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Memorandum Circular No. 24 (Bongbong Marcos)

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Memorandum Circular No. 24 (2023)
by Bongbong Marcos

Source: Memorandum Circular No. 24, s. 2023. Official Gazette.

4581705Memorandum Circular No. 242023Bongbong Marcos

Office of the President
of the Philippines




WHEREAS, Executive Order No. 14 (s. 2023) approved and adopted the Philippine Development Plan 2023-2028, which seeks to steer the economy back to a high-growth path, towards building an environment that provides equal opportunities to all Filipinos, and equipping them with skills to participate fully in an innovative and globally competitive economy;

WHEREAS, the President's 8-Point Socioeconomic Agenda seeks to enhance bureaucratic efficiency and sound fiscal management, reinvigorate job creation, accelerate poverty reduction, establish livable and sustainable communities, promote agriculture and ensure food security, improve access to affordable and clean energy, and address gaps in education brought about by the COVID-19 pandemic;

WHEREAS, the Pambansang Pabahay Para sa Pilipino Program, otherwise known as the "4PH Program," is among the priority programs of the Administration that ensures access of underprivileged and homeless citizens to adequate, safe, secure, habitable, sustainable, resilient and affordable homes;

WHEREAS, towards attaining a promising future for the nation, this Administration commits to embody a brand of governance and leadership that is focused on implementing an all-inclusive plan for economic and social transformation;

WHEREAS, Bagong Pilipinas is the overaching theme of the Administration's brand of governance and leadership, which calls for deep and fundamental transformations in all sectors of society and government, and fosters the State's commitment towards the attainment of comprehensive policy reforms and full economic recovery; and

WHEREAS, Bagong Pilipinas is characterized by a principles, accountable and dependable government reinforced by unified institutions of society, whose common objective is to realize the goals and aspirations of every Filipino;

NOW, THEREFORE, the launch of the Bagong Pilipinas campaign, which shall be part of the National Government's branding and communications strategy, is hereby ordered.

All National Government agencies (NGAs) and instrumentalities, including government-owned or -controlled corporations (GOCCs), and state universities and colleges (SUCs), shall be guided by the principles, strategies and objectives of the Bagong Pilipinas brand of governance and leadership in planning their programs, activities and projects.

The Bagong Pilipinas logo, which is annexed to this Circular, is hereby approved.

All NGAs and instrumentalities, including GOCCs and SUCs, shall adopt the Bagong Pilipinas logo and incorporate the same in their letterheads, websites, official social media accounts, and other documents and instruments pertaining to flagship programs of the government.

DONE, in the City of Manila, this 3rd day of July, in the year of our Lord, Two Thousand and Twenty-Three.

By authority of the President:

Executive Secretary

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