common Nettle. North and South Islands: Roadsides and waste places, not common. (Europe; North and West Asia to India; North Africa.)


Salix fragilis, Linn. Sp. Plant. 1017; Hook. f. Student's Fl. 371. Crack Willow. North and South Islands: Abundantly naturalised on the banks of the larger rivers. (Europe; North and West Asia.)

Salix babylonica, Linn. Sp. Plant. 1017; Anderss. in D.C. Prodr. xvi. 2, 212. Weeping Willow. North Island: Copiously naturalised on the banks of the Northern Wairoa, Waikato, and other streams. (Europe; North and West Asia.)


Elodea canadensis, Michx. Fl. Bor. Am. i. 20; Hook. f. Student's Fl. 382. Water-thyme. North and South Islands: Clear slow-running streams. Near Mongonui; Bay of Plenty; River Avon, and other streams on the Canterbury Plains. (Originally from North America; now copiously naturalised in Europe.)

Vallisneria spiralis, Linn. Sp. Plant. 1015; Benth. Fl. Austral. vi. 259. North Island: Abundantly naturalised in Lake Takapuna, near Auckland. See Trans. N.Z. Inst. xxix. 386. (Most tropical countries.)

Ottelia ovalitolia, L. Rich, in Mem. Hisc. Soc. Par. (1811) 78; Benth. Fl. Austral. vi. 257. North Island: Lakes and ponds in the Auckland District. Ihumatao, T.F.C.; near the mouth of the Waitakerei River and at Tuakau. Professor Thomas. (Australia.)


Canna indica, Linn. Sp. Plant. 1. Indian-shot. North Island: An occasional garden escape near Auckland. (Now established in all warm climates.)


Iris germanica, Linn. Sp. Plant. 38; Hook. Bot. Mag. t. 670. North Island: A frequent garden escape. (Europe.)

Iris pseud-acorus, Linn. Sp. Plant. 38; Hook. f. Student's Fl. 397. Yellow Flag. North and South Islands: Local. Mount Egmont Ranges, S. Percy Smith! near Nelson, Kirk. (Europe; West Asia.)

Sisyrinchium chilense, Hook. Bot. Mag. t. 2786. North and South Islands: Fields and waste places from Auckland to Otago, but often local. (South America.)

Sisyrinchium micranthum, Cav. Diss. vi. 345, t. 191; Benth. Fl. Austral. vi. 412. North Island: Sandy shores of Spirits Bay, North Cape district, T.F.C. (South America.)

Antholyza æthiopica, Linn. Syst. ed. x. 863. North Island: Fields and waste places, a common garden escape in the vicinity of Auckland. (South Africa.)


Agave americana, Linn. Sp. Plant. 323; Bak. Amaryll. 180. American Aloe. North Island: Old plants produce a multitude of suckers, and the species thus maintains itself in several localities. (Tropical America.)


Asparagus officinalis, Linn. Sp. Plant. 313; Hook. f. Student's Fl. 403. Asparagus. North Island: Waste places, not common. Usually solitary plants are seen, doubtless originating from seeds conveyed from gardens by birds. (Europe; North Asia; North Africa.)

Aloe latifolia, Haw. Syn. PI. Succ. 82. North Island: A garden escape in the vicinity of Auckland. (South Africa.)

Asphodelus fistulosus, Linn. Sp. Plant. 309. North Island: Roadsides and waste places from Mongonui to Napier, not uncommon. South Island: Westport, Townson! (South Europe; West Asia; North Africa.)

Allium vineale, Linn. Sp. Plant. 299. Hook. f. Student's Fl. 405. Crow Garlic. North Island: Fields and waste places, not uncommon in the Auckland Provincial District. (Europe; North Africa.)


Juncus glaucus, Sibth. Fl. Oxon. 113; Hook. f. Student's Fl. 414. South Island: Between Hokitika and Ross, Kirk. (Europe; North Asia; North Africa.)

Juncus Gerardi, Loisel. in Desv. Journ. Bot. ii. (1809) 284; Hook. f. Student's Fl. 417. South Island: Near Dunedin, Petrie! (Europe; North Asia; North America.)

Juncus obtusiflorus, Ehrh. Beitr. vi. 83; Hook. f. Student's Fl. 417. South Island: Lake Waihola, Otago, Petrie! (Europe; North Africa.)


Colocasia antiquorum, Schott, Meletem. i. 18; Benth. Fl. Austral, vii. 155. Taro. North Island: Formerly cultivated by the Maoris, and still lingering in many deserted plantations. (Native country uncertain; extensively cultivated in the tropics.)

Richardia africana, Kunth in Mem. Mus. Par. iv. (1818) 433. White Arum. North Island: An abundant garden escape in the Auckland Provincial District, rarer further south. (South Africa.)


Alisma Plantago, Linn. Sp. Plant. 342; Hook. f. Student's Fl. 427. Water Plantain. North and South Islands: Watercourses in the Hawke's Bay District, H. Hill! A. Hamilton! interior of Otago, Petrie! (Europe; North and West Asia to the Himalayas; Australia.)


Aponogeton distachyon, Thunb. Nov. Gen. 74; FI. Cap. vii. 43. North Island: Naturalised in streams at Waimate, Bay of Islands. (South Africa.)


Cyperus rotundus, Linn. Sp. Plant. 45; Benth. Fl. Austral, vii. 279. Nutgrass. North Island: A troublesome weed in several gardens in the vicinity of Auckland. (Most tropical and warm temperate regions.)

Cyperus lucidus, R. Br. Prodr. 218; Benth. Fl. Austral. vii. 283. North and South Islands: Fields and waste places, local. Mongonui, T.F.C.; Rangaunu Harbour and Kaitaia, R. H. Matthews and H. Carse! vicinity of Nelson, T.F.C. (Australia.)

Carex divisa, Huds. Fl. Angl. i. 348; Hook. f. Student's Fl. 449. C. chlorantha, T. Kirk in Trans. N.Z. Inst. x. (1878) App. xli., not of R. Br. North Island: Waste places near Auckland, rare. (Europe; North and West Asia to the Himalayas; North and South Africa.)

Carex muricata, Linn. Sp. Plant. 974; Hook. f. Student's Fl. 451. South Island: Pelorus Valley, J. Rutland! (Europe; North Asia to the Himalayas; North Africa; North America.)

Carex flacca, Schreb. Spicil. 669; C. glauca, Scop. Fl. Garn. ii. 223; Hook. f. Student's Fl. 456. North Island: Fields and waste places. Whangarei, H. Carse; vicinity of Auckland, T.F.C; near Wellington, Kirk! (Europe; North Asia to India; North Africa.)

Carex panicea, Linn. Sp. Plant. 977; Hook. f. Student's Fl. 457. North Island: Fields and waste places, local. (Europe; North Asia; North America.)

Carex longifolia, R. Br. Prodr. 242; Benth. Fl. Austral. vii. 448. North Island: Fields near Auckland, rare, T.F.C. (Australia.)


Andropogon annulatus, Forsk. Fl. Egypt. Arab. 173; Benth. Fl. Austral. vii. 531. North Island: Waste places at Mongonui, T.F.C. (Tropical Asia; tropical Africa; Australia.)

Anthistiria imberbis, Retz. Obs. iii. 11; A. ciliata, Benth. Fl. Austral. vii. 542 (not of Linn. f.). Kangaroo-grass. North Island: Fields and waste places. Bay of Islands; Whangaparaoa, near Auckland, T.F.C.; vicinity of Wellington, Kirk! (Tropical Asia; tropical and South Africa; Australia.)

Paspalum dilatatum, Poir. Encycl. v. 35. North Island: Often sown as a forage plant, and increasing in several localities. (South America.)

Panicum sanguinale, Linn. Sp. Plant. 57; Benth. Fl. Austral. vii. 409. Crabgrass. North and South Islands: Waste places and cultivated grounds, a common weed. (Most warm countries.)

Panicum glabrum, Gaud. Agrost. i. 22; Hook. f. Student's Fl. 469. North Island: An occasional weed in cultivated grounds, but not nearly so plentiful as the preceding. (Most warm countries.)

Panicum Crus-galli, Linn. Sp. Plant. 56; Hook. f. Student's Fl. 469. Cockspur-grass. North and South Islands: Waste places as far south as Canterbury and Westport, not uncommon. (Most warm countries.)

Panicum colonum, Linn. Syst. ed. x. 870; Benth. Fl. Austral. vii. 478. North Island: Waste places from Auckland to Wellington, rare. (Most warm countries.)

Setaria glauca, Beauv. Agrost. 51; Benth. Fl. Austral. vii. 492. North and South Islands: Waste places and cultivated fields, not uncommon. (Most warm and many temperate countries.)

Setaria verticillata, Beauv. Agrost. 51; Benth. Fl. Austral, vii. 494. North Island: Napier, Colenso. South Island: Ashburton, W. W. Smith. (A common weed in many warm and temperate countries.)

Setaria viridis, Beauv. Agrost. 51; Benth. PI. Austral, vii. 494. North Island: Waste places and cultivated fields, not uncommon. (Most warm climates.)

Setaria imberbis, Roem. and Schult. Syst. ii. 891. North Island: Ballast at Wellington, Kirk! (Tropical America; tropical and South Africa.)

Stenotaphrum glabrum, Trin. Fund. Agrost. 176; S. americanum, Schrank. Pl. Rar. Hort. Monac. 98. Buffalo-grass. North Island: A common escape from cultivation. (Tropics of both hemispheres, usually near the sea.)

Zizania aquatica, Linn. Sp. Plant. 991; Asa Gray, Man. 540. Canadian Wild Rice. North Island: Naturalised by the Northern Wairoa River, near Aratapu. (North America; North-eastern Asia.)

Phalaris canariensis, Linn. Sp. Plant. 54; Hook. f. Student's Fl. 471. Canary-grass. North and South Islands: Fields and waste places, abundant. (South Europe; North Africa.)

Phalaris arundinacea, Linn. Sp. Plant. 55; Hook. f. Student's Fl. 472. Reed-grass. North Island: Vicinity of Wellington, Kirk. (Europe; North and West Asia to India.)

Anthoxanthum odoratum, Linn. Sp. Plant. 28; Hook. f. Student's Fl. 472. Sweet Vernal-grass. North and South Islands, Stewart Island: Abundant throughout. (Europe; North Asia.)

Stipa verticillata, Nees in Spreng. Syst. iv. Cur. Post. 30. North and South Islands: Near Wellington, Kirk! Nelson, Travers. (Australia.)

Phleum pratense, Linn. Sp. Plant. 59; Hook. f. Student's Fl. 475. Timothy. North and South Islands: Pastures, &c., abundant. (Europe; North and West Asia; North Africa.)

Alopecurus pratensis, Linn. Sp. Plant. 60; Hook. f. Student's Fl. 474. Meadow Foxtail. North and South Islands: Meadows and pastures, not uncommon. (Europe; North Asia.)

Alopecurus agrestis, Linn. Sp. Plant, ed. ii. 89; Hook. f. Student's Fl. 473. Slender Foxtail. North and South Islands: Fields and roadsides, not common. (Europe; North and West Asia.)

Polypogon monspeliensis, Desf. Fl. Atlant. i. 66; Hook. f. Student's Fl. 478. Beard-grass. Kermadec Islands, North and South Islands: Roadsides and waste places, abundant. (South Europe; West Asia to India and China; North and South Africa.)

Polypogon fugax, Nees in Steud. Syn. PI. Gram. 184; Benth. Fl. Austral. vii. 547. North and South Islands: Ditches and salt marshes, not uncommon. (Tropical Asia; Australia.)

Agrostis vulgaris, With. Brit. PI. ed. iii. 2, 132; Hook. f. Student's Fl. 477. Red-top. North and South Islands: Fields and waste places, abundant throughout. (Europe; North Asia; North America.)

Agrostis alba, Linn. Sp. Plant. 63; Hook. f. Student's Fl. 477. Fiorin. North and South Islands: Pastures and waste places, plentiful throughout. (Europe; North Asia; North America.)

Gastridium australe, Beauv. Agrost. 21; G. lendigerum, Gaud.; Hook. f. Student's Fl. 479. Nit-grass. North Island: Roadsides and waste places, not uncommon. (Europe; West Asia; North Africa.)

Ammophila arundinacea, Host, Gram. Austr. iv. 24, t. 41; Hook. f. Student's Fl. 481. Marram-grass. North and South Islands: Frequently planted for binding the surface of sand-dunes, and increasing in several localities. (Sandy shores of Europe; North Africa.)

Lagurus ovatus, Linn. Sp. Plant. 81; Hook. f. Student's Fl. 481. Hare's-tail Grass. North and South Islands: Sandy places, often near the sea. (South Europe; West Asia; North Africa.)

Holcus lanatus, Linn. Sp. Plant. 1048; Hook. f. Student's Fl. 483. Soft-grass. North and South Islands, Chatham Islands: Fields and waysides, abundant. (Europe; North Asia; North Africa.)

Holcus mollis, Linn. Syst. ed. x. 1305; Hook. f. Student's Fl. 484. Soft-grass. North and South Islands: Not so common as the preceding. (Europe; North Asia; North Africa.)

Aira caryophyllea, Linn. Sp. Plant. 66; Hook. f. Student's Fl. 482. Hair-grass. North and South Islands: Meadows and roadsides, abundant. (Europe; North Asia; North Africa.)

Aira præcox, Linn. Sp. Plant. 65; Hook. f. Student's Fl. 482. Hair-grass. North and South Islands: Fields and waste places, not uncommon. (Europe; West Asia.)

Deschampsia flexuosa, Trin. in Ball. Sc. Acad. Petersb. i. (1836) 66; Hook. f. Student's Fl. 483. North and South Islands, Stewart, Island: Heathy places, local. (Europe; North and West Asia; North America; Fuegia.)

Avena sativa, Linn. Sp. Plant. 79. Common Oat. North and South Islands: An abundant escape from cultivation. (Native country uncertain; probably a form of the following species.)

Avena fatua, Linn. Sp. Plant. 80; Hook. f. Student's Fl. 484. Wild Oat. North and South Islands; Waste places and cultivated fields, abundant throughout. (Europe; North Asia to the Himalayas; North Africa.)

Avena strigosa, Schreb. Spic. 52; Hook, f. Student's Fl. 485. Hairy Oat. North and South Islands: Cultivated fields, not common. (Europe; North and West Asia.)

Avena pubescens, Huds. Fl. Angl. 42; Hook. f. Student's Fl. 485. Downy Oat. South Island: Fields in Canterbury and Otago, not uncommon. (Europe; North Asia.)

Arrhenatherum avenaceum, Beauv. Agrost. 55, t. 11, f, 5; Hook. f. Student's Fl. 485. North and South Islands: Fields and waste places, not common. (Europe; North Asia; North Africa.)

Cynodon Dactylon, Pers. Syn. Pl. i. 85; Hook. f. Student's Fl. 486. Doab-grass. North and South Islands: Fields and waste places, abundant. (All warm climates and many temperate ones.)

Triodia decumbens, Beauv. Agrost. 76, t. 15, f. 9; Hook. f. Student's Fl. 486. North Island: Fields and waste places, not uncommon. (Europe; North Africa.)

Eragrostis major, Host, Gram. Austr. iv. t. 24; E. megastachya, Link. Hort. Berol. i. 187. North Island: Mangatangi (near Mercer), S. J. Vining! (South Europe; tro])ical Asia.)

Eragrostis minor, Host, Gram. Austr. iv. 15. North Island: Ballast at Wellington. Kirk. (South Europe; West Asia to India; North Africa.)

Eragrostis Brownii, Nees, in Steud. Syn. Glum. i. 279; Benth. Fl. Austral. vii. 646. North Island: Fields and waste places, abundant. (Australia.)

Briza maxima, Linn. Sp. Plant. 70. Trembling-grass. North and South Islands: An occasional garden escape. (South Europe; North Africa.)

Briza minor, Linn. Sp. Plant. 70; Hook. f. Student's Fl. 491. Trembling-grass. North and South Islands: Fields and waste places, not uncommon. (Europe; North Africa.)

Dactylis glomerata, Linn. Sp. Plant. 71; Hook. f. Student's Fl. 490. Cock's-foot-grass. North and South Islands, Stewart Island, Chatham Islands: Plentiful throughout. (Europe; North and West Asia to India; North Africa.)

Cynosurus cristatus, Linn. Sp. Plant. 72; Hook. f. Student's Fl. 488. Dog's-tail-grass. North and South Islands: Fields and meadows, not uncommon. (Europe; West Asia to the Caucasus; North Africa.)

Cynosurus echinatus, Linn. Sp. Plant. 72; Hook. f. Student's Fl. 488. North Island: Waste places near Gisborne, Bishop Williams! (Europe; West Asia; North Africa.)

Poa annua, Linn. Sp. Plant. 68; Hook. f. Student's Fl. 491. Annual Meadow-grass. From the Kermadec Islands and the North Cape southwards to Macquarie Island: Waste places, &c., abundant. (Europe and temperate Asia; but now naturalised in most parts of the world.)

Poa pratensis, Linn. Sp. Plant. 67; Hook. f. Student's Fl. 492. Meadow-grass. Kermadec Islands, North and South Islands, Stewart Island, Chatham Islands: Fields and waste places, abundant throughout. (Europe; North and West Asia to the Himalayas; North America.)

Poa compressa, Linn. Sp. Plant. 69; Hook. f. Student's PI. 492. North Island: Fields and waste places, not common. (Europe; North and West Asia.)

Poa trivialis, Linn. Sp. Plant. 67; Hook. f. Student's Fl. 492. North and South Islands: Fields and waste places, not uncommon. (Europe; North Asia; North Africa.)

Poa nemoralis, Linn. Sp. Plant. 69; Hook. f. Student's Fl. 492. North and South Islands: Shaded places, not common. (Europe; North Asia to the Himalayas; North America.)

Glyceria aquatica, Wahlenb. Fl. Goth. 18; Hook. f. Student's Fl. 494. Reed-grass. South Island: Near Ashburton, W. W. Smith; Taieri Plains and Catlin's, Petrie! (Europe; North and West Asia; North America.)

Glyceria fluitans, R. Br. Prodr. 179; Hook. f. Student's Fl. 494. Floating Manna-grass. North and South Islands: Not uncommon in wet places. (Europe; North and West Asia to the Himalayas; North Africa; North America.)

Atropis distans, Griseb. in Ledeb. Fl. Ross. iv. 388; Glyceria distans, Wahl.; Hook. f. Student's Fl. 495. North and South Islands: Salt marshes, not uncommon. (Europe; North Asia to the Himalayas; North Africa; North America.)

Festuca elatior, Linn. Sp. Plant. 75 (incl. F. pratetisis, Huds.) Meadow Fescue. North and South Islands: Meadows and pastures, not uncommon, (Europe; North and West Asia; North America.)

Festuca ovina, Linn. Sp. Plant. 73; Hook. f. Student's Fl. 497. Sheep's Fescue. North and South Islands: Pastures and waste places, not uncommon. (Most temperate climates.)

Festuca rubra, Linn. Sp. Plant. 74; Hook. f. Student's Fl. 497. North and South Islands: Pastures and waste places, not uncommon. (Most temperate climates.)

Festuca Myuros, Linn. Sp. Plant. 74; Hook. f. Student's Fl. 497. North and South Islands: Dry places, not uncommon. (Europe; West Asia; North Africa.)

Festuca bromoides, Linn. Sp. Plant. 75; Hook. f. Student's Fl. 497. North and South Islands, Chatham Islands: Waste places and pastures, abundant. (Europe; West Asia; North Africa.)

Scleropoa rigida, Griseb. Spic. Fl. Rum. ii. 431; Festuca rigida, Kunth; Hook. f. Student's Fl. 498. North and South Islands: Roadsides and waste places, not common. (Europe; West Asia; North Africa.)

Bromus erectus, Huds. Fl. Angl. ed. i. 39; Hook. f. Student's Fl. 499. North and South Islands: Fields and waste places, not common. (Europe; West Asia; North Africa.)

Bromus sterilis, Linn. Sp. Plant. 77; Hook. f. Student's Fl. 500. North and South Islands: Fields and waste places, abundant. (Europe; North Asia; North Africa.)

Bromus madritensis, Linn. Cent. Plant, i. 5; Hook. f. Student's Fl. 500. North and South Islands: Waste places and roadsides, apparently not common. (Europe; North Africa.)

Bromus tectorum, Linn. Sp. Plant. 77. North Island: Vicinity of Auckland, Kirk. I have not seen New Zealand specimens. (Europe; North and West Asia; North Africa.)

Bromus mollis, Linn. Sp. Plant, ed. ii. 112; Hook. f. Student's Fl. 501. North and South Islands: Fields and waste places, abundant throughout. (Europe; North Asia; North Africa.)

Bromus racemosus, Linn. Sp. Plant. ed. ii. 114; Hook. f. Student's Fl. 501. North and South Inlands: Fields and waste places, almost as plentiful as the preceding. (Europe; North Africa)

Bromus commutatus, Schrad. Fl. Germ. i. 353; B. racemosus var. commutatus, Hook. f. Student's Fl. 501. North and South Islands: Fields and waste places, not uncommon. (Europe; North Africa.)

Bromus patulus, Mert. and Koch, in Roehl. Deutschl. Fl. i. 685. North Island: Ballast at Wellington, Kirk! (Europe; North and West Asia to China; North Africa.)

Bromus arvensis, Linn. Sp. Plant. 77; Hook. f. Student's Fl. 502. North and South Islands: Waste places, not common. (Europe.)

Bromus unioloides, H. B. K. Nov. Gen. i. 151; Ceratochloa unioloides, D.C.; Benth. Fl. Austral. vii. 662. Prairie-grass. North and South Islands: Fields and waste places, abundant. (North and South America.)

Lolium perenne, Linn. Sp. Plant. 83; Hook. f. Student's Fl. 503. Rye-grass. Kermadec Islands, North and South Islands, Stewart Island, Chatham Islands: Fields and waste places throughout, abundant. (Europe; North Africa; West Asia.)

Lolium italicum, A. Br. in Flora, xvii. (1884) 259. Italian Rye-grass. North and South Islands: Fields and pastures, not uncommon. (South Europe; North Asia.)

Lolium temulentum, Linn. Sp. Plant. 88; Hook. f. Student's Fl. 503. Darnel. North and South Islands: Cultivated fields and waste places, not uncommon. (Europe; North and West Asia; now introduced into most temperate climates.)

Lepturus incurvatus, Trin. Fund. Agrost. 128; Benth. Fl. Austral, vii. 668. North Island: Salt marshes, not uncommon. (South Europe; North Africa; West Asia; Australia.)

Agropyrum repens, Beauv. Agrost. 102; Hook. f. Student's Fl. 504. Couch-grass. North and South Islands: Fields and waste places, not uncommon. (Europe; North Asia to the Himalayas; North Africa; North America.)

Agropyrum pectinatum, Beauv. Agrost. 102; Benth. Fl. Austral. vii. 666. North Island: Hawke's Bay, A. Hamilton! South Island: Eastern Otago, D. Petrie! (Australia.)

Triticum sativum, Lam. Fl. Fr. iii. 625. Common Wheat. North and South Islands: An occasional escape from cultivation. (Native country uncertain; now cultivated in most parts of the world.)

Hordeum vulgare, Linn. Sp. Plant. 84. Common barley. North and South Islands: An escape from cultivation. (Originally from West Asia; now widely cultivated.)

Hordeum murinum, Linn. Sp. Plant. 85; Hook. f. Student's Fl. 506. Barley-grass. North and South Islands: Waste places, abundant, especially on sandy ground near the sea. (Europe; West Asia; North Africa.)

Hordeum maritimum, With. Arr. Brit. Plant. 172; Hook. f. Student's Fl. 5 South Island: Akaroa, Kirk! (Europe; North Africa.)