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Memoirs of the Twentieth Century/Rome, Feb. 28, 1997

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Rome, Feb 28. 1997.

BY the last Courier by the way of Lyons, I was made happy in the receipt of your Lordship's of the 2d instant, for which I return you my most sincere thanks; and as I hope I shall never forget the friendship and kindness you have express'd for me in it, so I shall make it the study of my life to deserve them more and more, by all the little services I am capable of rendring you and my royal Master.

I was favour'd with two dispatches of Mr. Secretary's the week before within six days of each other, to which I made the properest returns I could in the present state of things; and as they will be communicated to your Lordship, I shall not give you the trouble of a needless repetition of them here. I have, since I made those answers, communicated the contents of them, and the advices and orders that occasion'd them, to the Imperial and French Ambassadors here; who seem very unanimous in entring into all his Majesty's measures, and express greater resolution and resentment against this Court, than I could have expected from the indifferent posture of their affairs at present.

They have given me such peremptory assurances of this kind, and of acting in concert with our Court, that I am fully convinc'd, if the Emperor's health continues to improve, we shall be able to give a greater blow to the ambitious views of this Empire of the Vatican, than she has receiv'd since George IVth oblig'd her forces to repass the Alps, and leave France in peace, and the Swiss in full possession of Piedmont, and that part of Savoy which they have ever since been masters of.

Your Lordship's reflections on the immeasurable growth of the Papal Power, and the weakness and blindness of those who contributed to it, are equally becoming your experience and knowledge as a statesman, and the honest zeal of a Briton and a Protestant. If you express some resentment, it arises from a generous concern for the welfare and liberty of Europe, and the Honour of Christianity; both which have been in the most daring manner endanger'd, not to say destroy'd, by the insatiable ambition of this pretended Vicegerent of Heaven.

I am infinitely rejoic'd, that what I have hitherto been able to remit to you from hence, has been any ways agreeable to your Lordship; and shall therefore continue to send you such observations of the same nature, as I think may entertain you. This I am sure is a nobler use than any thing I am able to furnish you with can deserve to be applied to. The truth is, your Lordship has brought me so deeply in your debt by your last letter, that I fear all the diligence and means I can use, will be too little to balance accounts in any tolerable manner with you. However, I will depend on your goodness to accept of such inconsiderable payments as I am capable of making you. To begin some attempt this way, I must acquaint your Lordship, that since my last letters to Mr. Secretary, according to my instructions, in concert with the two Ambassadors, I demanded an audience of his Holiness the 20th instant; to which I was immediately admitted, tho' he was that morning something indispos'd, by a cold he had got the day before, by walking too late in his gardens.

I found him in his great chamber hung with purple velvet, where he receiv'd me the first time I had audience of him; and as I perceiv'd by his smiling on me when I enter'd, and by the contenance he put on when I begun to speak to him, that he either was, or desir'd to make me think he was perfectly pleas'd with me, I resolv'd both to deliver the Memorial on the part of his Majesty in relation to the Inquisition; and also to lay before him, that in presenting it, I not only obey'd my Master's commands, but also in every line of it spoke the sense of the Emperor and his most Christian Majesty. Accordingly I acquainted his Holiness, that I had demanded that audience on an affair of the greatest importance to the reputation of the Roman See, the happiness of France, and the quiet of all her neighbours, who were deeply interested therein. That his Holiness, by the suggestions of men of unquiet and turbulent spirits, who were better understood than nam'd, had of late made several extraordinary steps to the setting up the Inquisition in France, where his Predecessors had never once thought of establishing it; and as such an attempt will infallibly be accompanied by several ill consequences, I humbly besought him that he would, with that calmness and goodness which distinguish'd his character, allow me to lay before him those pressing reasons, which made it at all times improper, and at this time utterly impracticable, I observ'd he blush'd at these words; and rubbing his forehead with his hand, seem'd to be more than ordinarily mov'd, and as I expected he would have spoke, I stopp'd a little that I might frame what I had to say, as near as I could, to the temper he should put on; but as he only nodded to me, and bid me go on, I immediately proceeded.

That if those who press'd his Holiness to follow such counsels would consider the reasons that made such an attempt both now and at all times unadvisable, they would not shew such warmth and passion in carrying it on, as they manifestly had done. That these reasons were founded, First, on the natural temper of the French, who being of a free communicative disposition, and wearing their hearts as it were at their lips, would be expos'd to a thousand accusations for words, that proceed from mere levity and gaiety of mind, rather than any guilt or wickedness of the heart, where heresy can only be seated.

That in the second place, it was notorious that there was no nation in Christendom where hereticks had been so effectually purg'd and driven out, even to the loss of many millions of subjects, as in France; and this both by open wars and private massacres, as well as the fiercest persecutions, tho' against the solemn stipulations of formal treaties, in which the honour of the Crown was constantly sacrific'd to its zeal for Religion, and its regard for this See.

That in the third place, as none of his Holiness's Predecessors had ever resolv'd on such an attempt before, it would be consider'd in France as the most violent outrage against the liberty of the subject, and the honour of the Crown, that could be contriv'd by the greatest enemies of both: and as France abounded with discontented people, and was still labouring under its late misfortunes, an innovation of that sort would be attended with such commotions and factions, as must end in an utter subversion of the Royal, if the Inquisition should be establish'd; or if resisted by force, and succesfully oppos'd, of the Papal Authority. As I kept my eye fix'd on his Holiness, I plainly perceiv'd his colour come and go at these words, that shew'd an extraordinary emotion within; but as he put on a pretended smile, and endeavour'd to disguise it, by coughing two or three times, and stroaking his face with his handkerchief, and as I apprehended there was as much fear as anger in his contenance, I made no pause, but continued my remonstrances.

That, fourthly, as the power of the Clergy had of late years been carried higher than ever, and that as his Holiness had by the last treaty possess'd himself of two of the strongest places of Dauphine, and almost entirely master'd Savoy, and thereby, in effect, possess'd the keys of France as absolutely as those of St. Peter, this new attempt would be consider'd as setting up a Monarchy within a Monarchy, and opening the gates thereby to new violences, rapine and war.

That, fifthly, as some (and his Holiness best knew who) have and do obstinately maintain, that the Clergy are not subject to their secular Princes, nor oblig'd to obey their Laws, whether contrary to the Ecclesiastical Estate or no, the least Princes could do, was to prevent their Lay Subjects being liable to imprisonment, corporal punishment, and even torture and death, from this terrible tribunal of the Clergy, especially since such power was expresly against the laws of the land.

That, in the sixth place, as there had been high disputes between the most Christian Kings and his Holiness's predecessors, concerning the privileges, rights and immunities of the Gallican Church, and the extent of the Papal Authority; the Tribunal of the Inquisition might be applied to extirpate such doctrines, and those who maintain them, as heresies and hereticks, to the endangering the power of the Crown and Church of that Nation. That moreover, as the Ecclesiastical Laws, establish'd in 1897. by Paul the IXth, had determin'd, that subjects might refuse tributes and taxes to their Sovereigns without sin, if they thought them unjust; and might disobey any other legally proclaim'd Law of their respective Princes, which they judg'd very inconvenient for them to submit to; and as all loyal subjects in France were generally of a different opinion, they might, on declaring their sentiments herein, be taken up and detained in the prisons of the Inquisition as hereticks, on account of their being loyal and good Frenchmen.

In the eighth place, as to matters merely spiritual, since many doctrines are taught by certain divines (whom his Holiness highly esteem'd) as true, which the Christian Church have been so far from approving, that they have violently oppos'd them as false, and overturning the very foundations of Christianity; if the Power of the Inquisition should be lodg'd (as it certainly would) in those very hands, the best Catholicks might be imprison'd and tortur'd by such as hereticks, for holding the real doctrines of Christianity; which possibly has been sometimes the case.

Here his Holiness, who had hitherto been entirely silent, was no longer able to conceal his impatience; but looking with a fix'd and stern countenance at me, ask'd me, if I had any thing further to offer to him? To which I thought it best to reply (cutting off two or three less agreeable remonstrances, that I should not too far incense him) that I had not. I have in command however, added I, to enforce all I have said to your Holiness, with representing it as the common sentiments of the Emperor, as well as his most Christian Majesty and my Master; in all whose names I humbly besought him to accept the Memorial I had in charge to deliver to him, (and therewithal I took it out of my breast, and in a very respectful manner presented it to him) beseeching his calm consideration and favourable answer to it.

He took it somewhat hastily, and put it into his pocket; and after a short pause answer'd me very calmly (being, as I conceiv'd by his mien and gestures, glad I had done) and told me, imperatoria brevitate, it should be fully consider'd, and as fully answer'd.

I saw evidently how disagreeable an entertainment I had given his Holiness; and being desirous, if possible, to smooth his temper, which I had ruffled too far by speaking more truth to him in half an hour, than probably he had heard in all his Pontificate before; I pulled out the Catalogue of our Nobility I had been favour'd with from your Lordship, very fairly copied and translated, and told him, in obedience to his commands, I had procur'd him the List of the British Peerage in the present Parliament.

He seem'd glad to have the scene and the subject shifted; and taking it from me, and looking on the title, he ask'd me immediately how many Catholicks there were among them? To which I replied, after some hesitation, that in his Holiness's sense of things there was not one Catholick Peer in Great Britain; but that in our opinion, there was not one Heretick among the whole of our Nobility. He appear'd not a little surpriz'd, tho' he made me no answer; but look'd at me with an odd mixture of disgust and astonishment in his contenance, by which I plainly saw he was less acquainted with our affairs than I imagin'd. Immediately herewith, finding my attempt to remove his ill humour was likely to increase it, and conceiving my retiring would probably be the most agreeable compliment I could make him, (since I saw him not a little perplex'd and disturb'd) I put an end to my audience with the best looks and the best Italian, I could get together for the occasion.

I made not the least mention, as your Lordship sees, of the other articles relating to the Swiss Cantons, and our trade and fleet in these seas; because I judg'd it improper to insist on them now, when he appear'd in none of the best dispositions to answer me as I could desire. I hope therefore you will approve of my delaying them for some happier hour, and the mollia tempora fandi, which I shall not fail to watch for, and take hold of, and, give an exact account of the answers I receive thereon.

I know not whether it may not be agreeable, after entertaining your Lordship with this audience, to give you some account of the present Pope Innocent the XIXth; and though I doubt I shall draw his picture very unskilfully, I shall at least endeavour to avoid two great faults of Limners, and shall both give you a sketch that shall resemble him, and yet one that shall not flatter him. He is in his person a low, broad, strong-made man, and somewhat of the staturâ quadratâ Suetonius gives to Vespasian. He is of a saturnine complexion, and melancholy aspect, with large black eyes and a bottle nose, a well-shap'd mouth, but which appears with less advantage when he laughs, (which indeed is seldom) having very bad teeth; which however would shew better had he more of them. He is reckon'd perfectly chaste as to women, his chief pleasures being eating and drinking a little too voluptuously, and using much exercise either by hunting or hawking when he rides, or walking long in his gardens. He is not however much given to his bed, seldom sleeping more than seven hours; and even in the heats of the summer avoids reposing himself in the day time. He seldom minds books any farther than to buy vast quantities of them, to crowd his favourite library; and, after the Italian taste, he is fond of filling it with vast collections of admirable pictures, busts and statues, being a passionate admirer of antiquity in all its branches, as his fine cabinets do plainly shew. However, he loves the company of learned men, but chiefly those of his own Order, by whom he is continually surrounded, and who would willingly exclude all others from his notice, as well as his favour.

He is about 52, and has been now six years Pope; and as he was chosen, as I may say, to the Pontificate before Pius the VIIIth his predecessor died, chiefly for his zeal for his Order, he has not, since he attained that dignity, given away one considerable Place, Abbey, or Benefice, but by the advice of the Cardinals in full Consistory.

He has but one Nephew that he has ever shewn the least regard for, and to him he has only given the hat, and some benefices, which in all are worth but about 30000 l. sterling annual rent; but he is so very dissolute and debauch'd, and of such mean parts and abilities, (and especially since no Popes are elected till they are sworn not to lavish the wealth and preferments of the Church on their families) that it is thought he will do no more for him. All his other relations he is so cold to, whether in regard to his oath, or for want of natural affection, that he has not admitted them to come to Rome but once since his election, and that but for a few weeks, sending them home with very moderate presents.

He is a Milanese, of a pretty good family; his father Don Mario Franzoni having a considerable ancient estate in the neighbourhood of that city, to which his being heir, was the first occasion of his being entic'd by the Jesuits (with their usual policy) to enter into their Society, tho' they had conceiv'd great hopes of him for his talents and abilities, which were very extraordinary. When he grew up, he answer'd all their expectations; and being made Secretary to the famous Cardinal of Santineri, who was employ'd in so many important negotiations, and afterwards as Nuntio at the Courts of France and Spain successively, (in the late wars between the two Crowns) he shewed what he was able to do, by gaining his esteem, who was one of the ablest and severest judges of men.

When his master was made Pope, he soon got the reward of his many and faithful services, being in two or three years time made Bishop of Padua, Maestro di Camera to the Pope, Archbishop of Milan, Legate of Ferrara, Nuncio to Venice, and at last Cardinal, with the title of Santa Maria in Aquino. In these posts he gained the love and admiration of all, both as an excellent master of Politicks, an upright Judge, and one whose prudence and wisdom knew how to influence every one, and be influenc'd by none. He has a great turn to business, is indefatigable in weighing and considering whatever he sets about, and finding out the best and easiest means to bring it to pass, determining nothing but on sure grounds, shewing the clearest head, and the firmest resolution in every thing he takes cognizance of, or sets himself to accomplish. There is nothing too deep, too dark, or too weighty for the strength of his parts, having no defect but the want of learning, which he makes ample amends for, by that kind of knowledge which is most cultivated by his society, a perfect experience of affairs, and a thorough insight into the nature of mankind, who are the tools of their ambition and policy.

He is indeed somewhat apt to give way to passion, and to act with too little dissimulation with regard to others with whom he is offended; and especially in speaking against those whose follies, or irregularities in their conduct, displease him. This had like to have lost him the Pontificate; but as that was concerted in the late Pope's life, his enemies were not able to put him by; and indeed they could hardly have chosen a man likelier to serve the society, and preserve, if not enlarge their power, if it were possible to carry it further. His scheme to get himself chosen Emperor, is a manifest proof of this, the success whereof is but too likely, if his Imperial Majesty should relapse, before his design can be sufficiently countermin'd.

He has few very intimate favourites, dividing his kindness equally among the ablest of the Cardinals, who are most capable and desirous to serve the society, which has been the inviolable maxim this See has observ'd ever since it became the inheritance of the Jesuits. But as I have taken up a great part of this dispatch with describing what I knew of this extraordinary person, I shall defer giving your Lordship the characters of the most considerable Cardinals who are chiefly employ'd by him in his weightiest affairs; and shall now pass to some other matters that deserve your notice.

And the first thing I shall mention is, the extraordinary Bull which his Holiness has just publish'd, in relation to keeping of Lent with less strictness than formerly. The original Bull in Latin is very voluminous, and therefore I shall content my self to send such an abstract, as shall take in the substance of the whole, only omiting such unnecessary forms as occasion its length.

It begins then with a sort of preface, in which his Holiness Innocent XIX. addressing himself to all true sons of the holy Roman church, takes notice of the universal care of the faithful incumbent upon him, and the perpetual sollicitude he is under, both for the salvation of souls, and the ease and happiness of the christian world. He fervently exhorts all the faithful to exert their best endeavours to prevent the daily revolts and falling off of so many members of the catholick church, who in these evil, nay, worst of times, on whom the ends of the world are come, are deluded by hereticks, and led away by the Devil into the paths of error, and the dangerous infection of the northern schism.

After enlarging a good deal on this point, he proceeds to take notice, that whereas the severe discipline of the church, conformable to the zeal of the primitive times, concerning the abstaining from flesh in Lent, had been found to produce sundry great inconveniences to the scrupulous observers thereof; (all which are enumerated and enlarg'd on with very pathetick complaints:) Therefore, says the Bull, to lighten such burthens, which, like an heavy yoke, do gall the neck of our zealous catholick children; and, to make the observance of Lent less painful to them; we, by virtue of the supreme authority committed to us from above, have thought fit to pronounce and determine, and by these presents do absolutely determine and decree, that all wild fowl, and more particularly and especially those which resort to and generally live on the water, and frequent rivers, ponds, lakes and seas, be from henceforth deem'd and taken as fish, and be used, understood, receiv'd and taken as such, by the faithful for ever.

Moreover, that no doubt, suspicion, or scruple herein may remain in the minds of all true catholicks, concerning the deeming, taking, using, understanding, receiving and eating the several kinds of fowl, for real and actual fish, as we have and hereby do pronounce and decree by our sufficient authority and determination; we have thought fit to annex and subjoin hereunto those cogent and weighty reasons and motives, that have determin'd our judgment in this matter, in which the salvation of souls, our great and chief care, is so deeply embark'd.

First then, whereas the original foundation of fish being appointed to be eat in Lent, was greatly built on the opinions of those eminent physicians and philosophers Galen, Hippocrates, Chrysippus, and Erasistratus, who maintain'd, that fish do not nourish any more than water, into which they are immediately turn'd, we do declare the same to be false and absurd, groundless and ridiculous. For tho' Ariosttle, in his fifth book, does maintain that opinion, whose great authority, with those aforecited, did too far influence the piety of the church herein; yet it is found by constant experience, that those kinds, formerly only accounted as fish, do rather nourish the body more than those kinds, which we have, and hereby do allow to the faithful. It is also as vulgar and trivial an error, that those kinds of fish were appointed to be eaten in fast-days, and in Lent particularly, because in the Deluge the sea and all kinds of fish, escap'd the general curse that fell on other creatures, the earth and its productions; for it is certain, that curse fell equally on all.

But, secondly, our judgment hath been grounded on these other important reasons; first, because of the great and surprizing conformity between these two species of animals, the feathers of the one answering the scales of the other, as the clearness, fluidity and brightness of the water, the element of the one, doth to the air, the usual element of the other; in both which elements also they do mutually live, as a sort of amphibious creatures, as the diving of water-fowl, and the flying of some fish, and the frisking and leaping out of water of all, do plainly manifest.

But further, this conformity is found also in the sins of the one corresponding to the wings of the other, and that they agree in that remarkable circumstance peculiar to them, of moving the lower eye-lid only, and that many of them have a kind of holes in their heads for eyes and ears which no other animals have; and, which is still more wonderful, neither of them have bladders, or do stale or urine like other creatures; and the very motion of the one in the air, (the tail serving as a rudder to both) is nearly resembling that of the other in the water. But there is still behind a yet more surprizing proof of this great conformity between them, and which has been of great weight with us; and that is, that the globules of their blood are both of an oval figure, which is found in no other animals, as is evident every day to those who make use of microscopes, which put this point out of all doubt.

But, thirdly, what has mightily determinin'd us herein, is the constant usage of all our predecessors in the Roman See, who have ever allow'd the sea-fowl call'd the Macreuse, to be deem'd, eaten and taken as fish; which is a plain Indication, that our present decrees and determinations are in all respects bottom'd on the same truths, and conformable to theirs. It is true, the learned Naudeus has pretended to prove that wild fowl, and especially the Macreuse aforesaid, cannot be reckon'd fish, because all animals that have necks, have lungs, and if lungs cannot be fish: But this is so vile and false a way of reasoning, that it deserves not to be confuted, since both whales, and dolphins are fish, and yet have lungs, as the learned[1] Scaliger plainly proves against Cardan.

But, 4thly, we have made this decree also for the good of souls, because we continually find many, who, thro' the former severity, are alienated in their affection to holy catholick church, and fall off daily to the hereticks; or at least, if they do not revolt from us, endanger their souls, by incurring our excommunication, and privately eating flesh, which is so expressly forbidden on that terrible penalty.

In the 5th place, we have consider'd the tenderness and delicacy of some constitutions, which are frequently endanger'd by being confin'd at that season from all sorts of flesh; and moreover, we find by experience, that there are fewer children got in Lent, which is much to be laid to heart in a church, which ever has, and we trust ever will, depend on her numbers. There is also less work and husbandry done then, from the same cause, men as well as beasts being then much weaker, by having been pinch'd by the bitterness of winter, and at the same time stinted in their food; many weaker husbandmen being also killed by the change of diet. Nay, this evil extends to their very calves, kids and lambs, which are frequently starv'd, or at best stinted in their growth, by having little milk left to suckle them; all which are heavy grievances, and produce many ill consequences to our catholick children.

Lastly, we have been mov'd hereunto by two special reasons. The one is, because while our faithful sons are thus pinch'd and burthen'd, hereticks thrive, and are fatted by their losses, keeping at least 9000 vessels in taking fish, which they extort great rates for from our people, to the great detriment of our church, and the intolerable increase of their naval power. But our other reason is no less considerable, and that is, that Lent is most unequally settled and appointed throughout the christian world; for while the faithful in Europe are thus bow'd down to the grave, by the severity of the church, others, in different regions of the world, have their Lent in so favourable a time of the year, that their fruits and gardens load them with all kinds of delights. Of this last point, Chile, and its fruitful country and climate, among many others, is a flagrant instance; and therefore it is but fit to bring all catholick christians herein upon a greater equality, and to prevent Europe from envying the advantages of the youngest daughter of the church, America.

For these therefore, and many other as important reasons, which it is needless, or improper to insert here; we, out of our paternal care of the faithful, have, and hereby do decree, that all wild fowl, and especially all water-fowl aforesaid, be from henceforth deem'd, taken, receiv'd, understood and eaten as fish by all catholicks, of whatever region, country or climate; and we also, in tender regard to the faithful, do allow all English and Dutch Brawn to be taken, eaten, receiv'd, deem'd and us'd as Sturgeon, as well because the fleshy parts thereof, are so macerated by the boiling, pickling, and long keeping, as to have less, and more wholsome nourishment in it, than any kind of fish; and also, because as it is entirely of heretick growth, it is probably less nutritive, than the poorest sort of viands in christian and catholick countries.

Lastly, for the greater ease, consolation, and satisfaction of all the faithful, and that their bodies may not be worse treated than those of schismaticks and hereticks, when their souls are so much better secur'd and provided for; we do further determine and decree, that as well on all fast-days, as throughout the whole of Lent, it shall be lawful to all our Nuncio's, Bishops, and parish-priests, and all proper officers duly authoriz'd by us to that end, to issue licenses to all sick people, or all that are afraid of being sick, or otherwise incommoded, (or apprehensive of being incommoded in their health or strength by abstaining from flesh, when the allowance of such fowl or fish is not sufficienly agreeable to them) to eat all and every kind of flesh, that they shall judge to contribute more effectually, to the sustenance and comfort of their bodies, in their pilgrimage here. Provided always, that all such persons do regularly take out authentick licenses for the same, and pay, if rich, for such license, either for the whole Lent, or the year, the sum of twenty Scudi, or, if poor, the sum of two Scudi, and no more.

And to prevent, cut off, silence and confute for ever, all debates, cavils, disputes or objections hereon; we do hereby declare, that all and every person who shall in any wise oppose, contradict, argue against, or in any sort contravene this our decree, is, and shall be adjudg'd to stand excommunicated, and cut off, as a rotten member, from the body of the holy catholick church; unless by his full and ample submission, repentance and retractation, he shall be absolv'd for the same. Given under the seal of the Fisher, this 19th of February, 1998. and in the sixth year of our Pontificate.

Thus, my Lord, I have perform'd my promise, and given you an abstract of their famous Bull, the political views of which will sufficiently employ your Lordship's thoughts. There is nothing more certain, than that this See has resolv'd on new modelling their church, finding by experience the absolute necessity there is for it. For altho' the power of the Roman Vatican is vastly increas'd, it is evident their interest with all catholick Princes is greatly sunk. Indeed they are almost on the wing to depart from her, if the vast height of that deluge of riches, strength and interest were but once so far abated; that, like Noah's dove, they could find a safe place for even the sole of their foot to retreat to, and not be oblig'd to return unto the prison of the ark, when they have taken their flight from it. The only hold this See has of them, is very different from that they had in antient times; for then she was reverenc'd as the real head of the christian church, arm'd with the divine authority; whereas she is now regarded as a temporal tyrant, who makes religion but the stalking horse to universal empire. How greatly this has shaken her authority among the Princes of Europe, and alarm'd their jealousies, is perfectly known to your Lordship, as well as the vast increase of credit and reputation that the protestant faith hath obtain'd hereby in the world. And tho' reasons of state, and their jealousies of our trade and power, keep them too much estrang'd from us; yet such a crisis of affairs may come, as may unite them all with us so far, as to renounce the papal authority, and set up patriarchs of their own, and as probably reform the faith, as alter the government of their churches.

Indeed the ill success of the French King, in attempting this, has kept them greatly in awe, together with the vast power of the clergy in their respective Kingdoms. For the chief ecclesiasticks being entirely Jesuits, or their creatures, do their utmost to support the interest of the Vatican, and to watch every motion of their sovereigns, that looks like the least encroachment on the papal authority. In the mean time, all possible measures are taken at Rome, to prevent either the people or their sovereigns, taking new disgusts at her towring ambition. It is this probably has occasion'd the Bull I have sent you; which, as ridiculous as the pretences in it are, will please the people extremely; and will also hurt our royal fishery, and lessen the numbers of our seamen, at the same time that it takes off one great burthen that lay on the good catholicks shoulders.

There is another point, which this See is as fond of correcting as the affair of Lent, and that is, the vast damage they receive from the celibacy of the Clergy, and the numbers of hands which are every year cut off from them, by shutting up such crowds in monasteries and nunneries. These might bring an incredible addition of strength to the Church and all popish Princes, if they had not, by such silly monastick institutions, made them useless to both. It is not to be denied, but that this method has produc'd great genius's in their Church, who, by brooding over their melancholy, and closely pursuing their studies, have made a great figure, either for piety, abstinence and charity, or for learning and knowledge, (especially in divinity); the ablest pens for the interest of this See having been pluck'd from the wings of the poor creatures that are fed, and shut up in these hen-houses. The Church has also found her account by encouraging celibacy, from the great wealth many of those her unmarried votaries have left her heir to; but the scandal that has fallen on her by the irregularities many of them, unable to bear these restraints, have daily run into, have, in my opinion, largely over-balanc'd her Gains.

Besides, I am persuaded, for one great genius in piety or learning her monasteries and the celibacy of her Clergy have produc'd, they have lost and buried ten, that would otherwise have been serviceable to the Church or State: while, under a silly pretence of despising the world and its glory as vain and sinful, they have lull'd thousands of excellent persons asleep, and deadned them to all regard for their Country, or any ambition to excel in useful knowledge and practice of the Sciences, or employing themselves in the civil arts of peace and war, in which the good of society is so deeply concern'd. This is a prodigious damage done to the publick; but there is another that sits heavier on them, which they are more concern'd at; and that is, their occasioning an immense draw-back on their numbers and in proportion diminishing their strength and their power.

Let us consider this a little, my Lord, as to France and our own Country, since the antient reformation of religion among us; excluding all consideration of the damage to Christianity in general for so many centuries before. As I know France pretty well, I think I have grounds to say, there were no less than 300000 churchmen and nuns under vows of celibacy at that time in that Kingdom; and probably not fewer than 120000 under the same denomination in Great-Britain and Ireland; the breed of all which numbers we have gain'd for 500 years, and that of all their descendants; and the French have lost, and consequently in propoortion, all other catholick Countries.

It is plain that this is of infinite service to one party, and of equal detriment to the other; and in a few centuries more, as their numbers must daily sink, and their trade, wealth and manufactures in proportion with them, it is easy to foresee that the balance will still be turning, and at last decide in favour of the Protestants; tho' the advantages of the evidence and truth of their doctrines, and the discovery of the faults and errors of the Papists, should no way contribute thereunto.

I have seen computations that pretend to demonstrate, that by this single mistake in politicks, and cutting off the breed of such numbers, whose real abilities and bodies might have rais'd such powerful recruits to their cause; the Church of Rome has lost near 30 millions of souls, whose labour, trade and wealth, were they now in being, might have prov'd a vast over-balance of the protestant interest and power. At the same time, as tho' this was not enough, besides the tyranny of their Government and the Inquisition, they as it were strive to lessen their numbers still more; by almost daily fasts, pilgrimages, and annual Lents, and an unpardonable connivance at adultery and whoredom (not to mention the unnatural sin;) all which are vast draw-backs and discouragements to matrimony. As the Protestants have wisely avoided these faults, it is evident what advantages we have over them, if we make a right use of them. And yet after all, it is to be fear'd, that the perpetual policy, industry and application of this See, and the coldness and sleepiness of our people, may be so ill match'd, as to give them too many occasions of breaking in on us, by our divisions and factions, and yielding them the victory, which we indolently rely on Providence for, and they, by so many plots, artifices, and engines of state, are perpetually contriving to obtain.

But as I acquainted your Lordship, that the Jesuits are very sensible of the inconveniences we have been remarking on, I must do them the justice to take notice of several remedies they have of late apply'd to this evil in Italy, and where-ever they have interest and power to put them in practice.

And in the first place, it is generally believ'd, that they indulge numbers of their Clergy in private marriages, who have not the gift of continence; but this is manag'd with great address and secrecy, and cannot bring in very large recruits to them. In the next place, they keep a severe hand on the admission of persons into their monasteries, allowing much fewer than ever to be harboured there, and only such as would be useless or troublesome to the world, if they were in it. Nay, I am assur'd, that two or three pious Bishops having left lately large sums by their wills to the founding new monasteries; this Court order'd a stop to be put to them, and divided the money among the neighbouring poor; which shews their sentiments on this head. They have also of late made several laws, by one of which all unmarried laymen or women are oblig'd, if past forty, to pay one fifth of their income to portion poor virgins and young tradesmen who marry. By another they have reviv'd the Roman Papian law, by which all who were unmarried after twenty-five, are incapable of giving or receiving a legacy; and by a third they have re-establish'd the Jus trium liberorum of old Rome, by which parents who have three or more grown children living, are favour'd with an exemption from certain taxes. These have had extraordinary effects; nor have their allowing of divorces, in case of barren or very unhappy marriages, and obliging both parties to marry others, and of late punishing whoredom and adultery with great severity; and above all, their obliging mothers to nurse their own children, (by the neglect of hir'd nurses, thousands of infants being daily lost to the commonwealth) been of less benefit to the filling their exhausted Country with its truest riches, numbers of subjects.

These, my Lord, are useful regulations indeed; but as they are but of late date, and come like the prescriptions of wise physicians in an old consumption, where the lungs are too far spent and wasted, it is very uncertain how far they may prove successful; and at worst, we have the pleasure to know, we have the benefit of them of a long time in Great-Britain, by the care of the wisest legislature, and the best of Princes that ever watch'd over the publick interests.

Before I conclude this subject, I cannot but acquaint your Lordship with an answer I once had from a zealous Jesuit in this city, who, discoursing on it with me, maintain'd that the Protestants, who glory in the increase of their numbers, do multiply merely from the curse of God upon them, that by a just judgment he might have the more victims, to pour down his vengeance on, for their heresies, wars, and numberless sins against the Church. For, said he, in the zeal of his heart, had they kept up monasteries and nunneries, God had wanted some millions of sacrifices, to suffer for the sins of themselves and their parents. You see, my Lord, how conveniently the charity of the good society would dispose of us, tho' we increas'd faster than we do; they want but power sufficient to their wills, or they would enforce their opinions by real facts, and convince us abundantly, that Heaven had mark'd us out for vengeance. But I have enlarg'd too far on this subject already, and shall therefore increase your Lordship's trouble no further, by speaking to some other particulars mention'd in your last, which I shall chuse to reserve for another occasion; and shall trespass no longer on your patience, than to assure you of my best diligence, in answering the ends of my residence here, and my shewing my self with a heart fully sensible of all your favours,


Your Lordship's, &c.


  1. Exercit. p. 224.