Memoirs of the Twentieth Century/Rome, Jan. 7, 1998
To the Lord High Treasurer.
Rome, Jan. 7, 1998.
My Lord,
BY the last Courrier, my Dispatches carried you a full Account of the fair Prospect of Success I have for all my Negotiations here. The Bull mention'd therein, ordaining that no British Subject shall any longer be judg'd liable to, or hereafter be seized by the Inquisition, having past the usual Forms; has delivered already many of our Countrymen from the Harpies of that Court, and secur'd them from it's terrible Judicature for the future. The Emperor's happy Recovery, has, at present, pretty much suspended all our design'd Proceedings, to prevent the Intriegues of this See, in order to place his Holiness on the Imperial Throne; and above all, as the Elector of Cologne has luckily broke with this Court, I hope we shall have Time to take such Measures, as shall effectually secure Europe from so terrible a Blow.
In the mean Time, I hasten this by a very worthy English Gentleman, Mr. Lumley, which brings you an Account of as extraordinary an Undertaking, as this Court has ever attempted, tho' it seems to be the natural Soil and Climate for Projects of all Kinds. In short, 'tis nothing less than selling by publick Auction all the vast Collection of Relicks, which were brought hither many Years since, at different Times; and particularly, when the Treasures of Italy were heap'd up in the Castle of St. Angelo.
This amazing Event, of selling publickly those venerable Remains, which the Bigottry and Zeal of their Ancestors had so long held sacred, is entirely occasion'd by the Avarice and Prodigality of the Cardinal Nephew; whose Expences are as unbounded, as his Passions and Extravagancies, which this Sale is design'd to supply. It is palliated indeed with the Pretence of dispersing such holy and precious Things, thro' all Christian Nations, to encrease their Devotion and Piety, which might otherwise sicken and flag, for want of such extraordinary Incentives, but I have told your Lordship the true Cause.
It is generally believ'd that this Design will bring in vast Treasures to the Cardinal Nephew's great Relief and Comfort; and as the Pope's managing Temper, and the rest of the Cardinals high Regard for strict OEconomy, prevent his squandring the Treasures of the See; they have complied with this Project, to raise a large Sum out of this holy Trumpery, which they were sick of, and which they found the Devotion of the Italians growing very cold to. I remember to have heard, that in the Beginning of the 16th Century, Vergerius, who was afterwards the Pope's Nuncio in Germany, was employ'd by the Elector of Saxony, to buy up for him many Relicks of the Saints in Italy. Accordingly he bought several, but before the Relicks had been sent to Germany, Luther's Books and Doctrines began to fly about, and lessen'd the Value of such delicate Wares so far, that the Elector order'd him to sell them with great Loss, and possibly that is one Reason that occasions the present Sale, since Italy begins to despise them.
The Catalogue is not yet printed, but I have procur'd the Original from the Imperial Ambassador, who designs to lay out great Sums on them, and what follows I have copied and translated very faithfully from it, adding some few Notes of my own, in Hopes it will both surprize and entertain you.
I can venture to assure your Lordship, that whether the Relicks in the Catalogue be really genuine or no, there are none in it, which have not actually been maintain'd, by the gravest Writers of this Church, to have been preserv'd in the Places, from whence they are said to be brought,and which were not religiously venerated, not to say, ador'd there. Indeed the good Jesuits may have falsified some of them, to make their Collection more glorious, and raise the larger Sum; yet I have Faith enough to believe they are fully as authentick, as most of the Originals, which these poor Catholicks, in different Places, preserve so religiously, and attribute so much Sanctity, and even Miracles, to.
But I will detain your Lordship no longer from perusing the Catalogue, than to say, I omit the Preface, because it only contains a fulsome, affected Declamation on the Veneration due to Relicks, on the vast Preference these deserve above all others; the pretended Reasons of their being exposed to Sale, in order to disperse them more equally thro' the Christian World, and the unquestion'd Authority these ought to have, with all good Catholicks. For these, my Lord, are all voucht (as the Preface speaks) by the Pope's authentick Inspection and Direction, confirm'd by his annex'd Bull, (which I also omit) and verified before the Consistory of Cardinals, by the due and legal Proof, of having past untouch'd and undamag'd, in the Trial by Fire. But I hasten to the Catalogue, which follows. A Catalogue of the most sacred, and eminently venerable Relicks, of the holy Roman Catholick Church, collected by the pious Care of their Holinesses the Popes, the most august Emperors, Kings, and Princes, Potentates, and Prelates of the Christian World, and several of them brought to Rome, by the vast Care and Expences of the most Reverend Fathers, the Jesuits. All which are now to be dispos'd of by Auction, for the general Benefit and Emolument of the Christian World, at the Church of St. Peters at Rome, on Monday the 25th of April 1998, from Nine in the Morning till eight at Night, and to continue till all be sold. N. B. The whole of these said most precious Relicks, with their proper Vouchers and Certificates of Verification, and his Holiness's Bull for their being true authentick Originals, may be viewed and examined, (but not handled) at the Church of St. Peter's aforesaid, by all Ambassadors, Prelates, and Persons of Quality, and proper Credit, Condition, and Character, till the Day of Sale.
The Ark of the Covenant, the Cross of the good Thief; both somewhat Worm-eaten. Judas's Lanthorn, a little scorch'd. The Dice the Soldiers play'd with, when they cast Lots on our Saviour's Garment; from Umbriatico in Calabria. The Tail of Balaam's Ass, that spoke when she saw the Angel. St. Joseph's Ax, Saw, and Hammer; and a few Nails he had not driven, a little rust eaten. St. Christopher's Stone-Boat, and St. Anthony's Mill-Stone, on which he sail'd to Muscovy. The Loaves of Bread turn'd into Stone by St. Boniface, on a Soldier's denying him a Piece of them when he was starving, for which he suffer'd Martyrdom, as a Sorcerer. Our B. Saviour's Teeth, Hair, and Præputium (Emptum Charovii) another Præputium (Emptum Aquisgrani) brought thither by an Angel from Jerusalem. N. B. In all such Cases of Duplicates equally well vouched and verified, it is left to the Faith of the Buyer, which deserves the Preference; but the Præputium vouch'd by Cardinal Tolet, to be kept at Calcata, in the Church of St. Cornelius and Cyprian, and that other of Podium, as well as that preserv'd at Antwerp, and vouch'd by Theobald Archbishop of Bisonti, John Bishop of Cambray, and confirm'd by Pope Eugenius and Clement VIII. since they are all three also approv'd by Miracles, are left uncensur'd to the Piety and Veneration of the Faithful; it being certain, that the same Power that maketh his Body to be and exist, at the same Time in different Places, may exert it self in like Manner, as to this most precious and holy Relick. Several Drops of Christ's Blood, on different Occasions, as his Circumcision, bearing his Cross, and his Crucifixion, purchased at a vast Price, and brought by the Fathers, the Jesuits from Rochel; several small Phials of it from Mantua; larger Vessels of it from St. Eustachius's in this City of Rome. Mix'd with Water, as it came from his Side, from St. John Lateran in this City. His Cradle and Manger very old. Ditto, a Pale full of the Water of Jordan, where he was baptiz'd, fresh and clear to this Day (emptum Cassini.) The Water-Pots of the Marriage at Cana in Galilee. N.B. These are not the Pots shewn at Pisa (Cluniaci & Andegavi) but the true original ones. Crums of the Bread that fed the 5000 (Romæ ad Mariæ Novæ.) A Bough of the Tree carried by Christ entring Jerusalem in Triumph, the Leaves almost fresh still; from Spain (ad Salvatoris.) The Table on which Christ eat the last Supper, a little decayed; at Rome St. John Lateran. Some of the Bread which he broke then; from Spain ad Salvatoris. The Cup he then drank out of and gave to his Disciples (ad Mariæ Insulanæ near Lyons.) The Sacrament of his Body and Blood (from Brussells.) I assure your Lordship, this is neither more nor less than a plain small Ivory Ball. The Towel with which he wip'd his Disciples Feet, very rotten, (Rome.) Part of the Money paid Judas. Malchus's Lanthorn, some of the Panes crack'd, and the Door quite decay'd, from St. Denis.
The following most holy and precious Relicks were brought to Rome, by the blessed Father Francis Visconti, by Order of the Pope, from Aquisgranum or Aken. Part of the Wood of the Cross, a little decay'd, and a Nail of the same. Some of the Manna in the Wilderness, and of the Blossoms of Aaron's Rod. Part of the Sudarium, of the Reed, and Spunge of our Saviour. A Girdle of our Saviour's, and another of the Virgin's, little worn. The Chord with which Christ was bound at his Passion, very fresh. Some of the Hair of St. John Baptist. A Ring of the Chain of St. Peter. Some of the Blood of St. Stephen, and the Oyl of St. Catharine. The Arm of St. Simeon, ill kept. The Image of the blessed Virgin, drawn by St. Luke, the Features all visible. The Relicks of St. Spes, or St. Hope. Some of the Hair of the Blessed Virgin. One of her Combs, brought originally from Basançon in Burgundy, and twelve Combs of the twelve Apostles, all very little used, originally from Lyons. The Indusium or Shift, of the Blessed Virgin, when our Saviour was born. The Swathes in which our Saviour was wrapt the Night of his Nativity. The holy Linnen-Cloath upon which St. John Baptist was beheaded, wants new Hemming and Darning. The Cloath with which our Saviour was cover'd, when he hung on the Cross. The Brains of St. Peter, from Geneva. Note, these are the individual Brains which that Arch-Heretick Calvin declar'd were a mere Pumice-Stone, sinning against God, the holy Apostle, and his own Soul.
The following most venerable Relicks were bought at, and brought from Prague to this City, by the Reverend Father Priuli, Jesuit commission'd and authoris'd by the Pope. The Head and Arm of the blessed Longinus. Some Relicks of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, very old. The Arm and some Part of the Body of Lazarus, ill kept and smells. Two Pieces of two Girdles of the Blessed Virgin. A Part of the Body of St. Mark, and a Part of his Gospel, of his own Handwriting, almost legible. A Piece of St. John the Evangelist's Coat. A Piece of the Staff of St. Peter, and another Piece of the Staff of St. Paul. A Part of St. Peter's Chain. A Finger of St. Ann. A Part of the Blessed Virgin's Veil, as good as new. The Head of St. Luke. It is true, there is also another in this Catalogue, but both are so amply verified, nay avouch'd by daily Miracles, that his Holiness leaves it undecided; betwixt God and the Buyer be it. Some of the Relicks of St. Catharine of Alexandria. The Head and Finger of St. Stephen, 'tis suppos'd to be his middle Finger, but that is doubtful. Here endeth the Collection of Relicks from Prague. The Staff deliver'd by our Lord to St. Patrick, and with which he drove all the venemous Creatures out of Ireland. Eight Veronicas, or holy Handkerchiefs of our Lord's, one from Turin, another from St. John de Lateran, and a third from St. Peter's in this City, another from Cadoin in Perigort, a fifth from Besançon, another from Compeigne, a seventh from Milan, and another from Aix le Chapelle. It is as impossible as unjust, to decide which has the best Title to be the real one, since they all have been received from Age to Age by the Faithful: but as that of Cadoin hath fourteen Bulls in it's Favour, and the rest but one or two, (tho' that of Turin produceth four in it's Behalf) we leave it undecided. This we do the rather, as the Prayers and Devotions of the Pious have probably sanctified them all equally; and moreover, it is possible that they have been miraculously multiplied by the Goodness of God, for the Support and Aid of the Faithful, as the Loaves and the Fishes were to the hungry Jews. The most holy Fore-Finger of John the Baptist, with which he pointed to Christ, saying, Behold the Lamb of God, &c. brought from Jerusalem to Malta, by the Brothers of St. John's Hospital, and since to this City. The holy Sindon, or Linnen, in which Christ's Body was buried, from Turin. The Dish in which Christ eat the Paschal Lamb, made all of one Emerald, from Genoa. A Nail of our Saviour's Cross, fix'd formerly on the Church Roof of Milan, and brought hither: Another, being one of those which the Empress Helena order'd to be wrought up into the Cheek of a Bridle, for the Emperor Constantine; and a third which was thrown into the Adriatick Sea in a vast Storm, to appease it, as it actually did. Taken up since in a Fisherman's Net, and brought to this City. The Stone upon which Abraham offer'd to sacrifice his Son; and another Stone on which our Lord was plac'd, when he was presented in the Temple. The Top of the Lance with which Christ's Side was pierc'd. The Smock of St. Prisca, in which she was martyr'd 1700 Years ago, something decay'd. A Thorn of that Crown of Thorns which was put on our Saviour's Head. The Head of the Woman of Samaria, who was converted by our Saviour, decay'd, but plainly an Head still. The Arm of St. Ann, Mother of the Blessed Virgin; and the Chain of St. Paul. Scala Sancta, or the twenty eight Steps of white Marble which Christ was lead up in his Passion to Pilate's House, and on which visibly appear the Marks of his Blood; sent by Helena from Jerusalem to the Emperor Constantine. A Picture of our Lord, said to be begun by St. Luke, and finish'd miraculously by an Angel; or (as others say) St. Luke preparing to draw it, and falling to his Prayers to God, that he might draw his Son aright, when he arose, he found the Picture finish'd. The holy Crib of our Saviour's. The Pillar at which he was whip'd, the first of these very old and tender.
Here follow some most venerable and precious Relicks, brought hither from Venice by the aforesaid Father Francis Visconti.
Some of our Saviour's Blood, gather'd up at his Passion, with the Earth it was spilt on. A Thorn of the Crown of Thorns. A Finger of St. Mary Magdalen. A Piece of St. John Baptist's Skull. A Tooth of St. Mark, a little rotten; also one of his Fingers, and his Ring with a Stone in it. A Piece of St. John Baptist's Habit. Some of the Virgin's Hair. The Sword of St. Peter, very rusty and old. A Piece of Christ's white Robe when he was set at nought by Herod. One of the Stones wherewith St. Stephen was stoned. Some of St. Joseph's Breath which an Angel enclosed in a Phial, as he was cleaving Wood violently, which was so long ador'd in France, and since brought to Venice, and from Venice to this City. The Head of St. Denys, which he carried two Miles after it was cut off under his Arm, praising God all the Way, and saying, Glory be to thee, Lord. The Rock which Moses struck in the Wilderness, with the three Holes in it of the Diameter of a Goose Quill, out of which the Water issued for the 600000 Israelites and their Cattle. Here endeth the List of the Reliques from Venice.
A Piece of the Rope Judas hang'd himself with, from Amras near Inspruck. Part of the Crown of Thorns from Paris. Several single Thorns from different Places, Compostella, Tholouse, and this City, to be sold separately. The Reed given our Lord for a Scepter (Romæ St. John Lateran.) His Holy Cross, a great Part of it from Jerusalem, more of it from Constantinople, more from Paris. A large Crucifix made of the Wood of it (Romæ). Several Nails belonging to it, two of Rome, two from Venice, one from Colen, two from Paris, one from Sienna, one from Naples, one from St. Denys, one from the Carmelites at Paris. N.B. We say in this as aforesaid, Which are the right Nails, he only knows, whose Body they pierced; but the Vouchers and Certificates for all are to be seen, proved, and examined, let the Purchasers determine according to the Truth. The Title fastned to the Cross, fair and legible, and thought to be Pilate's Hand Writing, from Tholouse. The Spunge that was dipt in Vinegar, and given to our Lord; Rome. From Cassini another. The Point of the Launce, three of them, one originally of Rome, another from Paris, a third from Xaintonge, all properly voucht and evidenc'd. The Church herein decides nothing, but modestly saith, Caveat Emptor. The Footsteps which our Lord left in the Rock on his Ascension; Rome. The Marks of his Seat made on the Rock by his resting; from Rheims. Four Crucifixes, whose Beards grow regularly, seven that have spoke on several proper Occasions; ten more, that have wept often and bitterly upon Good-Frydays, and the Success of Hereticks, in their Wars with Catholicks. Five others that have stirred and moved on different Accidents, four of them equal to any in the Christian Church; six more that have groan'd, smil'd and nodded, all voucht authentically, very little inferior to the former, except the freshest being the last made. Another Crucifix, which having had it's Leg broke by accident, stunk so grievously, that all in the Church were forced to hold their Noses for the Stench, till proper Remedies being applied, the Bone knit again, tho' the Place where the broken parts join'd, is still visibly thicker and larger, and that Leg near two Inches shorter than the other. Another Crucifix from Trent, under which the Synod was sworn and promulg'd, and which bow'd it's Head to testifie the Approbation which it gave to the learned Decrees of that Holy Assembly. N.B. As no Man could ever tell what this Crucifix was made of, so it is much doubted by the Faithful, if ever it was made with Hands; it worketh unheard of Miracles. Another Crucifix from St. Dominick the greater in Naples, which spoke one Day to St. Thomas Aquinas, Thou hast well written of me, Thomas. Another from the Church of the Benedictines in Naples, which held twice two long Conversations with his Holy Vicegerent, Pope Pius V. of blessed Memory; and another of St. Mary of the Carmelites of the same City, which bowed it's Head at the Sight of a Cannon Bullet which was shot at him in 1439, (when Don Pedro of Arragon besieg'd that City) and only struck off the Crown. N.B. To cover his Head, being very bald, there is a Peruke of the Hair of the Virgin fitted to it, to be taken off in hot Weather. An Image of Christ made by himself, and sent to King Abgarus from St. Silvester, in the Field of Mars in this City. Another made by Angels, from the Chapel of the Sancta Sanctorum in this City, and a Crucifix which was begun to be painted by Nicodemus, but finisht by Angels; from the Cathedral of St. Martin in Lucca. N.B. All these Crucifixes have wrought incredible Miracles within these last fifty or sixty Years. Large Parcels of the Blessed Virgin's Hair, all of one Colour, from Paris and several Places less known, and much of it of this City. Great Quantities of her Milk gathered from many Places. Some Butter and a small Cheese made of it, that never decays or corrupts, from Mexico in Ameriса. Her Slipper, and one of her Shoes. N.B. This is the original Shoe, which the famous Rivet, in his Apology for the Virgin (Lib. II. Chap. IX.) was possest of, and had the Figure of it grav'd, and publisht with Licence; and in the middle of the Sole this is written, The Measure of the most Holy Foot of our Lady; and then follows, Pope John XXII. hath granted to those who shall thrice kiss it, and rehearse three Ave Maries with Devotion to her blessed Honour and Reverence, that they shall gain 700 Years of Pardon, and be freed from many Sins. I must add here, my Lord, what all the learned, and even those who have only seen the Cut of it publisht by Rivet, know to be true, that the exact Measure of this blessed Shoe, is just seven and a quarter of our Inches; which I hint to your Lordship, because some well-shap'd Catholick Ladies, may be much rejoyced in case their Feet should tally with this Measure. Her Needle, Thread, and Quasillum, (Halæ.) Her Picture by St. Luke (Romæ ad Mariæ Inviolatæ.) Another by the same Hand of that Holy Evangelist (Romæ ad Mariæ novæ.) A third from Cambray. N.B. Tho' some Catholicks maintain St. Luke only painted one, yet as these are each of them unquestionably voucht, and that allowing St. Luke was a Painter, as well a Physician, it is but reasonable to suppose he should have painted more than one; his Holiness, by the annext Bull, has thought it expedient to warrant them all for Originals, of the same divine Pencil. St. Michael's Dagger and Buckler (magni Michaelis apud Carcassonenses.) St. John Baptist's Face, very little the worse for the keeping, (Cambiis ad Joannis Angelici.) The Hand, and part of his Head, without a Face, from Malta. Others ditto, from Nemours. His Brain very well dried and preserv'd (Novii Rantroviensis.) His whole Head (Rome, from the Convent of St. Silvester.) As to these two Heads, the pious Reader is referred to the foregoing Apology for the two Heads of St. Luke. It is true, Gregory Nazianzen has declared that his Bones were burnt by the Donatists, so that nothing remain'd but a Piece of his Skull; but 'tis absur'd to compare the Authority of him, or one Hundred such Fathers, with the Authority of the Church, and her sacred Traditions. At the same time, far be it from the Modesty of the Holy See to maintain he had two, but both are so amply voucht and verified, that 'tis presumptuous to decide for either. Let us say rather with Cardinal Baronius in the Sentiments of a truly pious Mind, allowing a Mistake in such cases, Quicquid sit, fides purgat facinus. It is not the Head of the Saint we adore, but the Faith for which he died. Behold, my Lord, what a delicate Plaister of Faith here is for the Wounds of Idolatry. A second Fore-finger of St. John Baptist, with which he pointed at our Saviour, and said, Ecce agnus Dei, &c. from Tholouse. As good an one from Lyons. Another from Florence wants the Nail. Another from Genoa mightily damaged. N.B. Tho' these are not maintain'd to be Fore-fingers, yet they are indubitably the real Fingers of the Saint, and be they anathema and accursed who say otherwise, wounding the Sides of the Church thro' these her blessed Reliques. His Ashes (Rome St. John Lateran.) More of them from Genoa very safe and dry. Some of the Blood of our Saviour as he hung on the Cross, gathered in a Glove by Nicodemus, which being thrown by him into the Sea, for fear of the Jews, was cast up after many Ages on the Coast of Normandy, and found out by a Duke of that Country as he was Hunting, by the hunted Stag and Dogs all kneeling quietly about it. From the Abbey du Bec in Normandy, which the Duke built for it, and where it was kept till now, and the said History recorded. St. Peter and St. Paul's Bodies mixt together, one half belonging to St. Peter's, the other half from St. Paul's at Rome, both equally weigh'd and divided by Pope Silvester. N.B. That Moiety at St. Peter's (with some other precious Reliques) is not to be dispos'd of to any Person whatever, but to remain to the Church. Both their Heads, from St. John Lateran, (Rome.) A Toe, a Finger, and a Slipper of St. Peter, all in good condition (Rome.) His Episcopal Chair wants a Foot. His Vestments want mending and darning greatly, but dangerous, the Cloth is so sadly decay'd. His Rochet, which he always us'd to say Mass in, and especially in this City, when he was here, much torn and greatly damag'd by Time, (all at Rome.) Another Chain, and another Sword of this blessed Apostle's when in Prison, (all at Rome, from St. Petri ad Vincula.) A Shoulder of St. Paul's (Rome.) St. Bartholomew's Body. Three of them, one from Naples, another fully as well saved from St. Bartholomew's in this City, and a third from Tholouse, very tender, and not well dried, but plainly his own. N.B. These different Bodies are as hard to have any thing determin'd about them, as the Duplicates aforesaid. They are well voucht by ancient and unquestionable Tradition, and all proper Depositions and Certificates; and it suits better with good Faith and good Manners, to leave such perplext Difficulties in suspense, as the Holy Church, and our Religious Ancestors have deliver'd them down to us, (however ambiguous and incomprehensibly obscure) than that the Temerity of these Days should overturn the Piety of the former. Let the Buyers examine and judge to the best of their Faith and Knowledge, and remember as they are blessed who believe tho' they saw not, so much more blessed doubtless are they, who believe piously and candidly, even against that which they do see. The Skin which was flay'd off this blessed Apostle, in a sad condition, and something rotten; from Poitiers. Another of them, probably from one of the aforesaid Bodies, but wants the Buttocks, tho' better preserved by a great deal (Rome.) St. Matthias's Head (Romæ Petri ad Vincula.), His Rib, Shoulder, Arm, one Foot, and a Piece of another, all of them moist kept, and strong scented (from Paris Aquæ Sextiæ, and other Places of equal credit.) Another Skin of St. Bartholomew, in all human probability flay'd off one of the Bodies aforesaid (from Pisa.) His Head, and another Member, but hard to say what it is, 'tis so much disfigur'd by Time, and the zealous Devotions of pious Pilgrims and Visitants (from Pisa also.) St. Mathew's blessed Bones (Treviris.) His left Arm (from Cassini.) His right Arm (Romæ ad Marcelli.) Another Arm (Romæ ad Nicolai.) We have said enough on these Duplicates already. The compleat Body of St. Anne, the Blessed Virgin's Mother (Aptæ oppido Provinciæ.) Another from Mariæ Insulanæ, Lyons. Her Head (Treviris) another. Other Heads (Tureni apud Juliacenses.) A third (Annabergæ oppido Thuringiæ.) We have said above, what is abundantly sufficient to ease the Minds of truly pious, tho' scrupulous Christians, concerning these δυσνίητα, these vexatious Difficulties. The faithful and sincerely religious Person will ask no more hereupon; and to Schismaticks, Hereticks, and Unbelievers, we speak not, as gangren'd Members cut off from the Body of Holy Church, to their eternal Destruction.
St. Magdalen's Body (Vessali prope Altissiodorum.) Another Body of hers; but as this is not well voucht, having but twenty Depositions, and those not fully confirm'd by oral Tradition, and the constant Testimony of the Church, and the Devotion of her faithful Sons; we candidly and ingenuously declare, our not being perfectly satisfied in this particular Relique, which yet we would not cast out, lest we should scandalize the devout Catholicks who have so long venerated it; (apud San. Maximinum oppid. Provinciæ.) Her Head, and the Mark of the Blow, given her by our Lord on the Cheek when she would have toucht him, when he said, noli me tangere, the Blow very plain still. The Head out of order. Great Quantities of her Hair, near twenty Pound from many Places. N.B. Tho' this Quantity is large, there is nothing therein to give the least Offence to the Faithful; for on all dead Bodies, and much more on those of the Saints, the Hair, even after Death, grows most exuberantly, by which means probably these Quantities have been produced. The holy spousal Ring with which the Blessed Virgin was espoused to Joseph, for which the Clusians and Perusians waged such Wars here in Italy, as History mentions; (from Perusia.) The Bodies of the three Kings, or Magi, Melchior, Jaspar and Balthasar, all perfectly fresh and fair, and good liking from Colen or Cologne. Three other Bodies of the same Kings, fully as fair and as well preserv'd, except the Nose, the right Eye, and a part of the left Foot of King Jaspar; (from Milan ad Eustorgii.) We shall be altogether silent on these six Bodies belonging (that is, universally agreed by infallible Tradition to belong) to these three Kings; and shall content our selves with referring the Pious Reader, and especially if a Purchaser, to the foregoing Apologies. Blessed be the pious Care of the Empress Helina, to whom we and the Christian Church are indebted for these precious Reliques, by her sending them to Constantinople; and surely it is much better to have six Bodies disputing for this Honour than none at all. The Knife used at the Circumcision of our Lord; (from Compendium.) The Stone on which St. Peter's Cock crew, and the Column which was cleft asunder, from top to bottom on the Day of the Passion, and the Stone on which Pilate's Soldiers cast Lots for Christ's Garments; (all from St. John de Lateran in this City.) St. Stephen's Body (from St. Stephens at Rome,) Several Parcels of the Bodies of the Innocents from France, Germany, and Italy. Testiculi eorum (from Friburgh in Brisgaw.) St. Lawrence's Body (from his Church in this City) together with a Vessel full of his broil'd Flesh, and another full of his Fat when broiling on the Fire (from the same.) The Gridiron on which he suffer'd Martyrdom, and the Coals wherewith this blessed Martyr was broil'd to death for the Faith, (from St. Eustachius's in this City.) Four Bodies of St. Sebastion; one from St. Lawrence's in this City, another from Soissons, a third from a Town near Narbonne his native Country, and the fourth from Pelignum apud Armoricos. 'Tis not to be denied, these undistinguishable Duplicates do return too frequently, but our former Defences, and the Confusion and too forward Zeal of those darker Times, must (and if he be Faithful and Pious) will content the Reader and Buyer. Let us only add, which is a Point full of Comfort, that the Prayers of the Church, and the Devotions of her Religious Children, have so far consecrated the Mistakes of their Forefathers, that all must allow, that each of these Bodies have wrought most prodigious Miracles, of which the proper Certificates remain with each of them. An Head of the same glorified Saint, at St. Peter's in this City. Another Head of his, belonging most certainly to one of the above Carcasses, (from Magdeburg.) A third Head of his, in like manner (as is to be believed) sever'd from another of the said Bodies, procur'd from the Dominicans at Tholouse, who recover'd it at the immense Expence, of a tedious Law Suit. Four of his Arms, one got from the Dominicans (Andegavi.) A second from Tholouse (ad Saturnini.) A third from the Town Casedei in Avernia. And a fourth from Monbrison. Several of the Arrows he was shot and cruelly martyr'd with; (Lambesii in Provincia.) More of them, from the Augustine Fryers in Poitiers. Several Chests full, of the 11000 Virgins, from Colen, St. Deny's, the Monastery of Marcian in Flanders, and many other Places, where the Bodies of those wonderful Saints were disperst. The Bones of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, very sound and well kept (Romæ Mariæ super Minervam.) One of Aaron's Rods (Paris ad Sacri Sacelli.) Solomon's Candlestick, from Prague. Some of the Oyl of the Holy Sepulchre's Lamp, which every Easter Sunday blazes up of its self, before the Eyes of the truly Faithful, got from the Altar of St. John. The Ring of St. Thomas a Becket, the Blessed Martyr, who rebell'd against his Prince, to serve the Holy See and the Cause of Truth. His Rochet sprinkled with his Blood when murder'd, so as never to be washt out. His Hair Shirt, the same which Gononus's Chronicon assures us, the Blessed Virgin sow'd herself for him, and then hid it under his Bed; all from the Monastery of St. Martin in Arthoise, with an authentick Catalogue of Sixty Seven Miracles wrought by them. St. Apollonia's Head and Arm, one Jaw, and several of her Teeth from two or three different Churches in this City. Her Mouth, Part of her Jaw, and one of her blessed Teeth, from Volaterræ in Etruria. Several more of her Teeth, and her lower Jaw, from Bononia, where they us'd to be solemnly venerated the 9th of February each Year by the Pope's Legate, or Vice-Legate. A Part of her Jaw from Antwerp, where frequent Miracles were wrought by it. A Part of her Tooth from Mechlin and several whole ones from Flanders. A remarkable Portion of her lower Jaw from Artois. Four other Teeth, a Rib, another Tooth and her Shoulder-blade from Colen. Another Jaw from the Carthusians, a Tooth from St. Maurice's Church, and another Lower Jaw from St. Alban's, all in the same City. Another of her Teeth and some other blessed Reliques of her's, from the Church of St. Roch in Lisbon, and from Placentia in Spain. St. Anthony's Beard from Colen, and a remarkable Part of his Head. His Tongue, blessed for ever, from Padua. N.B. This is the same Tongue which St. Bonaventure 30 Years after his Death, found in his Ashes still fresh and full of Juice and Blood; which, before the Magistrates, he reverently took up and kiss'd, saying, O blessed Tongue, which always did bless God, and taught others to bless him; now it appears of what Merit thou wast; and so deliver'd it to them to be laid up again with his holy Ashes, as the famous Mendozius tells us. The Hay found in the Cratch where our Saviour was laid, call'd the Holy Hay; (Brought from Lorain.) Moses's Horns, which he had coming down from Mount Sinai, and the Tail of the Ass our Saviour rode on, got from Genoa; and a Pair of Joseph's Breeches, very old and much worn, from Aix. The blessed Navel of our Lord, from St. Mary del Popalo in this City, and the Skin or Pannicle, that came out of the most holy Body, of the Blessed Virgin with our Saviour, when he came into the World, from the Church of St. Mary the Greater, in the same City. The Stone, on which the same Blessed Virgin used to wash our Saviour's Linnen, brought from Constantinople. A Tear which Christ shed over Lazarus, enclos'd in a little Crystal by an Angel, who made a Present of it to St. Mary Magdalen. Another from the Benedictins Convent, at Vendome in France. N.B. This is the very Tear, which the learned Pere Mabillon writ so admirable a Treatise in Defence of, to the Honour of God and holy Church.
But, my Lord, I propos'd to entertain you, and I am but tormenting you with so hideous a Recital of the superstitious Dreams and Inventions of these formal Hypocrites; whose Godliness is Gain, and who, under the Pretence and Cloak of exterior Sanctity, and an high Veneration for such holy Trumpery, seek only Wealth, Ease, and Profit, and make a God of their Belly and their sacrilegious Gain.
I shall therefore leave the bulky Remains of this amazing Catalogue, till I know how your Lordship relishes this Tast of it, which I send you; and shall only mention to you, that from the Beginning to the End of it, on the strictest Examination, I don't recollect one Relique, the original of which at least, has not been actually venerated, and almost worship'd, this several hundred Years, by this blinded and deluded People; except that one of the Cheese and Butter made of the Virgin's Milk, which is said never to corrupt, and to have been brought from Mexico. Among all the rest, there are but a very few, which I have not been at the Pains to search for, and have really, with these Eyes, seen in different authentick Lists of Reliques shewn at Rome, and other Places; and either mention'd by her own Writers, or Men of Honour and Truth, that assert they have seen them in their Travels. So that I can aver, there are few or none inserted in this List, which were not publickly known, and exposed to the Veneration of pious Catholicks. I have made bold, to add a few ludicrous Notes to several of them, that deserv'd much severer Remarks, on such horrible Impostures and Fables. For, alas, if all these Reliques, and the infinite Number of Miracles wrought by them, were fairly to be examined, and call'd to the Proof, before equitable Judges, as the Temples in Greece and Asia, who set up Asylums, were by the Roman Senate in Tiberius's Time; how many of them would be oblig'd, either quietly to give up all their Pretensions, or to maintain them by some silly old Tale or other, as most of the Defenders of the Temples were forc'd to do, as Tacitus assures us in the Third of his Annals, Cap. 60, 61, 62.
But if this were the Case, this jugling Church, which, like a true Quack, makes Use of Infallibility and Authority as a certain cure for every Sore, has provided a sufficient Remedy, tho' all her Reliques should be prov'd counterfeit; and that is by determining, that such superstitious Reliques may really work actual Miracles, because the good Intentions of those, who piously have Recourse to them, procures them that Blessing from God, as a Reward of their Devotion. She actually teaches this Doctrine, my Lord, which solves all Difficulties on this Point, and what is more, she is believ'd on it; her Confidence in deceiving, and the Credulity of her People in believing, answering like two Tallies, and makes one often remember the famous Axiom, Homo est Animal credulum & mendax. In the mean Time, what a Crowd of terrible Reflections, must this Scene of Things raise in every honest and ingenuous Breast, to see this infallible Church abusing the Purity and Excellence of our Faith, and the common Sense of Mankind, with imposing on them such an Heap of senseless Fictions, and silly Bawbles, not only for their Belief, but even for their Veneration and Homage With what Indignation! with what Resentment! with what honest Scorn! must every considering Christian, that has not blindly given up his Senses and Reason (the only Evidence to which our Blessed Saviour appealed for the Truth of his Miracles) to her groundless and usurp'd Authority, look on such horrid Trifling both with our Religion and Understanding?
Can one bear, without Grief and Torment of Heart, to see this Church of Christ exceeding in the Foppery and Folly of such Conduct, the greatest Absurdities of the Heathen and Turkish Superstition; and at the same Time, by infinite insidious Arts and horrible Treasons, as well as furious Persecutions and open Wars, attempting daily against the Authority of all Protestant Princes, and the Peace and Prosperity, of their Subjects in this World, and giving up both of them in the next to eternal Damnation, for daring to question her Power, or dissent from her Opinions?
After saying this, can I add, (without lamenting the Blindness! the Meanness! the Dishonesty of Mankind!) that Popish Princes will probably, for political Views and worldly Motives, never fail to combine together in supporting her Authority, tho' in their Hearts they may despise or renounce it; and consequently they will in all Likelyhood, by enlarging her Power, and joining in the Schemes of her infinite Policy, perpetuate their own unreasonable Slavery, and her rediculous Empire, to the End of the World, and this wretched Scene of Wickedness and Folly and Falsehood below! I am,
My Lord, your Lordship's, &c.
I beg the Favour of your Lordship to transmit to me a regular List of the Temporal Peers summon'd to this Parliament, his Holiness having desir'd to see it.