Memoir and Poems of Phillis Wheatley/Ode to Neptune

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3819256Memoir and poems of Phillis Wheatley, a native African and a slave — Ode to Neptune, on Mrs. W———'s Voyage to EnglandPhillis Wheatley


On Mrs. W———'s Voyage to England.

While raging tempests shake the shore,
While Æolas' thunders round us roar,
And sweep impetuous o'er the plain,
Be still, O tyrant of the main;
Nor let thy brow contracted frowns betray,
While my Susannah skims the watery way.

The Power propitious hears the lay,
The blue-eyed daughters of the sea
With sweeter cadence glide along,
And Thames responsive joins the song.
Pleased with their note, Sol sheds benign his ray,
And double radiance decks the face of day.

To court thee to Britannia's arms,
Serene the clime and mild the sky,
Her region boasts unnumbered charms;
Thy welcome smiles in ev'ry eye.
Thy promise, Neptune, keep; record my prayer,
Nor give my wishes to the empty air.

Boston, October 10, 1772.