Memoirs of the Twentieth Century/Preface
A Modest
Many Words to the Wise.
BEING about to deliver to the learned World in these Letters, one of the noblest Presents that ever was made to it, I must own, I have been as much perplex'd how to introduce them properly, by a Preface worthy of them, as Cervantes himself when he fell on that which stands before his inimitable Don Quixote, or as Thuanus was how to begin the first Sentence of his History, which we are told, cost him so many painful Hours, before he could settle it to his Mind.
I question if Malherb who spent a Quire of Paper, in finishing his Simile of Phillis's gathering Flowers in a Garden; or the illustrious Balzac who us'd to take a Week to write a Letter in, for fear of the French Criticks; ever toil'd more than I have done, to give full Satisfaction in this Introductory Discourse, to the profound Readers and Judges of these Times, who have the Glory and Advantage of being Witnesses to the birth of this admirable Production.
For, alas! People are so capricious, that as they often take good or ill Impressions of others at first sight, so they will frequently reject the most excellent Piece without looking into it, if the Preface be disagreeable to them. If therefore, I should stumble in the Threshold, and introduce this Work as injudiciously as Ovid is said to have done most of his, the consequences may be very untoward; and as I write this poor Prologue, without the least Assistance from that superior Nature, from whom I receiv'd the Volumes it ushers into the World, I am much perplext lest I should not appear equal to the task.
I will not say with the Spaniard, that I would willingly write it with the Quill of a Peacock, because it has Eyes in it, but I would rather express my Zeal and Concern for what I am here undertaking, in the words an Author, (who will appear before the Year 1739) paints the behaviour of a distress'd Suppliant in, that addresses to a severe and cruel Judge,
And as a moving Preface dropt a Tear.
Be it as it will, I can only use my best Endeavours to convince the World, what a Treasure I have here offer'd them, and if they will not regard my fervent desire to serve them, but despise the labour I've been at, in bringing these first Fruits of a much greater Harvest to the publick use, I must acquiesce, and be content with the Honour and Misfortune, of being the first among Historians (if a mere Publisher of Memoirs may deserve that Name) who leaving the beaten Tracts of writing with Malice or Flattery, the accounts of past Actions and Times, have dar'd to enter by the help of an infallible Guide, into the dark Caverns of Futurity, and discover the Secrets of Ages yet to come.
I am sensible that all extraordinary Discoveries in their first Proposal, are lightly regarded and hardly credited, and I am prepared for it; yet, if Men will but be prevail'd upon to consider, of what uncommon use these may be, I hope I shall be able to say enough in their behalf, to procure them at least a candid Reception, if not the most generous Welcome.
I expect this the rather, because I freely confess, that what I now publish, is but introductory to many other Volumes, so copious and full of matter, that they will almost deserve the name of the History of the XXth Century; and which I hope Persons of Taste and Judgment, will therefore receive with all that Regard, not to say Respect and Veneration, so prodigious a Work will appear entitled to.
Nor shall any slight Disappointments herein discourage me from Printing them; for how ungratefully soever the present Age, thro' Blindness or Envy may receive these vaft Lights; yet, I shall be sufficiently comforted with the Consciousness, that my declaring the future Births of such great Events, will be regarded by the coming Ages, as my having in some measure sown the Seed of them, in the Bosom of a well cultivated, tho' an unthankful Soil: Befides, at the worst, I shall be as well treated by the World, as those exalted Spirits were, who discover'd the Antipodes, the Circulation of the Blood, the use of Telescopes and Barometers, of Printing and Sailing, the Loadstone and the Indies, who were so much despis'd at first, tho' so highly honour'd and regarded now.
It is true as a mere Publisher, (which I only set up for) it may seem too arrogant, to rank my self with such illustrious Company; but if it is consider'd, that without my generous Benevolence to Mankind, these mighty Treasures and Discoveries I bestow on them, had never seen the Light, and that I have here convey'd to them the great Secrets of Futurity, in so plain and open a manner, that this Age may say, (tho' contrary to the receiv'd Axiom of the Schools) de futuro contingenti est quoad nos determinata veritas, I hope, I shall not appear too assuming. Nay, I have yet the merit of infinite Toil to plead, since I can fairly aver, that the translating this Work, from the English it was writ in, (viz. the English that will be spoke in the XXth Century) was a task so painful and difficult, that no unenlighten'd Mind could have perform'd, and which even I my self had miscarried in, without the superior assistance that my good Angel afforded me.
A Task so laborious! that besides this being the second Time of my Writing to the Publick,[1] which according to Cardinal Berule's Opinion, (who thought we should imitate our Saviour, who is never said to have writ but once before, and once after his answer to the Jews, who brought the Adulteress before him) is full enough for any good Christian; tho' I were more secure of receiving all possible Favour and Honour for my Toils than I am, yet I doubt whether I shall ever venture on a third Sally, in any other Performance, tho' my Modesty and Indolence should occasion ever so much Grief to Posterity.
As to this particular Work, I must indeed be greatly discourag'd by the World, if I suppress the Sequel of it, which I propose by proper intervals to communicate to them, tho' I will not answer, how far their receiving this Book I now offer them, with Contempt and Disregard, may make me use the same Haughtiness the sacred Sibyl did to Tarquinius Superbus, and after burning all the remaining parts which I design'd for them, make them pay as high a price for this Volume, as on a contrary demeanour I design'd to allow them the whole for.
But as I flatter my self, such Fears are very groundless, I shall say the less on that Subject. I shall rather hope, as these Papers are design'd to enlighten the Nations of the Earth, they will be treated with the utmost Admiration and Reverence; nor need I from any unjust Imagination of their ill reception, threaten the World, as Apollo did on the ill Fortune of his unhappy Phaethon, to leave it hereafter in eternal Darkness, as a just mark of my Resentment, since I am persuaded all that have Eyes will see and applaud the Light I am lending to them. Naturalists tell us, that setting up a burning Torch in fenny or marshy Grounds, is a sure Method to shut up the clamorous Throats, and silence the Croaking of Frogs; and I hope the amazing Splendour and Brightness of this Work, will have the same happy effect on my envious Maligners, and quiet the noisy Tongues of dull Objectors.
Not that I expect to have it treated at first Sight, as well as it deserves; for as all who set up for extraordinary Discoveries that are reveal'd to them, ought to be receiv'd with Diffidence, and hearken'd to with Caution, I make no doubt, but many People may be ready enough to suspect me as an Impostor, in these I am communicating to them. And I almost imagine my self engag'd, with one of my Readers of this Character, in such a Dialogue as Horace represents between Ulysses and Tiresias, who pretended to reveal Things to come.
But as I am determined to give such Readers and all Men, so full, and fair, and convincing an Account of my self and that celestial Spirit I receiv'd these Papers from, and to answer all Objections so entirely, as to put Ignorance, and even Malice it self to Silence: I am confident, the ingenuous and candid part of the World, will soon throw off such mean narrow spirited Suspicions, as unjust and ungenerous. I am willing the important matters reveal'd to me, may stand as publick and severe a Trial, as those of St. Bridget did before the Council, and have the Truth fully examin'd and search'd into, even by the strict Rules Chancellour Gerson prescribes for hers and all such Examinations, in his Treatise de Probatione Spirituum, where he most gravely and judiciously advises, that all Persons (Layman, Nun, Monk or Friar) who pretend to Revelations of any kind, should give a satisfactory Account, 1st, From whence it is. 2dly, What it is. 3dly, Why it is. 4thly, To whom it is. 5thly, How it is, and 6thly, Whence, or from what place it is reveal'd.
To this end therefore, and that the Reader, my dear and kind and learned Reader, may the better understand the Nature and Value of the Present which I make him; I shall observe the following Method: First, I shall give some Account, both of my self and my good Genius, from whom I receiv'd it. 2dly, I shall mention the Reasons of my publishing it, and also my Care and Conduct about it. 3dly, I shall answer all kind of Objections, that are or can be made, against this wonderful Treasure I am putting into their Hands, and lastly, I shall give my Friends, (my great, wife and numerous Friends) the learned World, (the good, judicious and learned World) and Posterity, (our noble and excellent Posterity worthy of their admirable Ancestors) some Cautions about it, and so leave it to its Fate.
As to the first point then, I must own that I am descended in a direct Line by the Mother's side, from a Son of that famous Count Gabalis, in the 17th Century, whose History is in every ones Hands, and whose Wife, as all true Adepts know, had Carnal Knowledge of, and was Impregnated by a certain invisible Dæmon, that call'd himself Ariel. I hope as this extraordinary particularity was the Case of Plato, Appollonius Tyanæus, the Earl of Poitiers, and other great Personages; and as the Mareschal de Bassompiere in his Memoirs, is so candid as to confess it also, of one of the Heads of his Family; it will not be consider'd as insolent or conceited in me, that I have own'd this Circumstance, especially since in all Probability, 'tis not a little owing to it, that I am able to enrich the World at present, with these Works, worthy of so celestial an Origin.
I was born also under the most fortunate of all Planets, and to make my Nativity still more Happy, in one of the Ember-Weeks, and with a Cawl, or certain Membrane about my Head; both which as the learned Jesuit Thyræus, (an Order I particularly Reverence) observes, in his Tract[2] de apparitione Spirituum, are Circumstances, that render such Children more likely than others, to gain the Acquaintance and Familiarity of the Genii design'd for their Conduct. Nay, I was born under that Aspect of the Heavenly Bodies, which Ptolemy in his 4th Book of his Quadripartite, and 13th Chapter, assures us, generally confers this inestimable Privilege, having had the Moon, that great Domina humidorum, in Conjunction with Sagittary, Lady of my Actions, not to mention, left it should look too like Vanity, some other as favourable, tho' less credible Circumftances.
But to pass to more material particulars of my History: I came into the World Heir to a good Family and Fortune, as well as a deal of Pride and Ambition, to distinguish my self from the common Herd of Mankind. In order therefore, to gratifie this reigning Passion, after quitting the University, and determining any Profession to be below my regard, both as taking too much Time, Thought and Reading to master, and a deal of mean Art, or good Money to succeed in; I resolv'd as a shorter way, to raise my self above the thoughtless Crowd of Gentlemen, to spend one third of my Fortune in Travelling, and seeing and observing something more, than my Country-Seat and Neighbours in Summer, and London in the Winter, could furnish me with. This I did for three Years, and came Home as perfectly improv'd as any fine Gentleman of my Time in an utter Contempt of Tramontane Barbarity, an absolute Aversion for my own People, Climate and Country, and a thorough Insight into all the little learned Cant of Priests and Religions of all kinds.
On these deep laid Foundations, I commenc'd a sage Politician and Patriot: I bought a Seat in Parliament at a fair Purchase, for a good deal of Beef and Ale for the Mob, and a round Sum of Money to the worthy Electors, and determin'd to grow great by Voting according to my Conscience, and as the best Arguments should be offer'd me in Favour of those two dangerous Monosyllables, Yea and No.
Accordingly all the Time I sat there as a Senator, I never gave a single Vote, without a substantial Reason of one kind or another for it, and endeavour'd to think a certain great Patron (I had devoted my self to) in the Right, whatever side of the Question he took, and shew'd a generous Violence in supporting all the Measures he pursued, as the best and wisest in the World, and particularly while he distinguish'd himself as an Enemy to the Ministry, whom we were to overturn and succeed. But in spite of all the fortunate Constellations I was born under, being entirely disappointed in these glorious Hopes, it luckily happen'd my Patron fell in with the Court-Party, and got a very comfortable Post to live honest by; and as I found my self, by the sacred Ties of Love to my Country and my Family, oblig'd to turn with him; I us'd my humble Endeavours to second him, and to obtain some of those many honourable Employments, with good Salaries for doing nothing, which I was assur'd by my great Friends, I could not fail of.
To this end, I became as violent for the Court, as ever I had been against it, and to ingratiate my self the more with the Ministry, I kept up an extravagant Table, and a Crowd of humble Admirers of my Eloquence to eat at it, among whom I censur'd our Opposers as Fools or Knaves, rail'd at the Minority as Tools or Villains, and after confuting all their Arguments, to the Satisfaction of my Guests while they were eating, crown'd my daily Victories, with drinking Confufions of all kinds.
On these excellent Foundations, I built up a World of Hopes, and askt for every thing I knew I deserv'd, making a Conscience of aiming at any thing further, and was happy enough to receive many fair Promises and good Looks, not only from my Patron, but my Patron's Patron's Patron, who was a very great Man indeed. I was trusted with several Secrets before they were in Print, and assur'd of succeeding to many tolerable Places, before they were vacant; and was so much consider'd, that I never askt for any thing, that I did not get a distant Promise of, or a very civil Excuse for being refus'd it. This kept up my Spirits, and quickned my Zeal for several Sessions, till finding my Equipage and Table, my Elections and living like a Man of Consequence, had sunk another third of my Estate, I began to be so importunate for something, as soon as I found I had little or nothing left, that tho' I was willing to take any Place during good Behaviour, which by a fair Computation I might have purchased the yearly Value of in Land by half what I had spent in the Service, yet I found my self so utterly unsecure of any thing but sincere Promises, which I knew it difficult to subsist my Family on, that I desperately broke with my Patron, and all my dear Friends the Courtiers, and set up once more for a good Conscience, on the other side. But, alas! I soon found this was the worst tim'd step I could have taken, for it both ruin'd my Character with the World, and my Tradesmen lost me my Election the next Parliament; and in a Word, left me to brood over my own Resentments, Disappointments and Despair.
Under these unlucky Circumstances, the Town not agreeing with my Constitution, I retir'd to the Country, to the Ruins of my Estate, of which I had sold two Thirds, to pay off the Debts these Schemes in Politicks had brought on me; and because I could not with Ease look back on the World, I resolv'd to look forward, and consider what might happen, since I abhor'd to reflect on what had.
The Truth is, my dear Reader, tho' I blush to tell it, my Disappointments and Discontents wrought so violently on my Pride and Choler, which were the two chief Ingredients in my little carnal Tabernacle, that renouncing all my former Engagements in Favour of our civil and religious Rights, as Britons and Protestants, I gave my self up Body and Soul, to a little sorry melancholy Faction, who only subsist themselves, like the Cevennes in Languedock, on a seditious Sermon now and then, and a few comfortable Visions, Rumours and Hopes, of gratifying their private Resentments at the price of the publick Ruine.
Indeed I must own, I had some Scruples of Conscience at first, on this extraordinary Conversion that was wrought in me; but when I reflected on the Expences I had been at, to obtain Promises that were forgotten, and secure Places I now saw possest by others; when I compar'd the Ruins of my Fortune, with my old Rent-Rolls, my past Debtors with my present Creditors, and my former Hopes with my present Despair; I at once broke thro' all my Oaths of Allegiance, and thought my Revolt the less dishonourable, since I had taken them but about seven or eight Times, and I saw several Men of Honour, engag'd in this Faction against the Government, who had taken them on at least twenty different Occasions.
In a Word, my Resentment soon quieted my Reason, and I began to hope for a thousand Scenes of Confusion and Destruction to my Country and the Royal Family, and to see their Labours to make us happy, luckily overturn'd by some fortunate Calamities, which might destroy their Interest with the People. By some such desirable Accident, I flatter'd my self, that by God's Blessing on our honest Endeavours, in bringing it about and improving it, we might all mend our Circumstances, and that possibly for my part, I might thus recover my Estate, from the Rogue who bought it, by turning Papist in some glorious Revolution in the Chevalier's Favour.
To indulge my Spleen and Melancholy the more, I gave my self up Night and Day to reading for several Years: And because I despis'd the little narrow beaten Paths of common Scholars, I studied all hidden Sciences, from Magick to the Jewish Cabala and the Philosopher's Stone, and particularly turn'd my self to Astrology with vast Application, in hopes to find some propitious Influence from the Heavens, to favour these reasonable Expectations, since I saw with Sorrow there was little to be hop'd for from the Earth.
I made a great Progress, especially in this last noble Science, and flatter'd my self, that I had found out some favourable Conjunctions in the Planets above, that might be too strong for all the united Interests of the best Man and Prince and the happiest People among the Nations below. When behold one Night, which I shall never forget, and Great Britain must ever remember with Joy, (it was on the 20th of January, 1728,) as I lay in my Bed, agreeably soothing my Spleen, with these pleasing Prospects I had been contemplating in the Stars; I was surpriz'd to see my Door which was fast lock'd, and my Curtains which were close drawn, opening suddenly of themselves, and a great Light filling my Chamber, in the midst of which I saw a beautiful Appearance of something like what we usually imagine Angels to be.
I began to fancy my self in the famous Van Helmont's Condition, who says,[3] he once plainly saw his Soul in an human Shape, but, as he modestly speaks, without distinction of Sex; or like that Pisander, who, as a certain Greek Author tells us, was afraid of meeting his own Soul, which he apprehended would appear to him separated from his Body, and play him a scurvy Trick. But I had not time enough for many Reflections, for while I lay silent with Wonder and Surprize, he instantly rais'd me up by the Hand, told me he was my good Genius, and was come to shew me nobler Prospects, that should be deriv'd to me and my Family, as well as my Country, from the present Royal Line and their Posterity, than those I was drawing from my mistaken Principles in Political Astrology. He assur'd me, if I would be directed by him, he would give me sufficient Lights to convince me, that there never could be a greater Blessing bestowed on a Nation, than these Kingdoms receiv'd when the Royal Line of Hannover, was by the Favour of Heaven plac'd on the Throne, to be the Source of a long Series of Prosperity, Wealth, Peace and Glory to us, if we would but be content to enjoy it with common Sense and Gratitude. He added much more on this Head, and concluded with promising to keep up a constant Communication and Correspondence with me; and to give me at once some little Intelligence of the great Events that would happen under their glorious Goverment, not only to my Country but even my own House and Descendants, he made me a present of several large Volumes of these Letters, which, he assur'd me, would be writ by or to my Great Great Great Great Great Grandson, who would be chief Minister in the End of the Twentieth Century, and to deal plainly with me, as far as he could guess, in the last days of the World.
The Joy! the Surprize! the Transport! these Words gave me, is not to be exprest: And as Kircher told Schottus[4], he was cur'd of a deadly Disease, by dreaming he was made Pope, and receiv'd the Congratulations of all Kings and Nations, while he issued out Bulls and Decrees for new Laws, new Churches, new Saints, and new Colleges, with vast Joy, and awaken'd after a long and happy Reign perfectly recover'd; so I found in an instant all my Discontents in Politicks vanish'd and remov'd by these real Visions, my good Genius had communicated to me. I accordingly receiv'd this present, as an immediate Blessing from Heaven, and after assuring him in the most solemn manner how sincerely I renounced my former Principles, I enter'd into a long Dialogue with him, both as to the present and future state of Things, and learnt from him Secrets as important as the Ruine or Safety of Crowns and Empires can make them, and by the Communication of which, to the chief Ministers of such Princes as can gain my Esteem, and particularly of my own, he assur'd me, I might with good Husbandry, raise a Fortune whereon to subsist my Family with Honour and Affluence, till my Descendant should be Prime Minister under George the VI. Every one may imagine, how eagerly I listned to all this, and how easily a Mind thus illuminated, with Views of so glorious a Change, in my own and my Family's future Circumstances, would lay aside its former Principles and Prejudices, as I immediately did, with a thousand Thanks to my good Genius, for all his Favours, and as many Entreaties for his future Correspondence, which both on my own Account, (as he was pleas'd to express himself) and my Relation to Count Gabalis, he kindly promiss'd, and has ever since often made me happy in.
He had no sooner left me, than I began to read over the Volumes he had given me, with all the Delight which I hope the World will receive from that part of them, which with his Consent and Assistance, and by the Advice of my learned and ingenious Friends, I have resolv'd to communicate to them, as a most inestimable Treasure. I have made no other Change or Alterations in them, than the translating them into the English of these illiterate Times oblig'd me to, except where the Secrets of crown'd Heads and prime Ministers, or the good or ill Conduct of the Friends or Enemies of my Country and some great People at home, made it necessary to leave out either whole Letters or particular Paragraphs, which shou'd be reserv'd in Secret, for the Use and Service of the Crown and my own Family, and not expos'd to publick view.
And thus having given my dear Reader, as full an Account as I judg'd proper, both of my self and my good Genius, and the Present he made me, (for of my constant Correspondence since with him, I shall say nothing here) I shall now proceed, to mention my Reasons for publishing this Work, and also my Care and Conduct about it.
And the first I shall assign is, that I really believ'd I should do an Injury to the World, to the Commonwealth of Learning, and above all to my Country, if being thus enlighten'd, and having such wonderful Discoveries revealed and intrusted to me, I did not give them some Foretast of these surprising Scenes, which Fate is to open to Mankind, in future Ages.
Nor was this all, for to say the Truth, when I saw evidently in these Papers, that the World and my Descendant's Ministry would end together; I was the more willing to have my Fame and his laid open to the present Age, since it was impossible for future Times to do us Justice, by assigning us that shining place in History, which Printing these Volumes will so fully entitle us to. Those great Persons, whose Writings or Actions distinguish'd them so much in former Ages, have had a large recompence made them, by the Honour and Applause that has long been heap'd on them; but as my Fame had been entirely conceal'd, and his reduc'd to take up with the short-liv'd Applause of a few Years, in his old Age, the Dregs of Life, and the last Moments of the World, I resolv'd to be before-hand with the Glory of my self and Family, and to enjoy some part of our Reputation before we had earn'd it. And while I make this sincere Confession, let me take this opportunity, to exhort those few great Spirits, who are thirsting after Glory, to redouble their Speed to perpetuate their Fame, and do greater and more glorious Things than have yet been attempted; that thereby they may the sooner obtain that reward of their Merit, and raise those Monuments to their Memories, which at best they see, must so suddenly perish in the common Ruine, and be lost for ever in the general Destruction of all Things.
Another Motive I had for making these Papers publick was, that by magnifying the Glory of succeeding Ministers, I might sink and lessen the Reputation of those, that at present sit at the Helm, since they have been so regardless of all true Merit, as to do little or nothing for me or my Family. I saw it in vain to attempt their Ruin by downright Railing, throwing Dirt at random, and calling them at all Adventures Rogues and Knaves in Print; for they have so deluded the People, by the cursed Success of their Administration, that they will not listen any longer to general Declamations, to witty Insinuations or the boldest Satyrs, without some few real Facts to vouch them, and prove they are well grounded. Now as I found this an insuperable difficulty, since they manage with such vile Art, as to keep all Proofs of that sort from our Knowledge, so I knew no better method to vilify their measures, and serve his Majesty and my Country, then shewing the World, that notwithstanding the popular Cry of the Prosperity of our Affairs, there will, some Ages hence, be much greater and more successful Ministers than they are, and who, by the by, may then remember to their Posterity, the little respect these Gentlemen pay one of their Ancestors now, whom (out of that Modesty so natural to all great Spirits) I shall not mention here.
Another reason, which, I must own, induced me to present the World with this Work, was, that the busy inquisitive Sages and Politicians of these times, may have some more Employment given to their restless Tempers. For as Charles II. by publickly setting up new Systems of Philosophy, diverted his unmanageable Subjects from disturbing the ancient Forms of Government, and by amusing them with searching into the Revolutions of the Heavens, kept them from contriving new ones upon Earth; or (not to grudge the Reader another instance of equal force) as by settling our banish'd Felons in the new World, and employing them sufficiently there, we keep our selves pretty quiet at Home in the old one; so I hope that these ungovernable and satyrical Observers, who not content with censuring and decrying all that past in former Ages, turn themselves to ridiculing and contemning all that is done in this, may be kept from overturning the Peace of these our Days, by being employ'd on the Secrets of Times to come. Besides I find it is by no means sufficient, for the elevated Genius's of this Age, to know all that may be known: This is too easy a Conquest for their superior Strength, and they gloriously aim at being Masters of all that is not to be known. As I pay the highest Veneration to such exalted Spirits, I have done what Man could do, (aided by the Discoveries of my good Angel) to let them see all that is to be in Art or Nature, till the Dissolution of both, and have resolv'd to gratifie them with some considerable Hints of what will happen at the general Conflagration, when they, this Earth, and even Time, and all their learned (their exquisitely learned) Labours, shall be no more!
I am sensible, an Author should observe as proper Seasons for his Productions, as the skilful Husbandman or Florist for their Seeds; and I am of Opinion, I could not have presented this curious inquisitive Age, with a Work more admirably calculated, to amuse and employ their vast Knowledge and deep Reserches, and divert them from less useful, tho' more dangerous Enquiries, which they are of late so profoundly taken up with.
In the last place, my dear Reader, when I consider'd that the great Augustus, as Suetonius tells us, neither neglected his own nor other Mens Dreams, concerning himself or his Affairs, and consequently whatever related to his Country, or the whole World which was his Empire;[5] Somnia neque sua neque aliena de se negligebat are the Historian's Words when I read in the great Artimedorus, that it was the Custom of the Antients, that whatever any one had dreamt of the Publick, relating to the Commonwealth, he should publish either by the Voice of the common Crier, or by a written Table set up to the view of others;[6] moris antiqui suit, ut quicquid quisque de republica somniasset, illud vel Præconis voce, vel Pittacio, hoc est, tabula quadam descriptum indicaret, I thought it a criminal Action to conceal such important Discoveries as had been intrusted to my Care.
Besides, how do I know, but the bringing these to Light, may in some measure be a means to preserve our Country from all the Confusion and Madness, which the rest of the World will be involv'd in; and continue us in that happy Situation, and that Spirit of improving our Laws, Arts and Manufactures, which I have shewn we shall enjoy in the following Centuries, when the other Kingdoms of the Earth are to labour, as it were, in actual Convulsions, and be jumbled together, like the Mountains and Plains of Jamaica in the dreadful Earthquake in 1692.
As to my Care and Conduct in this Edition, I fear indeed how great soever it has been, Men will be displeased with me, as having bestowed much less on it, than so invaluable a Treasure will seem to have deserv'd. Some will censure me for having conceal'd and suppress'd many important Secrets, relating to our publick Affairs and Ministers, Peace and War, the Trade of the Nation, and the Conduct of the Throne; without considering the dangerous Consequences, of making such matters publick, as well as the particular Interest I may have, to keep them by me in petto, till proper Conjunctures.
On the other hand, many great Men will blame me, as Alexander did Aristotle, for communicating too many of such hidden Mysteries, such Arcana imperii, to the Knowledge of the Vulgar. For my part, I have acted with the utmost Caution in suppressing or publishing any Particulars, and as it is to be fear'd, if after all my Care this Book should grow too common and be in every one's Hand, it may be applied to ill purposes, by letting the meanest of the People see, uti digerit omnia Calchas, I have given order to print but fifty Copies, which I compute will answer the number of Persons in Great Britain, who are Wise and Honest enough to be trusted with such a Jewel.
I have also gone further, and that Posterity may not be impos'd on, by any spurious Additions, Forgeries or Obliterations in this admirable Work, I have with great Labour number'd and reckon'd up the whole of what is in it, which is a safer and fairer Way than a Table of Contents, which our modern Publishers tack to their mangled Volumes. I find therefore that there is in this Collection, (Publish'd, and to be Publish'd) 28,967 Sentences that have meaning in them, 1,232,356 Words, 2,125,245 Syllables, 6,293,376 Letters, and thro' the Roughness of our barbarous Tongue, but 2,992,644 Vowels, (exclusive of y and all Dipthongs) as any careful Reader may find, who will cast them up with equal Diligence.
Possibly it may seem a little arrogant and conceited, that I should have taken such Pains herein, but if we consider, that the Turks have done as much for their Alcoran, and that the learned Rabbies among the Jews value their Talmud so highly, as to say, that mistaking a Letter in it, is enough to destroy the World; I hope, I may be indulg'd, if not applauded for my Care, in a Work in the English Tongue, where it may happen that the Loss a of Word in it, may be of vast Damage to our native Country, which all Men among us are so desirous to serve.
And now, after so candid an Account as I have laid before thee, one would think, my dear Reader, I might shut up this Preface, and have nothing more to do, than receive the tributary Thanks and Homage of Mankind, for so glorious a Present as I here make them, for the common Good; but alas! I find the envious World, has cut out a deal of other Work for me, and that I must answer a Crowd of malicious Objections, which my learned Friends assure me, are levell'd against this unparallel'd Performance, by those who saw it in Manuscript.
But as this is Preface enough of Conscience for one Time, I must say with St. Austin when he us'd to cut his Sermons into two, Parcite mihi fratres, non dicam vobis quod sequitur; and beg the Reader to indulge me in a Liberty always allowed great Writers, of treading in unbeaten Paths, and for my Ease and his own, as well the Novelty and Boldness of the Stroke, to pardon me if, like the Adventure of the Bear and the Fiddle, I break off here a little abruptly, and (as I have resolv'd for a Coup d'Eclat to make three Prefaces to this glorious Work) send him for the Second and Third to the Middle and End of this Volume.