Maroccus Extaticus
Maroccus Extaticus,
Bay Horse in a Trance.
A Discourse set downe in a Merry Dialogue between
Bankes and his beast: Anatomizing some abuses
and bad trickes of his age.
Written and intituled to mine Host of the Belsauage,
and all his honest Guests.
By Iohn Dando, the wier-drawer of Hadley,
and Harrie Runt, head Ostler
of Bosomes Inne.
Bankes and his Horse.
Horse. Whereby matters and dealinges may seeme for to be? Verie good sir, spoke like a wholesome haberdasher, and as wisely, by Lady, master, as he that was sworne to his wiues friends, not to credit out his wares to anie man for the first fifteene yeeres he was married.
Bankes. And therewith mee thinkes I see him hang the hat upon the pin againe. Wast not so, Marocco? I am glad, sir, to heare you so pleasant in the threshold of my discourse, for I am come in purpose to debate a while and dialogue with you, and therefore haue at you after your watering; laie out your lipsand sweep your manger cleane, and summon your wits together, for I meane (by mine host leaue), to recreate my selfe awhile with your horsemanship.
Horse. And I am as like, master, to shew you some horse plaie as ere a nag in this parish; for tis a iade can neither whinie nor wag his taile, and you haue brought me up to both, I thanke you, and made me an understanding horse, and a horse of seruice, master, and that you know.
Bankes. I, Marocco, I know it, and acknowledge it; and so must thou, if thou haue so much ingenuitie, confesse my kindnes, thou art not onely but also bound to honest Bankes, for teaching thee so many odde prankes. I haue brought thee up right tenderly, as a baker's daughter would bring up a cosset by hand, and allow it bread and milke by the eie.
Horse. Maius peccatum habes; master, you haue the more to answere, God help you; for I warrant you (though I saie it that should not saie it), I eat more prouender in foure and twentie houres, than two of the geldings that Robin Snibor keeps, that a hires for two shillings a daie a peece.
Bankes. Two shillings, Marocco, nay, what saist thou by halfe a crowne and ten groats?
Horse. Marie, I say, three daies hire is worth four such horses, saddles and all; for a buyes them for ten pence a saddle at S. Giles, one with another, and those accoutrements are sutable to his steeds.
Bankes. Me thinkes such steedes should stand a man in small stead, by that he had ridde some fiue miles out of towne.
Horse. Yea, be sure, or halfe fiue miles either. And commonly the saddle fals asunder and splits in two peeces at the towns end, and one side takes his iourney towards Uxbridge, and the other towards Stanes, to stop mine hosts cushions of the George.
Bankes. Why thats Suum cuique, boye, for the waine-men of the West countrie and the carryers of Gloucestershire commonlye barter awaye their broken ware with the hostlers for pease and horsebread, and they returne them a horsebacke to Peter Pympe the patch pannel. Marocco, thou knowest where I am now.
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