Medicina de Quadrupedibus
an early ME. version
with introduction, notes, translation and glossary
edited by
Joseph Delcourt
agrégé de l’Université, professeur au Lycée et chargé de conférences à Université de Montpellier
Heidelberg 1914
Carl Winter’s Universitätsbuchhandlung
Æmilio Senart indianistae
The Medicina de quadrupedibus, an early Middle-English version, has long been announced as one of the future publications of the Early English Text Society (Extra Series). Having failed to get it printed by the Society within reasonable limits of time, I asked Prof. Hoops’s permission to have it published as one of the Anglistische Forschungen. My respectful thanks are due to him for his ready acceptance of the proposal for which I feel the more indebted as Prof. Hoops is, as I was informed after applying to him, preparing the publication of a critical edition of the Medicina himself.